16:40:51 <dgilmore> #startmeeting 16:40:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Feb 10 16:40:51 2014 UTC. The chair is dgilmore. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:40:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:41:08 <dgilmore> #meetingname releng 16:41:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng' 16:41:19 <dgilmore> #topic rollcall 16:41:28 * masta is here 16:41:31 <janeznemanic> hi 16:41:31 <dwa> here 16:41:49 <masta> dgilmore: plz chair me 16:42:14 <dgilmore> #chair masta 16:42:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore masta 16:42:42 * nirik is sort of around 16:42:49 <masta> #chair dwa nirik 16:42:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore dwa masta nirik 16:42:57 * sharkcz is here 16:43:02 * tyll_ is here, too 16:43:23 <masta> #chair tyll_ sharkcz 16:43:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore dwa masta nirik sharkcz tyll_ 16:43:52 <masta> Monday monday monday! 16:44:04 <tyll_> sharkcz: Are you missing on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ReleaseEngineering#Composition intentionally? 16:44:28 <dwa> masta: do not taunt happy fun ball 16:45:15 <masta> dwa: =) 16:45:22 <Viking-Ice> why does fesco have to approve members? 16:45:44 <masta> Viking-Ice: huh? 16:46:03 <tyll_> Viking-Ice: FESCo has delegated this power to the Release Team itself. 16:46:11 <Viking-Ice> "Release Team members are approved by FESCo" 16:46:14 <sharkcz> tyll_: I represent secondary arches here, which means I'm not direct member of the releng team 16:46:18 <tyll_> Viking-Ice: it's explained in the next sentence 16:46:27 <masta> FESCo has delegated this power to the Release Team itself. 16:46:29 <Viking-Ice> perhaps update the wiki page ;) 16:46:37 <sharkcz> but I can add myself there :-) 16:47:14 <tyll_> sharkcz: I was just wondering, I just pinged everyone from the wiki list in the releng channel and missed you :-) 16:47:19 <dgilmore> okay off teh phone 16:47:27 <masta> Viking-Ice: the one does kinda negate the other, but there is a context so it makes sense to leave it there... 16:48:21 <masta> perhaps someday our delegated powers would be revoked... 16:48:43 <dgilmore> sharkcz: we probably should add you 16:48:51 <dgilmore> or add yourself ;) 16:48:54 <masta> +1 16:48:59 <sharkcz> dgilmore: done ;-) 16:49:01 <Viking-Ice> then the wiki page would be updated it's just a bit confusing fesco handles this and fesco says releng handles this 16:49:28 <dgilmore> #topic tickets 16:49:45 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/report/10 16:49:47 <masta> Viking-Ice: I'll AI myself to update the wiki, thanks for pointing out the confusion. 16:49:59 <dgilmore> currently no tickets 16:51:23 <masta> no tickets sounds good... inbox zero, etc.. 16:51:26 <tyll_> I believe last meeting we discussed to try out XZ compression - are there some news? - https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5362 16:51:48 <masta> tyll_: oh I'm glad you brought that up 16:52:14 <dgilmore> it should have had the meeting keyword added 16:52:42 <dgilmore> tyll_: we will need to patch mash and pungi to do it 16:52:45 <masta> So it was found out that of the two options a) update the default in create repo or b) configure mash to set the option to create repo.. that option B is the wya to go because the builders are on rhel6 16:53:05 <dgilmore> createrepo has said they wont update the default 16:53:18 <dgilmore> so we have to patch all the tools to change it 16:53:37 <dgilmore> masta: builders are not rhel6 16:54:11 <masta> dgilmore: oh, my bad... but I believe there was a rhel6 dimension to this, perhaps in regards to epel then? 16:54:20 <dgilmore> so someone will need to write patches for pungi and mash 16:54:38 <dgilmore> the boxes that compose updates are rhel6 today 16:54:55 <dgilmore> the boxes where we compose rawhide is rhel6 16:55:17 <dgilmore> but the builders are f20 except for the kernel builders 16:55:28 <tyll_> dgilmore: do we need to get the patches into the Fedora Rawhide packages? 