15:31:09 <dgilmore> #startmeeting RELENG (2015-07-06) 15:31:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 6 15:31:09 2015 UTC. The chair is dgilmore. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:31:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:31:19 * pingou o/ 15:31:23 <dgilmore> #meetingname releng 15:31:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng' 15:31:24 <dgilmore> #chair dgilmore nirik tyll sharkcz bochecha masta pbrobinson pingou maxamillion 15:31:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: bochecha dgilmore masta maxamillion nirik pbrobinson pingou sharkcz tyll 15:31:26 <dgilmore> #topic init process 15:31:31 * nirik waves 15:31:41 * maxamillion is here 15:32:25 * pbrobinson waves 15:32:52 <dgilmore> #topic #6164 bodhi2 status update requested 15:32:58 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/6164 15:33:07 <dgilmore> lmacken: where is bodhi2 at currently? 15:33:34 <lmacken> dgilmore: working on the staging setup, working through some proxy issues today. 15:33:52 <lmacken> will be hacking with threebean in person today, and will hopefully get through these last deployment roadblocks 15:33:54 <dgilmore> lmacken: okay, is there things we can and should be poking at? 15:34:27 <lmacken> dgilmore: not right now, but soon we'll be able to point our tools at it and start testing pushes 15:34:39 <pingou> cool :) 15:34:43 <dgilmore> lmacken: okay, that would be good 15:35:04 <dgilmore> #info lmacken and threebean working together in person today 15:35:18 <dgilmore> #info soon we'll be able to point our tools at it and start testing pushes 15:35:30 <dgilmore> thanks lmacken, looking forward to testing it out 15:35:42 * nirik is also happy to help any way I can 15:35:46 <dgilmore> #topic #6200 Cannot mirror Fedora drpms using OpenAFS 15:35:50 <dgilmore> https://fedorahosted.org/rel-eng/ticket/6200 15:36:21 <dgilmore> so I am not opposed to putting the deltas in hashed directories 15:36:32 <pbrobinson> yea, I think that makes sense 15:36:43 <pbrobinson> same as we did for the standard rpms 15:36:45 <dgilmore> not sure it really will do much and it seems using openafs for mirroring is a plain bad idea 15:36:46 <nirik> sure, or we could keep fewer? 15:36:57 <nirik> agreed. 15:37:02 <dgilmore> nirik: not sure we really can 15:37:47 <nirik> yeah, I suppose not. 15:38:12 <nirik> since people do fresh installs and update (so that needs the base->newest) and we want to keep the last -> newest 15:38:55 <dgilmore> yep 15:39:07 <dgilmore> what ones we should keep is kinda hard to really know 15:39:23 <dgilmore> speaking of what to keep 15:39:49 <dgilmore> I think i closed a bug as wontfix that was requestiong we never remove rpms from updates and updates-testing repos 15:41:07 <nirik> I think thats fine. I don't think we want to keep all packages for all time. 15:41:17 <dgilmore> I do not think so either 15:41:22 <nirik> I personally wouldn't mind keeping N and N-1 but thats just me it seems 15:42:37 <dgilmore> does anyone want to try write a patch for createrepo and createrepo_c to hash the deltas? 15:43:09 <dgilmore> createrepo is actually pretty broken upstream in regards to delta support right now 15:43:35 <dgilmore> I am not sure that createrepo_c even supports hashing the rpms 15:43:48 <dgilmore> nirik: I think that is just you 15:44:16 <nirik> seems like. ;) 15:44:58 <pbrobinson> hehe 15:44:58 <dgilmore> #info someone needed to look at adding support to hash deltarpms and make sure createrepo_c actually supports hashing rpms 15:45:28 <dgilmore> #topic Secondary Architectures updates 15:45:29 <dgilmore> #topic Secondary Architectures update - ppc 15:45:32 <maxamillion> nirik: I'm with you on N and N-1 actually :) 15:45:38 <dgilmore> pbrobinson: how is ppc? 15:45:57 <pbrobinson> not bad 15:46:11 <pbrobinson> there's an issue with nightly composes 15:46:27 <pbrobinson> randomly shitting themselves with next to no mash debug 15:46:38 <dgilmore> always fun 15:46:39 <pbrobinson> so I need to look @ them closer this evening 15:46:57 <dgilmore> okay 15:46:58 <pbrobinson> other than that mass rebuild is tinkering along 15:47:10 <dgilmore> cool. 15:47:25 <dgilmore> how is the rebuilding of infra going? 