19:01:35 <kushal> #startmeeting Fedora Cloud SIG 19:01:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 18 19:01:35 2015 UTC. The chair is kushal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:38 <rtnpro> yeah 19:01:45 <kushal> #topic rollcall 19:01:52 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 19:01:53 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <kushaldas@gmail.com> 19:01:53 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 19:01:57 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 19:01:57 <jzb> .hellomyname is jzb 19:02:03 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 19:02:03 <oddshocks> .hello oddshocks 19:02:04 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dusty@dustymabe.com> 19:02:08 <zodbot> oddshocks: oddshocks 'David Gay' <dgay@redhat.com> 19:02:08 <oddshocks> aw 19:02:12 <oddshocks> aw nice! 19:02:14 <jzb> d'oh 19:02:18 <jzb> .hellomynameis jzb 19:02:19 <zodbot> jzb: jzb 'Joe Brockmeier' <jzb@redhat.com> 19:03:27 <kushal> roshi, jsmith ? 19:04:02 * jsmith stumbles back to the computer, late as usual :-( 19:04:35 <kushal> Okay, I think we can move forward. 19:04:47 <kushal> #topic Action items from previous meeting 19:04:56 <kushal> * jzb get with base working group on docker image. 19:06:01 <kushal> I think this is same of #97 19:06:22 <kushal> #topic Maintaining Fedora docker images for f22 #97 19:06:27 <jzb> yeah 19:06:31 <jzb> OK - so minor progress 19:06:47 <jzb> I haven't gotten with the working group yet, I need to send a note to devel- 19:07:02 <jzb> which is sub-optimal, I didn't realize "base" didn't have a specific mailing list. 19:07:16 <kushal> jzb, so this is about testing the docker images from koji, correct? 19:07:31 <jzb> kushal: partially 19:07:34 <jzb> we have two or three issues: 19:07:39 <jzb> 1) defining the images 19:07:45 <jzb> 2) testing / keeping track of images 19:07:54 <jzb> 3) ensuring we promote the images 19:08:07 <jzb> I think the problems identified in the last batch (alpha) were fixed in the TC2 beta 19:08:22 <jzb> e.g. - no longer pulling in the wrong packages (server definition) 19:08:35 <jzb> but I need to sync with the appropriate folks on 2/3 19:08:43 <kushal> Okay. 19:08:55 <jzb> I will do that by next week unless someone else is burning to run with that. 19:09:21 <kushal> jzb, I guess I have some good news on the testing side of the images, I will talk more in the open floor. 19:09:31 <jzb> kushal: rock :-) 19:09:41 <jzb> EOF for me on this one, though 19:09:46 <kushal> Okay :) 19:09:51 <jzb> oh - other folks who want to test TC2 are welcome to do so 19:09:52 <dgilmore> jzb: I fixed up the kickstart 19:10:04 <jzb> I did fire it up and it does work more or less as expected. 19:10:05 <dgilmore> jzb: and I got koji patched today to name the images right 19:10:21 <kushal> dgilmore, thanks :) 19:10:22 <jzb> dgilmore: I initially read that as "got koji punched today" 19:10:28 <jzb> dgilmore: whatever you have to do... 19:10:33 <dgilmore> jzb: and I know at least 3 people have downloaded the arm docker base image 19:10:44 <dgilmore> jzb: :P 19:10:48 <dgilmore> no punching of koji 19:11:02 <jsmith> dgilmore: Can I tickle it instead? 19:11:06 * jsmith ducks and hides 19:11:28 <jzb> dgilmore: thanks 19:12:07 <dgilmore> jzb: we do need to come up with better processes for uploading the images to the docker registry 19:12:16 <dgilmore> upstream though is largely broken 19:12:48 <jzb> dgilmore: understood. Is that something Adam would be saddled with, I mean, responsible for? 19:13:00 <dgilmore> jzb: I do not think so 19:13:12 <jzb> dgilmore: who currently has the honor? 19:13:24 <dgilmore> jzb: lms5 manually does it 19:13:26 <kushal> jzb, I think lsm5 19:13:29 <jzb> OK 19:13:33 <dgilmore> because thats how upstream docker works 19:13:44 <dgilmore> lsm5 ;) 19:13:58 <jzb> Not sure if we can fix upstream... 