17:01:38 <geppetto> #startmeeting fpc 17:01:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 22 17:01:38 2015 UTC. The chair is geppetto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:38 <geppetto> #meetingname fpc 17:01:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 17:01:38 <geppetto> #topic Roll Call 17:01:46 * Rathann here 17:01:53 <geppetto> #chair Rathann 17:01:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto 17:01:58 <geppetto> #chair tomspur 17:01:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto tomspur 17:02:03 <geppetto> #chair tibbs|w 17:02:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto tibbs|w tomspur 17:02:50 <tibbs|w> Folks, I have a roof leak in my office. 17:02:55 <tibbs|w> Repair guys are here. 17:03:33 <geppetto> ok 17:03:36 * mbooth is here 17:03:41 <geppetto> #chair mbooth 17:03:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto mbooth tibbs|w tomspur 17:04:02 <orionp> here 17:04:06 <geppetto> #chair orionp 17:04:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto mbooth orionp tibbs|w tomspur 17:06:49 <tibbs|w> Back. 17:06:57 <geppetto> ok, cool 17:07:07 <tibbs|w> They told me to throw a trash bag over my monitors and hope it stops raining soon. 17:07:32 <tibbs|w> The perils of being on the topmost floor of my building, I guess. 17:07:36 <geppetto> #topic #493 Bundling exception: python-execnet bundles python-apipkg 17:07:37 <tibbs|w> But the view is nice.... 17:07:41 <geppetto> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/493 17:07:55 <geppetto> tibbs|w: if the water hits the computers … can have a nice day off too ;) 17:08:04 <tibbs|w> And new monitors, too. 17:08:11 <tibbs|w> Even though I just got these on Monday. 17:10:14 <tibbs|w> So, at least they provided pretty much everything we ask for. 17:10:32 <geppetto> yeh 17:10:52 <geppetto> the last upstream comment seems like a good thing to push for too, so that's nice 17:11:10 <tibbs|w> Which one was that? 17:11:29 <tomspur> It should be easy to unbundle, as it is an exact copy IIUC 17:11:46 <tibbs|w> That I agree with, but then there's the question of syncing them. 17:12:06 <orionp> just like every other dependency in Fedora.... 17:12:09 <geppetto> tibbs|w: https://bitbucket.org/hpk42/execnet/issue/13 17:12:11 <tibbs|w> The fact that they are packaged separately already implies that there's no real unbundling to do. 17:12:28 <geppetto> The bundled file is "only" 167 lines 17:12:32 <geppetto> https://bitbucket.org/hpk42/execnet/src/cf3d5866c62153afd9e587b175f8f37501599a2b/execnet/apipkg.py?at=default 17:12:47 <orionp> # repoquery --whatrequires python-apipkg 17:12:49 <orionp> python-mwlib-0:0.15.11-4.fc22.x86_64 17:12:55 <geppetto> so … I'm not 100% against allowing it … but I don't see any pressing need to do so, either 17:13:10 <tibbs|w> Is this really worth it? Temporary exception and check up after a while? 17:14:00 <tomspur> I can help with the unbundling, as it should be just a few lines in the spec file... 17:14:09 <geppetto> yeh, it looks like it should be unbundled … and we shouldn't discourage them from trying to do so upstream, as they are … but I'm probably fine with just shipping it as is for a bit. 17:14:41 <geppetto> tomspur: If you want to, I'm happy to +1 "let tomspur fix it" ;) 17:15:47 <tomspur> ok, I'll try so 17:16:17 <orionp> can someone explain " execnet bootstraps itself across host boundaries -- a feature which would break if a dependency were introduced" 17:16:27 <tibbs|w> In any case, I'll +1 a temporary exception that we can revisit later. Once I work out a process for us revisiting those later. 17:16:55 <tibbs|w> orionp: Maybe it actually copies python code to a remote machine and executes it there? 17:17:12 <mbooth> In which case, why can't it copy one more file? 17:17:24 <geppetto> orionp: I assume it does something like rsh/ssh 17:17:40 <tomspur> Unbundling like proposed in the ticket would probably break that feature... 17:17:57 <tibbs|w> But if it knows what it needs to copy, it can just copy the file from the other package.... 