15:48:15 <pbrobinson> focus on this week, was actually poking at ansible and friends earlier 15:48:46 <dgilmore> awesome, I would like to see us get everything done before branching 15:48:50 <dgilmore> which is 3 weeks ago 15:48:52 <dgilmore> away 15:49:12 <pbrobinson> that's the plan 15:49:20 <dgilmore> cool 15:49:29 <dgilmore> okay lets move on unless you have something else 15:49:40 <dgilmore> #topic Secondary Architectures update - s390 15:49:42 <pbrobinson> also need to poke mike about getting a new koji release done too 15:49:57 <pbrobinson> no Czech Rep people today 15:49:57 <dgilmore> pbrobinson: yes we do, for primary and secondaries 15:50:29 <dgilmore> #info 15:50 < pbrobinson> no Czech Rep people today 15:50:32 <pbrobinson> dgilmore: yes, even as it stands I believe we have enough for a .10 release even if we delay other features until .11 15:50:38 <dgilmore> #topic Secondary Architectures update - arm 15:50:43 <dgilmore> pbrobinson: right 15:50:50 <dgilmore> hows aarch64? 15:51:14 <pbrobinson> so here we've now started to move forward on mass rebuild now the qemu/tooolchain issue is resolved/understood 15:51:35 <pbrobinson> we're around 9K builds behind but that should pick up considerably this week 15:51:54 <dgilmore> awesome 15:51:56 <nirik> pbrobinson: when were we going to move the builders? 15:52:04 <dgilmore> are we also working to rebuild the infra? 15:52:22 <pbrobinson> nirik: I'm not sure who is shipping what from where 15:52:48 <nirik> pbrobinson: Smooge will be in phx2 the week of the 27th. 15:52:49 <pbrobinson> I need to dig back into email to ensure we have the 6 or so aarch64 boxes we're moving around in place time for smooge 15:52:56 <nirik> so ideally we could ship them the week before... 15:52:58 <pbrobinson> nirik: yep 15:53:08 <nirik> hopefully this week and next is enough to catch up on mass rebuild? 15:53:49 <pbrobinson> if no we'll pause it or use some other temp HW in the interim, we have 2 builders already in PHX, that will allow to at least keep moving along slowly 15:53:57 <nirik> ok. ;) 15:55:08 <pbrobinson> and once we have them there it should be all straightforward 15:55:16 <pbrobinson> update firmwares and install 15:55:18 <dgilmore> #info will have some new builders in phx2 soon 15:55:48 <pbrobinson> nirik: btw what's the status of the new s390 hub/db, I need to review the secondary groups/ACLs 15:57:03 <nirik> pbrobinson: I've not done anything with it recently. as I recall it should be all setup, but we couldn't run kojid on it because we needed to add the new hub hostname as a builder... and sharkcz wanted to implement a 'shared shadow' setup... 15:57:15 <nirik> if you or he could move that forward that would be lovely. 15:57:29 <nirik> I can also make arm ones anytime you like. 15:58:20 <pbrobinson> nirik: OK, I'll liaise with sharkcz when he's back 15:58:39 <pbrobinson> seems like I'm 110% secondary infra this week ;-) 15:58:40 <nirik> cool. I'm happy to help with ansible side if any changes needed there. 15:58:59 <pbrobinson> cool 15:59:01 * dgilmore would be happy if we get all hubs installed and configured the same 15:59:10 * nirik too, we will get there. 15:59:24 <dgilmore> anything else? 15:59:31 <pbrobinson> not from me 15:59:55 <dgilmore> #topic Open Floor 16:00:06 <dgilmore> does anyone have anything for open floor? 