17:01:19 <kushal> #startmeeting Fedora Cloud WG 17:01:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 20 17:01:19 2016 UTC. The chair is kushal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_cloud_wg' 17:01:25 <kushal> #topic Roll Call 17:01:28 <sayan> .fas sayanchowdhury 17:01:28 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 17:01:32 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 17:01:33 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <mail@kushaldas.in> 17:01:48 <fhackdroid> .hellomynameis farhaan 17:01:49 <zodbot> fhackdroid: farhaan 'Farhaan Bukhsh' <farhaan.bukhsh@gmail.com> 17:02:17 <adimania> .fas adimania 17:02:17 <zodbot> adimania: adimania 'Aditya Patawari' <adimania@gmail.com> 17:02:24 * praveenkumar is busy with release so not able to make it today. 17:02:28 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 17:02:28 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 17:02:52 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 17:02:52 <jbrooks> .fas jasonbrooks 17:02:54 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 17:02:57 <zodbot> jbrooks: jasonbrooks 'Jason Brooks' <JBROOKS@REDHAT.COM> 17:03:04 <jzb> .hellomynameis jzb 17:03:05 <zodbot> jzb: jzb 'Joe Brockmeier' <jzb@redhat.com> 17:03:09 <kushal> #chair scollier sayan fhackdroid adamw rtnpro dustymabe jbrooks jzb 17:03:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw dustymabe fhackdroid jbrooks jzb kushal rtnpro sayan scollier 17:03:19 <kushal> Did I miss anyone? 17:03:28 <adimania> ! 17:03:48 * adamw kinda around 17:03:57 <kushal> #chair adamw 17:03:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw dustymabe fhackdroid jbrooks jzb kushal rtnpro sayan scollier 17:03:58 <dustymabe> adamw: welcome 17:04:00 <kushal> adimania, ask :) 17:04:06 <adamw> you included me already, was just saying hi :) 17:04:20 <adimania> you missed me! that why raising the hand :D 17:04:52 <kushal> #chair adimania 17:04:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw adimania dustymabe fhackdroid jbrooks jzb kushal rtnpro sayan scollier 17:04:56 <kushal> adimania, sorry :) 17:05:15 <adimania> no problem. :) 17:05:44 <kushal> Give me 1 minute 17:06:19 <kushal> #topic Action items from last meeting 17:06:21 <kushal> * dustymabe to update #115 after talking to mhayden 17:06:21 <kushal> * kushal to work on https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/136 17:06:21 <kushal> * kushal will build an unofficial image with all lang packs for #146 17:06:58 <dustymabe> kushal: unfortunately mhayden didn't bring it up at the server wg meeting 17:07:10 <dustymabe> I may sit in on the meeting and bring it up 17:07:14 <kushal> dustymabe, no problem, I think we should go ahead and submit our proposal 17:07:40 <kushal> dustymabe, otherwise it may become late, and other FAD(s) may get the money in the first come first serve basis 17:07:54 <dustymabe> kushal: true 17:08:09 <kushal> jzb, dustymabe so we need to get a proposal ready :) 17:08:45 <dustymabe> kushal: right 17:09:00 <dustymabe> worst case scenario lets sit down at fosdem and hammer one out 17:09:06 <dustymabe> next weekend 17:09:17 <kushal> jzb, any comments? 17:09:27 <jzb> just a sec 17:09:46 <jzb> dustymabe: +1 to hammer @ FOSDEM 17:09:50 <jzb> but let's get it in soon 17:10:25 <kushal> jzb +1 to that. 17:10:54 <mzee1000> hey guys 17:11:03 <dustymabe> mzee1000: welcome 17:11:12 <kushal> For ticket 136, I found that having a CD ROM device depends on the Vm definition, which has nothing to do with the way we build the vagrant image. 17:11:18 <kushal> mzee1000, hello there 17:11:46 <kushal> On a virtualbox system, the user can easily stop the vm, and add the device manually, or define it in the vagrantfile 17:12:56 <dustymabe> kushal: ok. you added that to the ticket already I believe 17:13:10 <kushal> dustymabe, yes, just wanted to share it here 17:13:24 <dustymabe> kushal: ok 17:14:11 <kushal> For ticket 146 I made an image, striker do you want to say anything there? 