19:01:05 <kushal> #startmeeting Fedora Cloud SIG 19:01:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 7 19:01:05 2015 UTC. The chair is kushal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:19 <kushal> #meetingname Fedora Cloud SIG 19:01:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_cloud_sig' 19:01:27 <kushal> #topic Roll Call 19:01:29 <jsmith> .hellomynameis jsmith 19:01:29 <roshi> .hello roshi 19:01:29 <zodbot> jsmith: jsmith 'Jared Smith' <jsmith.fedora@gmail.com> 19:01:32 <zodbot> roshi: roshi 'Mike Ruckman' <mruckman@redhat.com> 19:01:35 <oddshocks> .hellomynameis oddshocks 19:01:35 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 19:01:35 <zodbot> oddshocks: oddshocks 'David Gay' <dgay@redhat.com> 19:01:38 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <kushaldas@gmail.com> 19:01:47 <lsm5> .hellomynameis lsm5 19:01:48 <zodbot> lsm5: lsm5 'Lokesh Mandvekar' <lsm5@redhat.com> 19:01:54 <langdon> .hellomynameis langdon 19:01:55 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 19:01:57 <kushal> scollier, hello 19:02:03 <soumyaC> .hellomynameis soumya 19:02:04 <scollier> hey kushal 19:02:05 <zodbot> soumyaC: soumya 'Soumya Kanti Chakraborty' <soumya@dgplug.org> 19:02:10 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 19:02:11 <scollier> .hellomynameis scollier 19:02:11 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dusty@dustymabe.com> 19:02:17 <zodbot> scollier: scollier 'Scott Collier' <emailscottcollier@gmail.com> 19:02:22 <roshi> quite the turnout today :) 19:02:32 <kushal> roshi, Yeah, almost full house. 19:02:34 <jzb> .hellomynameis jzb 19:02:35 <zodbot> jzb: jzb 'Joe Brockmeier' <jzb@redhat.com> 19:02:55 <kushal> Happy new year everyone :) 19:03:04 <dustymabe> kushal: happy new year 19:03:11 <roshi> happy new year! 19:03:29 * roshi is glad to note that we seem to have survived another calendar year. Hoping to keep that tradition up :p 19:03:52 <kushal> roshi, haha 19:04:11 <kushal> #topic Action items from last meeting 19:04:14 * langdon says on the internet no one knows if you are an autonomous computer /cc roshi 19:04:27 <kushal> * jzb work on Ticket 87 (Fedora Magazine Post on Dockerfiles) 19:04:27 <kushal> * jzb create ticket for defining dockerfile collaboration 19:04:29 <roshi> shh, can't have people finding out 19:04:34 <jzb> langdon: isn't that what captchas are for? 19:04:40 <kushal> langdon, #reboot 19:04:46 <roshi> I Am The Captcha 19:04:50 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 19:04:51 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 19:04:53 <kushal> It seems the command failed. 19:05:00 <kushal> langdon, :) 19:05:01 <jzb> kushal: nothing new to report on my end since holidays. 19:05:17 <kushal> jzb, I hope you had good holidays :) 19:05:28 <jzb> kushal: I moved from STL to RDU... so, mostly unpacking. 19:05:38 <kushal> jzb, Ah, nice to know that. 19:06:00 <langdon> kushal, :) 19:06:13 <roshi> STL? 19:06:18 * roshi doesn't know airport codes 19:06:21 <langdon> roshi, st louis 19:06:33 <roshi> ah 19:07:08 <kushal> #topic Regular topics 19:07:12 <kushal> From https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/report/9 19:07:34 <kushal> #topic support HVM instances in EC2 (#68) 19:08:01 <kushal> oddshocks, Anything you can add on that ^^ 19:08:04 <kushal> ? 19:08:08 <oddshocks> sure can 19:08:38 <oddshocks> Was talking in #fedora-cloud about this last night. I'm moving around some bits as we speak that should accomplish this 19:08:51 <oddshocks> Just making sure the tests run on both virtualization types as well 19:09:04 <roshi> sweet 19:09:14 <oddshocks> I can update the ticket when I've got something to test, maybe later today? 