16:55:28 <dgilmore> builders != compose boxes 16:55:34 <dgilmore> tyll_: yes 16:55:46 <dgilmore> tyll_: pungi and mash are run in rawhide chroots 16:55:54 <dgilmore> tyll_: I am upstream for both packages 16:56:06 <nirik> buildhw and buildppc are still rhel6 also. ;) 16:57:40 <tyll_> dgilmore: which is the system where the packages need to be updated? 16:57:56 <tyll_> dgilmore: i.e. the rawhide compose box(?) 16:58:08 <dgilmore> tyll_: nowhere 16:58:11 <nirik> tyll_: it's done in a chroot 16:58:17 <nirik> so they need to be updated in rawhide 16:58:19 <dgilmore> tyll_: its all in a rawhide chroot 16:58:50 <dgilmore> we will need to update the updates compose boxes before f21 branches so that updates would have xz compression 16:59:05 <dgilmore> it will need to be a config option to mash 16:59:36 <dgilmore> like we have with dirctory hashing 17:00:13 <dgilmore> as updates are mashed on rhel6 17:00:25 <dgilmore> though maybe by then it will be rhel7 17:00:25 <tyll_> Is there no mash git repo? Or is it no fedorahosted project? 17:00:40 <dgilmore> tyll_: there is a mash repo, it doesnt have a gtrac 17:01:07 <nirik> http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/mash.git/ 17:01:07 <dgilmore> https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/mash 17:01:37 <tyll_> Ah, I see 17:02:33 * nirik has an item for open floor when we get to it. 17:02:33 <dgilmore> tyll_: patches go to the buildsys list 17:02:41 <dgilmore> nirik: :) okay 17:02:44 <tyll_> So both mash and pungi need a new option to support xz compression? 17:02:51 <dgilmore> tyll_: yep 17:03:06 <dgilmore> tyll_: and both need a different solution 17:03:20 <dgilmore> mash execs createrepo and pungi uses its python api 17:03:40 <dgilmore> any other tickets? 17:04:05 <dgilmore> #topic secondary arch status (ppc) 17:04:14 <dgilmore> dwa: where is ppc at? 17:04:20 <dwa> dgilmore: I'll add the meeting keyword to it shortly, but have you looked at the f18/-updates tags on secondaries? I think they're still empty. 17:04:42 <dgilmore> dwa: ill look at them again 17:05:30 <dwa> for general ppc status, we caught up on rawhide from not having a working llvm but then rsyslog broke :) we have a BZ filed 17:05:49 <dwa> we're also going to be receiving KVM and little endian-capable ppc64 systems shortly 17:06:39 <dgilmore> cool 17:06:52 <dgilmore> so then we will have a ppc64le bootstrap 17:06:54 <dgilmore> ? 17:06:57 <dwa> yup 17:07:25 <dwa> our systems though are pretty much the only ones that will exist outside of IBM right now though, so there won't be much opportunity for community involvement at first :/ 17:07:46 <dgilmore> :( okay 17:08:01 <dwa> (I'm sure other OS vendors also have them, but they're not exactly jumping in to help with Fedora anyways :) ) 17:08:25 <dgilmore> kinda weird we will be on the third bootstrap in about as many years after none for 10 or so 17:09:00 <dgilmore> anything else you want to bring up ppc wise? 17:09:29 <dgilmore> #topic secondary arch status (s390) 17:09:30 <dwa> I've also asked the ppc team to look at the finished Fedora.next PRDs to see if any of them particularly speak to them aside from server 17:09:43 <dgilmore> #undo 17:09:43 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x2b0f7510> 17:09:48 <dwa> but we haven't decided yet if we're going to try to follow more than one product or what yet 17:10:14 <dgilmore> okay, there is going to be a major ovrhaul in compose tooling 17:10:20 <dwa> yeah 17:10:48 <dgilmore> #topic secondary arch status (s390) 17:10:48 <dwa> also if we (Fedora Releng) want to set policies for what secondaries