17:14:58 <dustymabe> I started to work with striker on seeing if we could achieve the desired effect using just cloud-init.. but I think we both got too busy later in the week to complete that 17:14:58 <striker> just to say thanks :) 17:15:26 <kushal> striker, If it worked, can you please say that in the ticket, and close it? 17:15:34 <striker> I am working on getting our Openstack instance to accept it, but will let you know when I do 17:15:36 <striker> yep 17:15:53 <kushal> striker, and in future also feel free to create a new ticket for any updated image 17:16:43 <kushal> Moving to tickets then 17:17:04 <kushal> #topic AMI lifetimes (Cloud WG members vote needed) https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/99 17:17:19 <kushal> sayan, will give more input to this 17:17:55 <sayan> I have compiled a list of the AMI ids by scraping through the git-log of the websites repo and the wiki 17:18:22 <kushal> sayan, can you please update the wiki with that list of AMI(s) ? 17:18:33 <kushal> s/wiki/trac 17:18:40 <sayan> kushal, sure 17:18:43 <adimania> aren't these AMIs associated with our account? 17:19:14 <adimania> I thought that is why we have getting bills. 17:19:21 <kushal> adimania, our == ? 17:19:55 <adimania> fedora cloud or whatever account we are publishing these with, 17:20:00 <mhayden> dustymabe: i did bring up the Server/Cloud FAD but i think it got looked over -- will ask again next week 17:20:16 <adimania> quoting from ticket "our official and community cloud accounts" 17:20:17 <dustymabe> mhayden: cool. I might sit in on the server wg meeting next week 17:20:18 <kushal> adimania, that is our official AWS account, and it is costing a lot of money every month. 17:20:23 <kushal> mhayden, thanks :) 17:20:41 <sayan> adimania, so these AMIs which I have scraped are safe to keep 17:20:54 <sayan> and all the others would be removed 17:21:11 <kushal> We also agreed to delete any nightly after 5 days 17:21:18 <dustymabe> sayan: let's take an intermediate step 17:21:39 <adimania> Ah! so if you get an ami by scraping, even if old, you'd keep it? 17:21:48 <jzb> do we need to do a post about the change in keeping AMIs? 17:21:51 <dustymabe> for all of the AMIs we plan to delete let's remove lauch permissions for 2 or 3 weeks 17:22:02 <adimania> otherwise, we can get a list of AMIs using AWS api. 17:22:17 <dustymabe> if no one complains, then remove 17:22:29 <kushal> jzb, only the final released ones are being kept 17:22:31 <dustymabe> if someone does complain then we either made a mistake, or they are using an image they shouldn't be 17:23:03 <kushal> dustymabe, it is a huge list, and most of them are nightlies 17:23:07 <jzb> kushal: sorry, no I meant do we need to notify people we plan to stop retaining AMIs indefinitely? 17:23:22 <kushal> jzb, we are retaining the released ones 17:23:40 <jzb> kushal: yes, but that's different than what we're doing right now, right? 17:23:43 <dustymabe> kushal: right.. but scripting it shouldn't be hard to do 17:24:06 <dustymabe> kushal: I'm not saying we announce it, just saying to "remove access" then delete 17:24:10 <kushal> dustymabe, also that 2-3 weeks will cost us another $3k+ 17:24:21 <kushal> jzb, a post about it should be okay 17:24:30 <dustymabe> ok. just don't want to make a mistake and accidentally delete the wrong images 17:25:04 <kushal> :) 17:25:16 <kushal> So moving to next ticket? 17:25:44 <kushal> #topic Fedora Cloud FAD (late 2015/early 2016) https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/115 17:25:54 <kushal> dustymabe, just now updated us about it 17:26:02 <kushal> I guess we can safely move to next one 17:26:10 <dustymabe> kushal: yep 17:26:21 <kushal> #topic Fedora 23 Retrospective https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/135 17:26:33 <kushal> jzb, you were supposed to update it, and then close it :) 17:27:04 <jzb> kushal: argh 17:27:15 <kushal> jzb, sorry for disturbing :) 17:27:26 <jzb> kushal: Will set myself to owner so I make sure to do that. 17:27:33 <kushal> Thanks :) 17:27:35 <jzb> #action jzb actually update ticket 135 17:27:41 <kushal> #action jzb will update and close 135 17:28:08 <kushal> Skipping 136 as we discussed it few minutes ago 17:28:17 <kushal> #topic Produce