17:03:15 <jberkus> #startmeeting fedora_cloud_wg 17:03:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 13 17:03:15 2016 UTC. The chair is jberkus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:03:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:03:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_cloud_wg' 17:03:23 <imcleod> dustymabe: I'm meeting-crazy these days. Have, I believe, 30 minutes free. 17:03:29 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 17:03:30 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 17:03:36 <jberkus> #topic roll call 17:03:37 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 17:03:39 <imcleod> .hellomynameis imcleod 17:03:41 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 17:03:44 <zodbot> imcleod: imcleod 'Ian McLeod' <imcleod@redhat.com> 17:03:45 <sayan> .fas sayanchowdhury 17:03:47 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 17:03:49 <jberkus> .hello jberkus 17:03:50 <zodbot> jberkus: jberkus 'Josh Berkus' <josh@agliodbs.com> 17:03:53 <jbrooks> .hello jasonbrooks 17:03:54 <zodbot> jbrooks: jasonbrooks 'Jason Brooks' <JBROOKS@REDHAT.COM> 17:04:01 <coremodule> .hello coremodule 17:04:02 <zodbot> coremodule: coremodule 'Geoffrey Marr' <gmarr@redhat.com> 17:04:34 <scollier> .hello scollier 17:04:35 <zodbot> scollier: scollier 'Scott Collier' <emailscottcollier@gmail.com> 17:04:40 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 17:04:41 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 17:04:57 <jsmith> .hello jsmith 17:04:58 <zodbot> jsmith: jsmith 'Jared Smith' <jsmith.fedora@gmail.com> 17:05:25 * dustymabe would just like to say that maxamillion is his hero 17:05:31 * jsmith is online from an airport, with limited connectivity 17:05:45 <tflink> .hello tflink 17:05:47 <zodbot> tflink: tflink 'Tim Flink' <tflink@redhat.com> 17:05:58 <jberkus> dustymabe: is f24 online? 17:06:25 <dustymabe> jberkus: not yet. but i've been following the notes and I think they are close 17:06:32 <jberkus> #chair jberkus jsmith dustymabe tflink maxamillion sayan imcleod scollier 17:06:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe imcleod jberkus jsmith maxamillion sayan scollier tflink 17:06:35 <dustymabe> we'll let adam comment when we get into the meeting 17:08:13 <jberkus> ok, ready to start? 17:08:34 <jberkus> #topic Availability of Atomic Host 24 17:08:48 <jberkus> given that that's the biggie. maxamillion, what's our current status? 17:09:08 <dustymabe> some updates have been given here: https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/164 17:09:20 <dustymabe> looks like most everything has been staged, not sure what is left 17:11:12 <dustymabe> also there is discussion for the website PR here: https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/pull-request/22 17:11:40 <dustymabe> looks like they are actively working on fixing some issues with the PR and also might be waiting for the images to get synced out to the mirors 17:13:18 <dustymabe> ok I say we move on for now. he must be off fighting fires 17:14:05 <jberkus> ok. 17:14:53 <jberkus> #topic Action Items 17:15:53 <maxamillion> jberkus: sorry 17:15:55 <maxamillion> dustymabe: sorry 17:16:04 <maxamillion> on a call, bad at multitasking 17:16:05 <jberkus> maxamillion: we know what you're busy doing 17:16:20 <jberkus> maxamillion: should we switch back, or are you still on a call? 17:16:27 <maxamillion> please switch back 17:17:20 <maxamillion> the release engineering work is all done, the release script is fixed, we have all the content pre-staged here http://alt.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/atomic/stable/ and it should be sync'd to the mirrors 17:17:28 <maxamillion> the only thing we're waiting on is the websites 17:17:44 <jzb> .hellomynameis jzb 17:17:45 <zodbot> jzb: jzb 'Joe Brockmeier' <jzb@redhat.com> 17:17:51 <jberkus> #topic Availability of F24 Atomic 17:18:14 <dustymabe> maxamillion: and it looks like we are close on that 17:18:20 <dustymabe> right? 