can do with products (or not) we should probably do that soon before any of the secondaries get deep into it 17:10:59 <dgilmore> gahh 17:11:01 <dgilmore> #undo 17:11:01 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Topic object at 0x2ad02bd0> 17:11:07 <dgilmore> im getting ahead of myself 17:11:13 <dwa> I can take a hint ;) 17:11:19 <dgilmore> dwa: will bring that up in open floor 17:11:26 * dwa is done now :) 17:11:29 <dwa> (with ppc) 17:11:32 <dgilmore> #topic secondary arch status (s390) 17:11:38 <dgilmore> sharkcz: your turn 17:11:40 <sharkcz> ok, now:-) not much happening, f19 and f20 updates are being build regularly, rawhide blocked by few relatively small packages (perl-net-sslay,...) 17:11:54 <dgilmore> okay 17:12:03 <dgilmore> and you recently updated the builders right 17:12:10 <sharkcz> yep 17:13:00 <sharkcz> it's all much faster, higher count and more memory 17:13:10 <dgilmore> nie 17:13:11 <dgilmore> nice 17:13:31 <dgilmore> anything you want to bring up s390 related? 17:14:17 <sharkcz> one point - when designing the new releng tools and processes, keep in mind that no all koji builders will have /mnt/koji mounted 17:14:48 <dgilmore> sharkcz: right. that does need to be in the design 17:15:15 <dwa> if we're making the new releng tools be koji-based, maybe have a 'compose' channel similar to the createrepo channel? 17:15:36 <dgilmore> dwa: they will all be koji based 17:15:39 * sharkcz would like to know whether the composes still must be run natively 17:15:54 <dgilmore> and likely will use channels to send to desiganted hardware 17:15:57 <sharkcz> but probably yes, due the scripts 17:16:03 <sharkcz> scriptlets 17:16:26 <dgilmore> sharkcz: running dracut etc in the compose chroot will need it 17:16:58 <dgilmore> okay if nothing else lets move to open floor 17:17:16 <dgilmore> #topic open floor 17:17:19 <dgilmore> nirik: you have something? 17:17:35 <nirik> oh yeah, actually 2 small things that might be something new folks would want to look into... 17:18:02 <nirik> a) When trying to debug an issue with dhclient being broken on rawhide boot.iso I noticed that the pungi output has a bunch of small junk we should clean up... 17:18:18 <nirik> like things that don't exist anymore 17:18:30 <dgilmore> thats all in lorax 17:18:50 <dgilmore> well I think it is 17:18:57 <nirik> let me get an example, it might be. 17:19:00 <dgilmore> groups to install and packages to install etc 17:19:35 <nirik> installpkg firstaidkit-plugin-passwd failed: No package(s) available to install 17:19:35 <nirik> installpkg firstaidkit-plugin-key-recovery failed: No package(s) available to install 17:19:35 <nirik> installpkg firstaidkit-plugin-mdadm-conf failed: No package(s) available to install 17:19:52 <nirik> installpkg *-fedup-dracut failed: No package(s) available to install 17:20:19 <sharkcz> it's lorax afaik 17:20:22 <dgilmore> thats all lorax 17:20:23 <nirik> ok. 17:20:29 <nirik> so, file lorax bugs on it? 17:20:33 <sharkcz> the templates need a cleanup 17:20:50 <dgilmore> patch should be small 17:20:50 <sharkcz> or send patches 17:20:50 <nirik> turned out that was the cause of dhclient breakage too. ;) 17:20:55 <nirik> (lorax removing a lib it needed) 17:21:07 <nirik> ok, the second item then.. 17:21:14 <dgilmore> lorax tries to be clever 17:21:55 <sharkcz> or trying to save space, but blindly 17:22:07 <dgilmore> yeah 17:22:08 <nirik> b) at the end of one of the last cycles (might have been f18?) we had livecd composes where we didn't change much and the size jumped around a bunch. We talked about adding a step to run 'fstrim' in there. Perhaps someone could look into doing that? it would clear the unused space and hopefully make the image sizes more consistent. 