20:02:30 <pwhalen> #startmeeting Fedora ARM weekly status meeting 20:02:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 17 20:02:30 2013 UTC. The chair is pwhalen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:02:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:02:30 <pwhalen> #chair pwhalen jonmasters bconoboy ctyler pbrobinson dgilmore dmarlin masta j_dulaney msalter ahs3 agreene jcapik ddd_ 20:02:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: agreene ahs3 bconoboy ctyler ddd_ dgilmore dmarlin j_dulaney jcapik jonmasters masta msalter pbrobinson pwhalen 20:02:33 <ctyler> .fas chris@tylers.info 20:02:33 <ctyler> Howdy y'all. 20:02:36 * pbrobinson waves 20:02:38 <pwhalen> .fas pwhalen 20:02:44 <pwhalen> good afternoon all! 20:02:47 <dmarlin> .fas dmarlin 20:02:53 * handsome_pirate mans the Crows Nest 20:03:11 <bconoboy> .fas blc@ 20:03:13 * masta is here (again) 20:03:15 <ahs3> .fas ahs3 20:03:34 <jcapik> .fas jcapik 20:03:39 * ctyler notes zodbot isn't very .fas today 20:03:54 <pbrobinson> handsome_pirate watch out or I'll make you walk the plank.... ;-) 20:03:54 <pwhalen> :) 20:03:57 <agreene> .fas agreene 20:04:17 <pwhalen> #topic 0) Status of ACTION items from our previous meeting 20:04:20 <handsome_pirate> pbrobinson: Arrr 20:04:25 <pwhalen> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2013-07-10/fedora-meeting-1.2013-07-10-20.02.html 20:04:41 <masta> nirik: zodbot working? 20:04:53 <handsome_pirate> Aye 20:04:53 <ahs3> Network Solutions DNS is under DDoS attack...it's affecting a lot of places, maybe even zodbot 20:05:01 <pwhalen> masta, meeting got started ok 20:05:19 <pwhalen> any updates on the action items from last week? 20:05:19 <masta> pwhalen: yea, well hope it's logging =) 20:05:36 * handsome_pirate hasn't done his 20:05:37 <pwhalen> agreed, shall we wait, or continue? 20:05:54 * handsome_pirate has been busy applying for college 20:06:04 <handsome_pirate> .bacon 20:06:04 <zodbot> I love bacon, you love bacon, WE ALL LOVE BACON!! (except for NiveusLuna, who was tragically attacked by bacon as a child.) 20:06:09 <handsome_pirate> zodbot works 20:06:26 <pbrobinson> lol 20:06:38 <pwhalen> ok, so looking over last week's items: 20:06:58 * pbrobinson doesn't remember his action item 20:07:16 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, your clear 20:07:22 <pwhalen> kylem to create a list of new supported platforms in 3.11 20:07:49 * ctyler loves the codename for 3.11 20:07:49 <pwhalen> jonmasters to get details for building openjdk to fulfill java dependency 20:07:50 <pwhalen> dgilmore to setup koji hub&db for aarch64 20:07:59 <pbrobinson> WOO 20:08:19 <dgilmore> pwhalen: not had a chance to look at it yet 20:08:20 <handsome_pirate> ctyler: Aye 20:08:56 <pwhalen> dgilmore, understandable - thanks, shall I add it again? 20:09:09 <dgilmore> pwhalen: sure 20:09:14 <pwhalen> #action dgilmore to setup koji hub&db for aarch64 20:09:35 <handsome_pirate> pwhalen: Re-add mine, if you please 20:09:42 <pwhalen> handsome_pirate, you still interested/have time.. ok :) 20:09:44 <pwhalen> thanks 20:09:48 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: is that openjdk for arm64? 