17:18:21 <maxamillion> dustymabe: yes 17:18:35 <maxamillion> dustymabe: the patches appear to be in, we're just discussing some other stuff 17:18:39 <dustymabe> yayayay so we should probably have a release today 17:18:43 <jberkus> maxamillion: are the other issues temporary or long-term fixes? that is, are we still looking at a bunch of required work for the next release? 17:19:53 <maxamillion> jberkus: there's a lot of long term work, but it's already planned, scoped, and in line for being done ... the next release should be fine, I think this current strip of duct tape will hold for a while because this was a side effect of multiple changes happening at the same time and it just wasn't orchestrated together well 17:20:15 <jberkus> OK 17:20:36 <maxamillion> jberkus: nothing should change like it just did for future releases until at least Fedora 25 17:22:10 <jberkus> maxamillion: if it doesn't go up today, is there anything the rest of us can reasonably do? 17:22:46 <dustymabe> jberkus: we could just send the release email with the url location 17:23:10 <dustymabe> that way I could go ahead and put the vagrant images up on atlas 17:23:29 <maxamillion> jberkus: basically what dustymabe said ... we're at the mercy of the web team at the moment 17:24:04 <jberkus> are they contending with other critical issues? 17:25:04 <maxamillion> jberkus: no idea 17:25:15 <maxamillion> I'm not on the web team and have zero introspection into their ongoings 17:25:39 <maxamillion> I as of yesterday will become the Cloud WG's official liason for the web team though 17:25:58 <maxamillion> so if we need something from them or need them to know about something, let's bring it up in meetings and I'll take it from there 17:26:02 <maxamillion> volunteers welcomed 17:26:07 <maxamillion> volunteers welcomed to join in* 17:27:10 <jberkus> well, they seem to be fairly responsive on the PR. 17:27:40 <maxamillion> they do 17:27:44 <jberkus> hopefully this will get fixed within the next couple hours, from the look of it 17:28:28 <jberkus> ok, moving on 17:28:35 <jberkus> #topic Action Items 17:28:54 <jberkus> maxamillion: thanks for bailing water, btw. 17:29:03 <maxamillion> jberkus: I do what I can :) 17:30:48 <jberkus> ticket #125: that's me 17:31:00 <jberkus> no updates; expect to have examples prepared for Flock. 17:31:22 <jberkus> ticket #136: Ian? Vagrant boxes fixups? 17:31:25 <jberkus> imcleod: ^^^ 17:31:37 * imcleod looking - need a few moments 17:32:15 <jberkus> https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/136 17:32:33 <jberkus> jzb: is there some reason not to close "Proposals for F24 features"? 17:32:43 <jzb> jberkus: none whatsoever. 17:32:46 <jzb> I'll close 17:32:55 <imcleod> I really have no idea what this would mean. dustymabe, I know you originally opened it - Does Vagrant for virtualbox normally support adding a CDROM? 17:33:14 <jzb> imcleod: IIRC somebody had a feature want for a CDROM 17:33:21 <jberkus> also, we're going to skip maxamillion's other tickets, because I can't imagine that he's had time to even look at them 17:33:27 <maxamillion> I have not :( 17:33:30 <jzb> I think we can notfix it. 17:33:34 <dustymabe> imcleod: it has to do with a user trying to get the vbox guest additions into the VM 17:33:47 <dustymabe> virtualbox gives the users an ISO they can load into the box 17:33:59 <dustymabe> so for that they *need* a cdrom 17:34:08 <dustymabe> at least that is how oracle's documentation has it 17:34:16 <jberkus> dustymabe: that's correct 17:34:18 <dustymabe> we all know they can just loopback mount the iso 17:34:36 <dustymabe> so a user requested that we be able to add a cdrom device for this reason 17:34:40 <imcleod> jzb, dustymabe: In the context of Vagrant I'm not sure how this would work. I'm googling now. I'll update the ticket with what I find, which may be "still stumped, please clarify" 17:34:41 <dustymabe> seemed reasonable 17:34:49 <dustymabe> imcleod: thanks 17:35:43 <jberkus> dustymabe: do you have the original bug report somewhere? that would probably help 17:35:52 <dustymabe> jberkus: one sec 17:37:07 <jbrooks> https://github.com/dotless-de/vagrant-vbguest 17:37:32 <jbrooks> I wonder if our vagrantfile would have to be modded for the user to use that 17:37:41 <dustymabe> jberkus: it was in the comments of this fedmag post: https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-cloud-vagrant-boxes-atlas/ 17:37:52 <dustymabe> search for CDROM 17:38:03 <jberkus> #action imcleod, dustymabe, jbrooks to look into #136 17:38:11 <jberkus> moving on 17:38:35 <imcleod> dustymabe: Bah. That's also where somebody asked about making the virtual disk much bigger, while only allocating a small amount of it by default. Which also seemed reasonable but runs into some efficiency issues in koji at the moment. 17:39:08 <jberkus> FOSP: waiting for handoff from jzb. That's also true with the user mode stuff, which for some reason doens't have a ticket. 17:39:30 <jberkus> jzb: can you and I chat soon about FOSP, and give me the contacts? 17:39:38 <jzb> jberkus: yes 17:39:56 <imcleod> dustymabe: IN that same comment chain, Vladimir suggests using the plugin, and claims that it works. 17:40:40 <jberkus> #154 I haven't addressed this because for the last 2 weeks there hasn't been a download page. So, skipping. 17:40:47 <dustymabe> right - so that is a solution. i'm just trying to support the case where people are following oracles docs 17:41:19 <jberkus> #155: Post-GA cadence for deliverables. This seems like a big discussion item. Can we make it the main topic of next week's meeting? 17:41:33 <jberkus> with both maxamillion busy and kushal absent, I don't think we can take it on today 17:42:03 <maxamillion> yeah, I'm good with that 17:43:04 <jberkus> #action discuss Post-GA Cadence first thing in 7/20 meeting 17:44:49 <jberkus> next: #156 Kickstart docs. This was a me/dusty thing, but got sidetracked by Summit. dustymabe, do you have time to collab with me on this? I need to reimage the whole cluster, so it seems like a good time. 17:46:19 <jberkus> dustymabe: ? 17:46:47 <dustymabe> jberkus: yeah 17:47:00 <dustymabe> I'll help you get them kickstarted :) 17:47:19 <jberkus> you around for this tommorrow? I'll have questions about setting up the ISO for kickstart 17:47:24 <jberkus> great 17:47:41 <dustymabe> to be clear 17:47:49 <jberkus> #160 rtnpro if you're here, did this get done? 17:47:57 <dustymabe> I don't know much about Atomic ISO kickstarting.. but I do know a lot about kickstart in general 17:48:09 <dustymabe> so we should be able to figure things out just fine 17:48:10 <jberkus> dustymabe: well, that's what's needed 17:48:24 <dustymabe> jberkus: well we'll figure it out 17:48:31 <dustymabe> I've done the Atomic ISO kickstart before 17:48:38 <dustymabe> just don't have much recollection of it 17:48:42 <jberkus> dustymabe: what I couldn't make work on my own was a completely headless install, I had to still type the kickstart file location into the console 17:48:44 <dustymabe> so this will be a refresher 17:48:53 <dustymabe> jberkus: oh, well that is easy 17:48:59 <dustymabe> lets shoot for Friday to work on this 17:49:00 <jbrooks> I've done it w/ cobbler 17:49:04 <jberkus> ok, friday it is 17:49:38 <jberkus> #topic open floor 17:49:44 <jberkus> anyone have other items to discuss? 17:50:40 <dustymabe> jberkus: can you set up a meeting? 17:50:42 <dustymabe> for that 17:50:47 <jberkus> dustymabe: will do 17:50:58 <jberkus> ok, I have one other item: we need chairs for the upcoming meetings 17:51:25 <jberkus> specifically, I'd like a volunteer for next week 17:51:56 <jberkus> maxamillion dustymabe sayan ? 17:52:13 <jbrooks> jberkus, I can do it next week 17:52:21 <jberkus> thanks 17:52:23 <dustymabe> jbrooks++ 17:52:24 <zodbot> dustymabe: Karma for jasonbrooks changed to 1 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:52:31 <maxamillion> jberkus++ 17:52:32 <zodbot> maxamillion: Karma for jberkus changed to 1 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:52:32 <jberkus> ok, we're done 17:52:35 <maxamillion> thanks all! 17:52:37 <jberkus> #endmeeting