17:22:48 <dgilmore> thats likely needed to be done in livecd-creator 17:22:52 <nirik> yep. 17:23:07 <dgilmore> but it wouldnt hurt 17:23:07 <nirik> just might be somethig for someone who wants to dig into live creation. ;) 17:23:29 <dgilmore> would be nice to look at a new tool for live creation 17:23:51 <nirik> well, there's livemedia-creator... 17:23:54 * nirik runs 17:24:31 <dgilmore> there is 17:24:41 <dgilmore> if it can be made to run sanely then sure 17:25:13 <nirik> well, we could revist that... I don't have any idea if it's changed. 17:25:18 <nirik> but now would be a great time. 17:25:19 <dgilmore> its not 17:25:29 <dgilmore> it ould need to be able to run in a chroot 17:25:46 <dgilmore> and I don't know what that would take 17:25:57 <nirik> well, we can ask. ;) 17:25:58 <dgilmore> but now is a good time to look 17:26:18 <nirik> thats all I had off hand, just wanted to toss out some good stuff for new folks to dig into. ;) 17:26:22 <dgilmore> I did speak briefly with dave cantrell and he said they want to do it 17:26:55 <dgilmore> okay thanks nirik 17:27:12 <dwa> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ReleaseEngineering/GettingStarted I started a skeleton of a 'getting started' page for Releng. If people think this is a good idea we should try to flesh out the projects section and start marking tickets as easyfix (or some other descriptor - I just stole it from infra :) ) 17:27:37 <dwa> (speaking of 'stuff for new folks to dig into') 17:27:38 <dgilmore> dwa: so secondary arch product requirements. 17:27:46 <dgilmore> okay that first 17:28:24 <dgilmore> I will try do a bit of work on that page this week 17:28:27 <tyll> dwa: using easyfix is probable the best marker to match http://fedoraproject.org/easyfix/ 17:28:43 <dgilmore> yeah. making some easyfix tickets will be best 17:29:07 <dwa> tyll: oh neat, didn't know about that page at all 17:29:41 <tyll> dwa: there is always one project in Fedora one does not know :-) 17:30:21 <dgilmore> theres lots of projects that many dont know about 17:30:39 <masta> ok so going back to the repo data compression stuff... what does the bzip2 compression of the sqlite database files ? 17:30:51 <dgilmore> masta: createrepo 17:30:59 <dgilmore> it supports xz 17:31:04 <tyll> masta: some algorithm is hardcoded in createrepo 17:31:11 <dgilmore> but its an option and they wont change the default 17:31:24 <tyll> masta: for some files, not sure if it is the sqlite files or the other files 17:31:46 <masta> ok, I was imagining that was a seperate step, because I was baffled that two diff compression would be selected 17:32:04 <dgilmore> not a separate step 17:32:14 <masta> thanks for answering... 17:32:28 <dgilmore> gz was used for the xml and bz2 for teh sqlite they were added at different times 17:32:42 <dgilmore> initially it was xml only 17:32:47 <nirik> createrepo --compress-type=xz 17:33:00 <dgilmore> it was to do with not breaking existing clients 17:33:07 <tyll> the primary xml file is always gz 17:33:37 <dgilmore> shouldnt have to be always 17:33:37 * masta would like to XZ all the things 17:33:44 <dgilmore> anyay 17:33:48 <dgilmore> anyway 17:33:55 <nirik> before we throw the switch we should also ping dnf maintainers... to make sure there's nothing there that will breat 17:33:56 <nirik> break 17:34:11 <dgilmore> lets move on to secondary arches and products 17:34:16 <dgilmore> nirik: yep 17:34:17 <tyll> line 444: http://createrepo.baseurl.org/gitweb?p=createrepo.git;a=blob;f=createrepo/__init__.py;h=85f2a3d666aaaff24736d78e4a78bb5d12146efd;hb=HEAD 17:34:19 <tyll> masta: ^ 17:34:32 <dwa> so for ppc at least, we haven't decided if we want to follow a single product or multiple or what 17:35:13 <nirik> dwa: or you could just not do products... keep the same status... but server should work fine on ppc/s390 I would think? 