17:02:17 <number80> #startmeeting Cloud WG weekly meeting 17:02:17 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 4 17:02:17 2013 UTC. The chair is number80. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:02:17 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:02:30 <number80> #topic roll call 17:02:45 <number80> .fas hguemar 17:02:45 <zodbot> number80: hguemar 'Haïkel Guémar' <karlthered@gmail.com> 17:02:49 * rbergeron is here 17:02:55 * jzb_ is here 17:03:03 <jzb> sorry 17:03:06 * jzb is here 17:03:51 <mattdm> I'm here but may be vomited on by a small child at any minute. 17:04:10 <rbergeron> mattdm: welcome to my universe of the past two days :) 17:04:30 <number80> mattdm: as long as it doesn't vomit on my irc window, i'm fine ;) 17:04:54 * number80 is enjoying his last days being childless 17:04:57 <jzb> sadly, my life is childless and vomit free 17:05:05 <mattdm> I did ask her to say away from the keyboard 17:05:11 * jzb isn't sure that's actually sad... 17:05:44 <number80> everyone's here ? fedoristas, sick children and fluffy bots ? 17:06:09 <number80> hello frankieonuonga 17:06:13 <mattdm> jzb you can come get vomited on here any time you like 17:06:20 <frankieonuonga> hi number80 17:06:27 <jzb> mattdm: now that's hospitality 17:06:34 <geppetto> mattdm: You are very generous 17:06:48 <number80> samkottler won't be with us tonight but he was kind enough to sent us the agenda of the meeting on the list 17:07:13 <frankieonuonga> oh ok 17:07:17 <number80> #chair rbergeron jzb mattdm frankieonuonga geppetto 17:07:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: frankieonuonga geppetto jzb mattdm number80 rbergeron 17:07:29 <frankieonuonga> welcome mates 17:07:49 <number80> well, if we don't disagree too much, we have a room for quorum + 1 grumpy person :) 17:07:57 <frankieonuonga> :-) 17:08:08 <number80> i suggest that we start ? 17:08:30 <frankieonuonga> yeah 17:08:47 <number80> #topic Release cadence and lifecyle 17:09:16 <rbergeron> oh boy. fun topic :) 17:09:16 <mattdm> so there was a short discussion on the mailing list... 17:09:33 <number80> yup 17:10:12 <mattdm> main focus was on doing refreshed builds and i think there's a general agreement that we should, regularly. 17:10:33 <frankieonuonga> mattdm: how regular ? 17:10:40 * rbergeron nods 17:10:58 <rbergeron> I think weekly seemed to be the consensus of "what seems sane" on the list 17:11:21 <rbergeron> though some other things were mentioned as possible additional triggers 17:11:22 <mattdm> I also think the idea of trigger-based rebuilds is interesting. 17:11:24 <number80> yup, that's what does ubuntu 17:11:25 <rbergeron> security 17:11:49 <number80> mattdm: we could mix both 17:12:08 <mattdm> maybe guaranteed monthly + whatever other triggered updates? 17:12:43 <number80> that seems reasonnable 17:12:43 <rbergeron> mattdm: i do too - esp. for security - i'm not entirely sure that the yum update more than 50MB would be one. (unless it was "if we weren't doing a weekly") 17:13:16 <mattdm> yeah, if we're doing a weekly that trigger is less necessary 17:13:20 <number80> 50MB of update is not a trigger too difficult to enable ;) 17:13:26 <number80> at least, for fedora 17:13:41 <geppetto> It's also not a trigger too difficult to hit with a package or two :) 17:13:52 <frankieonuonga> just a comment. an update every week means people will frequently be visiting the site to download. isnt it easier to just push updates up and advice guys to update 17:13:52 <mattdm> at least, unless bug fix updates start getting batched at a distro level a al spot's proposal 17:13:58 <geppetto> One advantage that ubuntu has is that they have _much_ less updates. 17:14:18 <frankieonuonga> I am thinking in terms of revision...cause we have to think of numbering and all that 17:14:56 <number80> we're still not that good to distinguish security/enhancements updates (contributor-dependent switch) 17:15:08 <jzb> geppetto: why does Ubuntu have fewer updates? 17:15:24 <number80> jzb: less aggressive maintainers 17:15:29 <jzb> if we have a comparable set of packages, won't we average about the same # of updates? 17:15:48 <geppetto> jzb: number80 said it in the most politic way. 17:15:57 <jzb> geppetto: :-) 17:17:46 <mattdm> so, do we want to make any specific decisions on this right now? 17:18:13 <number80> anyone has another option before submitting motion A: weekly and motion B: monthly + trigger-based 17:18:43 <mattdm> (A would also include security-based triggers, right?) 