17:18:06 <geppetto> orionp: So he wants to be able to ship the entire module from localhost, to the remote host and have it work. 17:18:50 <geppetto> tomspur: I don't see why … it would just run the _mod version on the remote host. 17:19:18 <mbooth> Fixing that feature to work unbundles doesn't sounds like an intractable problem... 17:19:38 <mbooth> s/unbundles/unbundled/ 17:19:39 <tibbs|w> I agree, but I think we'd have to provide them with more proof of concept. 17:20:17 <tomspur> geppetto: ipython does bundling in _foo.py files. The foo.py file tries to import _foo first and the system wide version as a fall back. The _foo.py is deleted on buildtime, so we don't have the full library around for copying around at runtime 17:21:25 <tomspur> I'll have a deeper look and propose a patch for next week. We can then revisit if it is acceptable? 17:21:47 <tibbs|w> Sure. My +1 (for temp exemption) stands either way. 17:22:15 <mbooth> tomspur: I'd vote for that 17:22:34 <geppetto> tomspur: Ahh, I assumed the import try/except was run everytime 17:23:18 <Rathann> I wonder if replacing the bundled copy with a link to the system apipkg.py file would be enough 17:23:24 <geppetto> #action tomspur Will have a deeper look and propose a patch for next week. 17:24:09 <geppetto> #topic #474 Allocating a soft static uid and gid 389 for dirsrv 17:24:10 <tomspur> Rathann: If execnet copies the file accross boundaries and not just the link, that would keep that feature. 17:24:16 <geppetto> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/474 17:24:47 <tibbs|w> There's recent traffic on that ticket. 17:25:18 <tibbs|w> I don't really understands what the "image static UIDs" thing actually buys us, though. 17:25:42 <geppetto> It'd just be a seperate list of static UIDs that containers are using 17:26:01 <geppetto> So they don't affect everything else, and only apply to the containers/images that we (Fedora) ship 17:26:59 <geppetto> This gets us the advantages of having soft static UIDs for apps. in containers, and thus. people can move data between our containers easily 17:27:21 <geppetto> But doesn't affect real installs, and can be dropped when a better solution comes along 17:27:32 <tibbs|w> Hmm. 17:27:40 <geppetto> Also doesn't affect anyone else that wants to create a whole mess of different containers 17:27:55 <tibbs|w> I guess I just see that as being just a de-facto distro-wide UID list. 17:28:16 <tibbs|w> Or, hmm, does this _only_ apply to content within the containers? 17:28:32 <tibbs|w> There's no reason for the UID inside the container to match anything that might be installed on the host? 17:29:03 <geppetto> Well I want to make it as unofficial as possible, so that a real solution is proposed upstream … and so everyone who wants to put nethack into a container doesn't start asking for static UIDs from us 17:29:36 <geppetto> tibbs: AIUI a lot of containers bind mount storage from outside the container into it 17:30:49 <geppetto> tibbs: So they don't need the UID to match what's on the host … they need the UID to match what'll be allocated to the next image for that app (Eg. yum upgrade == new image) 17:31:05 <geppetto> matching the host is somewhat of a bonus though, I guess 17:32:05 <tibbs|w> This is a mess. This basically implies that every single allocated UID from every package needs to be static somehow. 17:32:20 <tibbs|w> But, sure, let someone make a list that we don't particularly care about. 17:32:32 <tibbs|w> As long as it doesn't leak into the packaging, I'm fine. 17:32:59 <tibbs|w> Oops. 17:33:13 <geppetto> yeh, that was basically my thought :) 17:34:33 <orionp> This seems then that this just isn't FPC terrritory - atomic/whoever needs to own it and develop tooling? 