20:00:11 <rbergeron> #startmeeting Server Working Group Weekly Meeting (2016-09-20) 20:00:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 20 20:00:11 2016 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'server_working_group_weekly_meeting_(2016-09-20)' 20:00:23 <rbergeron> #meetingname ServerSIG 20:00:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'serversig' 20:00:32 <rbergeron> hey folks. gonna see who shows up today :) 20:00:35 <dperpeet> hey 20:00:42 <jds2001> rbergeron: im here 20:00:49 <dperpeet> we need 5 to meet quorum 20:00:50 <jds2001> rbergeron: not optimistic, though :D 20:00:58 <rbergeron> #chair #chair nirik adamw mhayden jds2001 mjwolf sgallagh dperpeet smooge vvaldez 20:00:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: #chair adamw dperpeet jds2001 mhayden mjwolf nirik rbergeron sgallagh smooge vvaldez 20:01:06 <rbergeron> well, i fail at copypasta, but oh well 20:01:10 <rbergeron> #topic Roll Call 20:01:12 <smooge> waaaat? 20:01:18 <jds2001> .hello jstanley 20:01:19 <smooge> I am here 20:01:19 <zodbot> jds2001: jstanley 'Jon Stanley' <jonstanley@gmail.com> 20:01:22 <rbergeron> jds2001: i am also unoptimistic, but whatevs 20:01:27 <jds2001> smooge: meeting time! 20:01:42 <dperpeet> .hello dperpeet 20:01:43 <zodbot> dperpeet: dperpeet 'None' <dperpeet@redhat.com> 20:01:58 <mjwolf> .hello mjwolf 20:01:59 <zodbot> mjwolf: mjwolf 'Michael Wolf' <mjwolf@us.ibm.com> 20:02:19 <jds2001> rbergeron: i trust that i'll see you in Brooklyn in a few weeks? :) 20:02:22 <rbergeron> we shall see :) I see a jsd2001, smooge, dperpeet, mjwolf thus far, which is four as far as i can count 20:02:31 * nirik is in the middle of a bunch of things, not sure I can pay much attention 20:02:46 <rbergeron> jds2001: absolutely, you should beep at me for details about gettogethers and such if you are not already in that loop 20:03:47 <rbergeron> okay, so nirik is here, or at least half-here, which is more or less a quorum inasmuch as i'm sure nirik will occasionally look to make sure we're not losing our minds here :) 20:04:11 <rbergeron> #info present: jds2001 smooge dperpeet mjwolf nirik 20:04:20 <rbergeron> #topic Outcomes 20:04:34 <rbergeron> So! when last y'all met... 20:04:38 <rbergeron> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-09-13/serversig.2016-09-13-20.00.log.html 20:05:26 <rbergeron> I believe the agreement was -- "20:44:39 <sgallagh> #info We will focus on Outcomes that we expect to be able to have an effect on within one year (targeted at Flock 2017)" 20:05:56 <rbergeron> #info Brainstorm Outcomes that we expect to be able to have an effect on within one year (targeted at Flock 2017) 20:06:04 * rbergeron looks for anything else pertinent 20:06:48 <rbergeron> okay, i see not much else, but everyone is also welcome to add anything they'd like. 20:07:00 <rbergeron> And it seems like there's been not a heck of a lot of brainstorming on the list. So! 20:07:02 * jds2001 has not seen much on the list :( 20:07:09 <rbergeron> Given that there is now a mission and vision... 20:07:27 <rbergeron> #info Vision: Anyone should be able to confidently obtain, configure and deploy software services that address their needs using readily-available and trustworthy recipes. 20:07:38 <rbergeron> #info Mission: Fedora Server Edition is an ecosystem ideal for creating and operating validated service roles addressing most computing needs. 20:08:15 <rbergeron> ...what outcomes are, like, you know, useful / achievable / things people actually care to work on (that last part matters, lol) 20:08:35 <rbergeron> don't make me spin the wheel of fate to randomly select anyone to pipe up :) 20:08:37 <jds2001> so, for an outcome, how about something like: we have 3 roles deployable within 12 months. 20:08:38 <smooge> my firefox cache was eaten this morning. does anyone have the taiga page? 20:09:17 <dperpeet> jds2001, when would you consider a role deployed? 20:09:42 <dperpeet> bare bones <-> configured 20:10:05 <rbergeron> smooge: i do not. all these weird new things y'all have, lol 20:10:17 <jds2001> dperpeet: the latter ened of that 20:10:34 <dperpeet> yeah, I agree 20:10:51 <dperpeet> were you thinking about specific roles? 20:11:12 <jds2001> well, i dunno 20:11:15 <jds2001> what is in demand? 