19:13:59 <kushal> mattdm, welcome :) 19:14:03 <kushal> jzb, nope :) 19:14:05 * mattdm is here -- sorry clock goes so fast :) 19:14:13 <dgilmore> jzb: not sure we can 19:14:26 * dgilmore needs to run and pick up daughter from school 19:14:46 <kushal> Moving to the next ticket then. 19:14:53 <kushal> #topic Care and Feeding, Fedora Dockerfiles #84 19:15:03 <kushal> jzb, any update on this ^^? 19:16:01 <jzb> un momento 19:16:07 <scollier> kushal, dumb question, how do we link directly to that ticket? 19:16:32 <jzb> https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/84 19:16:32 <kushal> scollier, https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/84 19:16:43 <jzb> kushal: it might be useful to send the URL with the topic 19:16:46 <scollier> thanks. i thought we could call it with the bot 19:16:58 <jzb> kushal: some progress, but no final results. 19:17:02 <kushal> jzb, yeah, will do that from now on. 19:17:05 <kushal> jzb, Okay. 19:17:14 <jzb> kushal: longer version - have started the discussion about dnf 19:17:25 <jzb> and looking for help in fixing yum -> dnf 19:17:33 <jzb> I believe scollier is still looking for someone to maintain the repo 19:17:39 <scollier> jzb, it's on my radar to help with that, yes. 19:17:40 <kushal> jzb, yup, even our cloudtoserver needs work on the same. 19:18:15 <jzb> scollier: I'm optimistically planning to do some work on that this weekend. 19:18:28 <jzb> now that we have an f22 docker image without the wrong package set :-) 19:18:58 <jzb> but we don't have a victim, er volunteer, to step up entirely. 19:19:05 <jzb> EOF 19:19:28 <scollier> i have maybe 5 things to do on fedora-dockerfiles 19:19:46 <kushal> jzb, add an action item for searching victim for dockerfiles :) 19:20:28 <scollier> 1. dnf 2. clean up READMEs for libvirt 3. atomic tool inclusion 4. CI 5. K8s integration. 19:21:27 <jzb> scollier: can you expand on #3, pls? 19:21:33 <jzb> scollier: I think I know what you mean, but I want to make sure. 19:22:39 <scollier> jzb, sure. the LABELs patch was merged, which means we can work with the "atomic" tool now. 19:22:53 <scollier> jzb, which can abstract away some of the more complicated commands. 19:22:56 <scollier> to run containers. 19:22:58 <jzb> scollier: to include additional instructions 19:23:02 <scollier> install things into containers. 19:23:06 <jzb> not supported by Docker, necessarily? 19:23:07 <scollier> stop, uninstall containers. 19:23:41 <jzb> cool 19:23:48 <scollier> jzb, supported by docker & atomic 19:25:06 <kushal> scollier, jzb can you please paste some more links here about the same which we can read later and learn more about the same? 19:25:14 <jzb> #action jzb help find scollier additional maintainer for dockerfiles 19:25:16 <scollier> kushal, sure, will do in a few min. 19:25:38 <jzb> #action jzb (and others) update dockerfiles for dnf 19:25:46 <jzb> who will take #2? 19:25:56 <jzb> (clean up readmes for libvirt)? 19:26:31 <kushal> jzb, which README(s) are these? 19:26:58 <scollier> kushal, no readmes here: https://github.com/fedora-cloud/Fedora-Dockerfiles/tree/master/libvirt 19:26:59 <jzb> kushal: scollier said 5 things to do 19:28:11 <kushal> jzb, scollier Okay, thanks. 19:29:03 <jzb> no volunteers? 19:29:20 <dustymabe> jzb I would but I'm swamped right now with school and work 19:29:36 <dustymabe> I just don't want to commit and not follow through 19:29:44 <jzb> understood 19:30:38 <kushal> Moving on then. 19:30:56 <kushal> #topic Getting sha256sum published for the cloud images https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/93 19:31:15 <kushal> Last week I had a chance to meet lennart in fossasia.org 19:31:45 <kushal> Had a long discussion over this. 19:31:51 <kushal> 2 points from it: 19:32:17 <kushal> 1. We want a standardized filename for the same information, like SHA256SUM 19:33:27 <kushal> 2. The way systemd folks wants shasum and signature in two different files, can not be done in near future, but we should look into this during F23 or F24 19:33:48 <dgilmore> http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/22_Beta_TC2/Cloud-Images/x86_64/Images/Fedora-Cloud-Images-x86_64-22_Beta_TC2-CHECKSUM 19:33:52 <kushal> He is really against the idea of having two different parser in the codebase. 