16:00:02 <nirik> #startmeeting Server Working Group Weekly Meeting (2014-01-28) 16:00:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jan 28 16:00:02 2014 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:03 <nirik> #chair sgallagh mizmo nirik davidstrauss Evolution adamw simo tuanta mitr 16:00:03 <nirik> #topic roll call 16:00:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution adamw davidstrauss mitr mizmo nirik sgallagh simo tuanta 16:00:09 <nirik> who all is around today? 16:00:14 <mitr> Hello all 16:00:19 * nirik knows several folks aren't so we may not have quorum. 16:01:00 <davidstrauss> hi 16:01:08 <davidstrauss> .hellomynameis davidstrauss 16:01:11 <zodbot> davidstrauss: davidstrauss 'David Strauss' <david@davidstrauss.net> 16:01:21 <nirik> .hellomynameis kevin 16:01:22 <zodbot> nirik: kevin 'Kevin Fenzi' <kevin@scrye.com> 16:02:24 <nirik> thats 3... 16:04:04 <nirik> so, I guess we wait a few more and see if folks show up? or just take discussion to list? 16:06:14 <adamw> sorry, here 16:06:22 <adamw> but distracted by anaconda wording bikeshedding :) 16:06:40 <nirik> it's green! 16:06:49 <nirik> still only 4, so no quorum yet. 16:07:47 <nirik> so, I guess everyone go pick holes in my straw man post... and continue in #fedora-server then... 16:08:26 <nirik> thanks for coming everyone... 16:08:50 <nirik> #info no quorum, please continue lists and #fedora-server discussions on implementation. 16:08:58 <nirik> #endmeeting