17:00:20 <geppetto> #startmeeting fpc 17:00:20 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jan 21 17:00:20 2016 UTC. The chair is geppetto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:20 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 17:00:20 <geppetto> #meetingname fpc 17:00:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 17:00:21 <geppetto> #topic Roll Call 17:00:28 <mbooth> Good evenin' 17:00:31 <geppetto> #chair mbooth 17:00:31 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto mbooth 17:00:36 <orionp> hello 17:00:37 <tibbs|w> Hey, folks. 17:00:57 <geppetto> #chair orionp 17:00:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto mbooth orionp 17:00:59 <geppetto> #chair tibbs 17:00:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto mbooth orionp tibbs 17:01:21 <geppetto> #chair Rathann 17:01:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto mbooth orionp tibbs 17:01:23 <Rathann> hi 17:01:24 <tibbs|w> A user got themselves ransomwared so I'm a bit distracted dealing with that. 17:01:34 * geppetto nods 17:01:39 * SmootherFrOgZ is here 17:01:41 <geppetto> backups ftw? 17:01:44 <geppetto> #chair SmootherFrOgZ 17:01:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann SmootherFrOgZ geppetto mbooth orionp tibbs 17:01:51 <tibbs|w> Yeah, but tape is sloooow. 17:01:57 <geppetto> :) 17:02:10 <tibbs|w> And she waited too long to tell us so it's rolled off of the online backups. 17:02:20 <geppetto> ahh 17:02:36 <geppetto> #chair tomspur 17:02:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann SmootherFrOgZ geppetto mbooth orionp tibbs tomspur 17:04:03 <geppetto> #chair racor 17:04:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann SmootherFrOgZ geppetto mbooth orionp racor tibbs tomspur 17:04:15 <geppetto> Ok, almost everyone … should be good to go 17:04:23 <geppetto> #topic Schedule 17:04:31 <geppetto> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/packaging%40lists.fedoraproject.org/message/P5JLYLVRLKJWRB5OZXZCEQSYDKOE7ZIV/ 17:04:40 <geppetto> #topic #590 systemd links update 17:04:44 <geppetto> .fpc 590 17:04:45 <zodbot> geppetto: #590 (systemd links update) – fpc - https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/590 17:07:20 <tibbs|w> Haven't had a chance to read my email this morning, and that's pretty new. 17:07:34 <geppetto> I'm not sure what the change is at line 17 … maybe whitespace? … this looks fine/simple though, to me. 17:08:14 <tibbs|w> So basically this is a minor cleanup, changing some links, removing the "Fedora 18+ bit", and one substantive change. 17:08:19 <orionp> Looks good to me 17:08:23 <SmootherFrOgZ> yup 17:08:25 <tibbs|w> The addition of the service name to %systemd_postun. 17:08:31 <tibbs|w> Why is that required now? 17:08:34 * geppetto nods … the main bit really is removing all references to sysv init scripts. 17:08:53 <geppetto> Which seems fine given 24 goals etc. 17:08:56 <tibbs|w> It's not mentioned in the comment. 17:09:00 <zbyszek> tibbs|w: for consistency with the rest of the example 17:09:13 <tibbs|w> OK, but is it required or not? 17:09:37 <zbyszek> Yes, a name of the unit is required. 17:10:17 <zbyszek> It's not like it's hard to figure out, but still, consistent is usually better. 17:10:18 <racor> zbyszek: And it wasn't required before? 17:10:25 <tibbs|w> Hmm, then how did that slip through for so long? 17:10:54 <tibbs|w> Not that I disagree with the change, mind you. I'm just curious how this got messed up in the first place. 17:11:14 <zbyszek> I think it's obvious from context that you need a name... so anyone using this would add the name, even though the example doesn't have one. 17:12:13 <tibbs|w> That's obvious to you is not always obvious to everyone else. 17:12:22 <tibbs|w> But anyway, +1 to this. 17:12:28 <zbyszek> Oh, wait I see one more issue 17:12:42 <zbyszek> s/following %post/following %postun/ 17:13:20 <zbyszek> I updated the draft... 17:13:27 <tibbs|w> Still +1. 