19:04:31 <kushal> #startmeeting Fedora Cloud SIG 19:04:31 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 25 19:04:31 2015 UTC. The chair is kushal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:04:31 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:04:43 <kushal> #meetingname Fedora Cloud SIG 19:04:43 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_cloud_sig' 19:04:51 <kushal> #topic Roll call 19:04:53 <roshi> .hello roshi 19:04:54 <zodbot> roshi: roshi 'Mike Ruckman' <mruckman@redhat.com> 19:04:57 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 19:04:59 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <kushaldas@gmail.com> 19:05:08 <jzb> .hellomynameis jzb 19:05:09 <zodbot> jzb: jzb 'Joe Brockmeier' <jzb@redhat.com> 19:05:43 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 19:05:45 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 19:07:08 <kushal> oddshocks, number80 ? 19:07:26 <kushal> #chair rtnpro jzb roshi 19:07:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: jzb kushal roshi rtnpro 19:07:54 <kushal> I am with a huge lag 19:08:20 <roshi> it's alright, we don't notice :p 19:08:34 <jzb> I just assumed you were slow typing 19:08:41 <kushal> haha 19:08:58 <kushal> #topic Action items from last meeting 19:09:08 <kushal> There is none I guess. 19:09:22 <jzb> let's give somebody an action item to have an action item this week 19:09:26 <roshi> yeah, there wasn't any 19:10:22 <kushal> moving on 19:11:08 <kushal> #topic dockerfiles #84 19:12:00 <kushal> any update on this one? 19:12:26 * jzb is looking for the ticket 19:13:00 <roshi> I played with docker files over the weekend 19:13:06 <roshi> might do a write up on my blog 19:13:20 <kushal> roshi, please go ahead, we can tweet/retweet :) 19:13:20 <roshi> trying to containerize chrome to manage it's memory usage 19:14:11 <kushal> roshi, ah, that would be painful :) 19:14:11 <jzb> roshi: ask Jim Perrin 19:14:18 <jzb> roshi: he's managed to containerize Wine/IE 19:14:24 <jzb> it's ... well, sort of evil 19:14:43 <jzb> I have an article done for Fedora Magazine that I need to polish and publish 19:14:48 <jzb> I'll do that tomorrow 19:15:48 <scollier> hey kushal 19:15:51 <scollier> sorry for delay. 19:15:53 <kushal> scollier, welcome :) 19:16:02 <kushal> scollier, no problem, we are just starting. 19:16:05 <jzb> EOF for me on that topic. 19:16:37 <kushal> scollier, any pointers for publicizing Fedora dockerfiles? 19:17:40 <scollier> kushal, aside from the typical social media, not really. Each time a dockerfile gets modified or added, I generally tweet about it. at one time i wrote a blog post for each dockerfile, but i don't do that anymore. 19:17:50 <kushal> scollier, okay. 19:17:52 <scollier> kushal, i think an entry in the fedora-magizne 19:18:05 <scollier> with regards to, where we need help, and encouraging contributions would be nice. 19:18:09 <kushal> scollier, that would be nice, roshi is doing a blog post in the coming days. 19:18:49 <scollier> kushal, i think having the basic dockerfiles are nice 19:18:52 <scollier> at some point 19:19:06 <kushal> scollier, yup, they give ideas on how to start. 19:19:07 <scollier> i'd like to see some folks actually putting together multi-container apps. 19:19:10 <jzb> scollier: I can send you what I have 19:19:15 <scollier> and even orchestrating with k8s. 19:19:30 <scollier> that would show some real value. IMO. 19:19:30 <jzb> scollier: see if there's room to expand the "where we need help" part 19:19:35 <scollier> jzb, ack 19:19:55 <kushal> Moving to next topic then 19:20:01 <kushal> #topic Getting sha256sum published for the cloud images #93 19:20:06 <jzb> do we have any tools for Fedora packagers? 19:20:14 <jzb> (containerized)? 19:20:21 <jzb> kushal: soorry 19:20:23 <jzb> er, sorry 19:20:24 <kushal> jzb, not that I remember. 19:20:28 <jzb> K 19:20:32 <scollier> jzb, now that's a GREAT suggestion. 