19:00:15 <kushal> #startmeeting Fedora Cloud SIG 19:00:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 27 19:00:15 2015 UTC. The chair is kushal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:23 <kushal> #topic Roll Call 19:00:29 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 19:00:31 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <kushaldas@gmail.com> 19:00:37 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 19:00:38 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dusty@dustymabe.com> 19:00:39 <roshi> .hello roshi 19:00:41 <zodbot> roshi: roshi 'Mike Ruckman' <mruckman@redhat.com> 19:01:22 <jzb> .hellomynameis jzb 19:01:23 <zodbot> jzb: jzb 'Joe Brockmeier' <jzb@redhat.com> 19:01:45 <oddshocks> .hello oddshocks 19:01:46 <zodbot> oddshocks: oddshocks 'David Gay' <dgay@redhat.com> 19:01:57 <kushal> Anyone else? 19:02:55 * adimania us here 19:03:03 <adimania> s/us/is 19:03:16 <dustymabe> adimania: welcome 19:03:27 <adimania> thank you! 19:03:37 <kushal> adimania, hello 19:03:54 <kushal> #topic Fedora 22 release 19:04:16 <kushal> Thank you everyone for the hard work :) 19:04:26 <dustymabe> yay. thanks everybody! 19:04:36 <roshi> :) 19:04:45 <sgallagh> /me lurks 19:05:04 <dustymabe> it seems like it went so fast 19:05:15 <dustymabe> maxamillion: welcome 19:05:18 <roshi> it does that :) 19:05:19 <maxamillion> dustymabe: thanks :) 19:05:22 <kushal> maxamillion, hello :) 19:05:30 * jsmith shows up late 19:05:31 <kushal> dustymabe, it really went fast :) 19:05:34 <kushal> jsmith, Hi there 19:05:34 <maxamillion> kushal: hi hi 19:05:43 <roshi> just wait, we'll be working on F23 before you know it 19:05:48 <roshi> then F24... 19:05:53 * lsm5 here 19:06:00 <roshi> good turnout today :) 19:06:03 <kushal> roshi, yup, isn't that great :) 19:06:15 <kushal> roshi, both working and turnout :) 19:06:21 <scollier> hello 19:06:23 <roshi> Everything is Awesome 19:06:23 <kushal> scollier, hello there 19:06:27 <roshi> :p 19:06:30 <sgallagh> dustymabe: Well, certainly faster than F21 19:06:40 <dustymabe> sgallagh: yep :) 19:06:42 <kushal> sgallagh, :) 19:07:10 <kushal> Anyone wants to say anything related to this release? 19:07:12 * nzwulfin lurking 19:07:39 * jbrooks here 19:07:40 <dustymabe> any big issues noticed so far? 19:07:47 <dustymabe> I know there was one with cockpit in atomic 19:07:51 <jzb> that one 19:08:02 <kushal> nzwulfin, jbrooks Hello :) 19:08:08 <nzwulfin> jbrooks found it .. changed the delivery to SPC 19:08:47 <nzwulfin> https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/wiki/Atomic 19:09:21 <roshi> I didn't know cockpit was supposed to be part of atomic 19:09:23 <roshi> tbh 19:09:26 <scollier> we also now have atomic as a fedora image on the docker registry. 19:09:36 <scollier> atomic install fedora/cockpitws 19:09:42 <scollier> atomic run fedora/cockpitws 19:09:43 <dustymabe> scollier: 19:09:45 <dustymabe> haha 19:09:50 <dustymabe> I thought you were talking about atomic host 19:10:09 <nzwulfin> scollier: me too, you almost hurt my brain! 19:10:22 <kushal> Oh 19:10:23 <scollier> it does run on atomic host. 19:10:41 <scollier> yea, the atomic command... 19:10:53 <sgallagh> kushal: I'd like to make one comment about Vagrant 19:10:55 <jzb> that hurt my brain for a second 19:11:02 <kushal> sgallagh, go ahead :) 19:11:13 <kushal> jzb, hehe 19:11:14 <jzb> scollier: so Cockpit should be / is run as a container now? 19:11:17 <sgallagh> It would be nice if we could get a -latest.box link up somewhere that will always point to whichever respin is newest 19:11:36 <scollier> jzb, can be. been working with stefw to get that covered. 