20:09:50 <jreznik> #startmeeting F18 Final Readiness Meeting 20:09:50 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 3 20:09:50 2013 UTC. The chair is jreznik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:09:50 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:10:05 <jreznik> you were asking for one! here you have one! 20:10:21 <jreznik> #meetingname f18-final-readiness-meeting 20:10:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f18-final-readiness-meeting' 20:10:50 <jreznik> let's skip roll call and ask people on topic... to make the meeting faster 20:11:25 <jreznik> and sorry for delay, I hope you're still here - if not, I'll ping the team leads individually 20:11:37 * rbergeron is going to throw an english muffin in the toaster real quicklike for one of the childrens 20:11:47 * rbergeron notes that the marketing meeting is going on in -meeting 20:11:56 <bcotton> rbergeron: can i have one too? 20:12:20 <jreznik> #info BIG APOLOGY for one+ hour delay 20:12:31 <jreznik> #topic Purpose of this meeting 20:12:45 <jreznik> #info "Before each public release all of the groups participating the development of Fedora's next release meet to make sure the release is well coordinated." 20:12:53 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Readiness_Meetings 20:13:03 <jreznik> #topic Current status 20:13:14 <jreznik> as you saw, we decided to slip by one week 20:13:53 <jreznik> #info on the Go/No-Go meeting it was decided to slip one week with release date on Tue 2012-01-15 and Go/No-Go meeting on Wed 2012-01-09 20:14:05 <rbergeron> bcotton: of course you can 20:14:08 <jreznik> #topic Ambassadors 20:15:37 <jreznik> #info sesivany apologies, he had to leave, will send status offline 20:16:11 <jreznik> #topic Design 20:17:28 <mizmo> hi! 20:17:35 <jreznik> mizmo: hi, your turn! 20:17:52 <mizmo> hey 20:18:01 <mizmo> so ryanlerch took care of the website banners for release day 20:18:05 <mizmo> and passed them over to the websites team 20:18:08 <mizmo> so we should be good there 20:18:24 <mizmo> we also have sleeve and disc designs, and ryan put together foldable print-at-home versoins of the sleeves as well which are pretty cool 20:18:29 <mizmo> so i think overall we are in good shape 20:18:35 <jreznik> #info ryanlerch took care of the website banners for release day and passed them over to the websites team 20:18:41 <mizmo> one thing on our plate is some modifications to the sleeve/disc designs for the european ambassadors 20:19:06 <mizmo> but we should be able to turn that around fairly quickly 20:19:21 <jreznik> #info sleeve and disc designs available, ryan put together foldable print-at-home versoins of the sleeves 20:19:21 <mizmo> if any other team is waiting on us for anything let us know 20:19:54 <jreznik> #info modifications to the sleeve/disc designs for the european ambassadors are still needed, should be quick 20:20:16 <jreznik> #info if any other team is waiting on us for anything let design team know 20:20:41 <jreznik> thanks mizmo! 20:20:59 <jreznik> #topic Documentation 20:21:17 <jreznik> bcotton: your turn 20:21:31 <bcotton> #info Release Notes still being tweaked, but will be ready for release 20:21:45 <bcotton> #info Install Guide nearing completion (in en-US) 20:21:55 <bcotton> #info User Guide status currently unknown 20:22:08 <bcotton> eof 20:22:16 <jreznik> what about release announcement? 20:22:22 <bcotton> ah yes 20:22:46 <bcotton> #info Release Announcement nearing completion. Should be off to marketing for final polish soon. 20:23:00 <jreznik> bcotton: could you link it? 20:23:16 <zoglesby> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_announcement 20:23:18 <bcotton> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_announcement 20:23:34 * bcotton shakes fist at zoglesby 20:24:01 <jreznik> thans, I have a few comments - I'll send them on ml or even fix :) 20:24:19 <bcotton> jreznik: either would be awesome 20:25:08 <jreznik> as I see - we need this on 2012-01-15, so still some time to tweaks and marketing polishing 20:25:12 * jreznik will be tracking it 20:25:23 <jreznik> let me know when you send it to marketing/CC-me 20:25:53 <bcotton> jreznik: will do 20:25:56 <jreznik> thanks 20:26:22 <jreznik> #topic FESCo 20:26:27 <jreznik> nirik: ? 20:26:40 <nirik> I think we are all ready on our front... 20:27:06 <nirik> there's no blocking features that I am aware of 20:28:09 <jreznik> #info FESCo is ready, no blocking features nirik is aware of 20:28:12 <jreznik> thanks 20:28:28 <jreznik> #topic Fedora Engineering Manager 20:28:43 <jreznik> spot: are you around? anything to add? 20:28:58 <spot> aside from the obvious blockers, no. 20:30:12 <jreznik> #info Fedora Engineering Manager raised nothing except obvious blockers 20:30:25 <jreznik> #topic Fedora Project Leader 20:30:36 <rbergeron> i have nothing else to add either. 