17:13:27 <racor> zbyszek: You didn't answer my question. Is this a syntactical change or not? 17:14:09 <zbyszek> racor: The script does nothing without the unit name. 17:14:09 <geppetto> zbyszek: Does it not need the %post bit there as well? 17:14:51 <tibbs|w> racor: It appears to be nothing more than cleaning up obsolete links and fixing one example. 17:14:54 <tomspur> Looking at the definition of %systemd_postun, the argument seems to be ignored... 17:15:03 <racor> zbyszek: Did it something before? 17:15:07 <zbyszek> %post and %preun are unchanged. Only %postun is different for restartable services. 17:15:23 <zbyszek> racor: Yes, it did something before, and still does in Fedora < rawhide. 17:15:43 <racor> I am worried about backward compatibility 17:15:46 <geppetto> ok, +1 with the post/postun change as well. 17:16:09 <tibbs|w> I think we're just asking questions unrelated to the draft because this is still a bit magic. 17:17:02 <geppetto> Well to be fair zbyszek says the line 23 change was always needed, and tomspur says it does nothing. 17:17:13 <orionp> Looks like tomspur is right %systemd_postun doesn't take an argument 17:17:15 <zbyszek> Shit, tomspur is right. 17:17:23 <orionp> systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || : 17:17:33 <orionp> so nothing unit specific 17:17:43 <zbyszek> I thought it was different before, but it isn't. 17:18:03 <tomspur> I can understand to have the service name there anyway. So I'd be fine with both. 17:18:11 <geppetto> yeh 17:18:27 <geppetto> Also if everyone adds it correctly it makes it much easier to use if required at some point. 17:18:34 <geppetto> So doesn't seem like a big deal. 17:18:36 <tomspur> +1 also 17:18:42 <mbooth> +1 from me, either way 17:18:57 <SmootherFrOgZ> +1 here too 17:19:52 <geppetto> ok, +5 … racor Rathann orionp, want to vote for the record? 17:19:58 <orionp> +1 17:20:00 <racor> +1 17:20:27 <Rathann> +1 17:20:31 <geppetto> #action systemd minor policy update and github URL change (+1:8, 0:0, -1:0) 17:20:32 <tibbs|w> On the same subject, is something happening with triggers? 17:20:52 <tibbs|w> I see mention of adding transfiletriggers but I'm not sure if that changes anything. 17:21:03 <geppetto> it's still stuck on 1284645 atm. AIUI 17:21:26 <zbyszek> tibbs|w: triggers are mostly implemented, and seem to work, but not as pretty as I originally hoped 17:21:30 <geppetto> Also the ML comment about upgrades vs. installs/etc. 17:21:44 <tibbs|w> The ticket says "Triggers are spread between two file after addition of transfiletriggers." so I'm wondering if we need to do anything to accommodate that. 17:21:48 <geppetto> zbyszek: You've worked around the rpm bug? 17:22:11 <zbyszek> Yes, but saving state on disk between the scriptlets. 17:22:17 <zbyszek> ... by saving ... 17:22:21 <geppetto> ouch 17:22:57 <zbyszek> It's still a speed improvements (and less logs) than what was before. 17:23:02 * geppetto nods 17:23:20 <tibbs|w> Does that imply that there's a release where the scriptlets aren't needed? 17:23:39 <tibbs|w> By that I mean the %post, %postun, etc. bits. 17:23:50 <zbyszek> No, the scriptlets are still needed to do presets. 17:24:09 <tibbs|w> Well that's unfortunate. 17:24:32 <zbyszek> And to disable the services after uninstallation. And only the package know if the service can be safely restarted. 17:24:47 <zbyszek> It's just that we stop doing daemon-reload all the time. 17:26:01 <tibbs|w> Ah, well. One thing at a time, I guess. I still wish we could get rid of them at least for some daemons. 17:26:13 <tibbs|w> Anyway, I guess we should move on. 17:26:18 <geppetto> #topic #591 Description of filtering macros in Perl is outdated 17:26:23 <geppetto> .fpc 591 17:26:24 <zodbot> geppetto: #591 (Description of filtering macros in Packaging:AutoProvidesAndRequiresFiltering#Perl is outdated) – fpc - https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/591 17:26:46 <tibbs|w> I don't think anyone has touched this in ages. 17:27:00 <geppetto> This part of policy? 