17:35:46 <dwa> BUT if primary releng wants to have policies, e.g. "A secondary arch MUST follow [at least one / no more than one] product", or "if secondaries want to say they're creating Server they can't modify it" or whatnot we should do that sooner than later 17:35:53 <dgilmore> dwa: I think its something that for the most part should be worked out with FESCo, the working groups and secondary arches 17:36:09 <dgilmore> I guess the working group could request you support a product 17:36:35 <dwa> I think right now we're operating under the assumption that whatever we want to do is up to us, as long as we follow the usual source/build restrictions that are in place now 17:36:49 <dgilmore> dwa: i think from a releng perspective we dont care whats produced. 17:36:52 <dwa> and we could either continue as we are now, or choose to follow a product, or do our own thing. 17:37:04 <dgilmore> its kinda been up to the secondaries 17:37:11 <dwa> ('own thing' as in 'We want these pieces of product X but not those pieces') 17:37:20 <dgilmore> we have not said that you have to make lives of appliances for instance 17:37:29 <dwa> nod, just want to throw it out there that we're starting to think about products 17:37:50 <dgilmore> I think secondaries should deliver things based on the products 17:37:52 <masta> dwa: I think the secondaries should pick at least one of the products, at least base, and the others be optional... but this is probably a FESCo kinda thing 17:37:53 <dwa> so if primary cares about how secondaries realize them, something should be said sooner rather than later. 17:38:00 <dgilmore> but they dont have to do all the products 17:38:15 <dgilmore> dwa: i think thats something to ask FESCo 17:38:54 <dgilmore> my thinking is they need to use the same tooling and be produced in the same way 17:38:59 <dwa> dgilmore: ok. I think I'll wait for fedora for power to decide what we want to do then.. if it's something more than "We'll follow Server [except for the stuff that doesn't build on ppc]", I'll bring it to fesco. 17:39:16 <dgilmore> dwa: might be worth bring up 17:39:23 <dgilmore> they may have differenet ideas 17:40:00 <masta> we could raise the issue, put on the next FESCo docket for their meeting. 17:40:08 <dwa> 'k, I'll write something up 17:40:10 <dgilmore> likely should 17:40:11 <sharkcz> dwa: please put me on cc for the fesco ticket 17:40:18 <dgilmore> dwa: and me too 17:40:24 <masta> and me too 17:40:42 <masta> I've been wonder about this for aarch64 also 17:40:42 <dwa> right, I'll just add releng as a whole to the CC :) 17:40:53 <dgilmore> anyonw have anything else to bring up? 17:41:10 <dwa> masta: is fedora/aarch64 going to be a secondary arch? I guess I assumed once it was bootstrapped it'd go right to primary. 17:41:11 <nirik> should we start asking for aarch64 updates? 17:41:16 <nirik> jinx. ;) 17:41:17 * dgilmore needs to learn to type 17:41:35 <dgilmore> dwa: it will be secondary for some period of time 17:41:47 <dwa> gotcha 17:42:04 <tyll> What is the docs tag setup for which tickets were file recently? I did not find anything about it in the SOPs. 17:42:05 <dgilmore> when there is hardware available and its moving along to some point it will need to ask for promotion 17:42:08 <masta> dwa: I believe aarch64 will be secondary for a period of time, and will not be primary until it is promoted by FESCo (if ever) 17:42:31 <dwa> dgilmore: hardware other than iPhone 5Ss, right? ;) 17:42:38 <dgilmore> dwa: right 17:42:48 <dgilmore> tyll: the docs team wants to build their things in koji 17:43:02 <dgilmore> tyll: there as a long standing ticket to setup koji for it 17:43:19 <dgilmore> they have a policy allowing them to build into that target using srpms 17:43:47 <dgilmore> that was the packages they needed to be able to make docs 17:44:01 <dgilmore> I need to write up a SOP on it 17:44:08 * nirik has all the history