19:02:56 <kushal> #startmeeting Fedora Cloud SIG 19:02:56 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 22 19:02:56 2015 UTC. The chair is kushal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:02:56 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:03:03 <kushal> #topic Roll Call 19:03:04 <jzb> .hellomynameis jzb 19:03:04 <zodbot> jzb: jzb 'Joe Brockmeier' <jzb@redhat.com> 19:03:09 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 19:03:10 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <kushaldas@gmail.com> 19:03:20 <kushal> dustymabe, you can run the command again :) 19:03:41 <roshi> .hello roshi 19:03:41 <zodbot> roshi: roshi 'Mike Ruckman' <mruckman@redhat.com> 19:03:47 <roshi> I'm just kinda lurking today 19:03:54 <roshi> was watching the fesco meeting :) 19:04:10 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 19:04:11 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dusty@dustymabe.com> 19:04:17 <dustymabe> kushal: yep :) 19:04:20 <kushal> :) 19:04:26 <kushal> Anyone else :) 19:04:47 <kushal> #topic Action items from previous meeting 19:04:50 <kushal> None :) 19:04:57 <kushal> http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2015-04-08/cloud_wg.2015-04-08-18.59.txt 19:04:59 <jzb> kushal: we're all done? 19:05:15 <kushal> jzb, means? 19:05:22 <kushal> jzb, action items? 19:05:30 <jzb> kushal: yeah. 19:05:33 <kushal> hehe 19:05:42 <kushal> jzb, seems so, we have new work to do :) 19:05:49 <kushal> Moving to tickets 19:05:53 <kushal> https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/report/9 19:06:40 <kushal> #topic Maintaining Fedora docker images for f22 https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/97 19:06:48 <jzb> Oh, look 19:06:50 <jzb> that's mine 19:07:04 <kushal> jzb, floor is yours :) 19:07:05 <jzb> So - I did ask about moving the Docker image to a more prominent area 19:07:17 <jzb> Consensus seems to be... we're pretty much stuck for F22 19:07:21 <jzb> we need to revisit for F23 19:07:27 <jzb> same with our collaboration with the base folks 19:07:36 <jzb> they agree that we probably should be promoting and testing it. 19:07:46 <jzb> but we've had some back-and-forth there so we need to come up with a plan and stick to it. 19:08:05 <kushal> jzb, I am in for the testing part. 19:08:24 <jzb> kushal: I think we need to add this to the refactoring the PRD work we need to do 19:08:33 <kushal> jzb, though we do not have an automated way to deploy the docker images. 19:08:36 <kushal> jzb, yup. 19:08:41 <kushal> maxamillion, welcome :) 19:08:46 <maxamillion> kushal: thanks :) 19:08:51 <jzb> kushal: deploy to Docker, you mean? 19:09:08 <dustymabe> maxamillion: welcome!! 19:09:20 <kushal> jzb, yeah 19:09:52 <jzb> kushal: yeah, and I only have a small grasp of what actually happens there - but my understading is that there's not going to be an automated way to do it. 19:09:55 <kushal> jzb, For Fedora23 time frame, I personally want to make sure our QA workflow is automated. 19:10:20 <jzb> kushal: Long term, I think we may eventually want to have a Fedora/CentOS docker registry of our own. 19:10:21 <kushal> jzb, for now you are correct, but we should be able to do some amount of automation. 19:10:34 <jzb> but that's way out of scope of this ticket :-D 19:10:49 <kushal> jzb, Yes, we should have a different discussion for that. 19:11:24 <jzb> kushal: anyway - for F22 we're pretty much status quo, we need to plan ahead for F23 19:11:40 <jzb> kushal: somebody, and I'm hoping its not me, needs to start a ticket for the PRD and scoping that w 19:11:45 <jzb> work 19:12:08 <kushal> jzb, I can do that, but I will have few questions for you before that. 19:12:27 <kushal> #action Kushal volunteers to update the PRD 19:13:14 <kushal> jzb, moving to next ticket? 19:13:29 <jzb> kushal: yes 19:13:38 <jzb> kushal: and happy to help / answer qs 19:13:44 <jzb> I just don't want to be front man for it. 19:14:01 <kushal> #topic Care and Feeding, Fedora Dockerfiles https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/84 19:14:22 <jzb> kushal: no new news there 19:15:07 <kushal> Okay 19:15:15 <kushal> We can move to open floor now. 19:15:22 <kushal> I have few things to share. 19:15:28 <kushal> #topic Open Floor 19:16:18 <kushal> 1. In PyCon I talked with few public cloud providers, like dreamhost, Google, rackspace. I will make contact to their image teams to have a better integration of Fedora. 