17:27:05 <geppetto> Yeh, I'd guess not 17:27:49 <tibbs|w> Again, haven't read my mail this morning, so I hadn't seen ppisar's message. 17:28:18 <tibbs|w> I kind of agree that we should consider dropping the exact definition of the perl_default_filter macro. 17:28:54 * tomspur nods 17:28:55 <tibbs|w> A description of it would work better, I think. I don't like too much magic, but I don't think it's too difficult for someone to run rpm --showrc and look if they want to see the exact code. 17:29:39 <tibbs|w> Should also remove the "rpm in Fedora 20" note. 17:30:21 <Rathann> agreed 17:30:35 <tibbs|w> I updated the draft. 17:30:57 <tibbs|w> Except, does the private libraries section describe the pre-f20 way of doing it? Or the post-f20 way? 17:31:16 <tibbs|w> Because perhaps a bunch of that section can go away. 17:32:24 <geppetto> That looks like new information, from what I know 17:32:37 <geppetto> So … post-f20 17:32:46 * geppetto is prepared to be wrong though 17:33:11 <tibbs|w> I have forgotten what I knew about this. 17:33:40 <geppetto> Here's the diff with tibbs change: https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=User%3AZbyszek%2FFilteringDraft&diff=432755&oldid=432675 17:33:52 <geppetto> I'm +1 17:34:10 <tibbs|w> Usually easier to just use https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=User%3AZbyszek%2FFilteringDraft&diff=current&oldid=432675 17:34:26 <geppetto> Fair enough 17:34:46 <Rathann> geppetto: you removed the trailing '2' from Win32 in the first section 17:34:57 <orionp> I'd get rid of the perl_default_filter definition 17:35:10 <Rathann> me too 17:35:26 <Rathann> we can link to the source file in Fedora git 17:35:31 <tibbs|w> I'm editing it now. 17:35:33 <geppetto> I wondered about that, but wasn't sure if that made a bunch of the text less than helpful 17:35:42 <geppetto> Rathann: I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything :) 17:35:59 <Rathann> geppetto: sorry, I meant tibbs|w 17:36:08 <tibbs|w> I didn't do that either. 17:36:20 <tibbs|w> But the section is going away. Typing as fast as I can.... 17:36:33 <Rathann> it says last revision was edited by Tibbs on the wiki 17:36:49 <tibbs|w> Yeah, but I didn't remove that. I didn't even touch that section. 17:37:05 <Rathann> ok 17:37:09 <Rathann> sorry 17:37:29 <tibbs|w> OK, saved. 17:38:00 <tibbs|w> BTW, here's a fun question: If the default filter is fixing dependencies erroneously generated by the automatic dep generator, why don't we just fix the dep generator? 17:38:10 <geppetto> hahah 17:38:12 <tibbs|w> I mean, we have control over it. 17:38:33 <tibbs|w> Surely it can just ignore files in /usr/share/doc. 17:38:50 <geppetto> Yeh, I know there was discussion at one point of ignoring everything not in the main /lib paths. 17:38:51 <tibbs|w> And VMS, Win32, etc. modules. And UNIVERSAL. 17:39:28 <geppetto> I'm not sure what happened 17:39:29 <tibbs|w> Well, this is the perl dependency generator, so it does more than look in libdir. 17:39:41 <tibbs|w> Also, why do we filter perl(DB.* again? 17:40:06 <tibbs|w> Oh, just perl(DB). I guess that's some virtual thing. 17:40:23 <tibbs|w> Been a long time since I knew the internals of this. 17:40:46 <tibbs|w> Anyway, that's orthogonal. I'll look into it since I'm deep in RPM magic anyway. 17:40:56 <geppetto> I userd to do a lot with perl … 10-15 years ago. 17:41:00 <geppetto> :-o 17:41:22 <geppetto> Anyway … your latest draft seems fine to me 17:41:30 <tibbs|w> I coded Perl yesterday..... And python, and zsh, and C, and probably a couple of others. And my brain still hurts. 17:41:32 <tibbs|w> +1 17:41:35 <geppetto> zbyszek: You looked at it, happy? 17:41:43 <zbyszek> give me a sec 17:41:58 <geppetto> no problem 17:42:40 <Rathann> there seems to be a stray <pre> in the Private Libraries section 17:42:59 <zbyszek> look good 17:43:02 <Rathann> $ rpm -qp foo-1.0-1.x86_64.rpm</code> 17:43:02 <Rathann> <pre>libprivate.so()(64bit) 17:43:02 <Rathann> foo = 1.0-1.fc19 17:43:13 <Rathann> oh, and </code> 17:44:18 <tibbs|w> That must have been in there forever. 