19:20:33 <kushal> jzb, my bad, please go ahead. 19:20:33 * jzb makes a note that might be a good start 19:20:50 <scollier> for folks who are packaging rpms, maybe create containers as well :) 19:20:55 <jzb> scollier: charity begins at home, right? 19:20:58 <scollier> where it makes sense. 19:21:02 <kushal> scollier, jzb :) 19:21:03 * dustyaway is late 19:21:30 <kushal> dustymabe, welcome ;) 19:21:39 <dustymabe> kushal: thanks! 19:21:53 <jzb> dustymabe: howdy 19:22:08 <dustymabe> jzb: :) 19:22:20 <kushal> So for #93, systemd wants in the way Ubuntu does, we have a different style for the last 10 years already. 19:22:38 <kushal> Wondering how to put that nicely on the ticket, can anyone help me on that part? 19:23:10 <jzb> kushal: I'm not sure I followed that 19:23:34 <kushal> jzb, so we have these checksum files https://getfedora.org/en/static/checksums/Fedora-Cloud-Images-x86_64-21-CHECKSUM 19:23:38 <kushal> for a long time. 19:24:14 <kushal> jzb, systemd wants them to be renamed as sha256sums and they want the gpg sig to be in a different file 19:24:48 <kushal> jzb, that will break the way we do release engineering for the last 10 years or so, also someone has to fix many scripts (i guess). 19:25:10 <jzb> kushal: this only applies to cloud images, or...? 19:25:13 <kushal> jzb, because this is the standard way for creating checksums in other parts of the release 19:25:19 <kushal> jzb, he only wants for cloud 19:25:41 <dustymabe> kushal: yeah. I don't know why they can't just parse out the sig to verify signature and parse out the sum to verify the download file 19:26:02 <kushal> dustymabe, can you please ask that in the ticket? :) 19:26:08 <dustymabe> sure 19:26:12 <kushal> dustymabe, thanks :) 19:26:15 <jzb> kushal: I think this would be classified as a system-wide change and something that would probably need to be held to F23 19:26:35 <kushal> jzb, yup, that is also true. 19:26:36 <dustymabe> I understand he is going for a standard thing to download but it would be better if his tool was more accomodating 19:26:53 <jzb> I don't disagree that we should have a standard name 19:27:28 <jzb> it'd be a lot easier to have a script that checks things if the name is always sha256sums than somethign-something-CHECKSUMS 19:27:43 <dustymabe> jzb: I agree 19:27:49 <jzb> but really - the tooling would come from infrastructure, or rel-eng, not us? 19:27:52 <kushal> jzb, yup, I am okay with the first part, but not sure about keeping sig in a different file. 19:28:01 <kushal> jzb, Yes. 19:28:03 <jzb> so the ask is really to them. 19:28:03 <dustymabe> jzb: but we could have both 19:28:08 <jzb> dustymabe: sure 19:28:26 <dustymabe> we could have Fedora-Cloud-Images-x86_64-21-CHECKSUM 19:28:43 <dustymabe> and then also SHA256SUMS that is a symlink or something 19:29:02 <jzb> dustymabe: look at you being all problem solving and stuff 19:29:11 <kushal> :) 19:29:14 <dustymabe> :) 19:29:19 <kushal> Can we move to next topic? 19:29:24 <dustymabe> kushal: sure 19:29:32 <jzb> yep 19:29:33 <kushal> #topic Fedora Magazine Post: How to Use Dockerfiles #87 19:29:49 <kushal> I guess we already discussed this part. 19:29:51 <jzb> done, I just need to polish and add a few lines 19:30:33 <jzb> EOF 19:30:59 <kushal> Okay. 19:31:03 <kushal> Moving to next then. 19:31:23 <kushal> #topic Producing Updated Cloud/Atomic Images #94 19:31:49 <kushal> just wondering why the primary connection went just at the time of the meeting :( 19:32:07 * rtnpro have been working on testing project atomic image for Fedora 22 19:32:15 <kushal> oddshocks, any updates on this? 19:32:22 <kushal> rtnpro, you can wait till the open floor :) 19:33:08 <kushal> We need the updated images. 19:33:15 <rtnpro> pl 19:33:21 <rtnpro> s/pl/ok 19:33:40 <kushal> roshi, jzb any comments? 