15:36:37 <dgilmore> #startmeeting RELENG (2014-06-23) 15:36:37 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jun 23 15:36:37 2014 UTC. The chair is dgilmore. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:36:37 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:36:44 <dgilmore> #meetingname releng 15:36:44 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng' 15:36:44 <dgilmore> #chair dgilmore nirik tyll sharkcz bochecha masta 15:36:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: bochecha dgilmore masta nirik sharkcz tyll 15:36:45 <dgilmore> #topic init process 15:36:58 <nirik> morning 15:37:09 <tyll> hi 15:37:46 <masta> hello 15:39:21 <dgilmore> hey all 15:40:19 <dgilmore> lets get going 15:40:42 <dgilmore> #topic #5870 rawhide signing 15:40:48 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5870 15:40:57 <dgilmore> tyll: what is t he current status? 15:41:04 <dgilmore> nirik: did we get the ports open? 15:41:27 <nirik> yes, the ticket was marked done. 15:41:28 <tyll> after I changed the currint WIP script to sign only one build at a time it did not hang anymore 15:41:37 <nirik> if it's not working, let me know and I can reopen. ;) 15:41:51 <dgilmore> tyll: yeah. thats the only known sure fire way 15:42:05 <tyll> currently a test environment to add code to move builds is missing 15:42:55 <tyll> the signing of one RPM at a time was too slow for the mass rebuild btw., especially to sign e.g. texlive 15:43:14 <tyll> I was not yet able to tst whether I can use secondary sigul now 15:43:42 <dgilmore> tyll: okay 15:43:50 <tyll> nc -v 44333 does not work 15:43:59 <dgilmore> tyll: and yeah signing mass rebuilds is likely always going to be too slwo 15:44:03 <dgilmore> slow 15:44:19 <dgilmore> tyll: i think to sign all of rawhide takes about 5 or 6 days 15:44:26 <dgilmore> and the mass rebuild takes 2 15:44:34 <nirik> tyll: hum. Might need external. 15:44:39 <nirik> we can debug out of meeting 15:44:58 <tyll> nirik: ok 15:45:15 <tyll> what do we do about the gating tag? 15:45:40 <tyll> can we setup something on live koji that does not interfer with composing rawhide? 15:46:41 <dgilmore> tyll: we kinda would need to deploy it to test it 15:49:03 <tyll> My idea (not sure if possible) would be to move builds to two tags automatically (f21 and f21-unsigned) for now and let the script only untag builds from f21-unsigned if something was signed, the tagging into f21 would be a no-op then - then for the final version only a minor change is needed 15:49:03 * nirik nods. 15:49:45 <dgilmore> tyll: well koji will only tag into one tag when you build 15:49:59 <dgilmore> you would need to run something external to tag into a second one 15:51:02 <tyll> hm, then it might be good enough to just create the f21-unsigned tag and tag manually builds into this to test the script 15:51:54 <nirik> since rawhide is 1x/day I think we should be ok to switch it one day when we are ready and watch it to make sure it's good. 15:53:30 <dgilmore> yeah 15:53:54 <masta> so make koji point to f21-unsigned for a day? 15:55:10 <dgilmore> at least for a few hours and test 15:55:11 <nirik> well, since we have a day to fix things before the next rawhide compose, we should be able to switch it over someday when we are ready 15:55:23 <tyll> I just looked again at the code, it would already be very helpful if f21-unsigned existed already an I can just tag builds into it manually - the script just watches for tagging fedmsg messages 15:56:22 <dgilmore> tyll: okay 15:56:31 <dgilmore> we can get that setup after the meeting 15:56:48 <dgilmore> tyll: it will be a bit more difficult on secondaries 15:57:01 <tyll> dgilmore: ok 15:57:11 <dgilmore> as the way koji-shadow works it might not be so simple 15:57:49 <tyll> dgilmore: I guess if the script is feature complete for primary koji, it should be easier to adopt to secondaries 15:59:10 <masta> I would imagine we just mirror the tag structure 15:59:12 <dgilmore> tyll: yeah, we may need to work out a new workflow for them 15:59:21 <dgilmore> masta: we do that 15:59:59 <dgilmore> its more down to koji-shadow tags into f21, I guess we could try f21-unsigned used 16:04:35 <dgilmore> okay lest move on 16:04:54 <dgilmore> #topic #5914 Move fedmsg based blocking service to Fedora Infrastructure 16:05:01 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/5914 16:05:13 <dgilmore> tyll: what do we need to do here? 16:06:47 <tyll> I need to clean up the script a little and make it into a service. Also we need to write down on which host it should run (releng04?). 