17:00:22 <geppetto> #startmeeting fpc 17:00:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 19 17:00:22 2015 UTC. The chair is geppetto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 17:00:22 <geppetto> #meetingname fpc 17:00:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 17:00:22 <geppetto> #topic Roll Call 17:00:41 <Rathann> hi 17:00:56 <geppetto> #chair Rathann 17:00:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto 17:01:23 <geppetto> limburgher mbooth orionp racor SmootherFr0gZ tomspur: FPC ping 17:01:32 <orionp> hello 17:01:35 <mbooth> Hi 17:01:37 <geppetto> #chair orionp 17:01:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto orionp 17:01:41 <geppetto> #chair mbooth 17:01:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto mbooth orionp 17:01:47 <geppetto> #chair racor 17:01:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto mbooth orionp racor 17:02:11 <geppetto> Hey 17:04:03 <geppetto> #topic Schedule 17:04:07 <geppetto> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/packaging%40lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/L3QD2JPSIIFN2M6BHLJJVLRHTYNR2LFN/ 17:04:16 <geppetto> Welcome to hyperkitty urls :) 17:04:20 <Dodji> Hello 17:04:40 <geppetto> #topic #579 Mention abipkgdiff and abidiff instead of abi-compliance-checker 17:04:45 <geppetto> .fpc 579 17:04:46 <zodbot> geppetto: #579 (Mention abipkgdiff and abidiff in the Packaging Guidelines instead of abi-compliance-checker) – fpc - https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/579 17:04:54 <geppetto> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/579 17:05:44 <geppetto> Dodji: Anything you want to say? 17:09:12 <Dodji> geppetto: Good question :-) 17:09:23 <Dodji> I thought I'd have questions I'd have to anwser 17:09:57 <Dodji> Other than that, I'd guess I'd like to say that I think that we'd make people a favour by mentionning abipkgdiff as an alternative at least 17:10:21 <geppetto> Just to clarify … you do have man pages for the commands, right? 17:10:26 <Dodji> yes 17:10:29 <geppetto> Just only have html/info for the API? 17:10:31 <geppetto> Cool 17:10:46 <Rathann> Dodji: are the man pages included in the main package now? 17:10:49 <Dodji> I think I'll put those manpages back into the package itself 17:10:53 <Rathann> i.e. the one with tools? 17:10:56 <Dodji> as opposed to having in a -doc package 17:11:02 <Dodji> I think Ralf is right 17:11:12 <Dodji> Rathann: sadly, not yet 17:11:15 <Rathann> I agree with him on that point 17:11:24 <Dodji> yes I agree with him too 17:11:44 <Dodji> we generate manpage, html, info documentation :-) 17:11:55 * geppetto nods 17:11:55 <Dodji> it's a shame to not just put those in the package directly :-) 17:12:02 <orionp> yan, info and manpages belong in the main package 17:12:03 <geppetto> I'm +1 on the draft 17:12:27 <geppetto> orionp: API info docs too? 17:12:39 <racor> Having html in *doc is fine, IMO. 17:12:49 <orionp> No, I didn't say that :) 17:13:29 <Dodji> racor: yeah, ok, noted. 17:13:46 <Dodji> I'll do that. 17:13:56 <mbooth> +1 on the draft from me also 17:13:57 <orionp> I think a mention of abi-compliance-checker is still warranted, even if not preferred 17:14:23 <Dodji> orionp: I am not against that, fwiw. 17:14:28 <Rathann> you could move the tools to libabigail-tools along with manpages and info pages 17:14:55 <racor> Dodji: FYI: The original purpose of *docs packages was to reduce bloat by moving optional docs out of packages. 17:15:37 <Rathann> libabigail-devel and libabigail are multilib'd 17:16:06 <Dodji> racor: I see. 17:17:26 <racor> Rathann: Doesn't matter wrt. docs, if they are properly formated (Identical on all archs) 17:18:03 <Dodji> Rathann: actually, I have updated the Fedora (wiki) documentation that talks about ABI comparison at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_check_for_ABI_changes_in_a_package 17:18:15 <Dodji> woops, sorry, that was for orionp ^^^ 17:18:24 <Dodji> orionp: and as you can see, in there I mention both tools 17:19:35 <orionp> So something is going to link to that? 17:20:18 <Dodji> sadly nothing was linking to that before I made the change. 17:23:33 <Dodji> orionp: actually, I think after the change, the packaging guidelines are going to link to that page indirectly, as I have put that page in the same (new) category named "ABI" as the packages that describe abipkgidiff only and a-c-c only ... 17:23:47 <Rathann> racor: it does matter for the binaries though 17:24:44 <Dodji> s/as the packages/as the pages/ 17:26:19 <Rathann> if you install both libabigail.x86_64 and libabigail.i686 you'll only get the x86_64 binaries in /usr/bin 17:26:53 <geppetto> Dodji: Are you tweaking the draft now? 17:26:58 <Dodji> geppetto: no no 17:27:09 <Dodji> geppetto: why? 17:27:52 <geppetto> Well from orionp's point that abi-compliance-checker should still be mentioned … and that nobody else is voting on it as is :) 17:28:17 <geppetto> Also wasn't sure if you were tweaking what it pointed to etc. 17:29:04 <orionp> My suggestion would be to only link to "How_to_check_for_ABI_changes_in_a_package" in the packaging guidelines 17:29:17 <orionp> at the appropriate places 17:29:59 <Dodji> okay you want me to do that and update the ticket then? 17:30:12 <Dodji> and then we'll meet again next thursday? 