19:09:28 <kushal> oddshocks, cool, thanks :) 19:09:54 <kushal> #action oddshocks will update #68 when he has something to test. 19:09:56 <oddshocks> I'll see if it works with the x86_64 fedora 21 base image. That is, see if the same image boots fine with Fedimg making it available in HVM and pv-grub 19:10:03 <oddshocks> cool :) 19:11:14 <kushal> #topic publicize fedora-dockerfiles (#84) 19:11:36 <langdon> i wrote a blog post :) 19:11:52 <kushal> langdon, Yes, thanks for that :D 19:12:13 <dustymabe> langdon.. link? 19:12:24 * langdon digs 19:12:26 <dustymabe> I want to add you to my reader 19:12:51 <langdon> ha 19:12:54 <langdon> http://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-dockerfiles-ready-to-go-recipes-for-easy-app-deployment/ 19:12:54 <kushal> dustymabe, http://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-dockerfiles-ready-to-go-recipes-for-easy-app-deployment/ 19:12:55 <jzb> langdon: are you on Planet Fedora? 19:13:03 <kushal> jzb, This was on magazine. 19:13:07 <dustymabe> :) - ok cool 19:13:13 <dustymabe> I thought maybe you had a personal blog 19:13:21 <langdon> i rarely publish on my own channel.. fed-mag and rhel-dev mostly.. which should really change.. but i stink 19:14:20 <kushal> We have two more tickets which are in the same line of this one, Fedora Magazine Post: How to Use Dockerfiles and Social Media for Dockerfiles. jzb Can we discuss these here now? 19:14:51 <kushal> One of my personal goal is to write more, I will surely do posts on these too. 19:15:17 <kushal> soumyaC, rtnpro, may be you want to write some posts on the same topic. 19:15:19 <jzb> kushal: I think we've discussed previously - it's just a matter of doing, unless there's questions. 19:15:25 <jzb> kushal: just no movement over the holidays. 19:15:42 <jzb> I should commit to knocking one out by next week 19:15:43 <rtnpro> kushal, ok 19:15:49 <kushal> jzb, Yes, just want to get that noted during this topic once again. Thanks :) 19:15:52 <langdon> does anyone have a list of proposed topics/headlines? that often makes it easier for somoene to write something 19:16:09 <langdon> like tighter than "fed-dockerfiles" 19:16:11 <jzb> #action jzb write "how to use dockerfiles" by next Cloud SIG meeting 19:16:35 <roshi> good point langdon 19:16:45 <kushal> langdon, we don't but we should. 19:17:05 <soumyaC> kushal, will add it to my "things to do". 19:17:09 <scollier> langdon, 1. fedora images on docker hub, 2. how to contribute - what's needed? 19:17:15 <langdon> personally i think a "how to contribute a fed-dockerfile" would be nice 19:17:18 * rtnpro will draft and share article on Docker on Fedora for review 19:17:23 <kushal> jzb, langdon Personally I would love to see more posts on Fedora atomic image at the same time. 19:17:35 * langdon yeah.. what he (scollier) said 19:18:32 <jzb> any other headline/post suggestions? 19:18:41 <langdon> scollier, i think having "quality information" would be nice.. like "how to indicate if 1) WIP 2) done but not terribly tested 3) solid" but that could be in 'how to contribute" 19:18:43 <jzb> do we have any Dockerfiles that we specifically want to highlight? 19:19:02 <langdon> another head: how to write a dependent dockerfile for fed-dockerfiles? 19:19:26 <jzb> langdon: We might need to explain dependent Dockerfiles... 19:19:33 <kushal> "What can I do with these dockerfiles?" 19:19:37 <jzb> so... "What is a Dependent Dockerfile?" 19:19:42 <scollier> langdon, we have a needs work directory, but i was thinking about nuking that and just shifting to a PR process 19:19:48 <scollier> langdon, the "WIP", is a PR.. 19:20:55 <scollier> langdon, then, and maybe this is off topic, but, being "solid" between one version of docker and another is... eh... not solid. 