17:35:02 <geppetto> Yeh, so we should bow out of the image UIDs thing … seems fine to me 17:35:14 <tibbs|w> +1 to that. 17:36:51 <geppetto> #action Managing the temporary image/container UIDs list is mostly out of scope for FPC, as it's going to be specific for atomic/cloud/whatever … and we don't want to give the impression this is the same as soft static UIDs. 17:37:27 <geppetto> Somewhat related 17:37:30 <geppetto> #topic #481 static uids systemd-network, systemd-timesync, systemd-resolve 17:37:35 <geppetto> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/481 17:37:53 <geppetto> I guess atm. this is mostly, does everyone agree here too? 17:38:11 <geppetto> OP wants to come back to it in a few weeks 17:38:44 <tibbs|w> If they don't want us to do anything, let's not do anything. 17:38:51 <orionp> +1 :) 17:39:00 <geppetto> #topic #478 Proposal: Package Guidelines: DevAssistant Assistant packages (DAP) 17:39:01 <geppetto> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/478 17:39:04 <orionp> but it seems different - initramfs... 17:39:05 <geppetto> tibbs|w: :) 17:39:27 <geppetto> orionp: they spoke to you about this? 17:40:14 <orionp> no - I suppose I should ping them 17:40:30 <orionp> although they changed the name 17:40:44 <orionp> ad dap- prefix: Solved by renaming packages to devassistant-dap-%{shortname}. 17:40:54 <orionp> which was my concern 17:41:57 * mbooth sneaks back in 17:42:14 <geppetto> #chair mbooth 17:42:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto mbooth orionp tibbs|w tomspur 17:42:36 <mbooth> Sorry I had to move to another building 17:42:37 <geppetto> Yeh, although they didn't speak to orionp they did a bunch of stuff 17:42:51 <geppetto> Anything else they need to do, or are we happy with it as is now? 17:43:36 <orionp> Works for me 17:44:15 <tibbs|w> The example spec is beautiful, by the way. 17:45:00 <tibbs|w> +1 very many times. Even though I still have no idea what devassistant actually is. 17:45:41 <Rathann> tibbs|w: the changelog is not exactly in the prescribed format ;) 17:45:43 <tibbs|w> (And yeah, I'm at the homepage now). 17:45:52 <tibbs|w> Damn it. 17:46:06 <Rathann> also Summary is not very descriptive 17:46:31 <Rathann> and neither is the description 17:46:40 <Rathann> what's a "Reveal.js presentation"? 17:46:56 <Rathann> but yeah, technically it's very clean 17:47:38 <tomspur> Aah, the page was updated an hour ago. I was confused, because it looked totally different this morning 17:48:13 <tibbs|w> Seems as descriptive as you can fit in a summary. I guess since I don't know what this is supposed to do I assume it means something to those who do. 17:48:33 <tomspur> That change was by tibbs|w just now, somehow I looked at a different page this morning.... 17:48:49 <Rathann> tibbs|w: oh sorry I was looking at the package linked in the ticket 17:48:53 <Rathann> not the sample spec 17:49:16 <Rathann> the sample spec is just great 17:49:24 <geppetto> :) 17:50:27 <tibbs|w> So I fixed the changelog entry. Anything else? 17:50:31 <mbooth> My only niggle from last we looked at it is fixed I am happy too 17:51:38 <tibbs|w> If I were writing this I probably wouldn't so many short sections, and instead just make one list, but it's certainly fine as it is. 17:53:21 <tibbs|w> Anyone else up for voting? 17:53:36 <geppetto> Yeh, I'm happy to +1 17:53:50 <orionp> +1 17:53:56 <Rathann> +1 17:53:58 <mbooth> +1 17:54:16 <tomspur> +1 17:54:29 <tibbs|w> +1 17:56:47 <tibbs|w> That's everyone here, I think. 17:58:03 <geppetto> #action Package Guidelines: DevAssistant Assistant packages (DAP) (+1:6, 0:0, -1:0) 17:58:28 <geppetto> #topic #475 Suggested Changes for Python Guidelines for F22 17:58:34 <geppetto> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/475 18:01:07 <geppetto> the diff looks fine to me 18:01:50 <Rathann> compat package binary naming looks quite bad 18:02:04 <Rathann> though I guess not much can be done about it 18:02:25 <Rathann> /usr/bin/coverage-v1.2-3.4 18:02:33 <Rathann> ... is just ... ugly 18:02:50 <geppetto> yeh, and it makes me think it's a release number 18:02:59 <geppetto> but I'm not sure what to do about either problem 18:03:48 <tomspur> Maybe add a similar paragraph for the case, where only one package owns one slot? 18:04:05 <tomspur> /usr/bin/coverage-v1.2 looks quite reasonable 18:05:10 <Rathann> that'll be there 18:05:19 <geppetto> yeh 