17:58:39 <decause> #startmeeting Fedora Council 17:58:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon May 23 17:58:39 2016 UTC. The chair is decause. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:58:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:58:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_council' 17:58:55 <decause> #topic RollCall 17:59:01 <decause> .hello decause 17:59:02 <zodbot> decause: decause 'Remy DeCausemaker' <decause@redhat.com> 18:00:33 <jkurik> .hello jkurik 18:00:34 <zodbot> jkurik: jkurik 'Jan Kurik' <jkurik@redhat.com> 18:03:40 <decause> robyduck: ^ 18:06:49 <decause> in 5 18:06:51 <decause> 4 18:06:52 <decause> 3 18:08:29 <decause> #topic FAmSCo Presentation 18:08:35 <decause> christoph is speaking 18:08:53 <decause> Quick status 18:09:05 <decause> We have members from around the world 18:09:06 <decause> which is good 18:09:08 <decause> the downside is 18:09:14 <decause> it is hard to find a meeting slot that works for everyone 18:09:24 <decause> the IRC meetings can be hard to find a slot for 18:09:43 <decause> #link https://plus.google.com/events/c3qluh7urmc63877kk5rl0la4f4 18:09:49 <decause> things are getting better 18:10:18 <decause> we've worked through our deadlocked decision making 18:10:29 <decause> we have some non-english speakers, which complicates things 18:10:34 <decause> but we've made progress 18:10:45 <decause> we have regular meetings, and most of the time we reach quorum now 18:10:57 <decause> we've switched to async communication and decision making 18:11:07 <decause> we now have dedicated decision making in trac 18:11:17 <decause> if there is no ticket, there is no decision 18:11:26 <decause> #info FAmSco is now using lazy consensus 18:11:38 <decause> #info potty is chair, cwickert is vice-chair 18:11:47 <decause> the lazy consensus works a little differently than council 18:11:57 <decause> we have 7 days, and after we can discuss after 18:12:06 <decause> we'll never be slowed down more than one week 18:12:20 <decause> this already caused us lengthy discussions, but we're hopeful it will help us in the future 18:12:25 <decause> #topic FOSCO 18:12:45 <decause> the idea is to have a committee that represents not just ambassadors, but design and marketing 18:12:49 <decause> it is a global effort 18:12:53 <decause> and will include other subprojects 18:13:05 <decause> we're not totally clear on the mission, other than bundling and coordinating efforts 18:13:24 <decause> we want to help with things like what Ambassadors have been doing (getting the word out) 18:13:30 <decause> but also, proposed marketing strategies 18:13:37 <decause> and managing the regional ambassadors budgets 18:13:46 <decause> which is ambassador/outreach budget 18:13:53 <decause> and we want to be a feedback channel for the community 18:14:04 <decause> the ambassadors are the ones that go out to hte community 18:14:11 <decause> we want to bring ideas back to FOSCo, and back to the council 18:14:26 <decause> even though council does overall strategy, we want to be a source of input 18:14:34 <decause> so far, there have been various discussions 18:15:11 <decause> around better coordination between design<->marketing<->ambassadors 18:15:13 <decause> we all agree 18:15:32 <decause> these teams are the "core" but we'd think of the other groups, that have missions to reach out 18:15:39 <decause> such as translation, documentation 18:15:53 <decause> in order to be operational, we don't think it should have more than 10 members 18:16:00 <decause> FAMSCO has 7, which is not enough 18:16:11 <decause> but we don't want more than 10, and ideally, we'd have an odd number 18:16:23 <decause> for certain objectives/projects, we may want more 18:16:36 <decause> we want to move from elected to appointed, with lazy consensus 18:16:52 <decause> what I'm presenting here is a broad consensus around the discussion 18:16:57 <decause> there is some disagreement 18:17:05 <decause> we've not had the chance to discuss our ideas with other groups 18:17:12 <decause> this goes back to 2014 18:17:21 <decause> but there was little response 18:17:31 <decause> if we have a proposal, we hope we'll have poeple buy in 18:17:35 <decause> or freak-out, and tell us ;) 18:17:43 <decause> one way or the other, kickstarting the initiative 18:17:53 <decause> #topic FOSCo composition 18:18:07 <decause> Def include the FCL (currently decause) 18:18:16 <decause> 4 reps from ambassadors from all the regions 18:18:22 <decause> NA, EMEA, LATAM, APAC 18:18:44 <decause> 1 member from marketing 18:18:47 <decause> 1 member from design 18:18:54 <decause> these would be appointed members 18:19:10 <decause> overall, this is a body more about coordination rather than decision making 18:19:28 <decause> some people are worried about how decisions will be made in this body, particularly within ambassadors, who have a higher representation 18:19:35 <decause> for me, that is not as much of a concern 18:19:44 <decause> we won't be ambassadors v. design, etc... 18:19:51 <decause> our main purpose is to get things done 18:20:02 <decause> decision making is still up to design team for design, etc... 18:20:13 <decause> we trust the teams to do the right thing, and just want to better coordinate 18:20:25 <decause> we want to also have 2 elected seats 18:20:41 <decause> and then advisory/auxiliary members as needed 18:21:12 <decause> some groups we were thinking of were Docs, translations/g11n, CommOps, Magazine, and Diversity Advisor 18:21:25 <decause> these may change, depending on what project we're working on 18:21:37 <decause> and this is inline with the decisions that the council makes re: outreach initiaties we support 18:21:43 <decause> all of this is subject to change, and will likely change 18:21:58 <decause> the 9 members will be fixed, and then replaced over time 18:22:06 <decause> perhaps 18 month terms, like the council? 