16:00:13 <maxamillion> I do 16:00:25 <dgilmore> maxamillion: go for it 16:00:27 * nirik too, can go after maxamillion 16:00:36 <maxamillion> I wanted to bring up pungi4 ... what all is it going to block and when do we have to have it in working condition? 16:00:52 <maxamillion> (I have a couple others so nirik can go next and I'll follow up after) 16:01:13 <dgilmore> maxamillion: we can continue to run it in teh way we have 16:01:27 <dgilmore> maxamillion: so if we do not get it 100% we are not totally screwed 16:01:31 <nirik> AFAIK, the run-root stuff should be ready to use now (wasn't it going to use that?) 16:01:37 <dgilmore> but it will block taking a step forward for atomic 16:01:43 <pbrobinson> maxamillion: I'm going to follow up with dmach tomorrow morning EU time 16:01:46 <maxamillion> dgilmore: alright, ideally when should we have it done then? 16:01:50 <maxamillion> pbrobinson: +1 - thanks 16:01:51 <dgilmore> afaik we should be able to run it as is 16:01:55 <pbrobinson> to see if we can't get some focus 16:02:07 <maxamillion> dgilmore: wait, should be able to run what as is? 16:02:15 <pbrobinson> dgilmore: sure but we still need to try and keep it moving forward in parallel 16:02:16 <dgilmore> but we will have to move /mnt/fedora_koji/compose to /mnt/fedora_koji/koji/compose 16:02:40 <dgilmore> maxamillion: the release compose as we did in f22 should still just work 16:02:49 <maxamillion> dgilmore: ah, gotchya 16:02:58 <dgilmore> pbrobinson: I do not want to do it that way 16:03:13 <maxamillion> dgilmore: if we can pull off getting pungi4 in good shape though, when should that be done by? 16:03:16 <dgilmore> but I think at this point we need to test doing everything 16:03:25 <dgilmore> withing the confines of /mnt/koji 16:03:32 <dgilmore> which is a bug in pungi 16:03:42 <dgilmore> that we can not use paths outside of it 16:03:50 <dgilmore> maxamillion: 3 weeks 16:03:56 <maxamillion> dgilmore: oh wow ... alright, good to know 16:04:06 <pbrobinson> dgilmore: what way, I'm not suggesting by the statement above doing it any way, but rather if need be we leave it as it is we still should be pushing forward getting pungi4 into a good state 16:04:27 <maxamillion> alright, thanks ... that's all I had for pungi4, go for it nirik 16:04:29 <dgilmore> pbrobinson: I do not want to do composes the same way we did in f22 16:04:57 <dgilmore> pbrobinson: at this point we need to test doing a compose within the known limitations of pungi 16:05:09 <dgilmore> and see what we get 16:05:16 <pbrobinson> is it in a state where it's even working yet? 16:05:27 <dgilmore> but we do need to work to remove the limitations and do things better all around 16:05:28 <maxamillion> pbrobinson: I've yet to see it work 16:05:33 <dgilmore> pbrobinson: unknown 16:05:41 <dgilmore> pbrobinson: we have not tried 16:06:16 <dgilmore> runroot is setup and tested working 16:06:25 <dgilmore> but we need a new koji to actually use it 16:07:14 <dgilmore> I will bug mikem to get a koji release out 16:07:36 <dgilmore> and if he can not do it today or tomorrow I will pull a new git snapshot only into rawhide 16:07:55 <dgilmore> then we need to run a full compose and see what happens 16:08:28 <dgilmore> sound good to everyone? 16:08:29 <pbrobinson> agreed I think with that and the URL fixes for cloud images plus other fixes there's more than enough for a release, and I don't think the dnf patches are ready yet to merge 16:08:39 <nirik> I wanted to ask about builders. Currently they are all f21. Do we want to try and move them to 22? That was waiting on some dnf stuff I think? is that sorted? or should we keep them on 21 for a while more? 16:08:41 <pbrobinson> yep, seems reasonable 16:08:54 <dgilmore> nirik: they have to stay f21 for now 16:08:56 <nirik> ha. ok, that answers that I guess. ;) 16:09:04 <pbrobinson> nirik: yes, I think that needs a lot more testing yet :) 16:09:17 <nirik> ok, fair enough. done. maxamillion... 