16:06:55 <nirik> yeah, probibly releng04. 16:07:10 <dgilmore> i think releng04 yeah 16:07:22 <dgilmore> just need to decide what key to use for koji 16:07:24 <tyll> The latest changes I did were adjusting it to pkgdb2, so it is at least working again (it was not when we first discussed it) 16:07:28 <dgilmore> maybe masher 16:07:36 <dgilmore> or make a generic releng one 16:07:45 <dgilmore> okay cool 16:08:28 <tyll> btw. should it also block packages for EPEL? Currently it does not iirc 16:08:47 <dgilmore> well epel is kinda tricky 16:09:06 <dgilmore> some packages need blocked in the epel tags, but unblocked in the -build ones 16:09:23 <dgilmore> as the package has moved to rhel 16:09:39 <dgilmore> in which case we likely should actually yuntag all builds 16:09:41 <dgilmore> untag 16:09:58 <dgilmore> to make sure that rhel and not epel builds are used in the buildroots 16:10:04 <tyll> we could block them if they are retired and ask to open a ticket if it just moved to RHEL 16:11:47 <dgilmore> id rather not 16:11:53 <dgilmore> it could break building things 16:12:06 <nirik> could we always block in epel and unblock in build? 16:12:18 <nirik> if it's blocked in epel none of the old builds should get used right? 16:12:19 <dgilmore> I guess we could always untag and unblock in the -build tag 16:12:40 <dgilmore> nirik: they still show up as latest in the -build tag 16:12:52 <dgilmore> and ive never checked the actual repo to see whats used 16:13:35 <nirik> hum, ok. 16:14:26 <dgilmore> in which case we likely should actually yuntag all builds build is used 16:14:29 <dgilmore> gahh 16:14:34 <dgilmore> i suspect that the epel build is used 16:14:43 <nirik> humf. ;( 16:15:02 <dgilmore> anything else here? 16:15:05 <nirik> if we untag them all they would also get garbage collected right? I guess thats ok... 16:15:19 <dgilmore> we should work out the best course of action for epel 16:15:24 <dgilmore> nirik: right they will 16:15:57 <tyll> if it is clear what needs to be done for EPEL I'll implement it 16:16:18 <tyll> but for now I continue to skip it 16:16:18 <nirik> well, it's clear what we want, but not sure how to do it. ;) 16:16:29 <dgilmore> tyll: well I think what needs doing is all builds untagged 16:16:35 <dgilmore> perhaps tagged into a holding tag of sorts 16:16:37 <nirik> I guess we could always block in epel, unblock in build and untag all builds 16:16:54 <dgilmore> the package blocked in say epel-7 16:17:02 <dgilmore> then unblocked in epel-7-build 16:18:22 <tyll> should/can it be unblocked in epel-7-build if it did not move to RHEL? 16:18:29 <dgilmore> lets move on and talk about this after 16:18:41 <dgilmore> tyll: it will not hurt 16:18:47 <nirik> well, it wouldn't cause problems... just be extra 16:18:54 <dgilmore> as there will be nothing to satisfy the dep 16:19:54 <tyll> ok 16:20:39 <dgilmore> lets move on 16:20:42 <dgilmore> #topic Secondary Architectures updates 16:20:43 <dgilmore> #topic Secondary Architectures update - ppc 16:20:56 <dgilmore> masta: your up 16:21:01 <dgilmore> you're 16:21:46 <dgilmore> I guess masta is not here 16:22:12 <dgilmore> so ppc64le and ppc64 are both now being built for rawhide in the main ppc hub 16:22:21 <dgilmore> mash needs updated 16:22:36 <dgilmore> and we may need to do some work to add the new arch to mirrormanager 16:22:44 <dgilmore> they have started the mass rebuild 16:22:48 <nirik> cool. 16:23:07 <dgilmore> hopefully within a week the le hub can be gone 16:23:25 <dgilmore> its still there with a builder in case some one off builds are needed 16:23:26 <nirik> excellent. 