19:01:10 <kushal> #startmeeting Fedora Cloud SIG 19:01:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 4 19:01:10 2015 UTC. The chair is kushal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:21 <kushal> #meetingname Fedora Cloud SIG 19:01:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_cloud_sig' 19:01:27 <kushal> #rollcall 19:01:33 <kushal> #topic rollcall 19:01:40 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 19:01:41 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <kushaldas@gmail.com> 19:01:56 <roshi> .hello roshi 19:01:56 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 19:01:57 <zodbot> roshi: roshi 'Mike Ruckman' <mruckman@redhat.com> 19:01:59 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dusty@dustymabe.com> 19:02:06 <rtnpro> .hellomynameis rtnpro 19:02:07 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 19:02:17 <jzb> .hellomynameis jzb 19:02:18 <zodbot> jzb: jzb 'Joe Brockmeier' <jzb@redhat.com> 19:02:26 <dustymabe> rtnpro: welcome! 19:02:30 <kushal> Anyone else? 19:02:43 <oddshocks> yep 19:02:47 <oddshocks> .hellomynnameis oddshocks 19:02:51 <kushal> oddshocks, :) 19:02:52 <oddshocks> butts 19:02:55 <oddshocks> .hellomynameis oddshocks 19:02:56 <zodbot> oddshocks: oddshocks 'David Gay' <dgay@redhat.com> 19:03:01 <kushal> oddshocks, hahaha 19:03:29 <kushal> #topic Action item from last meeting 19:03:32 <kushal> * dustymabe to look at bug 1194623 19:03:40 <dustymabe> kushal: :) 19:03:52 <dustymabe> jzb: I took a look at systemd-networkd 19:04:07 <dustymabe> it isn't compatible with the old style network scripts 19:04:16 <dustymabe> so cloud-init would need to be updated if we adopted this as the default 19:04:43 <kushal> dustymabe, means more work. 19:04:45 <jzb> dustymabe: yeah - I saw the update, thanks - so, how invasive / troublesome is the update? 19:04:45 <dustymabe> this is a change in behavior too so would probably need to be proposed etc... 19:05:00 * rtnpro needs to speak with dustymabe about systemd-networkd 19:05:09 <dustymabe> rtnpro: noted 19:05:55 <dustymabe> jzb: well the update probably wouldn't be too bad for cloud-init (especially if that guy writes a tool to do the conversion) 19:06:02 <kushal> dustymabe, jzb so we will have to inform this to the cloud-init devels? 19:06:05 <dustymabe> the problem is the change in behavior 19:06:06 <kushal> gholms, welcome :) 19:06:34 <dustymabe> what people expect to happen.. Should we vet this and possibly do it for the next round of Fedora? 19:07:03 <dustymabe> static networking is a small use case so maybe it's not that big of a deal 19:07:06 <jzb> dustymabe: I think that's probably the best plan. 19:07:13 <kushal> dustymabe, +1 19:07:17 <roshi> +1 to that 19:07:28 <dustymabe> ok should we make a ticket anyways? 19:07:34 <kushal> dustymabe, make one 19:07:37 <dustymabe> is there a way to mark tickets for later releases? 19:07:40 <jzb> dustymabe: we may ask on atomic-devel whether anyone is using static networking. 19:07:41 * gholms goes to find the channel logs for context 19:07:41 <roshi> I don't imagine it would be easy to get a change like that pushed through for F22 this late in the game 19:07:50 <kushal> that way we will be able track things. 19:07:53 <kushal> dustymabe, yes 19:08:10 <dustymabe> ok.. I'll make a ticket 19:08:16 <jzb> roshi: well 19:08:18 <oddshocks> sounds like the thing to do 19:08:26 <jzb> hmmm 19:08:28 <kushal> #action dustymabe will create a track ticket about systemd-networkd 19:08:34 <kushal> dustymabe, is this okay ^^? 19:08:37 <jzb> the idea is that this will solve another issue 19:08:40 <dustymabe> kushal: yep 19:08:42 <jzb> that we're currently having, though - right? 19:08:48 <dustymabe> jzb: correct 19:08:53 <jzb> e.g. problems bringing up networking with the current Atomic/Cloud image? 19:08:54 <dustymabe> supposedly networking is racy? 19:09:14 <dustymabe> jzb: just atomic or cloud base and atomic? 