20:30:58 <rbergeron> other than the past several hours of content ;) 20:31:02 <jreznik> no muffins? 20:31:20 <rbergeron> no muffins. english or tops. 20:31:43 <spot> i have half a blueberry muffin. 20:31:58 <jreznik> #info Fedora Project Leader raised nothing except past several hours content of Go/No-Go meeting (and no muffins) 20:32:02 <jreznik> thanks 20:32:14 <rbergeron> spot: you should take that to the indoor water park! 20:32:15 <jreznik> rbergeron: for release announcement - you are now the right person, right? 20:32:23 <rbergeron> jreznik: yes, I send this one out 20:32:29 <nirik> spot: you can't take just 1/2 a muffin!!! the horror!!! :) 20:32:32 <jreznik> thanks 20:32:41 <rbergeron> and I will be in town and I know how to change it and write it if necessary :) 20:32:42 <spot> nirik: i didn't. jimmy ate the top. 20:32:54 <jreznik> #topic Infrastructure 20:33:40 <nirik> we should be all ready to stage content when there is some ready 20:33:59 <nirik> our primary I2 mirror is still down, but the secondary one we have setup is working fine. 20:34:33 <jreznik> #info should be all ready to stage content when there is some ready 20:34:43 <jreznik> #info primary I2 mirror is still down, but the secondary one we have setup is working fine 20:35:13 <jreznik> nirik: all from you/infra? :) 20:35:20 <nirik> yep. thats all I had. 20:35:26 <jreznik> thanks 20:35:28 <jreznik> #topic Marketing 20:35:36 <jreznik> suehle: your turn :) 20:36:49 <jreznik> if you're around 20:36:59 <suehle> zoglesby, and I have been working on the release announcement, and it just needs some features content, which rbergeron said she'd help with 20:37:11 <suehle> but other information for it is certainly welcome :) 20:37:19 <suehle> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F18_release_announcement 20:37:40 * jreznik already sent a few comments to #fedora-docs 20:37:40 <suehle> that's about all I have, unless there's something else I should have 20:38:07 <jreznik> our primary desktops should be more promoted in release announcement 20:38:26 <jreznik> and mate/cinnamon as release highlight 20:38:43 <jreznik> also F19 release schedule should be rephrased, I'll take care of it 20:38:59 <jreznik> #info zoglesby, and suehle have been working on the release announcement, and it just needs some features content, which rbergeron said she'd help with 20:39:32 <jreznik> #info jreznik to rephrase F19 release part 20:39:57 <jreznik> #topic QA 20:40:17 <jreznik> adamw: anything else to add except what you already said in Go/No-Go? 20:40:34 <adamw> not really. we need ot get an RC built and validated, bottom line. 20:40:40 <adamw> then commonbugs updated, but that's always doable. 20:41:13 <jreznik> #info QA need to get an RC built and validated + commonbugs updated 20:41:20 <jreznik> thanks 20:41:41 <jreznik> #topic Release Engineering 20:41:45 <jreznik> dgilmore: ? 20:42:56 <jreznik> are you still here? 20:43:03 <dgilmore> jreznik: yes 20:43:41 * Martix is still here, too 20:43:46 <jreznik> anything to add from releng side? 20:43:59 * jreznik notes, Martix is everywhere 20:44:04 <dgilmore> jreznik: dont think so 20:44:25 <Martix> jreznik: yep, but I'm keeping silently listening ;-) 20:44:39 <jreznik> #info Release Engineering is ready 20:44:43 <jreznik> dgilmore: thanks 20:45:01 <jreznik> #topic Translation 20:46:39 * jreznik does not see noriko around, will ask offline 20:47:31 <jreznik> adamw raised translation related question in the mailing list thread so I would like to hear more from translation team, but I'll try offline 20:48:54 <jreznik> #topic Websites 20:49:22 <jreznik> shaiton or any other websites member? 20:49:25 * robyduck ca tell, shaiton is not here 20:49:37 <robyduck> we are in time with all 20:49:51 <robyduck> have all the design stuff for the F18 release 20:50:19 <robyduck> just need to receive keys and ISO sizes when building ISO 20:50:32 <robyduck> I will coordinate with nirik 20:50:38 <jreznik> #info all the design stuff for the F18 release is ready 20:50:47 <nirik> robyduck: yep. Can get you all that as soon as it exists. ;) 20:50:51 <robyduck> thx to ryanlerch and gnokii 20:50:54 <jreznik> #info just need to receive keys and ISO sizes when building ISO 20:51:04 <jreznik> #info robyduck to coordinate with nirik 20:51:11 <robyduck> ok nirik, nice 20:51:21 <jreznik> nirik: it does not exists? 20:51:49 <nirik> jreznik: we can't know exact iso sizes and checksums until we have a f18? 20:52:00 <jreznik> nirik: joking, sorry :) 20:52:05 <nirik> :) 20:52:06 <robyduck> :) 20:52:24 <jreznik> ok, thanks 20:52:36 <jreznik> #topic open floor 20:52:53 <jreznik> anything else to add? we are just one hour late :))) 20:53:30 <jreznik> otherwise it looks like we are getting all set, no big action needed, except F18 20:54:51 * nirik nods. let the meetings end. :) 20:57:32 <jreznik> well, thanks everyone, it was loooong today 20:58:28 <jreznik> #endmeeting