20:09:56 <pwhalen> #action handsome_pirate Is talking to ghc upstream 20:10:19 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, I missed the meeting, not sure... looking 20:10:19 <pbrobinson> handsome_pirate have you spoken with juhp? 20:10:29 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, it is 20:10:59 <pbrobinson> we need to start minuting what arm it is so that the left knows what the right is doing ;-) 20:11:09 <bconoboy> #action msalter is working on openjdk for aarch64 20:11:17 <handsome_pirate> pbrobinson: Not lately 20:11:19 <handsome_pirate> pbrobinson: I'll ping him 20:11:33 * handsome_pirate seems to recall he's in Brno 20:11:35 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, agreed, will do 20:11:57 <pbrobinson> handsome_pirate: do as he does upstream ghc dev in RH and has been really helpful in dealing with arm 20:12:08 <handsome_pirate> pbrobinson: Aye 20:13:11 <pwhalen> anything else from last week? 20:13:38 <pwhalen> #action kylem to create a list of new supported platforms in 3.11 20:13:56 <pwhalen> #topic 1) Problem packages 20:14:14 <masta> there was something about mesa working 20:14:15 <pbrobinson> we've closed off the ghostscript issue so systemtap has built 20:14:27 <bconoboy> #info ghostscript/systemtap blocker resolved 20:14:30 <pbrobinson> so now I'm beating on rawhide 20:15:01 <pbrobinson> gperftools is the current hit list but trying a rebuild in case gs affected it too (and for shits and giggles) 20:15:02 <pwhalen> amazing :) 20:15:27 <pbrobinson> so in the next day or so should have a much better idea what the hell is the state of rawhide 20:15:56 <dgilmore> im planning to import rawhide to primary this weekend 20:15:57 <handsome_pirate> pwhalen: I just noticed that you have me chaired under my old nick 20:16:07 * handsome_pirate was going to do a #info on llvm 20:16:07 <pwhalen> anything blocking f19 or otherwise ? 20:16:07 <pbrobinson> and basically plan to have the gap as close to zero as possible in time for mass rebuild on sat 20:16:26 <masta> handsome_pirate: don't need chair to #info 20:16:27 <pbrobinson> ghostscript was the big blocker for both 20:16:42 <handsome_pirate> pwhalen: f19 seems pretty strong, haven't mucked with Rawhide 20:17:01 <masta> pbrobinson: cool! 20:17:57 <masta> I guess we will know the problem packages after the mass rebuild 20:18:06 <bconoboy> pbrobinson: if anything else comes up let me know and I will dispatch a squad of arm ninjas 20:18:07 <pbrobinson> so if you see a ghostscript update in f19 bodhi please karma it up so it can land stable asap 20:18:28 <pbrobinson> bconoboy: Oh I plan to and I will do so from this side of the pond! 20:19:05 <pwhalen> if someone could drop it in channel, we'll all test and karma it up 20:19:15 <pwhalen> ok, anything else? 20:19:28 <pbrobinson> will do and no 20:19:30 <pwhalen> #topic 2) Kernel Status Update 20:19:58 <pbrobinson> I can do that if Kyle isn't about 20:20:04 <pwhalen> testing the latest 3.10 looks pretty good on everything 20:20:05 <pbrobinson> speak of the devil 20:20:12 * masta has been testing 3.11 a bit 20:20:18 <masta> oh wait, we are still on 3.10 20:20:21 <kylem> sorry, wandered off for iced cream and melted on the way back. 20:20:35 <pbrobinson> kylem: eat faster ;-) 20:21:03 <pwhalen> #info kernel-3.11.0-0.rc1.git0.1.fc20 just finished 20:21:11 <pbrobinson> so from my pov 3.11 rc1 should build OK and needs testing 20:21:15 <pwhalen> #link http://arm.koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=153355 20:21:27 <pbrobinson> the next build should have BBone Black dtb 20:21:48 <pbrobinson> and 3.10.1 should be landing in mainline/arm f19 soon 20:21:54 * handsome_pirate hasn't had a chance to build 3.11 20:21:59 <handsome_pirate> Or even grab the code 20:22:00 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, will test on the bb white now 20:22:14 * handsome_pirate will give the rpm a shot tomorrow 20:22:24 <kylem> handsome_pirate, http://kyle.fedorapeople.org/kconfigdiff.py 20:22:39 <kylem> should help you poking at the chromebook .config 20:22:58 <handsome_pirate> kylem: Roger 20:22:59 <pbrobinson> kylem: what does that script do? 20:23:17 <kylem> compares two .config symbol by symbol, as opposed to line by line like diff -u would 20:23:27 <masta> pbrobinson: tried the bone black with yesterdays scratch, with and without the dtb it was not happy booting, something about alignment errors 20:23:28 <dmarlin> kylem: excellent! 