18:05:45 <Rathann> but you must provide a link called /usr/bin/coverage-v1.2-2.x as well 18:05:51 <geppetto> they'll ship coverage-v1.2 and coverage-v1.2-3 and covrage-v1.2-3.4 18:06:12 <Rathann> it says the unversioned executable must be the python2 version 18:06:17 <geppetto> and while the second don't look terrible next to the first … they kind of do on their own 18:06:48 <tomspur> Rathann: only if you ship for python2 and python3. If you only ship for python3 you can leave it out, isn't it? 18:06:59 <Rathann> ah, correct 18:07:16 <geppetto> and that doesn't change in F22 when py3 is the default? 18:07:18 <tomspur> see comment #6 in the ticket 18:07:56 <geppetto> yeh, soon everything will be py3 as default, AIUI 18:08:07 <tomspur> I don't see what could change then 18:09:30 <tomspur> What if you ship a python2 and python3 executable and want to remove one? 18:11:29 <geppetto> I'm not sure what you mean? 18:11:35 <tomspur> Is it fine to remove the coverage-3 and coverage-3.4 again, as all python2 ones are gone? 18:11:52 <geppetto> no 18:12:00 <geppetto> at least I don't see how it can be 18:12:30 <geppetto> but it's fine to remove all of coverage-2 and coverage-2.7, if you stop shipping a py2 version 18:13:06 <tibbs|w> I dream of a world where python packaging is actually simple. 18:13:20 <tomspur> If you only ship executables for python3, you don't need to to the -3 and -3.4 appendings in the first place. But once you have shipped a python2 and python3 executable, you'd have the appended symlinks forever, I guess 18:14:15 <geppetto> tomspur: is that true? 18:14:38 <geppetto> """+ 18:14:39 <geppetto> ** both python 2 and python 3 variants must provide symlinks with a '-X' and '-X.Y' suffix (Python runtime Major version, resp. Python runtime Major.Minor version), unless upstream already provides appropriately versioned executables without the dash""" 18:14:45 <tomspur> geppetto: The first part: yes. I asked about the second part... 18:15:05 <geppetto> That says, to me, that all python apps. have to have versioned execs 18:15:25 <tomspur> That's only true " if executables are to be shipped for both python 2 and python 3 " 18:15:49 <Rathann> I have to go AFK 18:15:50 <geppetto> Hmm, ok 18:16:02 <Rathann> construction crew arrived 18:16:16 <tomspur> Otherwise: "f only one executable is to be shipped, then it owns its own slot" -> /usr/bin/coverage just uses python3 and that's it 18:16:16 <geppetto> Rathann: You want to vote before? 18:16:23 * geppetto nods 18:20:57 <geppetto> So does anyone want to do any changes, or request any info. or changes? 18:21:25 <mbooth> tomspur: Hmm, I see what you're saying, why not only symlinks for python2 version? 18:22:01 <mbooth> Why does there need to be three two python3 symlinks as well? 18:22:21 <geppetto> I assume for F21 18:22:21 <tomspur> mbooth: This one is more consistent (and it is much work to provide both binary files anyway, so there is not much overhead) 18:22:27 <geppetto> so you can run the py3 version 18:22:53 <geppetto> consistently, that is 18:23:16 <tomspur> I'm +1 as it is. I just wanted to make sure, that you can remove all -* if you only provide one binary (with the current default python version - whatever that is) 18:24:00 <tibbs|w> I can +1 this, but python is getting so bad. 18:24:07 <mbooth> geppetto: Hmm, it wasn't clear to me that the python3 symlinks were for f21 18:24:55 <geppetto> well, py2 is the default for f21 18:25:14 <geppetto> so if you want the same code to run the py3 version on both f21 and f22, you need to call the -3 variant 18:25:25 <mbooth> Sure, I have rawhide blindness :-) 18:26:04 <mbooth> I guess I can vote on this 18:28:08 <tibbs|w> Am I lagging or is it just really quiet in here? 18:28:33 * tomspur is waiting for other +1s :) 18:28:52 <tibbs|w> Are we at 2 right now? 18:29:06 <mbooth> +1 then, for the record :-) 18:29:47 <geppetto> +1 18:30:02 <geppetto> I think we are at 4-5 18:30:06 <geppetto> so can still pass it 18:30:23 <tibbs|w> Hmm? 18:30:27 <geppetto> that's 4 18:30:36 <geppetto> orionp: vote? 18:30:41 <orionp> +1 18:30:46 <geppetto> There we go :) 18:31:21 <geppetto> #action Suggested Changes for Python Guidelines for F22, versioned binaries (+1:5, 0:0, -1:0) 18:32:23 <geppetto> #topic #338 %doc and %_pkgdocdir duplicate files and cause conflicts 18:32:28 <geppetto> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/338 18:33:24 <geppetto> tibbs: Can you remember why you moved this to meeting? 