19:02:04 <kushal> #startmeeting 19:02:04 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Dec 10 19:02:04 2014 UTC. The chair is kushal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:04 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:02:11 <imcleod> Different room..... 19:02:18 <kushal> #meetingname Fedora Cloud SIG 19:02:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_cloud_sig' 19:02:27 <jzb> .hellomynameis jzb 19:02:28 <zodbot> jzb: jzb 'Joe Brockmeier' <jzb@redhat.com> 19:02:28 <roshi> .hello roshi 19:02:31 <zodbot> roshi: roshi 'Mike Ruckman' <mruckman@redhat.com> 19:02:44 <kushal> imcleod, yes as there are clash with fesco meetings time to time. 19:02:45 <jsmith> .hellomynameis jsmith 19:02:46 <zodbot> jsmith: jsmith 'Jared Smith' <jsmith.fedora@gmail.com> 19:02:49 <imcleod> .hellomynameis imcleod 19:02:49 <zodbot> imcleod: imcleod 'Ian McLeod' <imcleod@redhat.com> 19:02:52 <kushal> .topic rollcall :) 19:02:58 <kushal> #topic rollcall :) 19:03:07 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 19:03:08 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <kushaldas@gmail.com> 19:03:12 * jsmith is pretty busy with ${DAYJOB} today, so I'll likely be only paying half attention 19:03:37 <kushal> Anyone else? 19:03:53 <Corey84-> .fasinfo corey84 19:03:54 <zodbot> Corey84-: User: corey84, Name: Corey84, email: sheldon.corey@gmail.com, Creation: 2014-11-28, IRC Nick: corey84-, Timezone: US/Eastern, Locale: en, GPG key ID: 02D670FD 1C9129B1 , Status: active 19:03:57 <zodbot> Corey84-: Approved Groups: cla_done cla_fpca 19:04:18 <kushal> Corey84-, welcome :) 19:04:27 <Corey84-> kushal, ty 19:04:54 <kushal> #topic Last meeting's action items 19:05:01 <Corey84-> been using roshi 's testcloud to test the cloud waters 19:05:01 <kushal> * jzb to get a draft together for the copy on the docker page 19:05:02 <kushal> * others to contribute to the draft once it's done 19:05:02 <kushal> * roshi to update the criteria and close the ticket (#80) 19:05:07 * dustymabe here 19:05:12 <dustymabe> late 19:05:14 <kushal> Corey84-, it is very nice tool. 19:05:20 <kushal> dustymabe, just starting :) 19:05:56 <dustymabe> kushal: :) 19:06:12 <roshi> I have more stuff coming out for it soon too :) 19:06:26 * roshi finishes out that final ticket 19:06:35 <kushal> roshi, Okay, thanks. 19:06:56 <roshi> forgot in the final throws of the release :) 19:07:10 <Corey84-> roshi, no compliants from me on your tool short of the readme ommisions you already are aware of 19:07:35 <kushal> Corey84-, I have some small amount of doc for that 19:07:51 <kushal> http://worknotes.readthedocs.org/en/latest/cloudimages.html#how-to-test-a-koji-image-in-your-local-computer 19:08:01 <kushal> Going to current items. 19:08:16 <roshi> those got fixed Corey84- :) 19:08:16 <jzb> kushal: I feel like I did that (draft copy) but I'm not finding it in email or tickets. 19:08:17 <Corey84-> kushal, ty will read post mtg 19:08:32 <kushal> jzb, Ah, it happens to me also. 19:08:59 <jzb> I'm reasonably sure *something* happened b/c the typo (it's instead of its) is no longer there.) 19:09:06 <kushal> #topic Better text for the docker image page (#85) 19:09:50 <kushal> jzb, So in case you find it, please drop a note to the list. 19:10:10 <jzb> kushal: will do, but I think this is actually addressed. 19:10:17 <jzb> I'm just having trouble finding the paper trail. 