17:00:01 <roshi> #startmeeting cloud wg 17:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 23 17:00:01 2015 UTC. The chair is roshi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:06 <roshi> #meetingname Cloud WG 17:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cloud_wg' 17:00:17 <roshi> #topic roll call 17:00:22 <roshi> who's around? 17:00:25 <adimania> .hello adimania 17:00:26 <zodbot> adimania: adimania 'Aditya Patawari' <adimania@gmail.com> 17:00:30 <roshi> .hello roshi 17:00:31 <zodbot> roshi: roshi 'Mike Ruckman' <mruckman@redhat.com> 17:00:41 <jbrooks> .hello jasonbrooks 17:00:42 <zodbot> jbrooks: jasonbrooks 'Jason Brooks' <JBROOKS@REDHAT.COM> 17:00:56 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 17:00:57 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 17:02:05 <jzb> .hellomynameis jzb 17:02:06 <zodbot> jzb: jzb 'Joe Brockmeier' <jzb@redhat.com> 17:02:32 <number80> .hello hguemar 17:02:33 <zodbot> number80: hguemar 'Haïkel Guémar' <karlthered@gmail.com> 17:02:36 * gholms lurks 17:02:49 <roshi> #topic Previous meeting followup 17:02:51 <roshi> * kushal will test and update the rel-eng ticket with the latest tree 17:02:51 <roshi> * number80 to update the PRD with i686 details 17:02:51 <roshi> * scollier will break up https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/84 into consumable tickets. 17:03:03 <adimania> I think this is done. 17:03:15 <adimania> I see a bunch of tickets created by him 17:03:18 <scollier> hi 17:03:24 <roshi> welcome scollier :) 17:04:00 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 17:04:01 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 17:04:28 <roshi> kushal: you around? 17:04:34 <roshi> number80: did you update the PRD? 17:04:40 <roshi> o/ maxamillion 17:05:22 <number80> roshi: yes 17:05:40 <roshi> #info number80 updated the PRD with i686 details 17:05:43 <number80> it explicitly mention that starting F24, no more i686 17:05:55 <roshi> awesome 17:06:05 <roshi> guess we can get to the active tickets 17:06:26 <roshi> #topic Missing Cockpit RPMs in Fedora Atomic 22 17:06:28 <roshi> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/105 17:06:57 <roshi> I think we can close this one now 17:07:01 <jbrooks> roshi, agreed 17:07:05 <roshi> since jbrooks documented it all 17:07:26 <roshi> #info closing ticket #105 since the documentation is done 17:07:29 <roshi> thanks jbrooks 17:07:30 <maxamillion> +1 17:08:01 <roshi> #topic Investigate systemd-networkd 17:08:06 <roshi> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/14 17:08:16 <number80> news? 17:08:40 <roshi> things have been crazy around here, so don't think much more has been done on this one 17:09:08 <roshi> but now might be a good time to run through the comparison with the stuff in the wiki 17:09:17 <roshi> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud/Network-Requirements 17:09:50 <roshi> any volunteers to run some benchmarks and post results somewhere? 17:10:33 <number80> I suggest that we remove this ticket from meeting item until someone starts working on that 17:10:49 <dustymabe> number80: yeah. I don't disagree 17:10:53 <dustymabe> just don't want it to be forgotten 17:10:53 <maxamillion> roshi: has anyone outlined what we want or need in the way of benchmarks or functionality? something such that the determination of systemd-networkd providing "enough" functionality would make it useful for the general user base? 17:10:59 <dustymabe> which could easily happen 17:11:14 <roshi> yeah, I think that's a good call number80 17:11:28 <roshi> maxamillion: that was a question I had when we started looking at this 17:11:38 <roshi> which is where that wiki page came from 17:11:49 <roshi> since we didn't really have a definition of what we expected from a network 17:11:50 <maxamillion> roshi: right, but that wiki page is basically blank 17:12:03 <roshi> yep 17:12:34 <roshi> I only have cloud knowledge from a testing perspective, so I don't know what people running production clouds need from their network 17:12:36 <maxamillion> has anyone taken that responsibility? ... does anyone have that as an action item, etc? 17:12:43 <roshi> otherwise I might have more input for it 17:12:59 <roshi> not someone specific, I don't think 17:13:36 <adimania> I can look into it but not for next couple of weeks. 