18:22:15 <decause> #topic Q&A 18:22:26 <decause> some folks think we should include the FPL, but I think mattdm is very very busy 18:22:35 <decause> I'd consider decause (FCL) the right hand of the FPL 18:22:50 <decause> perhaps also include jkurik (FPM) 18:22:59 <decause> perhaps there are other positions we didn't consider 18:23:10 <decause> with regards to the mission, we need to have a clear definition 18:23:28 <decause> one member of FAMSCO suggested that perhaps we have 1-2 members of FESCO included 18:23:42 <decause> so some overlap with FESCO, and the Council, may be a good idea 18:23:48 <decause> I'd like to hear your opinion on that 18:24:02 <decause> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/373 18:24:10 <decause> there has been some discussion on mailing lists in the past 18:24:24 <decause> and the current status, the essence of the previous discussions, are pretty much sumarized. 18:24:40 <decause> again, you may need to adjust your FAS permissions and log-in to see the ticket 18:24:57 <decause> from my side for now, I will stop this presentation, and screen sharing, and move on to discussion 18:25:01 <decause> any ideas/questions 18:25:06 <decause> I"m looking forward to feedback 18:26:28 <decause> langdon: there are actually two elected seats 18:26:31 <decause> in the council 18:26:44 <decause> cwickert: Oh, good. that aligns us better with the council. 18:31:48 <decause> #info What is the timeline like? 18:32:05 <decause> #info We would like to decide ASAP, with a goal of having it figured it out by Flock 18:32:59 <decause> cwickert: One of my questions is the budget question 18:33:04 <decause> a little background 18:33:17 <decause> the reason why FAMSCO handled budget, was because teh amabassadors spent the most 18:33:21 <decause> and because we didn't have anyone else 18:33:30 <decause> the ambassadors were founded in the early days of Fedora 18:33:37 <decause> we had a working infrastructure, and a body for decision making 18:33:57 <decause> we have council taking over some of the budget (the global part) 18:34:11 <decause> I don't see why FAMSCO/Outreach has to do everything 18:34:25 <decause> but I think the Outreachy Budget should remain part of FOSCo 18:34:35 <robyduck> .hello robyduck 18:34:36 <decause> that means we don't just do regional efforts 18:34:36 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 18:34:46 <decause> so, having the whole outreach budget under the control of fosco 18:34:51 <decause> robyduck: sorry about that 18:37:23 <langdon> .hello langdon 18:37:24 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@fishjump.com> 18:37:29 <robyduck> decause: reading but not able to attend the hangout 18:37:51 <decause> robyduck: ack 18:38:04 <decause> robyduck: https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/ticket/373 18:41:28 <decause> #info F24 election cycle is probably too early to have an election for FOSCo 18:42:02 <decause> jkurik: we /could/ do a special election too before the F25 GA 18:42:43 <decause> #idea Have a special election for FOSCo when the plan is agreed upon. 18:43:26 <decause> cwickert: We have had long discussion of who can vote within FAmSco and FOSCo 18:43:33 <decause> we'd have to bring that up again 18:45:21 <decause> #info Perhaps we can have the current FAmSCo take interim seats on the FOSCo 18:46:03 <decause> cwickert: I'm glad we have experienced members on FAmSCo, but it is a good time for new members to step up 18:46:13 <decause> I would probably step down, because I have less time 18:46:32 <decause> once FOSCo is in good shape, I'd have no problem transferring repsonsibility to new members 18:47:07 <decause> cwickert: I have a question 18:47:22 <decause> I think the discussion will carry on in FAMSCO for another 2-3 weeks 18:47:38 <decause> If FAmSco doesn't get it done, then we need the council to drive this forward. 18:49:23 <robyduck> we need experience in the first FOSCo, not new members. I'm not for transferring FAmSCo members to FOSCo ad interim, we should make sure FOSCo is set up fine and then make new elections. 18:50:03 <robyduck> If FAmSCo members want to run also for FOSCo they should do that, same for new members. Nobody should get excluded to be in the first FOSCo 18:50:50 <decause> #idea Have a deadline for FOSCo ratification by July 1st 18:51:10 <decause> +1 18:51:12 <langdon> +1 18:51:18 <jkurik> +1 18:51:32 <cwickert> +1 18:51:48 <robyduck> +1 18:54:42 <decause> #info CommOps team will support socializing the FOSCo and promoting the initiative cross-teams once it is ratified 18:55:58 <decause> #topic Open Floor 18:56:10 <cwickert> here goes the link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1InyiLtvmu7j5qsbCweqx1_qlK4rdIAcJaokKq7qQFz4/edit?usp=sharing 18:56:26 <langdon> cwickert, that is the slides from the meeting, right? 18:57:12 <jkurik> langdon: yes 18:57:24 <langdon> jkurik, thanks.. i missed the premise ;) 18:58:14 <cwickert> langdon: right 18:59:42 <decause> #link https://www.redhat.com/en/about/blog/two-red-hatters-win-2016-o%E2%80%99reilly-open-source-awards 18:59:57 <decause> #info congratulations mizmo on our O'Reilly Open Source Award 19:00:12 <robyduck> thanks cwickert 19:01:24 <cwickert> welcome robyduck 19:05:15 <decause> #link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOCmB1xHCqQ 19:05:26 <decause> thanks all for joining us today 19:05:35 <decause> #endmeeting