17:18:57 <frankieonuonga> how will we revise this? 17:19:16 <frankieonuonga> in terms of distinguishing the difference 17:19:44 <rbergeron> mattdm: i would say that yes, A should include security-based triggers 17:19:50 <frankieonuonga> I am for it..but most users do not need to be confused...that is why i ask 17:19:51 <rbergeron> mattdm: I guess it partially depends on how much we can automate. 17:20:24 <mattdm> the new automatic nightly builds have me very optimistic about automation possibilities 17:20:40 <number80> so, i'd go for A :) 17:20:43 <rbergeron> I think that weekly is a great goal, but I also fear that we don't have enough automated to produce them and know damn well they will work, whereas monthly can give us a bit of sane testing time and figure out what all actually should be tested 17:20:52 <rbergeron> before we're totally confident that autogenerated things *just work* 17:20:57 <mattdm> right, it's the testing automation that is the problem. 17:20:58 <rbergeron> (the universe i live for. lol) 17:21:06 <frankieonuonga> rbergeron sounds good 17:21:07 <mattdm> +1 to that universe 17:21:28 <rbergeron> and monthly images is something we can think of scheduling in the schedule, and gives us some predictability so people can anticipate when we'll be testing. 17:21:31 <number80> anyone else ? 17:21:44 <frankieonuonga> i will go with b +1 17:21:46 <number80> (let me be the grumpy person for this one ;) ) 17:21:47 <mattdm> rbergeron so in that case, would the trigger-based updates get less testing? 17:21:55 <rbergeron> ie: we can schedule those like, if we were doing them ight now, we wouldn't want to be worrying about those in the same weeks as perhaps when we're trying to get a alpha/beta/GA out the door. 17:22:18 <rbergeron> mattdm: i would imaging that a trigger-based update would only pull in the triggering thing? (wihch hopefully isn't a "change the universe" type thing) 17:22:27 <rbergeron> or would we just re-roll the whole thing, all available updates? 17:22:35 <number80> geppetto, jzb your input ? 17:22:49 <mattdm> re-rolling the whole thing is much, much easier. 17:23:03 <geppetto> Unless we have a good way to manage it I think having near 50 imagines available near EOL is probably a bad idea. 17:23:07 <mattdm> plus, you never know if one little change breaks the whole universe 17:23:08 <geppetto> so b +1. 17:23:19 <jzb> number80: I'd go with B+1 17:23:30 <rbergeron> mattdm: yeah 17:24:10 <number80> #agreed cadence release to be monthly + trigger-based updates until we're more confident on automated testing (rbergeron) 17:24:16 <number80> is that ok with you ? 17:24:22 <frankieonuonga> brb guys 17:24:23 <mattdm> yes. 17:24:46 <rbergeron> ack. 17:24:48 <number80> ok, let's switch to another *phun* topic 17:24:51 <mattdm> and we can define triggers as needed. (critical-level security updates, for example.) 17:24:55 * rbergeron doens't know what the triggers are.. but 17:24:59 <rbergeron> yes, what matt said 17:25:06 <number80> #topic Product Branding 17:25:30 <number80> https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/3 17:25:41 <number80> https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/3 a ticket has been opened on our trac 17:27:02 <mattdm> okay, so, we're supposed to get back to the design team about this today :) 17:28:36 <number80> Lando Calrissian could have provided us cool artwork :) 17:28:48 <jzb> mattdm: I *think* we agreed on language last meeting? 17:29:22 <mattdm> jzb yeah. plus you and number80 had some good comments on the mailing list before. 17:29:23 <number80> jzb: +1 17:29:41 <mattdm> jzb can you write that up in the ticket and forward it to the design team? 17:29:48 <jzb> mattdm: yeah 17:30:06 <rbergeron> lol 17:30:10 <number80> #agreed jzb will complete the ticket https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/3 and forward it to the design team 17:30:12 <jzb> rbergeron: ? 17:30:48 * rbergeron was snickering about the lando calrissian comment, that's all 17:30:58 <mattdm> ooh vomit time 17:31:12 <number80> Cloud City is the best 17:31:40 <number80> and there's no vomitting kids only nice stormtroopers 17:31:48 <gholms> mattdm: :/ 17:31:59 <number80> anything else to add ? 