#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Marketing meeting (2016-05-04)'
Meeting started by jflory7 at 20:57:23 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Roll Call (jflory7, 20:57:38)
- Name; Timezone; Other sub-projects / interest
areas (jflory7,
- Justin W. Flory; UTC-4; Marketing / Magazine,
CommOps, Ambassadors, and more (jflory7,
- Corey Sheldon utc-5 IRC: linuxmodder freemedia
docs fedora-join security-team magazine commops marketing
ambassadors fedorabugs qa fi-apprentice (linuxmodder,
- Brian Monroe; utc-8 ; Ambassadors, Fedora
Jam (ParadoxGuitarist,
- James Bishop; utc-3 (jbishop,
- Announcements (jflory7, 21:07:11)
- === Fedora 24 Beta is a No Go === (jflory7,
- https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/5KUAYCUAXPBQVWIECQXWVG2ZE3IHUFKZ/
- Due to an invalid F24 Beta RC compose, it has
been agreed on the Go/No-Go meeting to slip the Beta release for one
week as well as to slip the Final GA of Fedora 24. The next Go/No-Go
meeting is planned on the next Thursday 2016-May-05 at 5:30PM
UTC. (jflory7,
- === Fedora Documentation FAD === (jflory7,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_Documentation_2016
- The Fedora Docs team is having a Fedora
Activity Day (FAD) in Raleigh, NC this weekend. (jflory7,
- === Beta release announcement === (jflory7,
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F24_Beta_release_announcement
- HELP: The Fedora 24
Beta release announcement is being worked on and needs review from
other sub-projects and teams in Fedora for accuracy. The call has
been put out on the mailing lists. We need to get this polished by
Friday so we can publish on Tuesday. Please help spread the word out
with other groups about reviewing the release announcement.
- #fedora-docs will be logging IRC for Docs FAD.
The room we're in is not equipped for video, but will have a dial-in
number for audio. (decause,
- new link for release announcements
- Action items from last meetings (jflory7, 21:13:08)
- https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-04-27/marketing.2016-04-27-20.57.html
- === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Double-check that the
Python brochures are publicly available with the Design Team (cc:
mizmo) and then review + edit bkp's article for publication
=== (jflory7,
- Article on CommBlog scheduled for Thursday, May
5th, 8:00 UTC (jflory7,
- === decause talk to mizmo about the print-ready
brochure; follow up with jmad on printing === (jflory7,
- ACTION: decause
follow-up with jmad about printing python brochures (decause,
- === bkp Reach out to decause, stickster, and
ryanlerch about thoughts of distributing social media privileges to
other members of the Fedora community and how to formalize the
process for helping with social media === (jflory7,
- ACTION: decause / bkp
Reach out to stickster and ryanlerch about thoughts of distributing
social media privileges to other members of the Fedora community and
how to formalize the process for helping with social media
- === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 File tickets with
fedora-websites team for adding links to the getfedora.org for
whatcanidoforfedora.org and fp.o/easyfix === (jflory7,
- ACTION: jflory7 File
tickets with fedora-websites team for adding links to the
getfedora.org for whatcanidoforfedora.org and fp.o/easyfix
- === decause make sure to loop in bkp on draft
F24 Beta Announcements: due:friday === (jflory7,
- ACTION: decause make
sure to loop in bkp on draft F24 Beta Announcements:
https://pagure.io/fedora-mktg (jflory7,
- === decause Follow up with the Python + Fedora
brochure printing status next week in time for PyCon US ===
- This is related to a previous action item
(contacting jmad) - in progress (jflory7,
- === [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Announce current F24
Talking Points to the Ambassadors list with the Beta just around the
corner === (jflory7,
- ACTION: jflory7
Announce current F24 Talking Points to the Ambassadors list with the
Beta just around the corner (jflory7,
- === [COMPLETE] jflory7 Bring up the topic of
password storage and distribution at the Infrastructure meeting
tomorrow and if Rattic is something that anyone is familiar with or
thinks is possible within Fedora === (jflory7,
- Tickets (decause, 21:21:43)
- https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/report/12
- === Ticket #219 === (decause,
- https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/219
- "Create Python talking points for
Ambassadors" (decause,
- HELP: Do you Python?
Help the Fedora Marketing team develop talking points!
https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/219 (decause,
- === Ticket #222 === (decause,
- https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/222
- "Publicizing "Fedora affiliates" (or groups
using Fedora)" (decause,
- ACTION: jbishop post
to the ambassador list and council-discuss list, introducing
Afiiliate program concept and asking for input. (decause,
- === Ticket #223 === (decause,
- https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/223
- "Create Social Media Accounts for Fedora on
Diaspora and GNU Social" (decause,
- ACTION: jbishop pitch
"How to Join the Fedora Pod" to Fedora Magazine (decause,
- ACTION: decause help
jbishop edit/ship "How to Join the Fedora Pod" article (decause,
- Upcoming Tasks (decause, 21:57:21)
- Beta Release Announcement is due to be shipped
by Friday 5/6 (assuming a go at go/no-go meeting) (decause,
- https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-24/f-24-marketing-tasks.html
- Open Floor (decause, 21:58:27)
- GSoC/Outreachy/RHT Interns begin work on
5/23 (decause,
Meeting ended at 22:04:13 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- decause follow-up with jmad about printing python brochures
- decause / bkp Reach out to stickster and ryanlerch about thoughts of distributing social media privileges to other members of the Fedora community and how to formalize the process for helping with social media
- jflory7 File tickets with fedora-websites team for adding links to the getfedora.org for whatcanidoforfedora.org and fp.o/easyfix
- decause make sure to loop in bkp on draft F24 Beta Announcements: https://pagure.io/fedora-mktg
- jflory7 Announce current F24 Talking Points to the Ambassadors list with the Beta just around the corner
- jbishop post to the ambassador list and council-discuss list, introducing Afiiliate program concept and asking for input.
- jbishop pitch "How to Join the Fedora Pod" to Fedora Magazine
- decause help jbishop edit/ship "How to Join the Fedora Pod" article
Action items, by person
- bkp
- decause / bkp Reach out to stickster and ryanlerch about thoughts of distributing social media privileges to other members of the Fedora community and how to formalize the process for helping with social media
- decause make sure to loop in bkp on draft F24 Beta Announcements: https://pagure.io/fedora-mktg
- decause
- decause follow-up with jmad about printing python brochures
- decause / bkp Reach out to stickster and ryanlerch about thoughts of distributing social media privileges to other members of the Fedora community and how to formalize the process for helping with social media
- decause make sure to loop in bkp on draft F24 Beta Announcements: https://pagure.io/fedora-mktg
- decause help jbishop edit/ship "How to Join the Fedora Pod" article
- jbishop
- jbishop post to the ambassador list and council-discuss list, introducing Afiiliate program concept and asking for input.
- jbishop pitch "How to Join the Fedora Pod" to Fedora Magazine
- decause help jbishop edit/ship "How to Join the Fedora Pod" article
- jflory7
- jflory7 File tickets with fedora-websites team for adding links to the getfedora.org for whatcanidoforfedora.org and fp.o/easyfix
- jflory7 Announce current F24 Talking Points to the Ambassadors list with the Beta just around the corner
People present (lines said)
- decause (134)
- jflory7 (69)
- ParadoxGuitarist (23)
- jbishop (15)
- linuxmodder (13)
- zodbot (10)
- bkp (0)
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