19:09:14 <jzb> so - if we hold off to F23 are we saddling ourselves with this bug through the entire release? 19:09:35 <jzb> dustymabe: initial bug says cloud image 19:10:00 <kushal> dustymabe, There is a milestone called Future for that kind of tickets. 19:10:10 <dustymabe> well I think for most of us the issue with networking in the early TCs for F22 19:10:18 <dustymabe> was that dhcp-client rpm wasn't in the image 19:10:23 * gholms nods 19:10:26 <dustymabe> so no dhcp networking would ever work at all 19:10:27 <kushal> dustymabe, yes, and that is solved for now. 19:10:32 <jzb> dustymabe: ah. that would be a bad thing :-) 19:10:34 <dustymabe> current TCs don't have that problem 19:10:40 <jzb> OK 19:10:46 <gholms> This seems like a good thing to do first in rawhide. 19:10:47 <kushal> dustymabe, there was a change made in comps. 19:10:49 <dustymabe> and networking seems to be working fine (at least for me :)) 19:10:51 <roshi> bottom line, will we be able to fix networking in F22 without trying to push the change through? 19:11:04 <jzb> if this isn't related to widespread problems, I'm OK with defering. 19:11:24 <dustymabe> roshi: I think networking has been "fixed" for the majority 19:11:28 <kushal> gholms, someone forgot to update the comps. 19:11:33 <dustymabe> only side cases of racy conditions exist 19:11:35 <roshi> ok, good 19:11:54 <kushal> dustymabe, +1 on "fixed" 19:11:59 <dustymabe> roshi: we can request the bug reporter to test though 19:12:02 <gholms> kushal: For systemd-networkd? 19:12:07 * gholms is still catching up 19:12:15 <kushal> gholms, nope, normal f22 cloud image 19:12:29 <gholms> Oh. Yep. 19:14:43 <gholms> [Frost gathers on the windows] 19:15:02 <dustymabe> ok done with that topic? 19:15:09 <jzb> I believe so. 19:15:10 <kushal> seems so. 19:15:14 <kushal> I was waiting. 19:15:21 <kushal> next topic 19:15:38 <kushal> #topic Text for Alpha Release Announcement #95 19:16:16 <kushal> So should we update those bullet points? 19:16:26 <kushal> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F22_Alpha_release_announcement 19:16:36 <kushal> ^^ that is the current draft 19:16:39 <roshi> yeah, as I'm sure I forgot something or didn't represent something correctly 19:17:07 <jzb> note this is the alpha, so - the final release will highlight different things 19:17:18 <jzb> what's our messaging for this release, though? 19:17:28 <roshi> "Test, Test, Test!" 19:17:31 <jzb> heh 19:17:37 <kushal> roshi, +1000 19:17:43 <roshi> I just went through the changeset for F22 and added bullets for cloudy things 19:17:46 <jzb> I do feel like this is a release where we're honing what we have rather than introducing new things. 19:17:59 <roshi> most alpha's are 19:18:00 <jzb> do we want to highlight Docker? 19:18:02 <dustymabe> jzb: not a bad thing? 19:18:02 <oddshocks> "Only _you_ can prevent cloud image bugs" 19:18:07 <jzb> roshi: I mean F22 altogether 19:18:16 <dustymabe> since F21 was so different.. 19:18:17 <jzb> roshi: sorry - when I say "this release" I mean F22 19:18:29 <kushal> oddshocks, I want to print that on a tshirt :) 19:18:37 <jzb> when all's done and said, what are we trying to achieve mostly with F22 Cloud Edition? 19:18:40 <roshi> my though was: Changes have to be testable by alpha, we should announce all changes early to get them tested 19:18:49 * gholms points at oddshocks's message :) 19:18:50 <jzb> btw - we're shying away from "product" and using "edition" 19:19:06 <sgallagh> oddshocks: Can we get that written with Beefy Miracle pointing out of a shirt? 19:19:06 <roshi> Atomic host, and vagrant boxes, I would think 19:19:12 <oddshocks> jzb: Good question, and also I prefer "edition" to "product" as well 19:19:22 <roshi> as long as it has a laser gun and a radioactive panda 19:19:25 <jzb> the release notes are generally what get read and turned into article fodder 19:19:29 <kushal> roshi, haha 19:19:30 <oddshocks> sgallagh: I should ask mizmo ;) 19:19:49 <jzb> so the real audience here is people outside the normal Fedora circles and press. 