19:16:40 <kushal> 2. I will also mail the docker design guy so that he can put up Fedora details into the hub page. 19:17:42 <dustymabe> kushal: RE: 1 - I'll work with digital ocean again to get F22 in 19:17:46 <dustymabe> like I did for F21 19:17:51 <kushal> dustymabe, cool, thanks :) 19:18:29 <kushal> Any other input? 19:18:34 <dustymabe> As more and more providers pop up I can probably scale up a bit to work with them. The more we interface with them the better I think 19:18:50 <dustymabe> that way we can get a feel for what they are actually giving their customers 19:18:58 <kushal> Btw, in PyCon this year I found many people who are using Fedora on local boxes, and few even on their cloud nodes ;) 19:19:02 <dustymabe> i.e. is it close to what we release or not? 19:19:41 <kushal> dustymabe, understood. 19:20:11 <jzb> kushal: woot 19:20:22 <jzb> kushal: did you write up a report on PyCon for the magazine? 19:20:43 <kushal> jzb, Not yet, first I will work on the photos tomorrow, and then I will work on blog post 19:20:49 <jzb> kushal: excellent, thanks! 19:20:51 <kushal> and also a magazine post 19:20:56 <jzb> kushal: recovered from the trip yet? :-) 19:21:03 <kushal> jzb, nope 19:21:17 <kushal> jzb, this is like lunch time in my midnight and my body is confused. 19:21:26 <jzb> yay travel :-) 19:21:37 <dustymabe> :) 19:21:42 <kushal> Do anyone have anything else for open floor? 19:21:50 <dustymabe> kushal yeah 19:22:00 <dustymabe> just wondering if we have planned a cloud/virt test day 19:22:00 <kushal> dustymabe, go ahead. 19:22:13 <dustymabe> I know we usually have one 19:22:29 <dustymabe> well I think cloud/rdo maybe have a joint one?? 19:22:40 <jzb> dustymabe: we had separate ones last release 19:22:41 <roshi> it would be good to have 19:22:47 <roshi> but I don't think it's been proposed yet 19:22:50 <jzb> dustymabe: not sure if we have a "usually" yet 19:22:53 <dustymabe> there he is! 19:22:56 <dustymabe> hey roshi 19:23:02 <roshi> I can help someone get that started 19:23:02 <jzb> last release was the first with a Cloud edition separately 19:23:06 <roshi> hey dustymabe :) 19:23:18 <kushal> jzb, I would ask for a separate one. 19:25:01 <jzb> who wants to lead that charge? 19:25:41 <dustymabe> what is our timeframe for F22 release? 19:25:57 <dustymabe> my free time is starting to increase here after another week 19:26:14 <dustymabe> I may be able to do it 19:26:24 <kushal> dustymabe, when do you want it? 19:26:35 <kushal> dustymabe, closer to release date, or? 19:26:54 <dustymabe> well I just wanted it "not in the next week" 19:27:10 <roshi> dustymabe: I can walk you through setting up a testday 19:27:17 <dustymabe> roshi: ok! 19:27:21 <roshi> sometime when you're ready 19:27:27 <roshi> just ping me so I don't forget 19:27:39 <dustymabe> and we'll need to try to make sure it's not on the same day as the others.. etc 19:27:40 <roshi> :) 19:27:43 <jzb> dustymabe: release will be in May 19:27:53 <jzb> dustymabe: we need to do it early enough to incorporate any feedback, of course 19:27:59 <kushal> jzb, 19th is the date, correct? 19:28:01 <jzb> no good finding ALL THE BUGS if we ship the day after 19:28:10 <roshi> yeah 19:28:18 <dustymabe> jzb: true 19:28:27 <jzb> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/22/Schedule 19:28:32 <jzb> kushal: 26 May 19:28:36 <jzb> slipped by one week 19:28:52 <kushal> jzb, Ah, ooops 19:28:54 <dustymabe> ok. so if we aim for maybe the 7th or something? 19:28:54 <jzb> final freeze is 12 May 19:29:03 <jzb> dustymabe: wfm 19:29:09 <dustymabe> cool 19:29:16 <kushal> dustymabe, Okay 19:29:17 <jzb> dustymabe: I'm happy to help, but I don't have bandwidth to lead it ATM 19:29:21 <dustymabe> i'll aim for that and adjust if we find conflicts 19:29:38 <dustymabe> kushal you can give me an AI to work with roshi to get it set up 19:30:06 <kushal> dustymabe, AI? 19:30:14 <kushal> dustymabe, IRC bot will do? 19:30:15 <kushal> :p 19:30:23 <kushal> oh action ite, 19:30:24 <kushal> oh action item 19:30:43 <kushal> #action dustymabe will setup a test day on 7th with help from roshi 19:30:54 <kushal> dustymabe, sorry my brain is still not in place. 19:31:13 <jzb> kushal: don't start SkyNet 19:31:17 <jzb> I have plans next week 19:31:28 <jzb> an apocalypse is not part of them :-) 19:31:34 <dustymabe> kushal: :) 19:31:34 <kushal> jzb, hehe 19:32:45 <kushal> Is there anything else? 19:33:51 <dustymabe> thats it 19:34:13 <kushal> Okay, then I can close this meeting. 19:34:33 <kushal> #endmeeting