20:11:44 <smooge> the classics? printer, smtp, webserver 20:11:51 <jds2001> sugarcrm? wordpress? etc 20:11:56 <dperpeet> I would like to match that with my proposal to reduce the number of steps a user needs to deploy such a role ("It is easy to download, configure and install Fedora Server") 20:12:13 <jds2001> smooge: i was thinking higher level than those, but those work as well - you need them as foundational items 20:12:16 <rbergeron> has anyone (sorry, i don't even like to say these words, srsly) done anything crazy like "write user stories" or things like that? 20:12:40 <jds2001> rbergeron: i think we need to go there. 20:12:42 <smooge> we were waiting for you to say them 20:12:45 * rbergeron reminds folks that using #idea is a cool thing to do 20:12:54 <rbergeron> augh, you guys, don't make me be that person :) 20:13:10 <dperpeet> rbergeron, I have done some related work for Cockpit that has similar admin user stories 20:13:29 <rbergeron> dperpeet: i like that one -- i wonder if it would be useful to just think about basic things people might want to do 20:14:09 <dperpeet> I based my user stories loosely on the RHEL sysadmin course 20:14:15 <jds2001> "as an inexperienced linux admin, I should be able to easily deploy an instance of ______" 20:14:57 <rbergeron> as in: i want to download/configure/install the thing; routine maintenance functions (like, if you are an admin of a server that other humans use); maybe... "i would like to obtain a lamp stack" (or whatever. freeipa, nginx, hyperkitty, whatever) 20:14:58 <jds2001> dperpeet: i wouldnt want these folks to have to be sysadmins. We should take out that complexity. 20:15:09 <jds2001> have useful defaults that can be overridden. 20:15:32 <jds2001> rbergeron: exactly' 20:15:38 <dperpeet> jds2001, right, but I took those goals and made general goals such as "Clara want to run a file server in the office to share files between herself and her colleagues" 20:15:46 * nirik very much thinks we need to keep a freeipa role. 20:15:57 <nirik> we did persons a while back. 20:16:01 <rbergeron> dperpeet: can you retype your thing with the idea tag? /me likes credit where credit is due and all that 20:16:16 <nirik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Server/Personas 20:16:33 <dperpeet> nirik, thanks for the link 20:16:37 <rbergeron> (or for ppl to be able to find you to ask you more without having to read the whole log) 20:17:00 <dperpeet> rbergeron, the idea in general or that specific one? 20:17:23 <rbergeron> man, i hope sandra summers, aka sysadmin macgyver, resident of brooklyn, is coming to ansiblefest 20:17:51 <nirik> she totally should! 20:17:54 <rbergeron> dperpeet: maybe that specific one? i mean... this is mostly a meeting to brainstorm ideas, not decide here today i don't think 20:18:18 <dperpeet> #idea Andy wants to run a file server in the office to share files between himself and his colleagues 20:19:51 <jds2001> #idea those files should be accessible via multiple operating systems. 20:19:54 <dperpeet> I don't want to take all the credit on that one, Andreas Nilsson cooks up most of the user stories for Cockpit 20:19:59 <rbergeron> dperpeet: oh, i meant maybe (or i guess also!) the "reduce the number of steps" 20:20:06 <dperpeet> rbergeron, aha! 20:20:25 <dperpeet> that makes more sense (and the idea is in the e-mail thread already) 20:20:27 <rbergeron> I think all of those are valiant goals 20:21:26 <dperpeet> #idea It is easy to download, configure and install Fedora Server for [role, e.g. setting up a fileserver] 20:22:17 <jds2001> #idea the role should be usable immediately upon installation of Fedora Server 20:22:38 <smooge> #idea Sage needs to send and receive emails for a small group. 20:22:39 <jds2001> #idea the roles should probably be deployable via kickstart??????? 