17:13:57 <roshi> that'd be great 17:14:00 <adimania> If there is someone who can do it before, then it'll be good. otherwise I will take this. 17:14:17 <maxamillion> roshi: maybe we could ask mhayden if he would be willing to do that ... I think he has the most experience with systemd-networkd in a production cloud environment out of anyone in the SIG 17:14:26 <roshi> #action adimania to look into this ticket in the next couple weeks 17:14:36 <roshi> maxamillion: that's a good idea 17:14:57 * roshi 's main worry is having yet *another* thing in systemd 17:15:09 <maxamillion> roshi: no idea if he's got the time or is willing but I think he's a good candidate to ask 17:15:16 <number80> networkd is a separate binary 17:15:21 <roshi> and transitioning from the same network stack the rest of the project uses 17:15:34 <number80> systemd is more of a meta-project 17:16:02 * roshi is just waiting for the day systemd-emacsd is a thing 17:16:03 <adimania> I second asking mhayden. :) 17:16:06 <number80> moreover, we had NetworkManager and Network for years in Fedora 17:16:07 <roshi> it's going to happen :p 17:16:27 <roshi> maxamillion: can you ask mhayden if he could run through that? 17:16:33 <maxamillion> right, but networkd is already installed because it's part of the systemd package so if we can strip out NetworkManager and all of it's dependencies then we'd have a net win on reducing the image size 17:16:35 <roshi> and I'll remove the meeting keyword 17:16:37 <maxamillion> roshi: I can 17:16:45 <roshi> thanks 17:17:23 <number80> btw, anyone is free to add meeting keyword if they feel a ticket is ripe for discussion 17:17:39 <roshi> true 17:17:54 <roshi> #action maxamillion to talk to mhayden about comparing network stacks 17:18:31 <roshi> #topic Care and Feeding, Fedora Dockerfiles 17:18:34 <roshi> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/84 17:19:05 <adimania> scollier created a bunch of tickets which are much more granular. 17:19:24 <adimania> I will start working on them in some time. 17:19:53 <scollier> adimania, i think a good one to start with is the documenting how to use the different branches. 17:19:56 <adimania> as such we have f22 on dnf but I need to release package for that. 17:20:13 <adimania> current package is still built from the master. 17:20:36 <adimania> Yes. I think you have a ticket for that. I will take that up. 17:20:38 <scollier> good catch 17:21:42 <scollier> roshi, did i flag those tickets correctly so they show up for you? 17:22:04 <roshi> tbh, I dunno, I just look at report/9 since it's the meeting items 17:22:20 * roshi checks 17:23:03 <scollier> roshi, do you know which component they should be? 17:23:17 <roshi> that's what I was just wondering about 17:23:44 <roshi> do we have a dockerfiles component? 17:23:47 <roshi> probably should 17:24:05 <scollier> roshi, there is not. 17:24:48 <adimania> I think it is not the component. We just need to add the keyword "meeting" 17:24:55 <roshi> I don't think I have admin rights to add a component either 17:25:01 <scollier> adimania, to where? 17:25:07 <adimania> Let me do that. 17:25:13 <roshi> I think a component for keeping dockerfiles tickets together makes sense 17:25:20 <scollier> adimania, oh, keywords, duh 17:25:30 <jzb> I wonder if it's time to retire the "care and feeding" ticket? 