17:32:08 <number80> about the branding stuff ? 17:32:26 * rbergeron has nothing 17:32:40 <number80> next topic 17:32:47 <number80> #topic PRD 17:33:00 <number80> remember that deadline is december, 15 17:33:24 <number80> https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/3 it hasn't changed much (or at all) since last meeting 17:33:35 <frankieonuonga> my section will be done by tomorrow night 17:33:42 <number80> great news :) 17:33:49 <jzb> number80: that's the branding ticket :-) 17:33:58 <frankieonuonga> just not put it up 17:34:02 <frankieonuonga> sorry 17:34:08 <number80> jzb: good eyes ;) 17:34:14 <number80> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud_PRD 17:34:24 <jzb> number80: not really... :-) and they get worse every year... 17:34:51 <number80> old man ! 17:35:18 <number80> btw, i'll have to commit the personas (taken from openstack) 17:35:30 <number80> rbergeron: anything to say ? 17:36:57 <rbergeron> number80: sorry. MANY WINDOWS ON FIRE - I only have to say... help is welcome. pretty please. 17:37:12 <rbergeron> I have been poking here and there but ... yeah. 17:37:22 <rbergeron> frankieonuonga: your section is the personas, yes? 17:37:24 <jzb> rbergeron: I'll try to put in a sustained effort on it tonight or tomorrow. 17:37:36 <frankieonuonga> mine is cloudstack 17:37:47 <number80> i am the darth lord of the personas 17:38:27 <frankieonuonga> personas....i can not recall that well who took that of me.. 17:38:27 <frankieonuonga> it is somewhere on the mailing list 17:38:27 <frankieonuonga> but I can take it up if you need me to 17:39:31 * rbergeron nods 17:40:03 <rbergeron> if we don't get much this week we might consider having a mini-hackfest on it for a few hours. 17:40:11 <number80> basically a good kickstart: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16rkiXWxxgzGT47_Wc6hzIPzO2-s2JWAPEKD0gP2mt7E/edit 17:40:11 <rbergeron> nice to have company and stuff while working through it. :) 17:40:27 <frankieonuonga> rbergeron: you need me to take this up ? 17:40:44 <number80> some personnas could be reused or serve as an example for people not used to that 17:40:47 <jzb> rbergeron: I can take Release/Product Overview 17:41:09 <jzb> (inc. Market Oppty, Product Objectives, etc.) 17:42:14 <rbergeron> number80: yeah, i recalled that someone was looking at adding some of that stuff in or ... massaging it so it would fit in. :) 17:42:28 <rbergeron> jzb: that would be dandy. 17:42:44 <rbergeron> basically i think if we can at least get some stuff stubbed in people will feel more confident about filling other parts in or elaborating more. 17:42:53 <number80> #info if PRD is still stuck next week, organize a mini-hackfest to fix that (few hours) 17:43:29 <rbergeron> But if we want to make sure that "what we want to implement" ties back to "what we know people want" and isn't just random shots in the dark - that we're really doing something comprehensive - making sure things like personas or use cases and, market opportunities, overviews, etc. are really good to have. 17:44:00 <rbergeron> otherwise we're just ... kind of going to be adding in whatever sounds awesome, which is great for itch-scratching, but doesn't necessarily get us something pimpin' awesome. 17:44:09 <number80> #agreed frankieonuonga taking lead on cloudstack/ jzb on Release/Product Overview 17:44:25 <rbergeron> and i have this great purple zebra-striped velvet suit i want to wear when i talk about fedora and cloud. 17:44:36 <rbergeron> (okay, not really.) 17:45:19 <frankieonuonga> from that google doc looks like that is only for open stack right ? 17:45:54 <number80> frankieonuonga: yup, but it overlaps or non-strictly includes similar use cases 17:46:02 <rbergeron> frankieonuonga: I think there's a LOT of overlap. 17:46:29 <rbergeron> i am murky about the re-usability of content from a "is it freely available content" perspective 17:46:39 <rbergeron> (unless it's been updated with some sort of license since i last looked) 17:46:54 <number80> rbergeron: nearyd says it was ok, i could ask him again friday 17:47:29 <jzb> rbergeron: what's the source? 17:47:44 <number80> jzb: openstack foundation 17:47:48 <rbergeron> i can harass him about it tomorrow - he may still even be in today - if nothing else it's good inspiration. 17:47:55 <frankieonuonga> ok. Got it . 