15:00:26 <mjwolf> #startmeeting Server Working Group Weekly Meeting (2016-06-14) 15:00:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jun 14 15:00:26 2016 UTC. The chair is mjwolf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'server_working_group_weekly_meeting_(2016-06-14)' 15:00:50 <mjwolf> #chair danofsatx nirik stefw adamw simi mhayden jds2001 mjwolf hanthana 15:00:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw danofsatx hanthana jds2001 mhayden mjwolf nirik simi stefw 15:01:00 <mhayden> .hello mhayden 15:01:02 <zodbot> mhayden: mhayden 'Major Hayden' <major@mhtx.net> 15:01:06 <nirik> .hello kevin 15:01:07 <zodbot> nirik: kevin 'Kevin Fenzi' <kevin@scrye.com> 15:01:10 <nirik> morning everyone. 15:01:31 <adamw> .hello adamwill 15:01:32 <zodbot> adamw: adamwill 'Adam Williamson' <awilliam@redhat.com> 15:03:53 <mjwolf> how many do we need for a quorum? should we wait a couple minutes yet? 15:04:06 <adamw> QUORUM ASSEMBLE! 15:04:15 <adamw> this is the bit where we turn into one really *cool* giant robot. 15:04:24 <nirik> awesome 15:04:36 <nirik> I think we need one more? 15:06:00 <danofsatx> I'm on an interview, but hiding in the back corner 15:06:16 <jds2001> .hello jstanley 15:06:17 <zodbot> jds2001: jstanley 'Jon Stanley' <jonstanley@gmail.com> 15:06:25 * jds2001 apologizes for the tardiness 15:06:46 <mjwolf> no problem I believe we now have a quorum 15:06:56 <mjwolf> #topic agenda for todays meeting 15:07:19 <mjwolf> So I sent out a request for agenda items. I did not get any responses 15:07:21 * mhayden is multi-tasking between two meetings :) 15:07:38 <mjwolf> so does anyone have any items? otherwise I think it will be a short meeting this week 15:08:02 * nirik wonders if sgallagh got any more feedback about the openshift as server stuff? 15:09:17 <nirik> and final test coverage is the only other thing I can think of... but hopefully adamw has automated all that and we can sit on the beach. 15:09:34 <sgallagh> nirik: I will have something to say next week, I think. Short version: an awful lot of interesting things happened at the Cloud FAD. 15:09:41 <sgallagh> Once that's been written up, I'll have more to say. 15:10:01 <nirik> cool. hopefully what happens at the cloud fad doesn't stay at the cloud fad. ;) 15:10:48 <jds2001> hehe. it aint vegas :) 15:11:25 <adamw> nirik: we still need the AD tests done 15:11:40 <adamw> i have access to sgallagh's setup to do that if necessary 15:11:44 <sgallagh> nirik: Certainly not, but it's not really my place to leak the big announcements :) 15:11:53 <nirik> sgallagh: fair 15:11:57 <adamw> there's a couple of freeipa web UI tests too but those are easy (and I should automate 'em soon) 15:14:22 <sgallagh> adamw: I'm sending a willing sacri*cough* volunteer over to help with the AD tests. He should ping you shortly. 15:14:31 <jds2001> adamw: point me to the AD tests 15:14:56 <jds2001> adamw: hopefully i can accomplish tonight???? Depends on what they are i guess :) 15:15:26 <adamw> jds2001: well, we're waiting for RC2 right now 15:15:38 <adamw> jds2001: but keep https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Current_Server_Test handy 15:15:51 <adamw> right now it points to RC1, when RC2 comes out it'll point to RC2 15:16:18 <adamw> and it's the "Domain joining tests: Active Directory" that need doing 15:16:28 <nirik> fear the power of our fully operational wiki TCMS 15:16:29 <adamw> you can also do "QA:Testcase_domain_client_authenticate (Active Directory)" if you like, but that one's optional 15:16:41 <adamw> nirik: i dunno, 'fully' might be going a bit far :P 15:17:13 * nirik shrugs. 15:17:48 <sgallagh> adamw: Eh, it's basically the second death start. 15:17:50 <sgallagh> *star 15:20:11 <adamw> with crowd sourced target control! 15:20:27 <nirik> anyhow, sounds like we don't have anything else? decide next weeks chair and close out? :) 15:21:51 <linuxmodder> .fas linuxmodder 15:21:51 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 15:22:09 * linuxmodder late and on iffy connect apoligizes early for any disconnects and delays 15:22:46 <mjwolf> any takers for next weeks chair? 15:23:11 <linuxmodder> I should be around but would need to scholl myself on zodbot again 15:23:49 * nirik hopes to be busy watching a release. 15:24:16 <mjwolf> ok close out the meeting then? 15:24:24 <linuxmodder> same but I plan to be seeding and here 15:24:53 <linuxmodder> nirik, did the grub2 patch ever make it to 23 / 24 stable ? 15:24:57 <linuxmodder> or still in testing 15:25:16 <nirik> which grub2 patch? 15:26:04 <linuxmodder> to fix the grub2 blocker 15:26:11 <linuxmodder> grub2.....-34 15:26:48 <nirik> for f24 yes, f23 no, as there was no issue there. 15:27:00 <nirik> mjwolf: well, we need someone to chair next week... anyone? 15:27:17 <simo> hello 15:27:32 <simo> I guess I am late 15:28:10 <mjwolf> linuxmodder: were you going to chair next week or did I misread your comment above? 15:28:44 <linuxmodder> I can but I'd need to spin myself up on zodbot cmds again before then 15:28:57 <jds2001> linuxmodder: not hard :) 15:29:20 <linuxmodder> indeed but time to skim over this week might bbe :) 15:33:03 <jds2001> so anything else? 15:34:57 <mjwolf> going once 15:35:38 <mjwolf> going twice 15:36:16 <mjwolf> Thanks all see you next week 15:36:21 <mjwolf> #endmeeting