17:25:37 <jzb> it's a bit too chunky 17:25:38 <scollier> jzb, i think so. 17:25:48 <jzb> (as compared to being fine grained) 17:26:05 <adimania> yeah. adding keyword works. 17:26:27 <adimania> scollier, should I add to all of them? 17:26:35 <scollier> adimania, i'm doing it now 17:26:40 <roshi> 12[1-5] are the ticket numbers? 17:26:48 * roshi just did a custom search to find them 17:26:50 <adimania> yes. 17:27:08 <roshi> I still think a component would be good - since our dockerfiles are a WG component of our efforts 17:27:27 <jzb> mattdm: can you add a component in trac? 17:27:35 <jzb> mattdm: and/or give other folks in the wg access to do so? 17:28:26 <scollier> all tickets updated 17:28:55 <scollier> now i see them in the report. 17:29:15 <roshi> I'll close 84 saying they've been split out 17:29:18 <roshi> that work? 17:29:24 <scollier> roshi, yes 17:30:29 <roshi> done 17:30:39 <roshi> #topic Producing updated Cloud/Atomic images 17:30:42 <roshi> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/94 17:31:09 <dustymabe> roshi: pushing til f23 I think 17:31:25 <roshi> so, waiting on kushal to fill in the details, it looks like 17:31:38 <dustymabe> see last comment 17:31:39 <roshi> #info still waiting on info from kushal 17:31:59 <kushal> that was the idea I got, I never managed to find any tim e 17:32:04 <dustymabe> #info waiting til f23 on this 17:32:15 <roshi> when we say "waiting on f23" what do we mean? 17:32:25 <kushal> roshi, release updated images for f23 17:32:42 <kushal> roshi, because we will not have to wait for someone to test them 17:32:42 <roshi> right, but wouldn't now still be a good time to be working on it? 17:33:13 <dustymabe> roshi: I thought all the work was in place 17:33:20 <jbrooks> Do we know when we'll have working f23 images to test? 17:33:22 <dustymabe> we are already producing updated images for f22 right kushal? 17:33:33 <kushal> yes, we have to test the latest image, that is it. 17:33:34 <dustymabe> jbrooks: we have working cloud base images 17:33:39 <kushal> dustymabe, yes, we do nightlies 17:33:50 <dustymabe> roshi: so I think the infrastructure is in place 17:33:53 <roshi> ok, so the infra is done to produce the images, we just need to test those images? 17:34:06 <roshi> ok, now I'm tracking 17:34:06 <dustymabe> roshi: right.. but I think it would be good to do that in f23 17:34:07 <roshi> sorry 17:34:11 <dustymabe> and do it from the beginning 17:34:12 <jbrooks> dustymabe, are we going to do atomic images for f23, too? 17:34:13 <kushal> yes 17:34:23 <dustymabe> jbrooks: yeah atomic image for f23 release 17:34:24 <kushal> jbrooks, atomic images in every 2 weeks 17:34:29 * roshi needs to stop multitasking 17:34:33 <dustymabe> and then shortly after we are going to 2-week atomic I think 17:34:42 <jbrooks> OK, I want to help test when they come along 17:34:53 <dustymabe> jbrooks: then we will definitely find you :) 17:34:58 <roshi> ok, so update the ticket that we all agree to start using this once F23 ships 17:35:01 <roshi> ? 17:35:09 <dustymabe> roshi: ok I can 17:35:11 <jbrooks> If the build process is documented, I'm willing to help there, too -- I spent a long time getting the centos images working right 17:35:32 <roshi> thanks dustymabe 17:35:45 <roshi> #action dustymabe to update ticket #94 17:36:05 <roshi> #topic PRD Discussion 17:36:08 <roshi> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/107 17:36:21 <roshi> I think this can be closed - or at least removed from the meeting items 17:36:51 <roshi> votes? 17:36:56 <number80> +! 