17:30:18 <orionp> Because other than the FPC having an interest in that people check for ABI/API changes, I don't think we want to care *how* they do it. 17:30:19 <Dodji> so that we don't rush this? 17:30:37 <Dodji> orionp: fair enough 17:30:59 <geppetto> It shouldn't take long, and yours is the only new ticket 17:31:12 <Dodji> okay okay I'll do that then 17:31:16 <geppetto> So if you want to do it now we can wait … but if you'd prefer to wait until next week that's fine 17:32:48 <racor> Rathann: are you trying to say, abigail.x86_64 is unable to process i386.rpms? 17:33:42 <Dodji> geppetto: I'd rather wait to do it properly :-) 17:35:19 <Rathann> racor: I didn't say that, though for example chrpath can't 17:35:29 <Dodji> for instance, the guidelines talk about comparing the ABI of a given shared library, whereas the page I linked to above talks about comparing stuff in a package 17:35:47 <geppetto> Dodji: Ok, no problem 17:36:00 <Dodji> so I need a new "indirection" page I think 17:36:03 <Dodji> to do it right 17:36:24 <geppetto> #action Dodji Will tweak the draft for the week after next. 17:36:31 <orionp> Also, I have no idea if the other FPC members share my view :) 17:36:31 <Dodji> right 17:36:33 <racor> Rathann: OK, then the conflicting binaries should not be a problem. It's the normal situation in 100s of packages. 17:36:49 <Dodji> orionp: well, no problem. I just want to improve things :-) 17:36:59 <Rathann> racor: yes, it is, though I do find it a bit weird 17:37:04 <Dodji> and on the ABI front we can only improve from where we at today ;-) 17:37:17 <Dodji> so what you say is already progress from now, IMHO. I'll take that :-) 17:37:30 <Rathann> if there's a use case for running the 32-bit binaries on x86_64 then it should stay as it is 17:37:49 <Dodji> <racor> Rathann: are you trying to say, abigail.x86_64 is unable to process i386.rpms? 17:37:52 <racor> orionp: I am with you. I actually do not care what tools people use, except that I have a problem in recommending/favoring one. 17:38:03 <Rathann> if the x86_64 binaries can handle 32bit packages then moving them out to -tools would save some space 17:38:04 <Dodji> FWIW, that is not true 17:38:19 <Dodji> I mean, a given abigail can process rpms of any arch 17:38:19 <Dodji> 17:38:44 <Dodji> so abigail.x86_64 can process rpms ppc rpms 17:38:49 <Rathann> ok, then there's no need to have two sets of binaries in libabigail.i686 and .x86_64 17:38:54 <Dodji> ppc rpms, sorry. 17:39:12 <Rathann> in the repos 17:39:40 <geppetto> #topic #558 Application/Library distinction and package splitting .fpc 558 https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/558 17:39:46 <Dodji> thanks guys 17:39:48 <Dodji> ttyl 17:39:49 <geppetto> #topic #558 Application/Library distinction and package splitting 17:39:59 <geppetto> .fpc 558 17:40:00 <zodbot> geppetto: #558 (Application/Library distinction and package splitting) – fpc - https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/558 17:40:00 <geppetto> https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/558 17:40:03 <orionp> It woud be better if the package wasn't named "libabigail" from a multi-lib perspective 17:40:19 <geppetto> why? 17:40:22 <racor> Rathann: My wild guess would be, mash (or what ever the tool is) to automatically process multilibs is being confused by the name "libabigail". 17:40:26 <Rathann> orionp: but the upstream project is named like this 17:40:53 <Rathann> hence my suggestion to move the tools to subpackage libabigail-tools 17:41:10 <Rathann> which actually is a common enough practice 17:41:43 <orionp> Ah, does -tools not get multi-lib mashed? 17:41:49 <Rathann> exactly 17:42:04 <Rathann> only libfoo{,-devel} do get multilibbed 17:42:07 <orionp> that's the ticket then 17:44:43 <Rathann> geppetto: tibbs is out I think and it doesn't seem there was any progress in #558 17:44:57 * geppetto nods 17:45:02 <geppetto> I just wondered due to the comment 17:45:09 <geppetto> I thought orionp was looking at it too 17:45:33 <orionp> not me, though I may add -tools to the AppsVsLibs page 17:45:42 <geppetto> Ok 17:45:46 <geppetto> #topic Open Floor 17:45:50 <geppetto> Anything else? 17:48:50 <geppetto> Ok, going to close the meeting in a minute 17:48:59 <geppetto> Thanks for coming everyone … remember no meeting next week due to thanksgiving in the US 17:49:12 <geppetto> So I'll see you again in two weeks. 17:49:14 <Rathann> oh, right 17:49:29 <Rathann> happy Thanksgiving to all US folks, then 17:49:33 <geppetto> :) 17:51:29 <geppetto> #endmeeting