18:33:34 <tibbs|w> Hmmm. 18:33:47 <tibbs|w> I'm not sure we ever talked about it. 18:33:55 <tibbs|w> It was just sitting there as "new". 18:34:09 <geppetto> toshio said we did 18:34:18 <geppetto> and voted +1:4, -1:1 18:34:30 <geppetto> but then nobody else voted 18:34:32 <tibbs|w> Hmm, then I guess it's dead? 18:34:49 <geppetto> 5 was pretty close to all members 17 months ago :) 18:34:54 <tibbs|w> I can close it. I just didn't want to leave it sitting there. 18:35:25 <tibbs|w> I guess if someone wants to champion it they can restart the process. I haven't really looked into the issue. 18:35:40 <tibbs|w> Unfortunately I found a lot of stuff like that while cleaning up. 18:35:55 <tibbs|w> Someone said they would write a draft or something, but nothing happened after that. 18:37:11 <tibbs|w> The simple proposal in comment 10 was what we voted on. 18:37:27 <tibbs|w> We could always reconsider; I think this is still an issue. 18:37:45 <tibbs|w> But I wouldn't want to do that today. 18:38:12 <geppetto> FWIW, that's: "Packages must not use both relative %doc in the %files section and manual installation of documentation files into %{_docdir} in a single spec file" 18:38:24 <geppetto> And I'm happy to +1 that again, today 18:38:40 <tibbs|w> Didn't pass because people wanted .... something. 18:38:50 * geppetto shrugs 18:38:56 <tibbs|w> Additional restrictions on places where %doc is not allowed. 18:39:15 <tibbs|w> Honestly I'll +1 it as well. If we need to restrict it more, we can do that later. 18:39:32 <orionp> when a package's installer installs into %docdir 18:40:56 <tibbs|w> orionp: Was there more to that statement? 18:41:03 <tibbs|w> If not, I failed to understand. 18:41:11 <orionp> that's the other situation to worry about 18:41:22 <tibbs|w> Ah, well, it would still be a concern. 18:41:25 <orionp> which may or may not be noticed 18:41:47 <tibbs|w> But getting rid of some of the problem is better than getting rid of none of it. 18:42:06 <orionp> yes 18:42:35 <tibbs|w> So should I just re-state the proposal at the bottom of the ticket and put it up for vote collection? 18:42:41 <tibbs|w> We're at +2 right now. 18:43:56 <tomspur> tibbs|w: yeah, could you re-state it please? 18:44:07 <tibbs|w> No problem. Move on? 18:47:07 <geppetto> #topic #304 asking for bundling exception for the package "rubygem-rdiscount" 18:47:11 <geppetto> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/304 18:47:30 <tibbs|w> Someone said it was still relevant. 18:47:47 <tibbs|w> But it's an ancient ticket. 18:48:23 <tibbs|w> I don't see why the package doesn't just link against an existing package. 18:48:25 <geppetto> I guess this is a fork 18:48:41 <geppetto> tibbs: Some source files have been modified. Some functions have more parameters. I do not know why. 18:48:47 * geppetto shrugs 18:48:49 <tibbs|w> Hmmm. 18:49:00 <geppetto> it does say ruby on the box ;) 18:50:16 <tibbs|w> This might be in the "don't care" pile, except that this probably parses untrusted data. 18:50:42 <orionp> yeah 18:52:14 <Corey84> +1 18:52:36 <orionp> why the heck does yum info no list the srpm name? 18:52:42 <orionp> sorry, bitching 18:52:46 <geppetto> add -v 18:53:11 <geppetto> Hmm, that doesn't either 18:53:43 <geppetto> repoquery --source pkg 18:53:58 <orionp> thanks 18:54:28 <geppetto> I guess I don't care 18:55:36 <tibbs|w> Not sure what Corey84 was +1'ing. Mr. "realname", did you have information to add? 18:55:46 <tibbs|w> geppetto: Don't care in what sense? 18:56:07 <Corey84> wrong room nirik sorry 18:56:19 <geppetto> I may change my mind … I don't mind too much random forked ruby code bundling 18:57:02 <geppetto> but I know suspect that it's bundling a huge C library 18:57:29 <orionp> Looks like the source is identical to me 18:57:41 <geppetto> of libmarkdown? 