19:34:52 <jzb> kushal: just a sec 19:35:26 <roshi> sorry, had to handle something IRL 19:35:31 * roshi reads backscroll 19:35:46 <jzb> I think/thought we'd largely decided the cadence, etc. We still need to decide who file tickets, etc 19:35:54 <jzb> so the question really is - who's going to own this? 19:35:59 <jzb> I think that's the question, anyway 19:36:12 <kushal> jzb, ideally rel-eng 19:36:30 <jzb> kushal: well, there's also updating the Web site, etc 19:36:36 <jzb> does rel-eng need to do that as well? 19:36:45 <jzb> I guess oddshocks volunteered 19:36:49 <dustymabe> I think oddshocks has been working with the website people quite a bit 19:36:55 <roshi> also, who's going to own the tooling to get it done 19:36:59 <dustymabe> to get new AMIs published etc.. 19:37:08 <roshi> aiui, there's technical limits to getting the updated images as well 19:37:26 <kushal> jzb, yup. 19:39:13 <dustymabe> do we know what those are? 19:42:14 <roshi> I don't 19:42:18 * oddshocks pops in 19:42:36 <kushal> I also don't. 19:42:38 <kushal> oddshocks, hi 19:42:40 <oddshocks> Hey! So, I spoke with dennis briefly 19:43:00 <oddshocks> apparently they're still figuring out the process that will be used, but he did summarize... I think I posted on the ticket? 19:43:15 <oddshocks> I haven't heard anything since I asked rel-eng list and updated the ticket 19:43:17 <oddshocks> (heard nothing on rel-eng list) 19:43:40 <oddshocks> but dennis said basically we'd poke rel-eng, then they'd produce something, then QA would eventually release 19:45:05 <dustymabe> ok.. so looks like it is in-progress 19:45:16 <kushal> Okay, good news :) 19:45:22 <dustymabe> oddshocks: let us know if there is anything we can help with as far as technical limitations go 19:45:34 <oddshocks> Yeah. Out of my hands on the rel-eng process. But they're definitely aware we're hoping to set up a good process to release updates 19:45:53 <oddshocks> Dennis said he'd update us when they know :) 19:46:18 <dustymabe> :) 19:46:27 <oddshocks> dustymabe: cool. I haven't gotten any details yet on technical stuff. But will definitely keep everyone in the loop, and update the ticket. 19:47:17 <dustymabe> ok cool.. what's next? 19:47:36 <kushal> open floor 19:47:41 <kushal> #topic Open Floor 19:47:48 <kushal> I have a few points. 19:47:58 <kushal> 1. What about the F22 features we proposed? 19:48:06 <kushal> Tunir is ready and under review. 19:48:16 <kushal> roshi, what is the status for testCloud? 19:48:44 <rtnpro> I was trying out the test matrix for atomic image: file:///home/rtnpro/ISOS/Fedora-Cloud-Atomic-20150207-rawhide.x86_64.raw.xz available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_22_Branched_20150221_Cloud?rd=Test_Results:Current_Cloud_Test 19:48:47 <oddshocks> I guess I was gonna dumbly ask if we need AMIs for any recent F22 test candidates. Can produce any needed immediately (now with both standard and gp2 volume types!) 19:49:44 <rtnpro> I could not relate with the first two test cases: a) Testcase_base_initial_setup, b) Testcase_base_startup 19:50:01 <kushal> rtnpro, is networking working in that image? 19:50:09 <rtnpro> kushal, yeah :) 19:50:29 <kushal> 07 is old though. 19:51:05 <kushal> rtnpro, I can see http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=9001537 19:51:09 <kushal> TC3 19:52:17 <kushal> oddshocks, I am not sure if we have people who wants to use TC* as AMI 19:52:30 <kushal> oddshocks, but may be I am completely wrong 19:52:39 <rtnpro> I will pull the latest build and try running the test cases again 19:53:08 <oddshocks> kushal: Yeah, I mostly meant if anyone wants 'em for testing 19:53:14 <jzb> kushal: it's good to have for testing... 19:53:14 <oddshocks> mostly cloud folks 19:53:15 <roshi> kushal: I haven't done much with it since we talked last about it 19:53:18 <kushal> oddshocks, Okay. 19:53:32 <kushal> roshi, Okay, update the wiki when you find time. 19:53:50 <roshi> will do, I updated the bug for the feature 19:53:53 <dustymabe> rtnpro: I don't if an initial setup utility is going to run for atomic 19:53:54 <rtnpro> 'tail /var/log/secure' failed for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_base_system_logging 19:54:13 <dustymabe> roshi: does that apply to atomic? 