#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora ARM weekly status meeting
Meeting started by pwhalen at 21:00:37 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- 0) Status of ACTION items from previous meeting (pwhalen, 21:02:05)
- Last weeks minutes and action items:
- http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2013-01-23/fedora-meeting-1.2013-01-23-21.01.html
- ACTION: jonmasters to
continue on mongodb next week (bconoboy,
- ACTION: pwhalen to
organize fudcon wrapup meeting (bconoboy,
- ACTION: masta to
continue ltrace investigation (bconoboy,
- ACTION: jonmasters
will raise llvm issue with linaro (bconoboy,
- 1) Current Problem packages (pwhalen, 21:12:45)
- glibc: There's a bug here that is the cause of
weird problems where shared libraries can't be found. (pwhalen,
- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=905184
- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?format=multiple&id=905593
- webkitgtk3: Another issue where non-JIT enabled
architectures can't build the latest (pwhalen,
- https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?format=multiple&id=905593
- ACTION: bconoboy
doing a test build with JIT re-enabled (pwhalen,
- 2) F18 final RC planning (pwhalen, 21:20:14)
- PandaBoard successfully running Xfce on
3.6.10-8: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jonmasters/8430085259/
- ACTION: dgilmore to
sign all packages for f18arm final today (bconoboy,
- signed rpms should be available tonight
- ACTION: dgilmore to
sign packages, dmarlin to co-ordinate with dgilmore and generate
final images tomorrow (Thu) (jonmasters,
- ACTION: pwhalen to
organize a VFAD immediately upon the release of those images for the
same day (even an hour later) for a quick soak test (jonmasters,
- ACTION: images will
be announced as RC, only acceptable reason to delay is a major
regression, otherwise these *are* going out as GA on Tuesday
(2013/2/5) (jonmasters,
- 3) Mass Rebuild - Does anything need to be done? (pwhalen, 21:40:00)
- dgilmore, astone, and msalter are co-ordinating
on getting a small aarch64 related change into mass rebuild on
PA (jonmasters,
- ACTION: pwhalen to
co-ordinate a hitlist with pbrobinson et al of things we need to
play whackapackage on (pwhalen,
- 4) Your topic here! (pwhalen, 21:45:43)
- ACTION: jonmasters to
do us all proud as FOSDEM (bconoboy,
- armv5tel is now shut down on f19 (bconoboy,
- ARM servers have arrived in PHX. Hope to have
them installed soon. (bconoboy,
- Masta working on a chromebook remix, hopefully
out by monday next week (bconoboy,
Meeting ended at 21:57:54 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- jonmasters to continue on mongodb next week
- pwhalen to organize fudcon wrapup meeting
- masta to continue ltrace investigation
- jonmasters will raise llvm issue with linaro
- bconoboy doing a test build with JIT re-enabled
- dgilmore to sign all packages for f18arm final today
- dgilmore to sign packages, dmarlin to co-ordinate with dgilmore and generate final images tomorrow (Thu)
- pwhalen to organize a VFAD immediately upon the release of those images for the same day (even an hour later) for a quick soak test
- images will be announced as RC, only acceptable reason to delay is a major regression, otherwise these *are* going out as GA on Tuesday (2013/2/5)
- pwhalen to co-ordinate a hitlist with pbrobinson et al of things we need to play whackapackage on
- jonmasters to do us all proud as FOSDEM
Action items, by person
- bconoboy
- bconoboy doing a test build with JIT re-enabled
- dgilmore
- dgilmore to sign all packages for f18arm final today
- dgilmore to sign packages, dmarlin to co-ordinate with dgilmore and generate final images tomorrow (Thu)
- dmarlin
- dgilmore to sign packages, dmarlin to co-ordinate with dgilmore and generate final images tomorrow (Thu)
- jonmasters
- jonmasters to continue on mongodb next week
- jonmasters will raise llvm issue with linaro
- jonmasters to do us all proud as FOSDEM
- masta
- masta to continue ltrace investigation
- pbrobinson
- pwhalen to co-ordinate a hitlist with pbrobinson et al of things we need to play whackapackage on
- pwhalen
- pwhalen to organize fudcon wrapup meeting
- pwhalen to organize a VFAD immediately upon the release of those images for the same day (even an hour later) for a quick soak test
- pwhalen to co-ordinate a hitlist with pbrobinson et al of things we need to play whackapackage on
People present (lines said)
- bconoboy (70)
- jonmasters (59)
- pwhalen (54)
- dgilmore (51)
- dmarlin (26)
- masta (25)
- zodbot (13)
- seano (11)
- ctyler (9)
- dan408 (8)
- jcapik (7)
- fossjon (7)
- mlangsdorf (2)
- pbrobinson (0)
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