20:23:33 <pbrobinson> fan bloody tastic! 20:23:45 <masta> looking forward to testign 3.11 kernels on everything! 20:23:46 <kylem> there's a helper script that isn't done yet that actually looks up the symbol definitions. 20:23:57 <kylem> but it... needs like 2GB of memory to run because python sucks. :) 20:24:17 <handsome_pirate> kylem: C ftw 20:24:21 <handsome_pirate> :) 20:24:49 <ctyler> pypy ftw in this case? 20:25:22 <pbrobinson> who cares, off topic.... 20:25:30 <pwhalen> anything else for the kernel? 20:26:07 <pwhalen> #topic 3a) Aarch64 Status Update, problem packages 20:26:36 <bconoboy> Number of source rpms built in stage 4: 11280 20:26:42 <bconoboy> Number of packages built in stage4 with aarch64 components: 4724 20:26:57 <bconoboy> about 40 pacakges in the queue atm 20:27:04 <jcapik> how many running builders do we have right now? 20:27:15 <bconoboy> pwhalen? 20:27:51 <jcapik> I'm running 3 and it seems to me the number increases too slowly 20:27:55 <pwhalen> checking, believe around 30-35 20:28:46 <jcapik> pwhalen: that's really strange 20:29:02 * handsome_pirate is trying to get h/w to build 20:29:36 <jcapik> pwhalen: we're doing 40 packages a day 20:30:39 <pwhalen> 30 20:37:47 <handsome_pirate> pwhalen: I have it all 20:37:57 <nirik> pwhalen: just what was said while it was off. 20:38:03 <masta> do we reboot the meeting? 20:38:11 <pwhalen> nirik, perfect, thanks 20:38:16 <pbrobinson> pwhalen bconoboy: going to add python3 to build issues. BZ incoming shortly 20:38:53 <pwhalen> #info openjdk bootstrap still in progress. msalter hopes to have it wrapped up by next week 20:39:39 <pwhalen> #topic 3b) Moving to Koji - update 20:40:04 <pwhalen> dgilmore already gave us an update, in progress, anything else needed here? 20:40:40 <pwhalen> or questions, concerns? 20:40:55 <bconoboy> nope 20:41:06 <pwhalen> #topic 4) F20 PA Promotion Criteria discussion 20:42:11 <pwhalen> #link http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2013-07-17/fesco.2013-07-17-18.00.html 20:42:22 * handsome_pirate looks 20:42:42 <masta> so the infra is being promoted from what I took away 20:42:43 <pbrobinson> well we've been promoted to primary koji, we've got a number of issues that will need to be addressed to ensure it remains 20:42:49 <pbrobinson> correct 20:42:52 <pwhalen> this was discussed at todays fesco meeting and it was agreed - "build ARM on primary infrastructure. whether it is released as a primary Fedora 20 or as 'Fedora 20 for ARM' depends on how well it fulfills release criteria and functionality criteria closer to release time" 20:43:09 <pbrobinson> so it could be reverted if it causes issues between now and beta 20:43:25 <pbrobinson> and it could remain but we're not declared a primary arch over all 20:43:46 <pbrobinson> so it's definitely a awesome step forward but still lots of work to do 20:44:02 <masta> the name primary will be given near release 20:44:33 * masta was unclear if we slip back to SA or continue to push for primary in the unspeakabel event we miss PA this cycle 20:44:47 <ctyler> masta: probably TBD 20:44:58 <pbrobinson> masta it depends 20:45:05 * handsome_pirate wonders what release criteria arm will have to follow 20:45:11 <handsome_pirate> ie, anaconda, gnome, and the like 20:45:14 <bconoboy> #info "build ARM on primary infrastructure. whether it is released as a primary Fedora 20 or as 'Fedora 20 for ARM' depends on how well it fulfills release criteria and functionality criteria closer to release time" 20:45:19 <pbrobinson> the slip back to SA infra will be if build issues/times are a major problem 20:45:20 <bconoboy> (woo) 20:45:23 <pwhalen> handsome_pirate, the PA release criteria 20:45:29 <pwhalen> with small adjustments 20:45:50 <handsome_pirate> So, for F20, we're required to install via anaconda? 