19:12:07 <nzwulfin> jzb: it works with the limited testing i did today 19:12:10 <scollier> jzb, https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/fedora/cockpitws/ 19:12:14 <stefw> scollier, https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/wiki/Atomic 19:12:20 <kushal> sgallagh, Okay 19:12:27 * mattdm is here, paying half attention :) 19:12:42 <roshi> half a mattdm is better than no mattdm :p 19:12:49 <jzb> we need to get documentation up on that. 19:12:50 <kushal> #action kushal will work to get a -latest.box link up for vagrant boxes 19:12:52 <mattdm> roshi: thanks, I think :) 19:13:00 <jzb> roshi: so we have a mat or a tdm? 19:13:04 <scollier> jzb, i owe stefw a blog, but i dunno where official doc come from. 19:13:18 <roshi> lol, not sure jzb 19:13:19 <jzb> scollier: probably somebody stealing content from your blog. 19:13:33 <scollier> jzb, that's ok. might want to add an action item for me to create that blog :) 19:14:00 <jzb> #action scollier write blog for using Cockpit container on Atomic / Fedora 22 19:14:11 <kushal> scollier, +1 :) 19:14:11 * jzb assumes he has chair privs. 19:14:39 <kushal> #chair jzb scollier roshi dustymabe number80 nzwulfin jbrooks mattdm adimania 19:14:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: adimania dustymabe jbrooks jzb kushal mattdm number80 nzwulfin roshi scollier 19:14:58 <kushal> jzb, just in case :) 19:15:15 <scollier> jzb, that means i can assign actions now? woohoo 19:15:56 <kushal> scollier, feel free too :) 19:16:09 * adimania thinks that scollier is in "actions" shooting mode! 19:16:23 * kushal should do that at the beginning of the meeting. 19:16:40 <kushal> Moving to next topic then? 19:16:52 <kushal> Or is there anything else to the release? 19:17:22 <nzwulfin> i'm working on reviewing the getting started guide based on the release 19:17:51 <kushal> nzwulfin, great 19:18:10 <kushal> #info nzwulfin is reviewing the getting started guide based on the release 19:19:02 <kushal> #topic Fedora 23 19:19:22 <kushal> I will start a thread tomorrow with some initial thoughts about Fedora 23 19:19:36 <kushal> I want to have the feature list as early as possible. 19:19:55 <kushal> I will also make sure about poking the feature owners regularly 19:19:55 <jzb> kushal: per a discussion on marketing 19:20:12 <kushal> jzb, ? 19:20:14 <jzb> kushal: we should strongly consider a "Workstation to Cloud" story for F23 19:20:30 <jzb> e.g. - starting with applications developed on Workstation to a Cloud running on Server. 19:20:56 <roshi> we also need to go over the PRD ASAP 19:20:56 <jzb> maybe less about individual features and more on how the editions work together. 19:21:01 <jzb> yep 19:21:05 <kushal> roshi, Yup. 19:21:18 <kushal> roshi, thanks for reminding 19:21:31 <kushal> Everyone please go through the cloud PRD 19:21:35 <roshi> np, didn't want to forget 19:21:40 <roshi> I'll try to take a pass at it 19:21:48 <roshi> once I get this blog post written 19:21:54 <kushal> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud/Cloud_PRD 19:22:01 <kushal> roshi, Okay 19:22:17 <kushal> jzb, Okay, I will try to find the original thread 19:22:24 <roshi> is atomic staying a spin for F23? 19:23:30 <jzb> roshi: I think we decided to do rapid releases but it wouldn't be a "final" release given the constraints we have there. 19:23:42 <number80> roshi: if we hadn't a hard limit on products, I would suggest that we promote it as an independent product 19:24:20 <sgallagh> jzb: I was talking with scollier about that very topic this week (Workstation->Cloud) 19:24:53 <sgallagh> I think we want to work on integrating our various tools (DevAssistant, Vagrant, OpenShift, etc.) together in such a way that we are developing on what will ultimately be the deployment platform. 