updated cloud base images monthly https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/138 17:29:13 <kushal> we have to find the last build of F23 images from https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/atomic/testing/ 17:29:30 <kushal> and then make sure that it passed all tests, and then we can ask rel-eng to release it 17:29:36 <dustymabe> should we not just coincide with a 2 week atomic release 17:29:38 <adamw> kush:http://ur1.ca/oflo1 17:30:35 <adamw> i can already find all the images for each night's compose, and tell you if any are missing, and tell you if the openQA test(s) passed. give me an API for autocloud and I can tell you about those tests too. :P 17:30:50 <kushal> adamw, yes, we will give you that 17:31:03 <kushal> adamw, sadly the cloud base images are missing 17:31:08 <adamw> yep. 17:31:26 <kushal> https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/atomic/testing/23-20160116/Cloud-Images/ 17:31:35 <adamw> yes, that's the last time they showed up. 17:31:35 <kushal> ^^ I can see these as the latest builds 17:32:17 <kushal> So, I will confirm that they passed the autocloud tests, and adamw can confirm if the openQA tests passed or not :) 17:32:28 <kushal> and then open a ticket in rel-eng, and then update our ticket :) 17:32:36 <kushal> Anything I am missing? 17:34:06 <kushal> #action kushal to find test results and then create the ticket to release https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/atomic/testing/23-20160116/Cloud-Images/ 17:34:59 <kushal> #topic Producing 2 week atomic images https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/139 17:35:16 <kushal> As discussed before, after next 2 week release, we will close this ticket. 17:35:27 <kushal> #topic Proposals for F24 features https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/143 17:35:35 <kushal> jzb, anything you want input? 17:35:44 <kushal> rtnpro, you have a feature 17:35:51 <kushal> do you want to talk about it here? 17:36:04 <rtnpro> kushal, yes 17:36:37 <jzb> kushal: quick question 17:36:43 <rtnpro> so, I have now a working POC for cloud-motd at github.com/rtnpro/fedora-motd 17:37:13 <kushal> jzb, go ahead 17:37:25 <jzb> kushal: the write-up from nzwulflin seems OK, but it hasn't been accepted or given a tracker 17:37:26 <rtnpro> so, we are showing utime, updateinfo in motd, currently 17:37:46 <kushal> jzb, can you please point me to the change wiki page? 17:37:55 <rtnpro> suggestions for other motd plugins are welcome 17:38:04 <jzb> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/AtomicStorageClients 17:38:07 <jzb> kushal: ^^ 17:38:20 <kushal> checking 17:38:41 * rtnpro waits... 17:39:04 <kushal> jzb, it says Category:ChangePageIncomplete, that has to be changed to Category:ChangeReadyForWrangler 17:39:12 <kushal> jzb, go to edit, and at the end of the page 17:39:24 <jzb> ahhh 17:39:36 <jzb> I figured there was a bit that needed to be toggled somewhere 17:39:39 <jzb> kushal: thanks 17:39:44 <kushal> jzb, you are welcome :) 17:40:00 <kushal> So, anyone wants to tell something to rtnpro ? 17:40:37 <kushal> Nothing? 17:40:47 <kushal> rtnpro, better you drop a mail to the list 17:40:52 <rtnpro> kushal, I will 17:41:08 <kushal> rtnpro, also keep an eye for the announcement to the devel list, if anyone asked any question on that 17:41:09 <jzb> isn't updateinfo sufficient? 17:41:20 <jzb> (and date) 17:41:21 <jzb> or ...? 17:41:45 <rtnpro> jzb, yes, for now, and we can easily extend it 17:41:50 <dustymabe> maybe load information for the machine 17:41:58 <dustymabe> free mem/disk etc.. 17:42:05 <dustymabe> but thats not required, just a suggestion 17:42:09 <rtnpro> dustymabe, that's taken care in the uptime plugin 17:42:23 <dustymabe> rtnpro: cool then 17:42:25 <rtnpro> jzb, and also, we made it very easy to write plugins 17:42:38 <rtnpro> so, adding new plugins won't be difficult 17:42:44 <dustymabe> rtnpro: is it easy to install them? 17:42:52 <dustymabe> so could someone write a plugin rpm? 17:43:01 <dustymabe> and have the file get dropped in and used? 17:43:30 <rtnpro> dustymabe, not yet, I will prepare a setup script and then drop a mail to the list, so that people can easily try it out 17:43:44 <rtnpro> dustymabe, that's the long term plan 17:44:02 <rtnpro> dustymabe, it'd be possible now as well 17:44:17 <rtnpro> but, now I am focusing on releasing the first cut 17:44:40 <dustymabe> cool 17:45:23 <kushal> Moving next 17:45:24 <kushal> #topic Don't overwrite download location for 2 week atomic images https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/147 17:45:30 <kushal> I guess no update here. 17:45:34 <kushal> dustymabe, ? 