16:23:50 <masta> sry, was running back from the kitchen with coffee 16:24:53 <masta> so I'm still getting used to dwa's work flow, I've learned some things about releng in generally that were not known to me before, so it's good times 16:25:25 <masta> that's about it! 16:25:40 <masta> not too sure what the status is besides that ;-) 16:26:06 <dgilmore> #topic Secondary Architectures update - s390 16:26:15 <dgilmore> no sharkcz 16:26:27 <dgilmore> #topic Secondary Architectures update - arm 16:26:40 <dgilmore> aarch64 mass rebuild is almost 100% done 16:26:59 <masta> =) 16:27:32 <nirik> excellent 16:27:47 <dgilmore> hopefully soon a 100% fedora will run on actual hardware 16:28:00 <dgilmore> we will need to deal with comosing etc 16:28:15 <masta> yeah 16:28:42 <dgilmore> composing 16:28:49 <dgilmore> its in pretty decent shape 16:29:00 <dgilmore> #topic Open Floor 16:29:10 <dgilmore> anyone got anything to bring up? 16:29:10 <masta> I still use lmc to generate foundation images, but it seems lmc is falling out of favor ... we just need to get something working 16:29:39 <dgilmore> masta: lmc has never really been in favour as its never been useable for releng purposes 16:29:43 <dgilmore> we wanted to use it 16:29:53 <dgilmore> but the anaconda guys designed something we couldnt use 16:29:54 <nirik> dgilmore: only releng thing I can think of... we should switch epel7 to use rhel7 final 16:30:05 <dgilmore> nirik: we need to just do that 16:30:07 <masta> nirik: yes 16:30:09 <nirik> yeah. 16:30:15 <nirik> it's ready, just needs koji repointed. 16:30:33 <dgilmore> nirik: okay. get me the urls and ill do it 16:30:46 <nirik> dgilmore: can do. 16:30:57 <tyll> I wonder if notting is/will be still part of rel-eng, since he moves/moved from Red Hat to Ansible afaik 16:31:04 <masta> I noticed that in Fedora we do not have the koji runroot plugin, have we ever thought about bringing that in? 16:31:17 <dgilmore> tyll: hes really only been honoury for years now 16:31:25 <nirik> tyll: yeah, likely he won't have time... 16:31:26 <dgilmore> masta: its not open 16:31:42 <dgilmore> masta: its a propietory red hat thing and cant be discussed here 16:31:54 <masta> dgilmore: that is unfortunate, it has value I'd say. otherwise we have to make custom tasks I would imagine? 16:31:57 <nirik> we also have the mash in koji plugin thats similar and open. 16:32:27 <masta> dgilmore: my bad, sry... 16:32:30 <dgilmore> masta: there is a version intended to be opened but its not gone through review to do so 16:32:31 * masta zips it 16:33:33 <tyll> to keep things clean, it might be a good idea to remove notting from the wiki and maybe privileged groups 16:33:42 <dgilmore> tyll: i guess we should ask notting if we should remove him 16:33:51 <tyll> dgilmore: sounds good 16:33:57 <dgilmore> im not 100% sure what groups he is in 16:34:11 <tyll> it's a log 16:34:12 <masta> it is a community project, I guess he could choose to stay, right? 16:34:13 <tyll> lot 16:34:43 <dgilmore> tyll: im sure 16:35:07 <dgilmore> masta: it is and he is welcome to stay, though realistically he has not been active in releng in over 5 years i think 16:35:18 <tyll> masta: I am not saying to close his account, but IMHO only active accounts should be in privileged groups to reduce the risk of account break-ins 16:35:27 <dgilmore> the tools he was maintaining he handed over to me 16:35:38 <masta> tyll: that makes sense +1 16:35:44 <nirik> his account is active... 16:35:57 <dgilmore> he is still staying active 16:37:10 <dgilmore> just pinged him on irc and he has indicated he doesnt think he needs to 16:37:50 <dgilmore> ill work to remove him 16:37:55 <tyll> ok 16:38:22 <masta> geez... it's like some kind of ex dues machina, changing of the gods... err.. cycling of rel-engineers 16:38:33 <masta> =( 16:39:52 <dgilmore> okay if noting else 16:39:55 <masta> so there was something about fedora-release packages 16:39:56 <dgilmore> lets wrap up 16:40:04 <masta> err.. sub-packages 16:40:11 <masta> or stand alone 16:40:25 <dgilmore> i need to write up an email 16:40:32 <dgilmore> I talked to mattdm friday on the phone 16:40:46 <dgilmore> release alone 16:41:00 <masta> we can take it to the main chan if we need to wrap, was just struggling to think of the emails over the past week or so... thought of that near the last minute 16:41:05 <dgilmore> thgere is about 4 or 5 ways to do it all 16:41:22 <dgilmore> and we need to work out the one thats the most manageable 16:41:36 <masta> yep 16:41:58 <masta> the yicky part is that they were talking about using alternatives 16:42:26 <masta> which implies they want to clobber each other's files 16:42:35 <masta> sigh 16:42:45 <masta> ok.. will look forward to the email 16:44:50 <dgilmore> okay lest wrap up 16:44:55 <dgilmore> #endmeeting