20:23:18 <jds2001> so we're good into deployment here. 20:23:27 <jds2001> what happens when the filesytem fills up? 20:24:14 <jds2001> your mailserver has been going forever, you never delete any email 20:24:24 <jds2001> soon you're not going to have room for more! 20:24:35 <rbergeron> jds2001: you could wrap ansible roles from galaxy into some pretty clicky interface upon booting and then you'd have like 500 already ;) (sure, 50 of those are nginx, whatever) 20:25:32 <rbergeron> jds2001: those roles could be associated with some sort of ongoing health-check / maintenance type of thing (check my buckets daily, send me a mail when my email buckets overfloweth, assocaited with the install my mailserver) 20:26:31 <rbergeron> #idea have "helper tools" for maintenance / health that go hand in hand with the thing being easily installed / deployed / etc. 20:26:35 <dperpeet> on that note, I think it would pay off to not let initial and ongoing setup/configuration diverge - I would rather see them become one eventually 20:27:19 <dperpeet> otherwise you have different workflows and stuff to maintain, where the actual use should be the same: "this server should share files" 20:27:40 <dperpeet> whether you decide that during setup or later on should be immaterial 20:27:53 * rbergeron nods 20:28:07 * jds2001 semi-nods 20:28:17 <jds2001> it should be there, but be separable. 20:28:40 <jds2001> we had a big long discussion about Ansible vs. Puppet vs. tool of the day 20:29:19 <dperpeet> of course this shouldn't stop automation 20:31:54 <rbergeron> jds2001: aye 20:32:41 <rbergeron> dperpeet: yes 20:33:02 <rbergeron> what other things? wordpress? webserver? i mean... all basic stuff 20:33:07 <rbergeron> freeipa 20:33:16 <jds2001> postgres? 20:33:27 <jds2001> (or more generically, database) 20:33:55 <dperpeet> all using containers? 20:34:05 <dperpeet> or is that up to the individual role? 20:34:07 <rbergeron> i mean there is definitely a thing to be said for "do we want lots of small components or stacks of functional stuff" 20:34:19 <jds2001> that should be up to the role 20:34:35 <dperpeet> I think rbergeron phrased what I wanted to get at better 20:34:38 <jds2001> rbergeron: stacks of functional stuff is better IMO 20:35:22 <jds2001> (at the Ansible level, you'd probably have a postgres role, etc) 20:35:32 <jds2001> but combine those into something useful 20:36:12 <jds2001> so the answer is both. 20:36:27 * rbergeron notes that in ansible galaxy (for example) the #1 downloaded role for fedora is redis; then a bunch of java / php tool type stuff, git, drupal-console, nginx, ntp, ansistrano-deploy, a bunch of stuff 20:36:29 <jds2001> if role A and B both require postgres, then that should be done in a uniform way 20:36:34 <smooge> rbergeron, I would like us to be able to show we can do common stuff before we jump down the rabbit hole of "here's your openstack role" 20:36:39 <rbergeron> jds2001: yeah, roles can depend on roles in ansible 20:36:47 <rbergeron> smooge: ain't touchin' that with a 28 foot pole, dear god 20:37:28 <jds2001> but the "top level" things that we advertise are the "useful roles" not the "infrastructure roles" 20:37:36 <smooge> or even "redis" because by the time we get it in place.. it will be no longer "cool" and people will be deploying monkeynuts 20:39:00 <jds2001> so redis is another thing that's an "infrastructure role" 20:39:14 <jds2001> no one says, "I want to do Redis!" 20:39:40 <jds2001> it's more of "I want to use an application, one of it's components is Redis! Cool!" 20:39:58 <smooge> ah ok. because all I hear people is say "I want to do Redis"... 20:40:22 <smooge> but I am a cranky dungeon dweller 20:40:27 <jds2001> redis is nothing more than a key/value store :) 20:40:43 <jds2001> it doesnt do much useful to an end-user :) 20:41:01 * jds2001 is oversimplifying redis, for all the redis fans out there :) 20:41:14 <smooge> so what things are useful to an end-user(s) that we can get running in a 4 month period? 20:41:26 <rbergeron> well -- i think the point is "we can make stuff" and we can decide that list all day long 20:41:55 <rbergeron> it's also entirely possible that if we figure out how to show people how to do it and give simple guidelines that maybe folks will just make the things they find useful and some of that may be useful to other folks too 20:42:03 <rbergeron> actually, maybe that's not the point 20:42:15 <rbergeron> but i think maybe that's a thing to think about 20:42:27 <rbergeron> along with "here are some obvious 5 things we shoudl probably do just to test the waters" 20:42:32 <jds2001> the point is "we can make a reference implementation" 20:42:47 <jds2001> rbergeron: most of the roles on galaxy i dont think were intended to be widely used 20:42:59 <rbergeron> and i'll point out that if it takes till next year at flock as an outcome to have 3 roles then we've definitely made it too complicated 20:43:04 <jds2001> a lot of them were, I guess - but there are things that are hardcoded that shouldn't be, etc. 20:43:21 <jds2001> rbergeron: so we need some sort of quality for our "official" roles 20:43:25 <jds2001> if that makes any sense. 