19:24:58 <roshi> I haven't looked, but it might be good to have something like release criteria for it 19:25:02 <jzb> sgallagh: +1 19:25:15 <roshi> +1 to that 19:25:45 <sgallagh> e.g. DevAssistant builds your dev environment with a Vagrant setup that is really an OpenShift node. 19:26:24 <sgallagh> /me goes back to the unicorn pens. 19:27:00 <mattdm> sgallagh: set the unicorns free! 19:27:02 <number80> well, we'd need to get openshift back under fedora first 19:27:22 <mattdm> number80: yes. hopefully possible with openshift 3.... 19:27:36 <number80> mattdm: that would be an excellent news :) 19:27:37 <purpleidea> sgallagh: i'd venture to recommend using OMV instead of dev assistant to build a vagrant env. if you want to wrap that in DA, wrap OMV instead 19:27:39 <kushal> mattdm, :) 19:28:03 * number80 already working hard to keep openstack in fedora 19:28:13 <sgallagh> purpleidea: The implementation is less important to me this moment than whether the plan makes sense 19:29:52 <number80> +1 19:30:16 <number80> we need a consistent story, that's the point of having products in the first place 19:30:16 <purpleidea> sgallagh: is DA getting a lot of adoption? 19:31:18 <sgallagh> purpleidea: It's getting a lot of *press* at least. And it's a useful tool that we can make into the linchpin of our efforts if we move quickly. 19:32:08 <purpleidea> sgallagh: as an aside, a new tool called gnome-builder seems to be shaping up to be a great thing to watch. an old version is in F22 19:33:04 <sgallagh> purpleidea: Not terribly interesting so far, as it's primarily only useful for building GNOME. 19:33:04 <number80> gnome-builder is already part of the workstation story 19:33:30 <purpleidea> sgallagh: disagree that it's only interesting for GNOME. 19:33:47 * number80 suggests that we move this discussion on the list 19:34:07 <sgallagh> purpleidea: I meant that its design purpose is for developing GNOME 19:34:09 <number80> it's not part of the agenda, and let's be considerate to other people time ;) 19:34:13 <sgallagh> Anyway, this is getting off-topic 19:34:14 <sgallagh> Sorry 19:34:18 <number80> sgallagh: np 19:34:37 <kushal> Thanks :) 19:34:47 <kushal> I think we can move to Open Floor now. 19:34:55 <kushal> #topic Open Floor 19:35:17 <number80> I'll give a pass to the PRD tomorrow 19:35:37 <number80> but another topic, we should prepare an agenda for our WG meeting at Flock 19:35:47 <jsmith> Agreed :-) 19:35:48 <oddshocks> number80: good idea 19:36:47 <kushal> number80, +1 19:37:10 <jzb> number80: we have a WG meeting at Flock? 19:37:13 <number80> #action everyone start working on an agenda for Cloud WG meeting at Flock 19:37:27 <number80> jzb: yes, it's on the schedule, I assumed it was submitted by kushal? 19:37:48 <kushal> number80, Nope 19:38:08 <kushal> oddshocks, did a talk submission iirc 19:38:12 <number80> nevermind, no matter who submitted it, that was a good damn idea 19:38:12 <kushal> and roshi too 19:38:13 <sgallagh> number80: I don't think a schedule exists yet 19:38:13 <jzb> number80: I didn't think the schedule was up already 19:38:20 <jzb> number80: that would be me ;-) 19:38:26 <jzb> number80: I just didn't think it was up yet. 19:38:28 <number80> jzb: you're brilliant 19:38:40 <number80> sgallagh: right, it's not schedule but result from voting 19:39:03 <oddshocks> Cool! Yeah, I saw there was a Cloud SIG meetup. I submitted a proposal for a general talk on Fedora Cloud and the WG, how people can get involved, etc. 19:39:07 <sgallagh> number80: The voting results do not necessarily imply selection (but in the case of the WG meeting, it probably will get a workshop space) 19:39:28 <number80> ok 19:39:36 <roshi> my testCloud talk missed the cutoff by 2 points :p 19:39:46 <roshi> but now I don't have to make slides! 19:39:54 <number80> let's wrap up if nobody has any other topic 19:39:56 <kushal> sgallagh, Okay 19:40:01 <kushal> number80, +1 :) 19:40:46 <kushal> I am going to close the meeting now. 19:40:48 <kushal> 5 19:40:50 <kushal> 4 19:40:53 <kushal> 3 19:40:56 <kushal> 2 19:40:59 <kushal> 1 19:41:03 <kushal> #endmeeting