19:33:59 <dgilmore> we already have the sha256sums published 19:34:28 <kushal> dgilmore, Yes, just a standard name would help to find it easily, like SHA256SUM 19:34:40 <dustymabe> kushal: for #1 I have proposed in the ticket that we can keep the same name of the checksum file we already have and also have a symlink named SHA256SUM 19:34:42 <dgilmore> kushal: it is a standard name 19:34:52 <dustymabe> I think #1 can be solved with that 19:35:06 <dgilmore> kushal: we produce many different CHECKSUM files as part of a compose 19:35:07 <jzb> dgilmore: a name that never changes 19:35:17 <dgilmore> jzb: not going to happen 19:35:24 <kushal> dustymabe, yup, that can be a way, but we have to test it :) 19:35:32 <dustymabe> dgilmore: what about my proposal? 19:35:50 <kushal> dgilmore, reasons? Other than fixing many tools/scripts. 19:35:51 <dgilmore> dustymabe: its not okay 19:36:08 <dgilmore> kushal: people like to rsync all the images into a single location for one 19:36:41 <dustymabe> dgilmore: can you state what is wrong with the symlink solution? 19:36:44 <kushal> dgilmore, but we don't release them from a central place, and we can at least provide a standard way to search for the information. 19:37:51 <dgilmore> http://paste.fedoraproject.org/199747/26707461/ 19:38:01 <dgilmore> that is all teh CHECKSUMS we create in a single compose 19:38:22 <dgilmore> dustymabe: 1 is that some mirrors do not have follow symlinks 19:38:35 <dgilmore> dustymabe: that it is inconsistent with everything we do 19:38:53 <kushal> dgilmore, all those checksum files are in different directories. 19:39:37 <dgilmore> kushal: yes, but people do things like rsync all the iso/images's and CHECKSUMS into one place to do different things 19:40:04 <kushal> dgilmore, we can keep both style names (files), that way we will still have the old style files intact when people rsync all in one place. 19:40:18 <dgilmore> it will cause confusion 19:40:36 <dgilmore> kushal: I am curious why there is a desire to change? 19:40:46 <dgilmore> what is the use case and the problem trying to be solved? 19:41:15 <dustymabe> https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/93 19:41:41 <dustymabe> I think the systemd folks are trying to "discover" images easier 19:41:44 <dgilmore> dustymabe: that does not really tell much of a story 19:41:52 <dgilmore> other than ubuntu does it and we should too 19:42:07 <dustymabe> as part of that they want to be able to find the checksum in a predictable way 19:42:22 <kushal> dgilmore, it says that finding the checksum file is difficult as the filename changes regularly. 19:42:24 <dgilmore> dustymabe: it is predictable 19:42:51 <dustymabe> dgilmore: yes predictable for Fedora 19:43:07 <dgilmore> I really do not see any good justification for something that breaks many use cases in use today 19:43:09 <dustymabe> but maybe not consistent with XYZ distro 19:43:41 <dgilmore> we can not use symlinks 19:43:43 <dustymabe> I'm not saying it is right that they want this change, I do understand where they are coming from though 19:44:06 <dgilmore> we can not be sure that mirrors will have follow symlinks turned on 19:44:10 <jzb> what's not entirely clear in this ticket 19:44:19 <dgilmore> and we have no control over the mirrors configs 19:44:40 <jzb> is what happens if systemd can find the images using nspawn 19:44:48 <dgilmore> jzb: what is not clear is a definite use case, and the benefit of making a disruptive change 19:45:10 <mattdm> dgilmore, what about adding a _copy_ of the file rather than a symlink? 19:45:33 <dgilmore> mattdm: I really think changing it at all will cause issues 19:45:56 <dgilmore> I would want a very specific known use case. 19:46:13 <mattdm> systemd nspawn is the specific use case 19:46:27 <dgilmore> I do not see one in the ticket. perhaps knowing how systemd-nspawn uses it would help 19:46:38 <dgilmore> mattdm: there is nothing stating how it works 19:46:43 <dgilmore> and why the change is needed 19:47:17 <jzb> mattdm: do I understand correctly this would give some sort of Docker search like capability to launch Fedora images using nspawn? 