#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Marketing meeting (2016-02-15)
Meeting started by jflory7 at 21:56:08 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (jflory7, 21:56:24)
- Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest
areas (jflory7,
- Justin W. Flory; UTC-5; Marketing (Magazine),
CommOps, Ambassadors, Join, and more (jflory7,
- https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/213
- ^ Above link is for the meeting agenda (see
Comment 3 for agenda outline) (jflory7,
- State of Marketing (jflory7, 22:05:33)
- === Determining active members of Marketing
=== (jflory7,
- ACTION: decause find
the FAS inactive members script and if it exists (decause,
- decause and mailga to look more into cleaning
up the FAS group membership (jflory7,
- === Looking at requirements for joining
Marketing === (jflory7,
- ACTION: jflory7 File
a ticket on the Trac to open discussion about Marketing Join
process (jflory7,
- ACTION: decause
create onboarding badge ticket for mktg based on join ticket in
marketing trac (decause,
- Comments on "Marketing - Year in Review" (jflory7, 22:20:33)
- https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/marketing-year-in-review/
- * Stickers identified as a major want, these
are now available on UnixStickers?.com (jflory7,
- https://www.unixstickers.com/fedora
- * Requested desire for updated banners and
promotable digital material by users (jflory7,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/PromoBanners
- https://fedorahosted.org/design-team/ticket/422
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F23_Artwork/Submissions/Banners
- ACTION: jflory7
Follow up with Design Team Ticket #422 offering clarification and
requesting for other existing images be updated for reusable,
release-neutral images (jflory7,
- Marketing Tasks for F24 (jflory7, 22:27:51)
- https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-marketing-tasks.html
- Past deadline: Cleaning up the wiki
post-release (mailga already took care of these tasks) (jflory7,
- Upcoming deadlines: Fedora change checkpoint
and creating talking points (how do we want to handle this?)
- ACTION: jflory7
Create tickets for talking points for all of the different spins and
editions, CC those who we know for sure to take them on (jflory7,
- Future Plans: Marketing (jflory7, 22:46:42)
- AGREED: +1 for weekly
meetings set up with Fedocal reminders, and using Trac tickets as
the best way to keep on top of tasks in the release cycle
- Increased focus on Python outreach in 2016 --
PyCon on May 28th is on the radar, more information about this to
come soon (jflory7,
- ACTION: fale will
create a list of EMEA Python events of 2016 (fale,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Java
- Open Floor (jflory7, 22:57:44)
- Magazine topic deferred to next week's meeting
(low on time) (jflory7,
- decause is very happy with the turnout today
:) (decause,
Meeting ended at 23:00:29 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- decause find the FAS inactive members script and if it exists
- jflory7 File a ticket on the Trac to open discussion about Marketing Join process
- decause create onboarding badge ticket for mktg based on join ticket in marketing trac
- jflory7 Follow up with Design Team Ticket #422 offering clarification and requesting for other existing images be updated for reusable, release-neutral images
- jflory7 Create tickets for talking points for all of the different spins and editions, CC those who we know for sure to take them on
- fale will create a list of EMEA Python events of 2016
Action items, by person
- decause
- decause find the FAS inactive members script and if it exists
- decause create onboarding badge ticket for mktg based on join ticket in marketing trac
- fale
- fale will create a list of EMEA Python events of 2016
- jflory7
- jflory7 File a ticket on the Trac to open discussion about Marketing Join process
- jflory7 Follow up with Design Team Ticket #422 offering clarification and requesting for other existing images be updated for reusable, release-neutral images
- jflory7 Create tickets for talking points for all of the different spins and editions, CC those who we know for sure to take them on
People present (lines said)
- jflory7 (159)
- decause (96)
- jzb (75)
- mailga (36)
- zodbot (15)
- JohnMH (14)
- fale (9)
- robyduck (5)
- mattdm (3)
- faffolter (1)
- stickster (1)
- ryanlerch (0)
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