19:10:33 <kushal> jzb, Okay, then you can close the ticket with that note. 19:10:48 <jzb> OK 19:10:50 <kushal> Going to next ticket. 19:11:00 <kushal> #topic publicize fedora-dockerfiles (#84) 19:11:04 <kushal> Long term process. 19:11:14 <kushal> Is there any update from anyone on this? 19:11:21 <jzb> kushal: give me 30 seconds and then refresh the ticket. 19:11:29 <kushal> jzb, :) 19:12:22 <kushal> Okay, moving to next topic. 19:12:32 <jzb> hang on 19:12:37 <kushal> jzb, Okay. 19:12:39 <jzb> so I added 3 tickets 19:12:48 <jzb> 1) post on how to use (and patch) dockerfiles post for FedMag 19:13:03 <jzb> question there - do we want to also put this on the wiki somewhere and if so, where? 19:13:46 <jzb> 2) Start tweeting and otherwise socializing individual Dockerfiles 19:14:00 <jzb> will need to work with marketing (well, also me, but hopefully others) there. 19:14:02 <Corey84-> kushal, let me know the links and i can/willing to post such things on my G+ (many IT and tech groups pages follow it) 19:14:19 <number80> jzb: I'd rather have it in the documentation 19:14:21 <jzb> 3) should we add a "dockerfile" section to the downloads page where the base Docker image lives? 19:14:29 <jzb> number80: where in the documentation? :-) 19:14:41 <jzb> number80: currently we .. don't have a lot of cloud docs, AFAIK 19:15:11 <kushal> We have blog posts but not much formal docs. 19:15:51 <jzb> ok we probably need to do something about that this cycle. 19:15:56 <kushal> #info We need more documentation for the Fedora Cloud things. 19:16:00 <jzb> s/probably/definitely 19:16:05 <kushal> jzb, +1 19:16:23 <number80> +1 19:16:33 <roshi> for sure 19:16:48 * number80 got disconnected 19:18:04 <kushal> Moving on then. 19:18:05 <jzb> Corey84-: as far as reposting 19:18:14 * kushal will wait. 19:18:16 <Corey84-> jzb, more or less yes 19:18:24 <jzb> Corey84-: just follow the lead of the Fedora G+ page and Twitter acts. 19:18:27 <jzb> accounts 19:18:42 <jzb> EOF 19:18:52 <Corey84-> so in line with those and/ or repost them ? 19:19:37 <jzb> Corey84-: you can freestyle if you like, sure - or just RT/repost 19:19:40 * agrimm wanders in late and tries to rejoin the conversation 19:19:46 <jzb> Corey84-: but that will give you the links we're promoting 19:20:02 <jzb> Corey84-: we don't ATM have a good solution for propagating that ahead of time. 19:20:23 <Corey84-> jzb, consider it done ill start post mtg 19:20:39 <kushal> Going ahead now. 19:20:42 <jzb> Corey84-: awesome, thks 19:20:44 <jzb> kushal: thx 19:20:59 <kushal> #topic Public Uploaded Images Criteria (#80) 19:21:16 <kushal> roshi, already informed us that he will be posting more details on this. 19:21:27 <jsmith> Awesome :-) 19:21:37 <roshi> yeah, slipped my ming while finishing up the release 19:21:42 <roshi> mind, even 19:22:50 <jsmith> roshi: I can't imagine you were busy with testing the release, etc.... 19:22:56 <jsmith> roshi: We'll forgive you :-) 19:23:10 <kushal> roshi, You actually did that? :p 19:23:15 <roshi> lol 19:23:27 <roshi> thanks jsmith :) 19:25:05 <kushal> #topic participation in OpenShift Commons (#83) 19:25:12 <kushal> No updates from my side. 19:25:12 <roshi> least we got the thing released and out to the world :) now to F22 19:26:53 <kushal> Anyone else heard anything? 19:26:57 <kushal> jzb, ^^? 