19:54:31 <roshi> which? 19:54:49 <kushal> jzb, what about the other feature proposals from our side? 19:54:53 <rtnpro> seems like /var/log/secure file is missing by default in the atomic image 19:55:15 <dustymabe> roshi: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:Testcase_base_initial_setup 19:55:15 <rtnpro> also, disabling, stoping sshd.service does not work 19:55:25 <jzb> kushal: what about them? :-) 19:55:41 <kushal> jzb, I mean what is the status, etc :) 19:55:44 <jzb> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1191525 19:55:50 <jzb> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1194589 19:55:57 <jzb> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1194590 19:55:58 <rtnpro> Testcase_Services_start and Testcase_base_selinux are working fine 19:56:06 <jzb> Most recent updates from walters 19:56:35 <jzb> basically all are in MODIFIED state atm. 19:56:40 <kushal> jzb, thanks :) 19:56:44 <jzb> I have been out all week so I don't really have much else on that status 19:56:50 <jzb> I do have one additional bug/question to look at 19:56:59 <jzb> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1194623 19:57:01 <kushal> jzb, go ahead. 19:57:25 <jzb> basically they're asking if we can default to networkd instead of network-scripts 19:57:29 <jzb> any objections? 19:57:59 <dustymabe> jzb: that might affect cloud-init 19:58:38 <dustymabe> does networkd read the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts files too? 19:58:39 <kushal> jzb, also we have to find what all will be affected. 19:59:04 <dustymabe> I think it doesn.. but not sure right off the top 19:59:13 <dustymabe> s/doesn/does/ 19:59:25 <roshi> I'll take a look, it might not 19:59:31 <roshi> dustymabe: ^^ 19:59:35 <roshi> (sorry, phone call) 19:59:56 <dustymabe> roshi: thanks.. since rtnpro is consuming these it would be good if we have him scoped right :) 20:00:02 <jzb> dustymabe: do you want to look into this? 20:00:17 <roshi> aren't all the atomic testcases optional anyways? 20:00:18 <dustymabe> jzb: networkd and init scripts? 20:00:25 <jzb> dustymabe: yeah 20:00:27 <kushal> I will also have a look tomorrow moring. 20:00:30 <kushal> * morning 20:00:47 <dustymabe> jzb: let me take a look at the bug real quick 20:00:59 <jzb> dustymabe: soitenly 20:01:02 <jzb> dustymabe: thanks 20:01:07 <rtnpro> kushal, I will sync up with you tomorrow morning then :) 20:01:29 <kushal> rtnpro, find out if the latest images have networking or not. 20:01:37 <rtnpro> kushal, ok 20:01:46 <roshi> hopefully they do 20:01:50 <kushal> :) 20:01:57 * roshi didn't get to filing the bug for that 20:02:01 <roshi> has anyone else? 20:02:06 <jzb> eh, what do we need networking for in the cloud 20:02:07 <jzb> ? 20:02:08 * roshi hasn't looked into it 20:02:20 <dustymabe> jzb: yeah I can look into that. 20:02:22 <roshi> it needs to be proposed as a blocker as well 20:02:22 <kushal> jzb, I mean the images were not getting any IP. 20:02:27 <kushal> roshi, yup. 20:02:41 <jzb> dustymabe: awesome 20:02:59 <jzb> #action dustymabe to look at bug 1194623 20:03:13 <jzb> kushal: it's more secure that way 20:03:14 <kushal> jzb, finally, an action :) 20:03:19 <kushal> jzb, yup :) 20:03:42 <kushal> jzb, just have to create a buzzword for the same. 20:04:03 <jzb> "Super-secure cloud: Totally impervious to network attacks" 20:04:17 <kushal> jzb, sounds good :) 20:04:22 <roshi> it's a feature! 20:04:42 <roshi> Fedora Bottled Cloud 20:04:47 <kushal> haha 20:04:48 <jzb> nice 20:04:50 <roshi> nothing gets in, nothing gets out 20:04:55 <kushal> I guess we can close the meeting now. 20:05:01 <jzb> +1 20:05:02 <kushal> roshi, that is a superb feature. 20:05:03 <jzb> kushal: thanks 20:05:07 <kushal> #endmeeting