19:20:58 <langdon> scollier, yeah.. ok.. still think it needs "2" though.. this stuff is so new a lot of people wont be confident that their stuff is prod ready or how to prove that it is 19:21:08 <langdon> scollier, lol 19:21:40 <scollier> langdon, and not only versions of docker, but package updates can ruin a docker image too. 19:21:58 <scollier> langdon, so, i gues what i'm saying is, we either need some sort of CI process to keep these things in check, or it's def a YMMV. 19:22:01 <langdon> scollier, well.. that is why you shouldn't use dockerfiles ;) 19:22:12 <langdon> scollier, +1 19:22:27 <langdon> i think that is another blog post 19:22:37 <scollier> ok 19:22:47 <langdon> like "why fed-dockerfiles are reference only, and yours are too, unless you do this CI thing" 19:23:19 <roshi> not a bad idea 19:23:26 * roshi hasn't touched the dockerfile due to lack of time 19:23:35 <roshi> I have every intent to though :P 19:23:50 <jzb> langdon: we're saying "hey, use these, but don't use these"? 19:23:59 <langdon> roshi, pretend easy to use, widely distributed custom kickstarter files... that everyone expects to work perfectly :) 19:24:13 <scollier> jzb, i think we are saying, use these as an educational tool, not in prod. but, doesn't that go without saying? 19:24:31 <roshi> few things go without saying 19:24:34 <jzb> scollier: actually, if we're promoting them, it might need saying 19:24:53 <langdon> well not nec. not in prod, but ymmv .. and oyu better test it first.. this bs about docker being a panacea is the problem 19:24:53 <scollier> agree. 19:24:53 <kushal> scollier, we have to make that clear. 19:24:59 <scollier> kushal, got it. 19:25:24 <jzb> how about... 19:25:42 <jzb> "How to Go from Fedora Reference Dockerfiles to Production Containers"? 19:25:45 <scollier> kushal, where would we start with fedora based CI inclusion? 19:25:47 <langdon> not to further tout my own writing but : http://www.drdobbs.com/architecture-and-design/containers-for-development/240168801 ;) 19:25:56 <jzb> or something like that that basically says how to use them as a starting point 19:25:59 <jzb> ? 19:26:10 <jzb> langdon: ah, Dr. Dobbs. We miss you. 19:26:36 <langdon> scollier, i think the proposal is on the table with a docker build service from copr/scl.o or something similar... 19:26:40 <scollier> i see this: http://jenkins.cloud.fedoraproject.org/ maybe that, maybe not? 19:26:55 <scollier> langdon, hmm 19:26:57 <kushal> scollier, I think that is the starting point. 19:27:07 <kushal> scollier, I will pass you more details this week. 19:27:12 <scollier> kushal, ok 19:27:21 <kushal> #action Kushal will send CI details to scollier 19:27:39 <langdon> kushal, i would like to get plugged in to that as well.. I also think this needs coordination with envs&stacks 19:27:46 <scollier> kushal, in summary, what i would like to see, is when a change is made to a dockerfile, or a new dockerfile is submitted, that the image is built, and that it responds in and expected manner, automagically. 19:28:07 <kushal> langdon, Understood. 19:28:10 <kushal> #undo 19:28:10 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by kushal at 19:27:21 : Kushal will send CI details to scollier 19:28:16 <kushal> #action Kushal will send CI details to scollier and langdon 19:28:47 <jzb> added a few suggested headlines to the ticket: 19:28:49 <jzb> https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/84#comment:8 19:28:54 <langdon> scollier, we talked about doing it as a fedmsg msg.. 1)dockerfile change 2) fedmsg "please build" 3) build 4) msg "built" 19:28:54 <jzb> feel free to add more 19:28:58 <kushal> jzb, Thanks :) 19:29:11 <scollier> langdon, 5) tested 19:29:16 <langdon> pshaw 19:29:20 <scollier> haha 19:29:22 <scollier> cmon now 19:29:44 <langdon> 4 should not be complete without test being complete :) 19:29:59 <scollier> langdon, no, you have to build before you can test it 19:30:22 <scollier> langdon, for example, the apache image must respond to a request on port 80 19:30:35 <scollier> so that requires a docker run 19:30:36 <langdon> scollier, yes... no.. 19:30:54 <langdon> i meant the "build service step should not be complete until the tests are complete" 19:31:11 <langdon> as in "we should not tell the user it is cooked until the tests have all been run" 19:31:22 <scollier> langdon, understand. 