19:27:13 <jzb> kushal: ISTR there was an exchange in Trac about this 19:27:16 <jzb> oh, no -email 19:27:21 <jzb> lemme look 19:28:09 <jzb> this was CC'ed to list 19:28:24 <jzb> from Diane: " 19:28:25 <jzb> I'll set you up as the primary contact and you can monitor the mailing list for Fedora questions. Adam Miller is giving a briefing in January on Ops & OpenShift, I may also ask him to do one on "deploying OpenShift on Fedora" if there's interest.." 19:28:35 <jzb> that was to mattdm 19:28:45 <jzb> so - I think we're in? 19:28:57 <jzb> and it's going to be on mattdm's plate to follow up 19:29:20 <jzb> EOF 19:29:25 <kushal> jzb, cool, thanks for the update. 19:29:28 <dustymabe> jzb: in january? where 19:29:52 <jzb> dustymabe: I think Google Hangout 19:30:12 <jzb> ISTR the OpenShift folks do a lot of stuff there 19:30:17 <dustymabe> nice.. I want to make sure I don't miss it 19:31:19 <roshi> same here 19:31:34 <dustymabe> is that part of a larger conference or a one off thing? 19:32:40 <jzb> dustymabe: it's OpenShift Commons - they're trying to bring together groups that are interested in Origin, etc. 19:32:54 <jzb> dustymabe: so this is sort of like the Cloud WG for Fedora sort kinda 19:32:57 <jzb> sorta 19:33:14 <dustymabe> got it. ok 19:33:19 <jzb> dustymabe: http://origin.openshift.com/commons 19:34:31 <jzb> kushal: I think we can keep going 19:34:44 <kushal> #topic Open Floor 19:34:59 <kushal> I will start a thread the list about the ideas for F22. 19:35:04 <jzb> kushal: +1 19:35:15 <jzb> I have 3 things 19:35:33 <jzb> 1) I've requested a room for a Cloud/Atomic FAD at SCALE on Sunday 22 February 19:35:43 <jzb> I think I need to coordinate with the ambassadors on that. 19:36:04 <jzb> but I'm mentioning here b/c I'd like to get as many cloudy folks to SCALE as we can. 19:36:23 <jzb> and pull in folks from upstreams to participate 19:36:27 <roshi> where is SCALE? 19:36:32 <roshi> and what is it? 19:36:32 <jzb> roshi: Los Angeles 19:36:43 <jzb> roshi: it's a LinuxFest 19:36:55 <jzb> roshi: best / largest Linuxfest in North America, really 19:36:56 <roshi> ah, sweet 19:36:57 <jzb> great audience 19:37:07 <kushal> I wish USA was little bit closer. 19:37:15 <jzb> kushal: to what? :-) 19:37:26 <kushal> jzb, India :p 19:37:27 <dustymabe> jzb: sounds freaking awesome. I wish I didn't have work 19:37:41 <jzb> dustymabe: well, it is two months away... ;-) 19:37:41 <kushal> jzb, Then it would have been easier to attend the confs. 19:37:47 <jzb> dustymabe: also, it's a weekend event 19:38:10 <jzb> kushal: ack 19:38:10 <roshi> never been to LA 19:38:27 <jzb> roshi: I've been almost every year since 2006 19:38:38 <jzb> roshi: I've seen very little of LA outside the conf hotel. 19:38:48 <jzb> anyway - that's thing 1 19:38:51 * Corey84- is hoping to be able to make scale this year 19:38:54 <dustymabe> jzb: true. I want to go. might save my "golden ticket" for FLOCK next year though. I really want to go to that one 19:39:04 <jzb> dustymabe: fair enough 19:39:20 <jzb> Thing 2) Trac needs some love 19:39:40 <Corey84-> its mostly schedule (know the ceo of hilton --where its held accommandations are no issue) 19:39:54 <jzb> now that we're past F21 I'd like to suggest a concerted effort to triage and close tickets in Trac that are outdated. 19:40:16 <Corey84-> +1 for cleaning house in trac 19:40:26 <kushal> jzb, +1 19:40:28 <jzb> and would like to suggest that we are all empowered to close outdated tickets without discussion. They can always be reopened. 