20:45:54 <handsome_pirate> And, run Gnome? 20:45:54 <pwhalen> from the QA meeting "QA does not see any definite roadblocks to ARM becoming a primary arch for F20, but expects that minor changes will be needed to the release criteria to define the ARM 'release blocking images' and assistance will be needed from ARM-focused testers to complete ARM validation testing" 20:45:58 <ctyler> What's the timeframe for the Koji integration vs. the mass rebuild? 20:46:14 <handsome_pirate> pwhalen: Aye, I was there 20:46:29 <handsome_pirate> pwhalen: I was trying to look through FESCo stuff on the issue 20:46:30 <pwhalen> handsome_pirate, not everyone was, posting for all 20:46:40 * ctyler thinks we should aim to run gnome in any case 20:46:59 <bconoboy> #info From the QA meeting "QA does not see any definite roadblocks to ARM becoming a primary arch for F20, but expects that minor changes will be needed to the release criteria to define the ARM 'release blocking images' and assistance will be needed from ARM-focused testers to complete ARM validation testing 20:47:34 <pbrobinson> ctyler: we are even if its dog slow with llvmpipe 20:48:06 <masta> =) 20:48:07 <pbrobinson> ctyler: dgilmore and I are working on the koji integration and plan to have it there in time for mass rebuild 20:48:23 <ctyler> excellent! When is MR? 20:48:45 <dgilmore> ctyler: when things are ready 20:48:56 <dgilmore> perl is likley to hold it up 20:51:06 <pwhalen> anything else to be discussed here? or to be revisited once digested further? 20:51:26 <pwhalen> nothing left after this 20:51:29 * handsome_pirate is good 20:51:48 <pwhalen> #topic 5) Open Floor 20:52:54 <pwhalen> anything else to be discussed? or shall we wrap 20:52:56 <bconoboy> one thing 20:53:08 <bconoboy> Big thanks to dgilmore and pbrobinson for putting the PA promotion proposal together 20:53:16 <bconoboy> that is all 20:53:33 <pwhalen> +1 20:53:49 <masta> I'm hoping to release a bone black remix over the weekend, have been watching the 3.11 scratch builds. Also likely to refresh teh chromebook remix too... maybe try 3.11 there 20:53:52 <pbrobinson> I'd just like to note that over the next couple of weeks we need to push hard and be vigilant to ensure we help people fix problems where they run into them 20:54:37 <pbrobinson> so while we've done a lot of work the real hard work is just beginning.... ie to convince all and sundry we're ready to go PA 20:54:40 <bconoboy> #info Masta to create beaglebone black remix 20:55:04 <bconoboy> #info PA is not assured- we must be especially vigilant to fix issues as they crop up during the transition 20:55:07 <masta> I've got a beta image ready for testing now 20:55:17 * handsome_pirate has something 20:55:32 <masta> http://parasense.fedorapeople.org/f19-beagleboneblack-MATE.img.xz 20:55:57 <pwhalen> #undo 20:55:57 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x18c9c790> 20:56:00 <masta> with any luck I'll get 3.11 working on the black 20:56:01 <bconoboy> #link http://parasense.fedorapeople.org/f19-beagleboneblack-MATE.img.xz is a beta beaglebone black image 20:56:05 <handsome_pirate> masta: The image I gave you didn't have the framebuffer uboot 20:56:10 <handsome_pirate> (For Chromebook) 20:56:18 <pwhalen> #info PA is not assured- we must be especially vigilant to fix issues as they crop up during the transition 20:56:22 <bconoboy> tnx pwhalen 20:57:29 <pwhalen> last call .. 20:57:51 <pwhalen> #endmeeting