19:47:41 <dgilmore> mattdm: what exactly is the problem being solved? 19:47:58 <kushal> jzb, yes 19:48:01 * jzb needs to read up on nspawn 19:48:12 <kushal> jzb, and they want to verify the downloaded images. 19:48:13 <mattdm> I beleive lennart wants to use the files both an index to files in that directory and a checksum, both at once 19:48:19 <dgilmore> mattdm: how does systemd know where to go get an image? as I see it you have to feed it a url with the image. getting the matching checksum can be fed in also 19:48:20 <mattdm> kushal, is that correct? 19:48:40 <dgilmore> mattdm: there is way too much vague handwaviness here 19:49:05 <dgilmore> lets get some concrete things in place, exact use cases, 19:49:17 <kushal> mattdm, I am not sure about the part where nspawn gets the URL, I am yet to try it.l 19:49:27 <kushal> rtnpro, you have used it, any comments ^^ ? 19:51:11 <kushal> mattdm, dgilmore we can ask Lennart for more specific use cases with details on these open questions. 19:51:18 <kushal> I guess rtnpro slept. 19:51:20 <dustymabe> kushal: +1 19:51:20 <rtnpro> kushal, no :( 19:51:33 <jzb> who's going to take the action there? 19:51:37 <kushal> me 19:51:41 <jzb> we should probably write up a feature change for f23 19:51:51 <jzb> it's unlikely to happen by f22 at this point 19:52:00 <dgilmore> jzb: it is way too late for f23 19:52:03 <dgilmore> f22 19:52:15 <dgilmore> so yes a f23 change should be what is being worked towards 19:52:21 <jzb> dgilmore: I think we can squeak it in to f23 ;-) 19:52:30 <dgilmore> silly typos 19:52:34 <kushal> #action kushal wil ask Lennart for more specific use case and details for #93 19:52:43 <dustymabe> kushal: I guess its not worth talking about #2 yet until we get some more info 19:52:54 <oddshocks> +1 for F23 19:52:58 <kushal> Btw, Lennart does not expect this to be in before F23 anyway. 19:53:35 <dgilmore> kushal: jzb: mattdm: etc. we could make a redirect for the CHECKSUM like we do for the cloud images themselves 19:53:44 <dgilmore> and that may suit the needs 19:53:56 <jzb> dgilmore: oh, you mean some sort of Apache redirect? 19:54:53 <dgilmore> jzb: like we do for the cloud images 19:55:15 <kushal> I guess we can continue this discussion over the list as we don't have much time left. 19:55:25 <dgilmore> http://cloud.fedoraproject.org/fedora-19.x86_64.qcow2 19:55:34 <dgilmore> http://cloud.fedoraproject.org/fedora-21.x86_64.qcow2 19:56:00 <dgilmore> which redirects to the right image 19:56:28 <dgilmore> but you would need a path in there 19:56:48 <dgilmore> http://cloud.fedoraproject.org/fedora/21/x86_64/SHA256SUM 19:56:52 <jzb> kushal: +1 19:57:03 <jzb> dgilmore: thx 19:57:08 <mattdm> I suggested awhile ago that we publish soemthing like https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/com.ubuntu.cloud:released:download.json 19:57:21 <mattdm> a "simplestreams" format json index to the images 19:57:30 * oddshocks remembers that 19:57:34 <mattdm> that might fill systemd's needs tooo 19:57:42 <kushal> mattdm, +1 19:58:10 <kushal> Moving to next ticket for now. 19:58:26 <kushal> #topic Atomic as separate spin (or, going the other way, main cloud edition)? https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/96 19:58:55 <dustymabe> mattdm: might be worth adding that link to the ticket.. good info 19:59:22 <mattdm> dustymabe good idea 19:59:23 * jsmith has to run to another meeting 19:59:38 <dgilmore> mattdm: seems useful 19:59:53 <kushal> mattdm, any points you want to say for #96? 20:00:06 <oddshocks> Unless something has changed on #96 since our last meeting, I'm still for C for F22, and A for F23 20:01:11 <dustymabe> I think we are still of the same opinion 20:01:20 <kushal> oddshocks, +1 for me too 20:01:31 <jzb> any votes against C for F22 and A for F23? 