19:41:02 <jzb> Thing 3 we already touched on: 19:41:13 <jzb> Documentation - we need to do better here. Thoughts on how we do that? 19:41:25 <jzb> or should we open a discussion on the mailing list? 19:42:19 <dustymabe> jzb: I guess discussion. 19:43:09 <kushal> jzb, also keep a ticket which we can update with details on work done. 19:43:11 <dustymabe> I really want to be more involved in stuff like this and I think I will be after May of next year. I'm finishing up a Masters degree in my free time and that sucks up all of my Fedora cycles. 19:43:25 <dustymabe> After May I will be 100% done 19:43:33 <jzb> dustymabe: woo! Congrats. 19:43:38 <jzb> dustymabe: that's fantastic. 19:43:50 <jzb> kushal: OK 19:44:00 <kushal> dustymabe, cool. 19:44:01 <dustymabe> jzb: which means I might be more of a pain in your butt :) 19:44:16 <jzb> dustymabe: I doubt that 19:44:40 * jzb leaves it ambiguous whether he means dustymabe is not a pain, or it's not possible to be moreso. 19:44:47 <dustymabe> :) 19:44:48 <kushal> haha 19:45:11 <dustymabe> btw what is the schedule for F22.. how many months do we have to create some awesomeness? 19:45:16 <jzb> that's all I've got - sorry for being so noisy 19:45:46 <jzb> dustymabe: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/22/Schedule?rd=Releases/22 19:46:00 <jzb> dustymabe: May is the target right now. 19:46:34 <dustymabe> jzb: great.. right before I get done 19:46:55 <roshi> awesome dustymabe :) 19:46:57 <dustymabe> well F23 will be awesome.. mark my words 19:47:15 <kushal> dustymabe, hahaha 19:47:23 <roshi> lol 19:47:35 <dustymabe> btw quick Digital Ocean update.. Things have stalled a bit with them because they are in a "sprint" within their infra. things will resume back after this week 19:47:44 <dustymabe> hoping to have something next week or the week after. 19:48:37 <roshi> cool 19:48:52 <kushal> dustymabe, Thanks for the update 19:48:54 * roshi will be cleaning up testCloud since people use it now 19:49:14 <roshi> with an eye to add support for other distros as well, and some saner configuration options 19:49:21 <kushal> roshi, I should submit the vnc patch 19:49:29 <roshi> you did already, I think 19:49:34 <kushal> roshi, oh 19:49:44 <kushal> roshi, I would still love to keep it simple. 19:50:03 <roshi> I meant for people to use it, but didn't actually *expect* anyone to, so now I've got to clean it up and probably will package it 19:50:13 <roshi> it'll stay simple :) 19:50:31 * roshi is pretty simple 19:50:42 <dustymabe> roshi: that's what zuckerberg said about facebook 19:50:47 * dustymabe kids 19:50:50 <kushal> dustymabe, hehe 19:51:12 <roshi> haha 19:51:20 <roshi> well, I'm no zuckerberg :) 19:51:33 <dustymabe> ok guys. I've got to run. see you next week (and on the mailing list) 19:51:44 <roshi> even my desk is simple - homemade from 2x4s and plywood :) 19:51:51 <roshi> take care dustymabe ! 19:51:52 <kushal> Then finishing the meeting in 5 19:51:54 <jzb> roshi: yay! F22 package? 19:51:54 <kushal> 4 19:52:02 <roshi> yeah, that's the plan 19:52:07 * kushal stops the counting 19:52:28 <kushal> roshi, If you want I can do that for you :) 19:52:44 <roshi> I need to get a better handle on the packaging thing anyways 19:52:51 * roshi wants to learn that better 19:53:03 <roshi> I'll for sure ping you for a review request though :) 19:53:13 <kushal> :) 19:53:22 <kushal> Closing the meeting then. 19:53:24 <kushal> 3 19:53:27 <kushal> 2 19:53:29 <kushal> 1 19:53:33 <kushal> #endmeeting