19:00:24 <jreznik> #startmeeting F20 Final Readiness Meeting 19:00:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Dec 5 19:00:24 2013 UTC. The chair is jreznik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:02 * nirik is here, but also running another meeting, so ping me if needed. 19:01:13 <jreznik> #topic Purpose of this meeting 19:01:15 <jreznik> #info "Before each public release all of the groups participating the development of Fedora's next release meet to make sure the release is well coordinated." 19:01:16 <jreznik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Readiness_Meetings 19:01:18 <jreznik> nirik: sure, thanks 19:01:32 <jreznik> #topic Current status 19:02:19 <jreznik> for current status - we had to slip F20 by one week due to unresolved blocker bugs 19:02:43 <jreznik> the new GA date is now Dec 17, so we now have one more week to finish stuff in case anything is still missing 19:02:58 <sesivany> a nice Christmas present :) 19:03:10 <jreznik> you mean slip? :) 19:03:44 <sesivany> no, F20 :) 19:03:48 <sesivany> right before Christmas 19:03:55 <jreznik> but otherwise we are in a good shape - seems like blocker list is now getting to be almost cleared 19:04:17 <jreznik> #info Fedora 20 GA is now Dec 17 19:04:34 <jreznik> let's start 19:04:36 <jreznik> #topic Ambassadors 19:04:44 <jreznik> sesivany, gift for you 19:04:59 <sesivany> I think ambassadors are pretty much ready. 19:05:11 <sesivany> what we're missing is a poster for release events. 19:05:27 <sesivany> that's something for the design team. 19:05:46 <jreznik> #info Ambassadors are pretty much ready, missing poster for release events 19:06:21 <jreznik> mizmo: ping, are you around? ^^^ 19:07:07 <sesivany> jreznik: at least gnokii told me yesterday it still wasn't available. 19:07:10 <jreznik> anything else? I'll bring it to the design team status later, do you have ticket for the request? 19:08:35 <jreznik> hi gnokii 19:08:44 <sesivany> jreznik: no, I just asked about it. 19:09:12 <jreznik> gnokii: sesivany is looking for poster for release events 19:09:39 <gnokii> yeah he asked yesterday, hopefully I have tomorrow some time to di it 19:10:18 <jreznik> #info gnokii to try to prepare release events poster tomorrow 19:10:21 <jreznik> ok thanks 19:10:33 <jreznik> sesivany: are you all set now? 19:11:40 <jreznik> I expect so 19:11:54 <jreznik> #topic Design 19:12:36 <jreznik> gnokii: as I don't see mizmo/ryan, do you have an overview of design tasks status? 19:12:51 <jreznik> at least websites guys are looking for https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/304 19:13:05 <jreznik> robyduck, shaiton: ^^^ 19:13:27 <robyduck> yes 19:13:43 <robyduck> also tickets 302 and 303 19:14:00 <gnokii> jreznik: should be nothing except small things like the banners, party poster 19:14:12 <robyduck> we need 2 sliders and a review of the get-fedora buttons 19:14:27 <mizmo> jreznik, sorry had a firedrill 19:14:48 <mizmo> jreznik, ryan and me are working on those tickets 19:15:05 <jreznik> mizmo: last commit and ruuun, save your life :) 19:15:05 <mizmo> wallpaper is solid, no changes planned, all positive feedback 19:15:27 <mizmo> oh i meant theoretical firedrill not a real one :) 19:15:52 <jreznik> #info mizmo and ryan are working on tickets for websites 19:16:05 <jreznik> #info wallpaper is solid, no changes planned, all positive feedback 19:16:52 <jreznik> there's one more week, so if the work is in progress, I think we're all set here, right? or anything else? 19:17:36 <jreznik> so anyone? otherwise I'll move on 19:18:05 <jreznik> #topic Documentation 19:18:21 <jreznik> randomuser: ping, are you here? 19:19:21 <jreznik> if not, I'll skip docs for now but thanks for release notes build! 19:19:49 <jreznik> #topic FESCo 19:19:58 <jreznik> nirik, anything from FESCo for F20? 