16:32:18 <dgilmore> #startmeeting RELENG (2016-01-11) 16:32:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 11 16:32:18 2016 UTC. The chair is dgilmore. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:32:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:32:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng_(2016-01-11)' 16:32:19 <dgilmore> #meetingname releng 16:32:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'releng' 16:32:19 <dgilmore> #chair dgilmore nirik tyll sharkcz bochecha masta pbrobinson pingou maxamillion 16:32:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: bochecha dgilmore masta maxamillion nirik pbrobinson pingou sharkcz tyll 16:32:21 <dgilmore> #topic init process 16:35:20 <dgilmore> who is here? 16:35:40 * masta is here 16:35:44 <masta> hi 16:35:45 <tyll_> Hi there 16:36:48 <dgilmore> hi tyll 16:36:51 <dgilmore> and masta 16:37:00 <dgilmore> lets wait a bit 16:37:14 <dgilmore> nirik: is in phx2 so I do not expect him 16:37:26 <dgilmore> sharkcz: pbrobinson: you guys around? 16:37:58 <dgilmore> while waiting, I updated the meeting wiki page. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ReleaseEngineering/Meeting_Process it puts the dates in 16:38:42 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 16:38:43 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 16:39:03 <maxamillion> dgilmore: +1 16:40:39 <tyll> did not all releng wiki content move to pagure docs? 16:40:41 <masta> I thought zodbot automatic sends a CC to meetingminutes ? 16:40:59 <dgilmore> tyll: all releng sops moved 16:41:01 <masta> probably best to be imperative there though, just incase 16:41:34 <maxamillion> yeah ... I didn't move the meeting stuff 16:42:30 <dgilmore> There is no tickets today 16:42:40 <tyll> afaics also a lot of other things besides the SOPs like the overview and philosophy 16:42:43 <dgilmore> and the secondary arch folks are not hee 16:42:56 <dgilmore> tyll: that was moved 16:43:28 <dgilmore> though the wiki needs updating to point to new locations 16:43:53 <maxamillion> tyll: anything that was moved was marked in the wiki that it is deprecated and has been moved --> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ReleaseEngineering/Philosophy 16:44:07 <maxamillion> dgilmore: it has been, all pages that moved are marked 16:44:43 <tyll> Is there general idea to move everything and there was not enough time? 16:46:16 <dgilmore> tyll: yes 16:46:35 <dgilmore> tyll: somewhere easier to maintain it all 16:47:42 <tyll> ok 16:48:09 <maxamillion> tyll: the SOPs and similar stuff was picked first just because it correlated with the tooling ... the idea is that if tooling changes and needs updates to the docs, it could be done all in one pull request for (hopefull) easier tracking of it all 16:49:09 <dgilmore> we can refuse to accpet pull requests without docs 16:49:34 <maxamillion> +1 16:53:26 <dgilmore> so 16:53:34 <dgilmore> #topic OpenFloor 16:53:47 <dgilmore> does anyone have anything to bring up> 16:53:49 <dgilmore> ? 16:54:07 <maxamillion> not I 16:54:50 * tyll does not 16:56:09 * masta doesn't 16:56:27 <masta> well.. expect to mention his regrets for missing the old ticket triage last week. 16:56:41 * masta oef 16:59:48 <dgilmore> #endmeeting