17:44:23 <geppetto> Yeh 17:44:29 <tomspur> Hmm, I don't see the appending thing from the ppisar. Am I looking at the wrong draft? 17:45:21 <tibbs|w> Rathann: Those should be fixed. 17:46:02 <orionp> tomspur: I think he just commented in the ticket 17:47:25 <tomspur> orionp: Thanks. 17:48:23 <orionp> While it's certainly needed when creating macros like perl_default_filter, I'm not sure how much it's needed elsewhere 17:48:49 <tibbs|w> I'm still +1 on these changes, but if we want to hold off until we can integrate ppisar's recommendations than I'm OK with that. 17:48:54 <geppetto> tibbs: +1 on your latest, with the /pre fix. 17:49:18 <tibbs|w> I think we should get this in now (since it's far less wrong) and tweak later. 17:49:26 <orionp> agreed 17:49:29 <tibbs|w> But I'll understand if people feel otherwise. 17:49:46 <geppetto> Well this version is an improvement over the previous one, so approving it and doing more changes if needed seems the way to go. 17:50:11 <Rathann> +1 17:50:21 <tomspur> This version looks fine for everything but perl. I don't know enough about the perl packaging foo to say if this is fine for perl too 17:51:46 <orionp> Isn't the perl stuff all we're changing here? 17:52:40 <geppetto> It's in the perl section, but most of the advise is generic 17:54:03 <geppetto> orionp: mbooth: tomspur: racor: SmootherFrOgZ: vote? 17:54:09 <orionp> + 17:54:10 <orionp> +1 17:54:23 <racor> I am hesitant on the perl section, because it's almost orthognal to current to current perl practices 17:54:43 <geppetto> What are current perl practises? 17:54:56 <tibbs|w> Someone should document those. 17:55:01 <racor> current perl practice is want ppisar says 17:55:04 <tibbs|w> This is supposed to be that documentation. 17:55:11 <SmootherFrOgZ> +1 from me 17:55:29 <racor> use %perl_default* first, then append 17:55:42 <tibbs|w> Well that's what we said earlier. He's probably right, but this document is less wrong than it was, so we can commit this now and then apply ppisar's changes on top. 17:55:54 <tibbs|w> But if you want to edit the draft to reflect that now, please go ahead. 17:56:23 <orionp> Ah, so yeah, perl_default_filter doesn't append 17:56:31 <racor> tibb|w: we are talking about changing 100 of package, here! 17:57:06 <zbyszek> racor: I don't think there is need to change any packages. 17:57:12 <orionp> Which it probably should do, but won't for years 17:57:47 <orionp> So ppisar is correct 17:57:58 <Rathann> hm wait the latest version of the draft specifies perl_default filter AFTER custom filter, so it's wrong 17:58:44 <zbyszek> Rathann: it's not wrong 17:59:07 <tibbs|w> How are we talking about changing packages? 17:59:30 * Rathann is checking current perl_default_filter definition 17:59:46 * racor scratches head ... I have packages which append without explicitly using _perl_default_filter ? 18:00:07 <orionp> The version or perl_default_filter in EL7 does not append 18:00:18 <tibbs|w> I then suggest we just table this. racor obviously understands this, so perhaps he's willing to give us a draft. 18:00:44 <orionp> rawhide does append 18:00:53 <racor> tibbs|w: ATM, I am completely confused ;) 18:01:18 <geppetto> Well we are already at +5 anyway 18:01:40 <geppetto> Actually +6, I missed a vote 18:01:40 <orionp> well, I'm may change my vote... 18:01:48 * tomspur is +0 and waits for a draft of racor until next week :) 18:02:32 * geppetto shrugs … we can wait until next week though, I doubt it's urgent to fix this. 18:02:48 <tibbs|w> True, it's been wrong for a long time now. 18:02:55 <racor> tomspur: Not sure, I'll be able to come with a draft, but I'll definitely experiment 18:02:56 <Rathann> right, rawhide filter appends 18:03:14 <orionp> so does F22 18:03:20 <orionp> so it's okay for Fedora, but not EPEL 18:03:34 <Rathann> so it actually does what ppisar wanted 18:03:42 <tibbs|w> Well, <=epel6 is a whole different thing. 