17:45:48 <dustymabe> we agreed to change it but it has not been changed yet 17:45:52 <dustymabe> it is pending 17:45:57 <dustymabe> EOF 17:46:40 <kushal> Okay 17:47:03 <kushal> #topic Container "Packager" Guildelines and Naming Conventions https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/148 17:47:12 * kushal never got time to look at it. 17:47:15 <kushal> Anyone else? 17:47:38 <jzb> kushal: I haven't but 17:47:50 <jzb> I know that other RHT groups/folks are looking at package guidelines 17:47:52 <jzb> for containers 17:47:55 <jzb> or best practices 17:48:20 <jzb> https://github.com/projectatomic/container-best-practices 17:48:39 <jzb> might be good to sync efforts 17:49:36 <kushal> jzb, thanks for the link. 17:49:39 <kushal> I will have a read 17:50:07 <kushal> I guess we can now move to open floor 17:50:11 <kushal> #topic Open Floor 17:50:18 <kushal> After a long time :) 17:50:23 <kushal> Anyone else ? 17:50:32 <jzb> one thing 17:50:35 <dustymabe> I have something 17:50:43 <jzb> I suspect several of us will be in transit to FOSDEM next week 17:50:44 <adimania> ! 17:50:54 <jzb> and RHT meetings the week after 17:50:59 <jzb> so that may impact the next two meetings 17:51:02 <jzb> EOF 17:51:16 <dustymabe> I can make the one next week 17:51:20 <dustymabe> but not following week 17:51:28 <dustymabe> my item: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/cloud%40lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/NXSCO5HG5N6RXEUX7SNQ5C5RMGBHFMMC/ 17:51:32 <dustymabe> jzb: ^^ 17:51:44 <dustymabe> the AMIs on the web page for atomic are the ones from F23 release 17:51:50 <dustymabe> not 2 week atomic images 17:52:26 <dustymabe> (which also means they would have probably been deleted by sayan :)) 17:52:51 <jzb> hmm 17:52:59 <jzb> dustymabe: do you know if we're producing the AMIs? 17:53:07 <dustymabe> can we link in with some websites people and figure out why this is? 17:53:09 <jzb> is it just the site that's not being updated? 17:53:12 <dustymabe> jzb: I only assume so 17:53:18 <dustymabe> kushal: ^^ 17:54:30 <kushal> we are producing AMI(s) 17:54:51 <kushal> dustymabe, Adam can tell more about the 2 week release 17:54:59 <kushal> dustymabe, we will not delete any two week release 17:55:08 <jzb> OK 17:55:12 <jzb> I'll check on the site thing 17:55:22 <dustymabe> kushal: ok. but what I was saying is that since the AMI hasn't been listed on the web page then maybe it would have been deleted 17:55:24 <dustymabe> by accident 17:55:34 <jzb> #action jzb open ticket with Websites about listing current AMIs 17:55:49 <dustymabe> can someone else confirm that it is broken and I'm not just crazy 17:55:54 <dustymabe> thanks jzb 17:56:17 <jzb> dustymabe: that's not mutually exclusive ;-) 17:56:21 <kushal> dustymabe, It will not be, as sayan compiled the list for 5-6 different sources 17:56:26 <sayan> so two-week atomic AMIs are also on the list 17:56:42 <dustymabe> ok 17:56:47 <dustymabe> jzb: :) 17:57:18 <sayan> Ralph helped compiling the 2-week atomic list from datagrepper 17:58:17 <kushal> 2 minutes more 17:58:40 <adimania> many of us would be at FOSDEM. any plans for informal meeting? 17:58:55 <dustymabe> i'm +1 17:58:56 <jzb> I'll be in the virt devroom much of the weekend 17:59:04 <jzb> but +1 Friday or Saturday night perhaps 17:59:20 <jzb> also, anybody at FOSDEM is welcome to help out in the IaaS/Virt devroom :-) 17:59:48 <adimania> I have a talk in container devroom. 18:00:09 <adimania> if that does not clash with Virt devroom then I'd be happy to help 18:00:58 <kushal> Closing the meeting then. 18:01:04 <kushal> #endmeeting