19:20:25 <nirik> nope. I think we are all good. 19:20:36 <nirik> there was a desire to update the gnome-software change page... 19:20:45 <nirik> which I did and checked with docs to make sure they had the right info 19:21:03 <dwa> nirik: any idea why this happens? 19:21:03 <dwa> INFO: Calling koji to write 1005 rpms 19:21:03 <dwa> INFO: Try #1 for call 6 (multiCall) failed: (110, 'Operation timed out.') 19:21:22 <jreznik> dwa: we have readiness meeting here now 19:21:23 <nirik> dwa: yeah, we need to up that timeout... I thought we had a hotfix for it, but I guess not 19:21:32 <nirik> and yeah, wrong chan 19:22:10 <dwa> d'oh, wrong channel :( sorry 19:22:12 <jreznik> nirik: same for rsyslog change - the info in release announcement was updated a bit to reflect reality (rsyslog removed only in @core and live desktop) 19:22:16 <jreznik> dwa: np 19:22:35 * jreznik will be back in a minute... sorry 19:22:45 * nirik is planning to review the release announcement too 19:24:50 * jreznik is back 19:24:57 <rbergeron> nirik: your eyesballs are always delightful to have. 19:24:59 <rbergeron> err. 19:25:02 <rbergeron> your eyeballs, too. 19:25:03 <jreznik> nirik: I did a brief review, seems good 19:26:04 <jreznik> #info FESCo is all good, gnome-software Change page to be updated to contain correct information 19:26:29 <jreznik> nirik: let me know in case there would be need for any Change related changes (I hate that word!) 19:26:52 <nirik> heh. sure. I think we are all set tho. 19:27:01 <jreznik> #topic Fedora Project Leader 19:27:27 <rbergeron> Hai. 19:27:28 <jreznik> rbergeron: anything from you? like a lot of luck for the next week's go/no-go :) 19:27:44 <rbergeron> I beeped at the PR folks to let them know we are slipped and such. 19:28:01 <rbergeron> I can cross all my fingers. 19:28:06 <jreznik> thanks 19:28:11 * rbergeron would really prefer a christmas present to a ... january present? 19:28:37 <jreznik> #info rbergeron beeped PR folks to let them know we are slipped 19:28:56 <jreznik> new years gift but I prefer old good christmas present 19:29:18 <rbergeron> indeed. 19:29:33 <jreznik> anything else? otherwise I'll move on 19:29:34 <rbergeron> Anyway: That's the extent of things to say I think. 19:29:37 <rbergeron> Move along! 19:29:38 <rbergeron> :) 19:29:57 <jreznik> thanks! 19:29:59 <jreznik> #topic Marketing 19:30:14 <suehle> Release announcement is ready 19:30:19 <suehle> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F20_release_announcement 19:30:34 <suehle> There's one fixme link, but barring any other edits, it's ready 19:30:57 <jreznik> good work! nirik is going to help with a review, I already did a quick one will take a look more closer too 19:31:06 <suehle> Press release is basically ready as well, as are screenshots 19:31:25 <jreznik> #info release announcement is ready, press release is basically ready as well, as are screenshots 19:31:53 <jreznik> thanks a lot! anything else from marketing? 19:31:56 <suehle> nope 19:32:15 <jreznik> #topic Infrastructure 19:32:18 <adamw> oops, did you skip QA yet? 19:32:21 <jreznik> nirik: you again 19:32:28 <jreznik> adamw: not yet 19:32:42 <jreznik> M < Q ;-) 19:32:49 <nirik> all ready to ship bits as soon as they are off the press and ready to serve. ;) 19:33:45 <jreznik> #info infrastructure all ready to ship bits as soon as they are off the press and ready to serve 19:33:49 <jreznik> thanks! 