16:09:25 <maxamillion> dgilmore: why so? (I don't know the motivation behind them needing to stay f21) 16:09:28 <pbrobinson> nirik: sounds like something for staging once the koji dnf patch set lands 16:09:51 <nirik> sure, if staging is in shape to test (which I hope it will be, threebean has been working on that) 16:09:52 <pbrobinson> because of dnf being default and not working with koji yet 16:10:16 <dgilmore> maxamillion: because koji doesnt know how to deal with using different packaging backends, and the way that mock deals with yum/yum-deprecated/dnf is broken 16:10:40 <maxamillion> dgilmore: ah 16:10:50 <dgilmore> the move to dnf as default and taking over /usr/bin/yum breaks many things 16:11:33 <dgilmore> does anyone else have anything they want to bring up? 16:11:39 <maxamillion> I do 16:11:46 <pbrobinson> don 16:11:57 <pbrobinson> don't we have a limit per person ;-) 16:12:12 <dgilmore> maxamillion: go ahead 16:12:23 <maxamillion> I wanted to bring up the Layered Build Image change (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Layered_Docker_Image_Build_Service) ... I'm working right now to see if I can make this work on ARM to make sure that we can satisfy all primary architectures but I think there will be challenges there because of upstream docker and kubernetes not having the best ARM suppport ... buuuut, the reason I w 16:12:29 <maxamillion> anted to bring it up is that I think we need to get someone from the Infrastructure team involved because I suspect they are going to be left with a brunt of the work long term to keep the lights on 16:12:33 <maxamillion> (sorry, was typing) 16:12:57 <dgilmore> maxamillion: :) 16:13:08 <maxamillion> I'd like to propose this to the Infrastructure group and request some amount of "buy in" from an interested party 16:13:20 <dgilmore> maxamillion: so right now we do have the issue of being unable to build the base image inside of fedora infra 16:13:39 <maxamillion> I don't want to just do all this stuff and then be like "here, take this and deal with 3am pager duty if it blows up" 16:13:51 <maxamillion> dgilmore: oh? 16:13:52 <nirik> we don't want that either. (speaking for infrastructure) 16:14:09 <dgilmore> maxamillion: I built the f22 images at my house 16:14:24 <maxamillion> nirik: right, that'd be a total asshole move to expect that of the Infra team 16:14:41 <maxamillion> nirik: so I want to sort out how we should go about this and get everyone involved and on the same page 16:14:47 <nirik> maxamillion: people try and do that kind of thing all the time to us. ;) 16:14:49 <dgilmore> maxamillion: which i could add a node to koji to build the docker base image, but I am not 100% sure we should 16:14:59 <maxamillion> nirik: :( 16:15:07 <nirik> anyhow, we have a process for this... called request for resources. 16:15:08 <dgilmore> it would be a bit of overhead to make sure it has access to internal infra 16:15:28 <maxamillion> dgilmore: what's to missing magic bits to build a base image in koji? 16:15:35 <maxamillion> s/to/the 16:15:43 <nirik> maxamillion: I really appreciate you doing the investigation legwork on this. ;) 16:15:50 <dgilmore> maxamillion: we have no arm hardware in phx2 that has virt support 16:16:59 <maxamillion> nirik: absolutely, and OpenShift V3 is kind of a beast of a system to go from zero to production on in terms of background knowledge .... I definitely don't want to attempt to just drop this on the Infra team, I'm also discussing alternatives for a more simple backend to the build tooling .... there's a thread here: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/rel-eng/2015-July/020417.html 16:17:03 <nirik> would it be good for me to install openshiftv3 somewhere and see how much pain? or it might be