on that if anyone wants to know the full story and workflow 17:44:38 <tyll> nirik: If you have notes, maybe you can add them to the wiki? 17:45:07 <dgilmore> there will be tickets from time to time 17:45:12 <dgilmore> adding new packages 17:45:25 <dgilmore> i guess at some point they will want el7-docs 17:45:42 <nirik> tyll: let me look if there's an infra ticket... but it's not a short note. ;) 17:46:02 <dgilmore> nirik: i think there is 17:46:18 <nirik> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/3860 17:46:22 <dgilmore> tyll: they wanted a second instance of koji setup to use for making docs 17:46:32 <dgilmore> I said lets just do it in the koji we have 17:46:36 <nirik> anyhow. Basically it's changing their workflow to be better. 17:47:17 <dgilmore> tyll: does that make sense? 17:47:25 <dgilmore> we do need to document it better 17:47:30 <tyll> Are they building RPMS with documentation in it? 17:48:21 <dgilmore> tyll: https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5214 17:48:24 <tyll> dgilmore: I guess I understand it enough now to handle incoming tickets since you provided command lines when you handled them 17:48:25 * nirik tries to do a short answer... 17:48:40 <dgilmore> tyll: they are for installation on the app servers to deliver via the web 17:49:12 <dgilmore> instead of a weird workflow they had 17:49:20 <nirik> current workflow is that they make changes to docs git repos, then the person making the changes runs publican and checks that output into git. then we git pull it on our proxy servers. This makes the repo gigantic and requires everyone to run publican and causes locking problems if multiple people do, etc. 17:50:02 <nirik> they instead want: check into git, make a src.rpm, build that in koji to produce output rpms, then we install them on a single instance and sync the files to proxies. 17:50:24 <nirik> so, no more output in git, we have packages we can upgrade/downgrade, etc. 17:50:59 <tyll> Thank you, I guess I understand it now 17:51:09 <dgilmore> :) 17:51:14 <dgilmore> I have one thing 17:51:19 <dgilmore> http://ausil.fedorapeople.org/DevConf-2014-Agile-releng.odp 17:51:21 <nirik> it took me a lot of discussion with them to figure out what they wanted. ;) 17:51:32 <dgilmore> thats the slides from my talk on Sunday at devconf 17:51:51 <dgilmore> Id like everyone to look at them and provide feedbck ask questions 17:51:51 <tyll> dgilmore: ah, yes, I looked at them - I guess tickets need to be filed for the current tasks 17:52:03 <dgilmore> tyll: they do 17:52:36 <dgilmore> ove the next two weeks while im in Europe I plan to see what help I can get from folks here 17:52:54 <dgilmore> and start working on an overview for new tooling etc 17:52:58 <masta> dgilmore: want me to handle the updates push this week while you're traveling? 17:53:24 <dgilmore> masta: if you want to sure, If not I can ill be in Brno this week and next 17:53:25 <dwa> oh yeah, can we add updates push schedule to a calendar somewhere or a webpage or something? 17:53:40 <dgilmore> yeah need to make a releng calendar in fedocla 17:53:44 <dgilmore> fedocal 17:54:02 <dgilmore> if no one has anything else lets wrap up im hungry and dinner calls 17:54:04 <masta> I have asked the fedocal developer to add a 4 week scheduling option to fedocal, to support our current rotation 17:54:13 <dgilmore> masta: okay 17:54:15 <masta> we now how our own calendar too 17:54:22 * dwa seconds dgilmore 17:54:27 <nirik> I made a calendar 17:54:42 <nirik> sysadmin-releng/releng should be admins of it. 17:54:43 <dgilmore> nirik: awesome thanks 17:54:55 <masta> right now we cannot schedule reoccuring reminds for each person because they are only two week max cycles, until my request enhancement is finished 17:54:58 <dgilmore> okay lets wrap up 17:55:05 <dgilmore> #endmeeting