19:20:07 <kushal> roshi, what is the status with testCloud? 19:20:08 * gholms chuckles at the product vs. edition snafu 19:20:09 <roshi> makes sense 19:20:18 <roshi> I have a lot of work to do with it kushal 19:20:31 <roshi> I pushed it off to F23 to ensure I have time to get it working right 19:20:37 <kushal> roshi, oh okay. 19:20:46 <roshi> and waiting on an official name from legal 19:21:03 <kushal> I will publish the cloud test cases for tunir. So that anyone can use that to test our cloud images. 19:21:29 <kushal> #action Kushal has to publish the test cases to be used with Fedora Cloud for Tunir. 19:21:33 <jzb> roshi: Tunir - have we got any "how to" to point to? 19:21:43 <kushal> jzb, tunir.rtfd.org 19:21:49 <roshi> yeah 19:21:53 <jzb> OK 19:22:06 <roshi> and tunir is kushal's baby - I just built a piece he used is all 19:22:20 <jzb> ah.. 19:22:23 <kushal> roshi, tunir is all on your code :) 19:23:05 <roshi> lol 19:23:25 <kushal> jzb, btw, please tell me how can I improve that documentation? :) 19:23:31 <jzb> kushal: ok 19:24:23 <kushal> moving to next ticket? 19:24:35 <roshi> sure 19:24:42 <jzb> kushal: full speed ahead 19:24:50 <kushal> #topic publicize fedora-dockerfiles #84 19:25:09 <roshi> article looks good jzb :) 19:25:57 <jzb> roshi: thanks!@ 19:26:00 <jzb> er, no @ there 19:26:11 * jzb curses fat fingers 19:26:19 <kushal> :) 19:27:35 <kushal> Moving ahead? 19:27:41 <jzb> Basically we need to flog the heck out of the article 19:27:41 <roshi> yup 19:27:44 <jzb> and keep writing more 19:27:44 <jzb> :-) 19:27:48 <roshi> for sure 19:27:55 <jzb> EOF 19:28:10 * roshi is working to get chrome working in a container - but not sure we want to do an article about non-free software 19:28:23 <roshi> I just want to constrain chromes memory usage... 19:28:24 <kushal> roshi, may be not. 19:28:33 <kushal> roshi, but publish it in your blog 19:28:40 <kushal> roshi, we can tweet that. 19:28:51 <roshi> that was my thought 19:28:52 <gholms> You'd probably have better luck with firefox. 19:28:53 <dustymabe> roshi: I'm surprised someone hasn't already done that 19:29:00 <jzb> roshi: talk to jperrin he's done WINE/IE 19:29:11 <jzb> I'm pretty sure Chrome has been done. 19:29:15 <roshi> I only want chrome for the flash support 19:29:18 <roshi> it has, in ubuntu 19:29:33 <roshi> selinux issues for using fedora as the base container image though 19:29:34 <jzb> roshi: I mean on Fedora. It may have been jperrin 19:29:37 <roshi> at least for me 19:29:40 <roshi> ah 19:29:44 <jzb> roshi: even using a privileged container? 19:29:46 <roshi> I'll look into it 19:29:48 <gholms> Nice 19:29:57 <roshi> I dunno - still kind of a docker luddite 19:30:04 <dustymabe> jzb: maybe get jperrin to donate dockerfile to fedora-dockerfiles? 19:30:09 <roshi> using this as a means to learn docker better 19:30:20 <jzb> dustymabe: there's some additional foo, I believe 19:30:29 <jzb> dustymabe: though this may be a test case for /usr/bin/atomic 19:30:38 <dustymabe> jzb: you may be right since its not free software 19:31:42 <roshi> sorry, I derailed things :( we can talk about this in #fedora-cloud later and move on with the meeting 19:31:50 <kushal> Okay :) 19:32:54 <kushal> #topic Getting sha256sum published for the cloud images #93 19:33:08 <kushal> dustymabe, updated that ticket but no reply yet. 19:33:34 <kushal> I am going to meet LP next week during FOSSASIA in Singapore, I will bring this topic up there. 19:34:03 <dustymabe> kushal: thanks! 19:34:06 <roshi> sweet 19:34:18 <jzb> kushal: might also be something for the new Fedora Engineering Lead or whatever to help with. 19:34:21 <dustymabe> I never knew there were so many conferences 19:34:31 <kushal> jzb, Engineering lead? 19:34:40 <jzb> dustymabe: oooh, so many 19:34:52 <jzb> kushal: might have been publicized as an Atomic lead or something 19:35:13 <dustymabe> jzb: I saw a job posting.. did someone get hired? 