18:58:38 <orionp> of the whole discount package essentially 18:58:45 <orionp> which provides libmarkdown 18:58:52 <tibbs|w> Uhh.. 18:59:01 <orionp> plus stuff 18:59:11 <tibbs|w> If that's the case this is a pretty simple "no". 18:59:40 <tibbs|w> Maybe add your analysis to the ticket? It's possible that things have changed in the eternity since the ticket was opened. 18:59:52 <orionp> http://ur1.ca/ji1jq 19:00:07 <orionp> is a diff 19:00:26 <orionp> so some added/removed files, but the common files are the same 19:00:30 <tibbs|w> Well, yeah, that does look like not much changed. 19:01:09 <geppetto> tibbs|w: what's 19 months between friends 19:01:26 <tibbs|w> If you're in a hole, you have to dig yourself out somehow. 19:01:33 <geppetto> indeed 19:01:49 <geppetto> So, anyway … -1 19:01:52 <tibbs|w> I did get pretty much everything cleaned up. 19:02:16 <tibbs|w> Yeah, -1 unless orionp's analysis turned out to be wrong. 19:02:26 <tibbs|w> But I suspect we might have to do the work here, and... ruby. 19:02:43 <geppetto> yeh, we'll have a pretty good backlog/schedule by next week … by easter it should look great. 19:03:08 <tibbs|w> In a month when the needinfo tickets start dying, the full list will be pretty short. 19:03:23 <tibbs|w> And I have several more tickets to announce and close out. 19:03:33 <tibbs|w> Maybe we'll be able to have one hour meetings again. 19:04:02 <geppetto> yeh 19:04:22 <tibbs|w> Is that pretty much it for today? 19:04:55 <orionp> I need to get some work done.... 19:04:56 <tibbs|w> 495 came in a bit late. 19:05:58 <tibbs|w> A couple of the writeup tickets didn't really come with a draft, so I'm having to just cook something up myself. I suppose if I screw that up someone will yell. 19:06:40 <tibbs|w> We still have a crap load of tickets in the "meeting" state but it's way too much to get to in one day. 19:07:48 <tibbs|w> Would be super nice if people could look them over, and at least make comments. 19:08:10 <tibbs|w> That's report 13 in the trac. 19:08:10 * geppetto nods 19:08:27 <tomspur> ok 19:08:28 <geppetto> I try to look at 12 and 13 on wed. 19:08:48 <geppetto> as I do the schedule 19:08:56 * orionp is afraid he barely has enough time for the meetings 19:09:04 <geppetto> so I know roughly what we'll be talking about, and can make some comments with time for them to respond etc. 19:09:07 <tibbs|w> I'll keep plowing through. Still have two drafts to write. 19:09:21 <tibbs|w> Yeah, I do that too. If we all did, it might go a bit faster. 19:09:24 <geppetto> orionp: Yeh, as tibbs|w said … hopefully we can get back to having 1 hour meetings soon 19:09:29 <tibbs|w> But everybody is busy. 19:09:32 * geppetto nods 19:09:43 <geppetto> #topic Open Floor 19:10:19 <tibbs|w> We're down to 64 total tickets, most of them in needinfo. 19:10:48 <tibbs|w> I'll ping those as needed and close them out in a month. 19:12:02 <tibbs|w> Really we're close to being completely cleaned up, and I have some time today and this weekend to try and get a bit more done. 19:12:08 <tomspur> Is it possible to subscribe to wiki edits in the packaging section? 19:12:38 <tibbs|w> I think so. 19:12:47 <tibbs|w> I usually make sure that box is checked when I make a change. 19:12:54 <tibbs|w> But I've been the only one making changes lately. 19:13:18 <tibbs|w> I do have a plan for reorganizing the main guidelines page which I will present eventually. 19:13:44 <tibbs|w> I don't think you can subscribe to an entire hierarchy of pages, though. 19:15:06 <tomspur> It seems to need to put each page separately on the watchlist 19:15:16 <geppetto> yeh 19:15:43 <tibbs|w> You can edit the raw watchlist. So if someone's watching everything, just paste in their list. 19:16:52 <tibbs|w> Anyway, I guess I'm done. 19:17:12 <tibbs|w> Expecting a horde of graduate students wanting faster-er computers. 19:18:09 <tomspur> :) 19:22:28 <orionp> thanks all! 19:22:44 <geppetto> #endmeeting