17:01:16 <sayan> #startmeeting fedora_cloud_wg 17:01:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 5 17:01:16 2016 UTC. The chair is sayan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_cloud_wg' 17:01:23 <sayan> #topic Roll Call 17:01:26 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 17:01:27 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 17:01:28 <jbrooks> .fas jasonbrooks 17:01:30 <zodbot> jbrooks: jasonbrooks 'Jason Brooks' <JBROOKS@REDHAT.COM> 17:01:32 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 17:01:33 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 17:01:33 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <mail@kushaldas.in> 17:01:36 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 17:01:36 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 17:01:39 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 17:01:41 <trishnag> .hello trishnag 17:01:42 <zodbot> trishnag: trishnag 'Trishna Guha' <trishnaguha17@gmail.com> 17:01:45 <sayan> .hellomynameis sayanchowdhury 17:01:46 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 17:02:10 <tflink> .hellomynameis tflink 17:02:10 <zodbot> tflink: tflink 'Tim Flink' <tflink@redhat.com> 17:02:28 * gholms takes a seat in the bleachers 17:02:40 <kushal> gholms, welcome :) 17:03:00 <jberkus> .hello jberkus 17:03:01 <zodbot> jberkus: jberkus 'Josh Berkus' <josh@agliodbs.com> 17:03:03 <sayan> #chair rtnpro jbrooks kushal maxamillion dustymabe trishnag tflink kushal 17:03:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jbrooks kushal maxamillion rtnpro sayan tflink trishnag 17:03:11 <sayan> #chair jberkus 17:03:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jberkus jbrooks kushal maxamillion rtnpro sayan tflink trishnag 17:03:13 <vvaldez> .hello vvaldez 17:03:14 <zodbot> vvaldez: vvaldez 'Vinny Valdez' <vvaldez@redhat.com> 17:03:19 <sayan> #chair vvaldez 17:03:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jberkus jbrooks kushal maxamillion rtnpro sayan tflink trishnag vvaldez 17:03:53 <sayan> #topic Action items from last meeting 17:04:08 <sayan> Action Items 17:04:10 <sayan> ------------ 17:04:12 <sayan> * kushal will work on moving to Pagure from Trac 17:04:14 <sayan> * jbrooks to send out an email to the list regarding Test Day 17:04:16 <sayan> * kushal will update #167 after meeting with details 17:04:27 <kushal> I have sent out a mail to the list about the stage project in pagure. Any comments on that? 17:04:40 <kushal> I know we one reply to that mail. 17:04:47 <sayan> I am yet to read that email :( 17:04:55 <kushal> I have also updated #167 and then closed that ticket. 17:04:56 <jbrooks> I made a wiki page https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2016_10_14_Cloud 17:04:58 <rtnpro> sayan, where's my action item for fedora-motd testing? 17:05:13 <kushal> rtnpro, there was none 17:05:22 <kushal> rtnpro, you were not present to confirm iirc. 17:05:29 <jbrooks> I'll send out another msg about it -- I made it for next fri to give us a bit more time to get bootable media 17:05:29 <sayan> rtnpro: I guess it was not re-actioned last week 17:05:30 <kushal> jbrooks, Thanks :) 17:05:32 <rtnpro> kushal, yes 17:05:42 <jbrooks> Which we need to make sure to discuss today :) 17:06:30 <sayan> rtnpro: do you have any update on the fedora-motd testing 17:06:32 <kushal> jbrooks, yes, having something which boots and works is important :) 17:06:51 <rtnpro> sayan, yes 17:07:21 <kushal> Those were the updates from me. 17:07:28 <kushal> For record 17:07:29 <kushal> https://stg.pagure.io/atomic-wg/issues 17:07:32 <sayan> rtnpro: can you share your update then? 17:07:36 <rtnpro> sayan, the tests have been pushed to https://github.com/rtnpro/motdgen and I have added README as well 17:07:36 <kushal> ^^ that is the stage instance. 17:07:55 <kushal> I have also changed the name of the project to atomic-wg from cloud, or should I keep it only atomic? 17:07:56 <rtnpro> the tests cover the end to end usecase, including machine reboot 17:07:59 <kushal> Any comments on that ? 17:08:12 <kushal> https://github.com/rtnpro/motdgen 17:08:46 <jberkus> atomic-wg is fine 17:08:53 <sayan> atomic-wg sounds good 17:09:26 <jberkus> hmmm ... there's a LOT of old bugs there. does anyone know if any of them are still relevant? 