#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora-Fr
Meeting started by eseyman at 18:33:56 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Association Borsalinux-fr (eseyman, 18:35:30)
- Fedora-Fr.org (eseyman, 18:36:37)
- Projet Fedora (eseyman, 18:37:13)
- Premier samedi à la Cité des Sciences (eseyman, 18:38:53)
- le stock de goodies est très bas (Jehane,
- Flock 2014 (eseyman, 18:47:39)
- Capitole du Libre 2014 (eseyman, 18:50:01)
- RF21 (eseyman, 18:57:51)
- on peut faire les RF21 à Lyon sur une ou
plusieurs journées (eseyman,
- Discussion libre (eseyman, 19:03:19)
- Participants are reminded to make liberal use
of #info #link #help in order to make the minutes "more
better" (Sparks_too,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Security_Team_Roster
- Monday's numbers: Critical 2, Important 70,
Moderate 372, Low 131, Total 575, Trend +9 (Sparks_too,
- We've already closed 8 tickets (Sparks_too,
- sent patches to pwgen upstream that fix 2 CVEs,
no response. Should I go ahead and push them just to fedora ?
- rubygems vulns - so there are these two guys,
Michael Stahnke and Jeroen va Meeuwen, who own rails in EPEL and
have ~25 unfixed vulnerabilities (jrusnack,
- jsmith advised I should start unresponsive
packagers policy - maybe would be useful for others to know it
exists (jrusnack,
- http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Policy_for_nonresponsive_package_maintainers
- ACTION: jrusnack add
more bugzilla searches to wiki to cover tickets in other states (we
want to monitor entire process) (jrusnack,
Meeting ended at 15:37:17 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- jrusnack add more bugzilla searches to wiki to cover tickets in other states (we want to monitor entire process)
Action items, by person
- jrusnack
- jrusnack add more bugzilla searches to wiki to cover tickets in other states (we want to monitor entire process)
People present (lines said)
- Sparks_too (76)
- eseyman (69)
- jrusnack (22)
- zodbot (21)
- Jehane (19)
- Nobrakal_ (16)
- number80 (16)
- Freetux (16)
- Casper_v2 (13)
- revskills (12)
- jtaylor90 (11)
- geppetto (9)
- nirik (5)
- danofsatx-dt (5)
- bvincent (5)
- misc (4)
- marcdeop (4)
- dlorah- (3)
- dgilmore (3)
- D-Caf (2)
- Cydrobolt (2)
- tibbs|w (2)
- bojov (1)
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