18:03:53 <tibbs|w> EPEL7, I don't know. 18:04:01 <orionp> it doesn't append in EPEL7 18:04:08 <Rathann> meh 18:04:10 <tibbs|w> We can override system-provided macros if we need to do so. 18:04:32 <tibbs|w> Well, technically we can do so. I don't know if we should, but I would lean towards "hell yes". 18:04:41 <tomspur> :) 18:05:17 <tibbs|w> The EL6 epel macros package overrides one of the broken EL6 fontpackages macros. 18:07:22 <mbooth> So, leaving this until next time? 18:07:32 <geppetto> Yeh, we can move on 18:07:32 <racor> I am not sure, but isn't perl_default_filter automatically included by all perl packages in Fedora? The would at least explain my remark from above. 18:08:13 <geppetto> #info Had enough to pass, and seems better than what we have but tabling until we have a final change for perl. 18:08:20 <geppetto> #topic #592 Blanked bootstrapping exception for mlton 18:08:26 <geppetto> .fpc 592 18:08:28 <zodbot> geppetto: #592 (Blanket bootstrapping exception for mlton) – fpc - https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/592 18:08:35 <geppetto> This seems like a simple one :) 18:08:59 <orionp> racor - it's in perl-macros 18:09:18 <racor> orionp: thx. 18:10:53 <racor> geppetto: It's news to me, bootstrapping a package or package set would require FPC permission. 18:11:21 <mbooth> .fpc 585 18:11:23 <zodbot> mbooth: #585 (Blanket reauth. of bootstrapping exceptions (Free Pascal Compiler, atm.)) – fpc - https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/585 18:11:26 <mbooth> Duplicate? 18:11:36 <mbooth> We talked about this a fortnight ago 18:11:47 <geppetto> racor: We give exceptions for shipping the binaries in the bootstrap rpm 18:12:10 <orionp> Different packages - but yeah we talked about not needing "reauth" 18:12:11 <tibbs|w> +1 18:12:16 <geppetto> mbooth: This is ML … isn't that different from pascal? 18:12:38 <Rathann> +1 to #592 as long as the binaries are not included in any released update 18:12:44 <tomspur> +1 18:13:13 <SmootherFrOgZ> +1 18:13:32 <racor> geppetto: even this is news to me. these binaries should never make into the releases, so ... 18:13:33 <racor> +1 18:13:53 <mbooth> geppetto: Did we not generalise to any package that needs to be periodically rebootstrapped? 18:14:00 <mbooth> I don't remember exact wording 18:15:00 <geppetto> mbooth: I believe we said that they needed to get an exception the first time, but after that they could rebootstrap when they wanted. 18:15:33 <Rathann> racor: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Guidelines#Exceptions 18:15:36 <mbooth> Ah, I see, then +1, obviously -- and I should file fpc tickets for my packages that need bootstapping 18:15:49 <Rathann> it's also mentioned in the Bootstrapping section of the main Guidelines 18:16:46 <orionp> +1 18:16:54 <geppetto> #action Blanket bootstrap exception for mlton (+1:8, 0:0, -1:0) 18:17:10 <geppetto> #topic Open Floor 18:17:23 <geppetto> Ok, is there anything else to bring up? 18:18:21 <mbooth> Not from me, but I need to leave anyway -- I am also absent next week, so see you in a fortnight 18:19:00 <geppetto> I won't be here in a fortnight, due to devconf.cz 18:19:16 <geppetto> Anyone else at that? 18:19:28 <Rathann> sorry, not this year 18:20:36 <tibbs|w> I'm not sure I'll be able to run next week's meeting. 18:20:43 <tibbs|w> I can try, though. 18:20:59 <geppetto> I'll be here next week 18:21:08 <geppetto> it's the week after that I won't be 18:22:35 <geppetto> ok, I'll close in a minute or two … see everyone but mbooth next week :) 18:22:49 <Rathann> thanks 18:22:50 <Rathann> see you 18:22:56 <orionp> later 18:22:56 <tomspur> See you next week 18:23:16 <tibbs|w> Thanks. Way too much going on today. Still the first week of the semester. 18:23:35 <geppetto> Don't you know that September never ends ;) 18:24:11 <geppetto> #endmeeting