17:10:15 <sayan> nope 17:10:29 <sayan> maybe we need to triage those issues sometime 17:10:52 <rtnpro> so, what are the next steps with fedora-motd? 17:10:54 <kushal> sayan, we should. 17:11:06 <kushal> jberkus, sayan thanks. 17:11:54 <jberkus> frankly, my thinking is that we just kill off anything over a year old 17:12:20 <jberkus> the ones I've looked at so far are all obsolete 17:12:28 <jberkus> and if something is still a problem, it'll get refiled 17:13:24 <jbrooks> I closed the one I'd freported 17:13:27 <jbrooks> reported 17:13:31 <jbrooks> it was fixed ;) 17:13:42 <scollier> .hello scollier 17:13:43 <zodbot> scollier: scollier 'Scott Collier' <emailscottcollier@gmail.com> 17:13:49 <sayan> I am moving over to tickets 17:13:52 <kushal> #action kushal will clean up the wiki next week. 17:13:54 <sayan> #chair scollier 17:13:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jberkus jbrooks kushal maxamillion rtnpro sayan scollier tflink trishnag vvaldez 17:13:58 <scollier> thx sayan 17:14:11 <sayan> #topic vagrant boxes fixups https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/136 17:15:00 <sayan> imcleod: any updates on this one? 17:15:54 <kushal> Also related note, the vagrant base images for F25 are not booting 17:16:16 <imcleod> sayan: I suppose only that I don't anticipate being able to complete this work soon. If anyone has any interest in deconstructing the VirtualBox XML format and adding the needed bits to Factory's understanding of it, I'd be grateful for some help. 17:16:53 <kushal> rtnpro, or praveenkumar can be of good help on that. 17:17:02 <kushal> praveenkumar, or lalatenduM are the other names. 17:17:23 <jberkus> kushal: are any f25 images booting? 17:17:30 <jberkus> I can download an ISO if nobody has tested 17:17:42 <kushal> jberkus, the cloud base qcow2 is passing all tests. 17:17:47 <jbrooks> jberkus, I tried the libvirt vagrant one today -- it needs selinux=0 to boot 17:17:51 <jberkus> oh, so it's just the vagrant? 17:17:52 <sayan> today's results https://apps.fedoraproject.org/autocloud/jobs/308 17:17:55 <rtnpro> I can help to test the vagrant images and see if I can fix something 17:18:01 <jberkus> kushal: ok, I'll test the ISO today 17:18:19 <jbrooks> jberkus, he's talking about base, not atomic 17:18:20 <kushal> jberkus, for atomic we know the issue. 17:18:24 <trishnag> jberkus: atomic qcow2 is also not booting 17:18:36 <jberkus> ah, ok, nm 17:18:36 <kushal> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1290659#c42 17:18:53 <kushal> Sadly the hand over of base image is not done yet. 17:19:05 <jbrooks> right :) 17:20:05 <kushal> sayan, go ahead. 17:20:30 <sayan> #topic design, deploy and document Fedora OpenShift Playground (FOSP) https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/153 17:20:55 <scollier> sayan, this one is blocked by bug upstream. 17:20:55 <sayan> jberkus: scollier: did the work session happen? 17:21:04 <scollier> sayan, it did happen, but ran short. 17:21:10 <scollier> so i proposed moving it out two weeks 17:21:21 <scollier> until misc can test with packages that are patched. 17:21:33 <scollier> sayan, will update ticket 17:21:42 <sayan> scollier: thanks 17:21:46 <jberkus> scollier: do we have europeans/indians on that work session? 17:22:04 <jberkus> scollier: I ask because the last one was a 6am my time, which is why I didn't even try to attend 17:22:04 <scollier> jberkus, just misc 17:22:18 <jberkus> ok, can we do it a bit later next time then? misc stays up late as it is 17:22:26 <scollier> jberkus, np, will do. 17:22:41 <sayan> #topic make Fedora Atomic download page clearer https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/154 17:22:42 <scollier> jberkus, and sorry about that. 17:22:56 <jberkus> scollier: well, it turned out to be a non-issue, yah? 17:23:02 <scollier> ack 17:23:13 <jberkus> sayan: that's turned into a bigger discussion, let's deal with it in open discussion 17:23:26 <sayan> jberkus: sure 17:23:31 <sayan> moving ahead 17:23:50 <sayan> #topic Decide on post-GA update cadence for various deliverables https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/155 17:24:26 <sayan> maxamillion: any update on this one? ^^ 17:24:33 <maxamillion> I thought we closed that out 17:24:36 <maxamillion> kushal: ^^^ ? 17:24:57 <kushal> if not then we will close that after tonight's meeting. 