we can get away without the entire OSv3 to do this? 16:17:08 <maxamillion> dgilmore: ahhhh, that'll do it 16:17:16 <nirik> maxamillion: yep. I read it. ;) 16:17:31 * nirik is hoping we can get away without entire OSv3 for this. 16:17:52 <maxamillion> nirik: yeah, basically I'd like to not need OSv3 for this .... running an entire PaaS just for build tooling seems like the wrong solution 16:18:17 <nirik> yes. 16:18:39 <maxamillion> nirik: I think using atomic-reactor and some automation around it would be much better, so I'm hoping we can go down that route .... at least then we'd have a nice simple solution and we aren't re-inventing the wheel, just attaching it to a smaller and more simple cart 16:18:49 * nirik nods. 16:19:10 <nirik> is there anything I can/should do to help this now? or wait and see if this atomic-reactor thing will pan out? 16:19:11 <maxamillion> alright, cool so I'll start the process for Request for Resources today, thanks 16:19:27 <maxamillion> nothing that I can think of in the immediate term 16:20:07 <maxamillion> nirik: if I think of anything, I'll ping/nag you about it... I mostly wanted to at least get it in the radar of the Infra team and make sure it the Infra team's concerns are kept in focus as we work through things 16:20:34 <maxamillion> nirik: effectively, I don't want to blind side or dump work on the Infra Team 16:20:44 <nirik> ok. I think we should decide what we are going to do first, then talk infrastructure. 16:21:01 <maxamillion> nirik: sounds good, I'll go that route then. Thanks 16:21:12 <maxamillion> ok, I have one more thing for open floor if that's cool 16:21:14 <maxamillion> :D 16:21:46 <dgilmore> maxamillion: pushing it :P but okay 16:22:27 <maxamillion> does anyone know if there's any sort of point of contact for the MIPS revival? I keep seeing things about Fedora MIPS show up in my news feed but I've not seen much on our side of things ... am I just missing it somewhere? A mailing list I'm not on? $other? 16:22:51 <pbrobinson> there has been nothing 16:23:03 <nirik> maxamillion: mtoman was working on that, but I have seen 0 in the way of communication on it. 16:23:16 <dgilmore> maxamillion: I know they exist but that is about it 16:23:19 <pbrobinson> I've mostly written an email to reach out to them to actually find out what was happening from a secondaries PoV 16:23:47 <maxamillion> pbrobinson: ah ok, that was going to be my follow up question: has anyone reached out to them? 16:23:54 <maxamillion> pbrobinson: any word? still radio silence? 16:23:54 <pbrobinson> I'll let people know if I get a response but I want them to actually participate 16:24:02 <maxamillion> pbrobinson: +1 thanks 16:24:06 <nirik> yeah, it sounds like they are in early days. 16:24:09 <maxamillion> alright, that's all I had :) 16:24:23 <nirik> but still, early communication could save a lot of wasted efforts. 16:24:30 <pbrobinson> ultimately in it's current state it's not even a remix so they really shouldn't be even using the name 16:24:32 <maxamillion> I just have a strange soft spot for MIPS because of some time I spent coding for it in assembly in college 16:24:33 <dgilmore> we do need them to work with us. It will make everything much easier 16:24:39 <maxamillion> nirik: +1 16:28:15 <dgilmore> nirik: indeed 16:28:25 <dgilmore> especially if they go and fork a bunch of packages 16:28:34 <dgilmore> getting patches in after does not work well 16:28:40 <dgilmore> we had that with arm years ago 16:28:52 <dgilmore> if there is nothing else I will wrap up 16:29:00 <pbrobinson> over 5 years later I'm still not over those scars! 16:29:07 <pbrobinson> did nirik have something? 16:29:18 <nirik> just the builders thing... 16:29:19 <dgilmore> pbrobinson: I thought he asked it 16:29:38 <pbrobinson> ah :) 16:31:06 <dgilmore> #endmeeting