17:47:56 <frankieonuonga> thanks mates 17:48:11 <number80> rbergeron: right, you're in the same team :) 17:48:12 <rbergeron> jzb: though it was a work in progress for a bit 17:48:31 <number80> up until the summit which has closed few weeks ago 17:48:34 <rbergeron> number80: hahaha. not actually :) 17:48:39 <number80> ok 17:49:41 <number80> so i can't bribe your mgr 17:50:21 <frankieonuonga> oops...we only have 15 min ...we might need to hurry if we have a lot more to cover 17:50:22 <rbergeron> probably not. 17:50:29 <number80> do we continue or move to the next exciting topic ? 17:50:31 <rbergeron> okay, let's move on :) 17:50:57 <number80> #topic Release criteria for post-F20 cloud images 17:50:57 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to poke mr. neary re: personas 17:51:19 * mattdm is back 17:51:30 <number80> good 17:51:54 <number80> https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/4 trac ticket opened by mattdm on that matter (+ discussion kickstarted on the list) 17:52:28 <mattdm> this is due to f20 almost being very very broken. :) 17:52:45 * number80 poke gholms there's no eucalyptus in our criteria 17:52:46 <mattdm> I suggest we remove this one from the meeting agenda for now and start accumulating cases in the ticket 17:53:15 <number80> i don't mind so +1 17:53:58 <jzb> +1 17:54:11 <rbergeron> +1 17:54:26 <number80> mattdm: if there are any tickets or urgent testing to do for F20, feel free to send a list on the list 17:54:38 <number80> frankieonuonga: ? 17:55:18 * gholms likes that idea 17:55:35 <frankieonuonga> number80: I will not vote on this one..sorry. I am on the fence 17:55:50 <mattdm> number80 right now, testing the latest candidates (currently TC4) for anything brown-paper-bag-awful is the main thing. 17:55:55 <number80> frankieonuonga: no problem 17:56:25 <number80> mattdm: ok, i'll take some time this w-e for that 17:56:39 <number80> no quorum but postponing should be ok 17:57:05 <number80> #agreed postponing the discussion about release criteria after we clean the F20 mess 17:57:31 <rbergeron> are we postponing or just moving it to the ticket? 17:57:43 <mattdm> not that F20 is actually a _mess_. It's pretty nice really. 17:57:51 <number80> #undo 17:57:51 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Agreed object at 0xdb50ad0> 17:57:58 <rbergeron> mattdm: just busy timing :) 17:58:31 <number80> rbergeron: we could continue the thinking on the ticket but polishing F20 is indeed a priority 17:58:50 <number80> (and the PRD too) 17:59:27 <mattdm> yeah we don't _really_ need post-f20 test cases for another four months or so. 17:59:35 <number80> #agreed postponing the discussion about release criteria after F20 release (discussion could continue in the ticket) 17:59:47 <rbergeron> sounds lovely. 17:59:55 <mattdm> +1 18:00:15 <frankieonuonga> is there another ticket guys...we are almost out of time 18:00:38 <number80> frankieonuonga: which one ? our relation with server WG ? 18:01:01 <jzb> I'd move we try to start discussing that on the list. 18:01:07 <number80> ok 18:01:11 <jzb> there's *no way* we can do justice to that right now. 18:01:16 <number80> #topic Relation with server WG 18:01:41 <number80> who agrees with jzb that we move the discussion to the list (no quorum, and very long topic) 18:01:43 <number80> +1 18:01:44 <rbergeron> +1 18:02:25 <frankieonuonga> sorry about that...bad net connection here 18:02:50 <number80> frankieonuonga: we're voting about moving the discussion about our relation with server WG to the list 18:03:23 <geppetto> number80: +1 18:03:24 <frankieonuonga> +1 18:03:28 <number80> quorum 18:04:00 <number80> #agreed move the discussion about the cloud/server WG relation and their overlap to the list 18:04:12 <number80> so i suggest we move to the delightful open floor 18:04:21 <number80> #topic Openfloor 18:04:56 <number80> #info we have nightly qcow nightly builds thanks to Rel-eng koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/tasks?state=all&view=tree&method=appliance&order=-id 18:05:18 <number80> any topic you want to bring on ? 18:05:26 <gholms> \o/ 18:08:44 <rbergeron> ...sounds like a no :) 18:08:49 <number80> ok, i'll assume that's the end 18:08:58 <frankieonuonga> thanks for coming guys 18:09:08 <number80> Thank you for your time and see you next week ! 18:09:12 <number80> #stopmeeting 18:09:20 <number80> #endmeeting