20:02:03 <dgilmore> A will mean that atomic is less visable 20:02:19 * mattdm still odesn't remember what letters he gave to which idea 20:02:29 <kushal> mattdm, :) 20:02:33 <dgilmore> mattdm: A is as a spin 20:02:37 <jzb> mattdm: that's a little humorous. :-) 20:02:40 <dgilmore> i.e. much less visable 20:02:40 <jzb> dgilmore: yes 20:02:46 <oddshocks> Hm. I think the spins page is quite popular, actually. I don't have the metrics, but I'd bet that people would notice an Atomic spin pretty quickly. 20:03:06 <jzb> though I am wondering 20:03:09 * dgilmore has no strong opinion 20:03:17 <oddshocks> Especially if we published an article in Magazine, etc. 20:03:23 <jzb> how much traffic to Atomic comes from "Get Fedora Cloud -> Atomic" 20:03:28 <kushal> Note: we are over our 1 hour meeting time. 20:03:33 <jzb> vs. "Project Atomic - Get Fedora Cloud -> Atomic" 20:03:33 <dgilmore> as a spin it will not be talked about in Media, it will not be on any of the main pages 20:03:41 <dgilmore> you have to know it exists and dig to get it 20:03:56 <oddshocks> The key factor, I think, is that we confirm that there is enough interest in participating in the spin's development. Enough people for a meeting, or whatever activities the different spin folks do to stay in touch 20:04:21 <jzb> here's a thought 20:04:30 <mattdm> media _do_ talk about our popular existing spins, fwiw 20:04:39 <mattdm> definitely not as much as the main offerings, though 20:04:40 <oddshocks> I mean, you have to know about the KDE or XFCE spins to get them, too, and plenty of folks use them 20:04:42 <jzb> how about I run with mattdm's idea and create a proposal page on the wiki 20:04:54 <jzb> and we can "officially" vote on the mailing list? 20:04:59 * oddshocks is always for a vote 20:05:07 <jzb> note that this would be a vote of the working group members 20:05:09 <dustymabe> jzb: +1 20:05:13 <jzb> though other opinions are welcome. 20:05:16 <kushal> I would love to see those numbers on how people find atomic images. 20:06:05 <oddshocks> jzb: +1 on getting that traffic data, too 20:06:26 <jzb> OK, silence == assent 20:06:44 <jzb> #action create proposal page on wiki for Atomic spin for f23 forward, call for vote on mailing list. 20:06:50 <jzb> er 20:07:04 <jzb> #action jzb create proposal page on wiki for Atomic spin for f23 forward, call for vote on mailing list. 20:07:11 <jzb> EFO 20:07:13 <jzb> er, EOF 20:07:17 <kushal> :) 20:07:27 <kushal> #topic Producing Updated Cloud/Atomic Images https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/94 20:07:30 <kushal> oddshocks, ^^ 20:08:46 <oddshocks> I haven't heard anything on that, 20:08:49 <oddshocks> dgilmore: ? ^ 20:10:29 <dgilmore> oddshocks: I am waiting on confirmation of testing to push it live 20:10:41 <dgilmore> or there to be bugs that need a respin 20:10:45 <oddshocks> Alright, then that's the status :) 20:11:09 <dgilmore> http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/stage/21-20150309/ has the last updates compose 20:11:16 <oddshocks> dgilmore: do you need testers? we could note that in the meeting notes 20:11:37 <dgilmore> oddshocks: I do not need testers. but the cloud WG does 20:11:59 <dgilmore> and the Cloud WG needs to report back and say that its tested and okay to make live 20:12:28 <dgilmore> oddshocks: it is in the CloudWG's hands at this point in time 20:12:29 <kushal> dgilmore, I will do the tests and get back to you. 20:12:58 <kushal> I have tunir ready to run all of our cloud tests for the same. 20:13:30 <kushal> I was thinking about talking about it in the open floor, but anyway we are over time. 20:13:31 <oddshocks> \o/ 20:13:40 <kushal> I will drop a mail to the list and blog on the same tomorrow 20:14:00 * oddshocks also has an open floor point, but will just email the list 20:14:25 <kushal> If there is nothing else, we can close the meeting today. 20:14:44 <dustymabe> +1 20:14:49 * oddshocks crickets 20:15:00 <kushal> 3 20:15:01 <kushal> 2 20:15:08 <kushal> 1 20:15:13 <kushal> #endmeeting