19:32:28 <kushal> Can we move on to the next points? 19:32:34 <kushal> s/points/tickets 19:32:36 <scollier> sure 19:33:23 <kushal> #topic Update Timezone for the docker images (#91) 19:33:47 <kushal> I have received a patch from lsm5 for the same, I will apply locally and test it out. 19:34:06 <kushal> #action Kushal to test the patch from lsm5 on docker image timezone. 19:34:12 <jzb> kushal: is that going to cause any problems for people using the image currently? 19:34:24 <jzb> if the image suddenly updates and switches time zones? 19:34:49 <kushal> jzb, None as I can imagine. 19:35:30 <kushal> jzb, in case people are changing the timezone, they will do that anyway. 19:35:50 <lsm5> scollier: also, about the .profile thing you mentioned earlier ... that's something that should go into the f21 image too 19:35:59 <lsm5> kushal: ^ 19:36:12 <jzb> ok 19:36:22 <scollier> lsm5, sure. kushal, i noticed at least 1 inconsistency between the fedora:20 image and fedora:latest image 19:36:24 <scollier> from docker hub. 19:36:37 <scollier> the fedora:20 image has a /root/.bashrc, fedora:latest does not. 19:36:39 <kushal> lsm5, Okay, can you please create another ticket for the same? 19:36:52 <scollier> kushal, we would like that in all images 19:37:22 <kushal> scollier, fedora:latest is the build from koji 19:37:28 <kushal> scollier, 20 is from lsm5 iirc. 19:37:36 <lsm5> kushal: yes 19:37:45 <scollier> kushal, can koji modify that? 19:38:33 <kushal> scollier, I guess that was added in the way lsm5 was building the image, the imagefactory builds do not contain that file. 19:38:47 <kushal> lsm5, Am I correct in the assumption? 19:39:20 <lsm5> kushal: i've no idea where .bashrc came from, i'll blame it on appliance-creator /cc scollier 19:39:27 <kushal> Yeah 19:39:37 <scollier> kushal, rootfiles package 19:40:09 <kushal> scollier, Okay, we will have to look into this one then. 19:40:15 <kushal> scollier, Can you please file a ticket? 19:40:15 <lsm5> kushal: perhaps we could just have the kickstart include rootfiles 19:40:21 <kushal> lsm5, Yes. 19:40:21 <scollier> kushal, sure. 19:40:25 <scollier> lsm5, that's what i was thinking 19:40:33 <kushal> Having a ticket means we will not forget that. 19:41:59 <lsm5> ack 19:42:15 <kushal> Moving on then. 19:42:22 <kushal> #topic Decide whether to update cloud image to not include ruby (#90) 19:42:40 <kushal> I tried to boot the lastest nightly build on an openstack, did not boot. 19:42:54 <kushal> I will dig more tomorrow. 19:43:57 <kushal> Any comments on the topic? 19:44:34 <jzb> kushal: I commented on the ticket 19:44:36 <jzb> nothing to add 19:45:35 <scollier> kushal, ticket created for rootfiles 19:45:53 <kushal> scollier, Thanks :) 19:46:06 <kushal> #topic Open Floor 19:46:16 <kushal> dustymabe, any update from DO? 19:46:22 <dustymabe> kushal: yep 19:46:29 <dustymabe> roshi and I tested a bit 19:46:38 <dustymabe> seems like we are pretty close to releasing F21 19:46:52 <roshi> yeah 19:46:55 <dustymabe> I actually just spoke with some of them and they may release as early as friday 19:47:08 <dustymabe> jzb: we want a fedora magazine post correct? 