19:35:22 <jzb> kushal: anyway - a new person who will be herding cats to make sure all the wonderful things happen w/r/t images, etc. 19:35:29 <kushal> We should talk this after meeting. 19:35:34 <kushal> jzb, yup. 19:35:52 <jzb> dustymabe: we haven't announced a hire yet, but I know that we have the position 19:36:15 <dustymabe> cool 19:36:36 <kushal> Moving to next ticket. 19:36:37 <kushal> #topic Producing Updated Cloud/Atomic Images #94 19:36:44 <kushal> oddshocks, ^^ 19:37:13 <jzb> dustymabe: http://paul.frields.org/2015/02/03/fedora-release-infrastructure-job-opening/ 19:37:25 <oddshocks> Unless someone's spoken to one of you, I haven't heard anything. 19:37:40 <oddshocks> Well, scratch that. I haven't heard anything regardless ;) 19:37:52 <oddshocks> Is this something maybe to re-ping about? 19:37:59 <kushal> oddshocks, I hope this new infra guy will help writing the new tools first. 19:38:34 <oddshocks> Ahh nice yeah stickster and I were chatting about the new person that could help us tackle some of this releng stuff 19:38:46 <oddshocks> Also, there's that FAD coming up, at some point 19:39:10 <oddshocks> And I think dgilmore is trying to come too https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Release_Tools_and_Infrastructure_2015#Potential_Attendees 19:39:12 <kushal> oddshocks, Yes, in May. 19:39:22 <oddshocks> Ah yeah that's a bit of a ways off 19:39:55 <oddshocks> Do you think there's somewhere else I should ping, or just wait a bit? 19:40:06 <oddshocks> AIUI they're working on it 19:40:20 <kushal> oddshocks, may be just a gentle hello and ask about the progress. 19:40:36 * roshi wonders if we'll ever have a cloud FAD sometime in the future 19:40:50 <oddshocks> kushal: will do, and will report back 19:41:11 <kushal> oddshocks, Thanks :) 19:41:18 <kushal> That ends all the tickets. 19:41:29 <kushal> #topic Open Floor 19:41:44 * roshi has nothing 19:42:04 <dustymabe> nothing here 19:42:18 <oddshocks> When Alpha is released, are we gonna wanna put the AMIs on the webpage? 19:42:21 <jzb> nada 19:42:30 <oddshocks> or not until RC or final 19:42:38 <jzb> oddshocks: which webpage? 19:42:50 <roshi> I'd say to put them on the pre-prelease page 19:42:58 <jzb> right 19:43:02 <roshi> since we do that with the other editions, why shouldn't cloud get some love? 19:43:06 <kushal> roshi, +1 or else people will start using that and complain 19:43:39 <oddshocks> Okay, cool! 19:43:45 * oddshocks notes that as well 19:44:06 <roshi> do we have TCs up on EC2 as of late? 19:44:57 <oddshocks> I could send out a list to the cloud list after the meeting? 19:45:02 <oddshocks> So people can poke at em 19:45:07 <roshi> great 19:45:15 * oddshocks STILL has to add fedimg stuff to the release dashboard 19:45:31 * oddshocks remembers looking at the mass of javascript and not being sure what to do 19:45:50 <oddshocks> but if anyone is really familiar with how that app works, it'd be incredibly easy to just add a fedimg section 19:46:09 <kushal> rtnpro, ^^ chance to write more code. 19:46:20 <roshi> threebean would be the person to ping about it 19:46:31 <roshi> I bet he could at least do the review and accept the patch 19:46:39 <oddshocks> there are fedmsgs sent out for each upload, region, type, etc. Then the AMIs would be just THERE every time, and no one would have to look at the fedmsg data in datanommer 19:47:05 <oddshocks> Yeah, I've let that one fall by the wayside. I'll tackle it this week. It's lame to not have that up there 19:47:47 <rtnpro> oddshocks, I can help 19:48:01 <oddshocks> rtnpro: awesome :) 19:48:08 <oddshocks> That's all from me, then 19:48:37 <kushal> Okay, then we can end the meeting 19:48:42 <jzb> +1 19:48:46 <roshi> +1 19:48:49 <dustymabe> +1 19:48:50 <kushal> #endmeeting