19:34:59 * jreznik should sort it really alphabetically but it's usually in order 19:35:02 <jreznik> #topic QA 19:35:08 <jreznik> adamw: so for you 19:35:22 <adamw> ahoyhoy 19:35:30 <jreznik> ahoj! 19:35:41 <adamw> well, obviously we have lots of open blockers to verify fixes for and so forth 19:36:03 <adamw> as for test case coverage, see the ninja awesome http://testdays.qa.fedoraproject.org/testcase_stats/ 19:36:17 * shaiton around, sorry to be late 19:36:29 <jreznik> #info QA has to verify open blockers for fixes 19:36:31 <adamw> there's one test we haven't done at all yet, xen; i've reached out to konrad at oracle to do that 19:36:41 <jreznik> #link http://testdays.qa.fedoraproject.org/testcase_stats/ 19:36:46 <adamw> we really ought to have someone else who can do it, though, or drop the criterion. but anyhoo 19:37:09 <adamw> there's three test cases that haven't been done since beta, a couple of icky kickstart deployment cases and HW raid, which is on me 19:37:15 <jreznik> #info for test coverage - xen wasn't covered at all yet 19:37:16 <adamw> everything else has been done between TC2 and RC4 19:37:19 <adamw> er, Tc4 19:37:38 <adamw> i'll make sure the kickstart and hwraid tests get run soon 19:38:05 <jreznik> #info adamw to make sure kickstart and hwraid tests get run soon 19:38:17 <jreznik> yep, it would be nice to avoid last minute surprise, thanks 19:38:42 <jreznik> anything else? 19:39:05 <adamw> that's more or less it, a big vote of thanks to pwhalen and the ARM team for supporting us with ARM testing and not leaving us to do it all :) 19:39:36 <jreznik> yep, ARM guys are awesome! 19:39:48 <adamw> oh, another area we may have regressed a bit in testing since f18 is IPv6 19:40:24 <adamw> i've reached out to a guy called Tore Anderson who helped us do some IPv6 validation for f18 and asked if he can make a comeback for f20, but if anyone else can do some sanity testing that F20 works out-of-the-box in a 'normal' IPv6 setup that'd be great 19:40:41 * jreznik lives in the bad century, no way to get IPv6 to his home, office... 19:40:45 <nirik> I think it does here. 19:40:51 * nirik has ipv6. adds another todo 19:40:52 <adamw> yeah, me too :( 19:41:02 <adamw> i could probably at least set it up on my local router if i could just find the time, though 19:41:42 <jreznik> #info IPv6 testing needs more coverage as it regressed since F18 19:41:43 <adamw> i'm hoping that the load should be quite low this week so i can do a few 'cherry on the top' tests for stuff like printer configuration and non-blocking desktops... 19:41:56 <jreznik> ok, thanks 19:42:41 <jreznik> can I move on? 19:43:02 <adamw> sure 19:43:05 <jreznik> ok 19:43:07 <jreznik> #topic Release Engineering 19:43:24 <jreznik> I expect dgilmore is still sleeping... 19:43:58 <jreznik> so I'll catch him offline/in a better time 19:44:17 <jreznik> #topic Websites 19:44:27 <jreznik> robyduck, shaiton: your turn 19:44:33 <robyduck> hi 19:44:39 <jreznik> hi! 19:44:48 <robyduck> websites are quite set, except the sliders 19:45:20 <robyduck> we need them asap because we have to give time to L10n folks to translate the text 19:45:44 <robyduck> the rest has to be done when we'll have a GOLD RC 19:45:59 <jreznik> #info websites are quite set, except the sliders, needed asap for translation 19:46:10 <jreznik> robyduck: mizmo and ryan are on websites requests 19:46:25 <robyduck> yep, I'm aware of it (and happy too) 19:46:57 <robyduck> npothing elsefrom my side, shaiton perhaps? 19:47:30 <shaiton> nope :) 19:47:47 <jreznik> ok, thanks guys! 19:48:03 <jreznik> #topic Translation 19:48:17 * jreznik is not sure we have anyone from l10n team 19:49:35 <jreznik> so that's probably all from my list, I'll check with docs, releng and l10n offline 19:49:41 <jreznik> #topic Open floor 19:51:10 <jreznik> anyone? anything? blabla? 19:51:51 <jreznik> if not, I'll end this meeting in 19:51:54 <jreznik> 3... 19:52:17 <jreznik> thanks for coming and mostly all green statuses 19:52:32 <shaiton> Thanks to you jreznik (and robyduck ^^) 19:52:56 * jreznik will be probably out tomorrow but will be checking current status 19:53:02 <robyduck> :) yes thanks jreznik 19:53:19 <jreznik> :) 19:53:21 <jreznik> 2... 19:54:23 <rbergeron> PI 19:54:43 <jreznik> not again! :D 19:54:58 <jreznik> 0.99999... 19:55:19 <jreznik> #endmeeting