20:43:37 <rbergeron> jds2001: meh, you'd be surprised -- particularly with geerlingguy's stuff, he's pretty committed to that kind of thing 20:43:50 <rbergeron> jds2001: so basically "need reference implementation" and "basic guidelines" 20:43:58 <jds2001> rbergeron: yep 20:44:07 <rbergeron> ..including probably some way for things to auto-test in fedora-land 20:44:15 <jds2001> rbergeron: maybe it's just the roles i've looked at :) 20:44:37 <rbergeron> jds2001: yeah, it's the wild wooly west in some ways, like most of those forge/supermarkets/galaxies are :) 20:44:55 <dperpeet> we can define roles all day, yet I still think it's also about how easy it is to set them up 20:45:12 <jds2001> right 20:45:14 <dperpeet> and also the flip side: how easy is it to develop and deliver for a role 20:45:21 <rbergeron> though we are working on improving it (and god willing get headcount) and open sourcing it as soon as i get a mail from fontana back, but i digress 20:45:33 <jds2001> no one should know what a playbook, inventory, role, etc *is* 20:45:57 <smooge> So if I were building an infrastructure for a small business/thing.. the usual things needed are: Backups, Identity Management and Web-storage 20:46:17 <dperpeet> jds2001 +1 20:46:36 <dperpeet> jds2001, to clarify: to use the stuff, they shouldn't need to know what they're called 20:47:00 <jds2001> dperpeet: right - i.e. they dont need to know the underlying technology if they don't want to. 20:47:47 <jds2001> # ansible-playbook -i inventory my-playbook.yml is proabably not the best UI :D 20:48:41 <jds2001> oh, i forgot he very likely needed -b :D 20:48:57 * jds2001 digresses. 20:49:31 <rbergeron> jds2001: when tower is open source you could just hand them that :p lol 20:49:34 <smooge> wonders what the opposite of #idea is.. what do people want from a server product these days when we are all supposed to do it all in cloud and phones? 20:49:54 <rbergeron> smooge: sudo make me a kubernetes cluster 20:50:01 <jds2001> rbergeron: tower is probably too much :/ 20:50:15 <jds2001> rbergeron: i say that as someone that likes tower :) 20:50:29 <jds2001> (except the fact that it's not opensource.... :D) 20:51:04 <rbergeron> jds2001: call out to a known list and wrap a UI around it and say "which of these things do you want" and let it go to town is about all i can suggest 20:51:15 <jds2001> yeah 20:52:47 <rbergeron> which is mostly API magic and so forth 20:53:47 <rbergeron> i think it seems like there are some longer term "outcomes" ("be able to install stack-of-magic") and some shorter term things (define/suggest best practices/guidelines, have some prototypes, keep refining) 20:54:08 <rbergeron> and some of those things also probably interweave with the "need to establish some of this before we can think about the UI end of life" 20:54:39 * rbergeron isn't sure we came up with a lot in the meeting other than more questions but hey, brainstorming ftw? 20:56:26 <rbergeron> okay, anyone else have things to pipe in with? :) 20:56:27 <jds2001> brainstorming FTW! 20:56:34 <rbergeron> jds2001: totes 20:58:04 <smooge> not really 20:58:08 * jds2001 thinks we are done :) 20:58:11 <smooge> sorry I don't have anything else to tote 20:58:33 <smooge> we stormed some brains 20:59:52 <rbergeron> okay then. 21:00:05 <rbergeron> i shall wrap up the meeting then in a minute unless anyone else has moar to add 21:00:08 <rbergeron> :) 21:00:16 <dperpeet> I think we've done plenty of storming :) 21:00:17 * rbergeron salutes everyone and thanks them for coming and putting up with my meeting-running 21:00:32 <smooge> thank you so much rbergeron 21:00:34 <dperpeet> rbergeron, thanks for chairing the meeting! 21:00:37 <smooge> I thought i was going to have to run this 21:01:32 <rbergeron> dperpeet: no problemo, wrangler-less meetings make me sad and i kept seeing it in my inbox and i thought i'd come and uh... do things in fedora like a former fpl occasionally should :) 21:01:43 <dperpeet> :) 21:01:59 <rbergeron> #endmeeting