#fedora-meeting-1 Meeting
Meeting started by pwhalen at 21:00:42 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- 1) Current Problem packages (pwhalen, 21:03:05)
- ruby failure -
http://arm.koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=1269138 (pwhalen,
- ACTION: jcapik to
look at ruby failure (bconoboy,
- texlive build -
http://arm.koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=1269858 (pwhalen,
- 2) Koji status update (pwhalen, 21:14:03)
- Database performance issue partially solved by
dumping/reloading db (bconoboy,
- autovacuum not yet running, but a cron job is
doing regular vacuums now (bconoboy,
- ACTION: Followup on
other koji issues will take place on arm-list where the thread has
already begun (bconoboy,
- 3) F18 ARM Beta - target release date, vfad planning (pwhalen, 21:23:21)
- Image creation is stuck pending all packages on
the mirrors being signed. (bconoboy,
- ACTION: Tentative
date of Monday, for F18 Beta Test Image VFAD (bconoboy,
- Beta release criteria -
- Alpha VFAD results -
- ACTION: jonmasters to
fix prelink (bconoboy,
- ACTION: jonmasters to
fix 3.7 kernel (bconoboy,
- Fedora ARM VFAD tentatively scheduled for
Monday Dec 3rd 11am EST in #fedora-arm (dependent on image
creation) (pwhalen,
- ACTION: pwhalen to
email the list confirming VFAD (pwhalen,
- 4) Raspberry Pi F18 Remix (pwhalen, 21:49:35)
- agreene composing F18 Alpha remix for the
Raspberry Pi (pwhalen,
- fossjon working on f17-v6hl, about 1500
packages to go (bconoboy,
- ACTION: agreene to
email the list once F18 Alpha Remix ready for the Raspberry
Pi (pwhalen,
- 5) 3.7 Kernel and Device tree - support plan (pwhalen, 22:00:18)
- F18 3.7 plan: keep the variants, but we might
have devicetree stuff that's needed to be in the final F18 image in
preparation for future upgrade to a 3.7 kernel (bconoboy,
- 6) Mirror syncing - missing packages on the mirrors (pwhalen, 22:07:28)
- 7) Your topic here (pwhalen, 22:12:23)
- ACTION: jcapik to do
initial testing on v6hl vs v5tel (pwhalen,
Meeting ended at 22:18:07 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- jcapik to look at ruby failure
- Followup on other koji issues will take place on arm-list where the thread has already begun
- Tentative date of Monday, for F18 Beta Test Image VFAD
- jonmasters to fix prelink
- jonmasters to fix 3.7 kernel
- pwhalen to email the list confirming VFAD
- agreene to email the list once F18 Alpha Remix ready for the Raspberry Pi
- jcapik to do initial testing on v6hl vs v5tel
Action items, by person
- agreene
- agreene to email the list once F18 Alpha Remix ready for the Raspberry Pi
- jcapik
- jcapik to look at ruby failure
- jcapik to do initial testing on v6hl vs v5tel
- jonmasters
- jonmasters to fix prelink
- jonmasters to fix 3.7 kernel
- pwhalen
- pwhalen to email the list confirming VFAD
- Followup on other koji issues will take place on arm-list where the thread has already begun
- Tentative date of Monday, for F18 Beta Test Image VFAD
People present (lines said)
- pwhalen (74)
- jonmasters (67)
- bconoboy (53)
- dmarlin (32)
- masta (31)
- fossjon (26)
- jcapik (15)
- DarthJava (14)
- zodbot (12)
- agreene (6)
- Frojoe (2)
- ahs3 (1)
- pbrobinson (0)
- ctyler (0)
- dgilmore (0)
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