19:47:08 <roshi> it was working for me, passed all the basic tests we usually run 19:47:13 <jzb> dustymabe: yeppers 19:47:22 <dustymabe> they sent me this https://www.digitalocean.com/company/logos-and-badges/ 19:47:28 <dustymabe> if we want to use their logo in the post 19:47:49 <jzb> dustymabe: I'd use it as the "featured image" in the post 19:48:14 <dustymabe> ok good 19:48:38 <kushal> dustymabe, awesome :) 19:48:49 <dustymabe> I can try to write something up.. I might try to find an old post to mimic or something :) 19:49:23 <jzb> dustymabe: lemme know if you need help drafting something 19:49:37 <jzb> dustymabe: doesn't need to be great prose, just "hey - look what's going on here!" 19:49:58 <dustymabe> jzb: ok cool 19:50:04 <dustymabe> thanks 19:50:06 <kushal> One important point. 19:50:18 <kushal> Please start filing feature proposals for Fedora 22 19:50:34 <kushal> I think January 20 is the last date (I may be wrong). 19:50:45 <jzb> kushal: we should probably blast that to the list 19:50:50 <jzb> (and confirm the date) 19:51:13 <kushal> jzb, yes. 19:52:20 <kushal> I am planning to work on a separate test system for nightly and other cloud image builds from koji, I will use testCloud from roshi in it. 19:52:40 <kushal> This will be a complete automated system. 19:52:53 * jzb reminds roshi that he was going to file testCloud as a feature for F22/package it. 19:53:52 <kushal> jzb, :) 19:54:22 <roshi> was I? 19:54:33 <roshi> I was going to package it, but does it need a feature request? 19:55:05 <jzb> hmmm 19:55:06 <jzb> maybe not? 19:55:07 * roshi isn't too familiar with the feature proposal process 19:55:15 <jzb> I guess a regular package no 19:55:21 <roshi> I mean, if we want it included on workstation or something, then we would 19:55:25 <roshi> aiui 19:55:46 <kushal> roshi, Yes 19:55:57 <kushal> roshi, It is a very good feature to have. 19:56:07 <roshi> is that a thing people would want on WS? 19:56:21 <kushal> roshi, It is a feature for the cloud people. 19:56:40 <kushal> roshi, and WS may want to include it. 19:56:45 <langdon> roshi, can you point me at a link for what testcloud is? 19:57:18 <jzb> langdon: https://github.com/Rorosha/testCloud 19:57:28 <langdon> jzb, thanks 19:57:34 <jzb> roshi: note that testCloud is not terribly google-able. 19:57:38 <roshi> we can ask 19:57:42 <jzb> roshi: you might want to rename it something unique 19:57:42 <roshi> I hadn't thought of that 19:57:54 <roshi> and is it a "feature" for cloud? 19:57:55 <jzb> roshi: "SharkCat" :-) 19:58:06 <roshi> I mean, I thought a feature was something on the cloud image itself 19:58:10 <roshi> but I could just be confused 19:58:24 <kushal> roshi, It cloud be anything related to Fedora 22. 19:58:27 <jzb> mmmm, maybe not 19:58:28 <kushal> oops 19:58:28 <roshi> yeah, jzb - guess I should look at a name or something 19:58:31 <kushal> could 19:58:34 <langdon> roshi, have you looked at the similar concept in ubuntu land? or should this be an offline discussion? 19:58:42 <roshi> it can be offline 19:58:48 <roshi> I hadn't 19:58:57 <jzb> langdon: which in Ubuntu? 19:59:02 <roshi> I wrote this to scratch an itch I had, but it turns out others have the same itch :p 19:59:18 <jzb> they have an ointment for that. 19:59:19 <roshi> I honestly didn't think people would use it 19:59:23 * langdon digs, notes it doesnt support fed, and this is a pain point for me too 19:59:26 <roshi> python oil? 19:59:46 <kushal> roshi, I am heavily dependent on it. 19:59:57 * jzb has to run to another meeting 19:59:58 <kushal> It is almost time to finish. 20:00:10 <kushal> Thank you everyone for coming down. 20:00:20 <roshi> I'm glad it's useful :) I just didn't expect it to be :) 20:00:20 <kushal> Going to close this meeting in 5 20:00:21 <kushal> 4 20:00:22 <kushal> 3 20:00:24 <kushal> 2 20:00:25 <kushal> 1 20:00:30 <kushal> #endmeeting