17:36:59 <kushal> move it out 17:37:00 <number80> 1 17:37:29 <roshi> done 17:37:41 <roshi> #topic Cloud WG FAD 17:37:43 <roshi> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/115 17:37:51 <roshi> dustymabe: ^^ 17:38:25 <dustymabe> roshi: nothing yet.. might be a few weeks 17:38:28 <roshi> kk 17:38:33 <roshi> should we keep it on the docket? 17:38:40 <jzb> dustymabe: maybe we can stick a pin in an event? 17:38:57 <jzb> if we decide on a date now that may be easier to shoot for than waiting until something arises. 17:39:00 <roshi> #info FAD planning is still ongoing. Dusty expects it to take a few weeks 17:39:11 <jzb> (e.g., SCALE or maybe DevConf.cz) 17:39:49 <dustymabe> jzb: yeah picking a date wouldn't be bad 17:39:51 <roshi> I'll be on the east coast a bit during the winter - and some spring next year 17:39:57 <maxamillion> dustymabe: FAD for? 17:40:04 <dustymabe> maxamillion: the cloud wg 17:40:19 <maxamillion> dustymabe: right, but any specific objectives? 17:40:27 <dustymabe> the short of it is we need to get organized and focus our goals 17:40:38 <roshi> still being worked on maxamillion 17:40:40 <maxamillion> rgr 17:40:54 <roshi> maybe put goals in the ticket? 17:40:58 <dustymabe> jzb: any ideas for conferences we could co-locate with? 17:41:02 <maxamillion> yeah, probably a good idea 17:41:23 <jzb> dustymabe: SCALE or DevConf.cz? 17:41:25 * roshi would much prefer something US based 17:41:25 <maxamillion> dustymabe: lets not do that, FADs are normally pretty all-encompassing ... if we co-host I have my doubts about any work actually getting done 17:41:44 <maxamillion> (that's my thoughts on it anyways) 17:41:53 <dustymabe> maxamillion: yeah. I don't disagree 17:42:03 <jzb> if not co-hosting then please avoid those dates :-) 17:42:08 <dustymabe> :) 17:42:14 <dustymabe> I need to sit down and plan it out a bit 17:42:23 <dustymabe> just been crazy and I'm going to brno next week 17:42:31 <dustymabe> so more crazy in the schedule 17:42:33 <dustymabe> :) 17:42:34 <jzb> dustymabe: woo! Brno! 17:42:36 <jzb> :-) 17:42:53 <roshi> well, we can move on from this ticket, and we'll just keep it as a status check 17:42:56 <roshi> that work? 17:43:02 <roshi> one more ticket 17:43:18 <maxamillion> jzb: fair 17:43:52 <roshi> ready for next ticket? 17:44:15 <dustymabe> roshi: yeah 17:44:25 <roshi> #topic Fedora Vagrant Boxes in Atlas 17:44:28 <roshi> #link https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/116 17:45:29 <dustymabe> roshi: f23 17:45:53 <roshi> yep - do we need to keep this on the meeting list? 17:45:58 * roshi votes to move it off 17:46:00 <dustymabe> roshi: probably can take it off 17:46:23 <roshi> kk 17:46:32 <roshi> done 17:46:36 <roshi> #topic Open Floor 17:46:42 <roshi> anyone have anything? 17:46:59 <adimania> I wonder what happened https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/119 17:47:10 <number80> nope 17:47:20 * number80 preparing fesco meeting 17:47:20 <dustymabe> we are mostly +1 17:47:27 <dustymabe> just need to make it official? 17:47:41 <number80> if you have anything to forward to fesco let me know 17:47:47 <adimania> I don't know. 17:48:13 <roshi> afaict, you've been proper wg members for 3 weeks or so :p 17:48:30 <number80> you are 17:48:36 <number80> I'll send announcement 17:48:42 <kushal> number80, +! 17:48:44 <kushal> number80, +1 17:48:55 <roshi> sweet, thanks number80 17:48:57 <number80> as long as WG has voted, it's been effective 17:49:08 <roshi> if there's nothing else, I'll start the fuse... 17:49:17 <adimania> thank you. :) 17:49:18 <number80> (hence the ticket to keep track of that) 17:49:25 <number80> thanks roshi for being the MC today 17:49:30 <roshi> np np 17:49:46 * roshi adds 'Meeting Jockey' to his resume 17:49:55 * roshi sets the fuse... 17:49:59 <roshi> 3... 17:50:04 <roshi> thanks for coming folks! Great turnout 17:50:26 <roshi> 2... 17:50:36 <dustymabe> thanks roshi 17:51:06 <roshi> 1... 17:51:10 <roshi> #endmeeting