17:25:02 <kushal> sayan, go ahead to the next ticket. 17:25:29 <sayan> #topic Need complete Kickstart docs for Atomic Host https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/156 17:25:59 <sayan> jberkus: any update on this one? 17:26:29 <jberkus> sayan: no change from last week. haven't had the testing time 17:27:03 <sayan> ah ok 17:27:26 <sayan> #topic Ship fedora-motd in F24 atomic image https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/160 17:28:20 <sayan> rtnpro: can you update this ticket with the status? 17:29:16 <kushal> sayan, I guess he slept again. 17:29:22 <kushal> sayan, move to next ticket 17:29:42 <rtnpro> sayan, ok 17:29:46 <sayan> #topic Finish new Fedora Cloud PRD https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/170 17:30:30 <jbrooks> sayan, do we have this in version control or in an etherpad or something? 17:30:45 <sayan> kushal: ^^ 17:30:48 <jbrooks> And though it says finish, do we have a start? 17:30:59 <jberkus> kushal: when do the tickets on paguire go live? you said that's a test? 17:31:39 <kushal> jberkus, I need get permission to spam everyone as if I push to prod, it will lit up the fedmsg for everyone. 17:31:45 <kushal> I need enough +1 from people there. 17:31:48 <kushal> on the list. 17:32:06 <sayan> kushal: I am +1 17:32:09 <jberkus> +1 17:32:19 <jberkus> kushal: I suggest not copying over any issues more than a year old, though 17:32:26 <jberkus> if you can do that? 17:32:38 <kushal> jberkus, we will have to copy all issues 17:32:45 <kushal> as these are the official records. 17:32:54 <jbrooks> +1 17:32:59 <jberkus> kushal: hmmm. what if we close the issues on trac first? 17:33:02 <kushal> and then there is no such formal way to copy random issue numbers. 17:33:10 <kushal> jberkus, they will be copied in as closed. 17:33:16 <rtnpro> +1 17:33:26 <jberkus> that's fine, but people won't be alerted for the closed issues, then, though, right? 17:33:26 <kushal> jberkus, the trac will be taken down, so we have to copy everything over. 17:33:45 <kushal> jberkus, They will be for everything they ever did on cloud trac. 17:33:59 <dustymabe> +1 17:34:16 <kushal> What are these +1(s) for? 17:34:28 <dustymabe> +1 we approve spam 17:34:31 <sayan> kushal: we are okay with you spamming 17:34:33 <jbrooks> yeah 17:34:37 <kushal> Oh, okay. 17:34:40 <kushal> Thanks. 17:34:47 <kushal> I will do this over weekend 17:34:49 <jbrooks> spam at me, bro 17:34:56 <kushal> so that no one will update the trac at that time. 17:35:07 <kushal> I will send in the updates to the list first, date and time/. 17:35:08 <vvaldez> I love spam +1 17:35:25 <kushal> maxamillion, and mattdm will get some hit :) 17:35:49 <kushal> sayan, Go ahead :) 17:35:55 <sayan> jberkus: do we have the revised Cloud PRD somewhere? 17:35:57 <jberkus> ah, ok. I still think it might be helpful to make an effort to close all the old issues first 17:36:01 <maxamillion> kushal: \o/ 17:36:07 <kushal> jberkus, Yes, I will do that too 17:36:09 <kushal> sometime 17:36:12 <jberkus> sayan: no, I was going to tackle that after I dealth with getfedora.org 17:36:20 <sayan> jberkus: ok :) 17:36:24 <kushal> as this weekend is also our biggest festival. 17:36:27 <jberkus> so, this week, one way or the other 17:36:37 <jberkus> kushal: I was thinking the rest of us would work on closing issues 17:36:42 <jberkus> kushal: group effort 17:37:23 <kushal> jberkus, Okay. 17:37:25 <sayan> jberkus: on what factors do we close issue? older that one year? 17:37:36 <jberkus> so: dustymabe, jbrooks, maxamillion, sayan, rtnpro, me: please make an effort to close as many old Trac issues as possible in the next 2 days 17:37:36 <kushal> jberkus, or I can sit down with the issues on Friday and do it. 17:37:46 <kushal> I think I already added one action item. 17:37:48 <jbrooks> ack 17:37:52 <walters> i am still confused as to these discussions of "atomic wg" - does that exist? 17:38:16 <jberkus> I'm thinking the cirteria is: if it's more than a year old, and we don't know for certain that it's still an open issue, we close it. 17:38:16 <kushal> walters, yes, we are the atomic working group. 17:38:20 <jberkus> error on the side of closing 17:38:22 <walters> (and if it does, let's transfer the docker base image into it?) 17:38:35 <sayan> Moving to open floor 17:38:40 <sayan> #topic Open Floor 17:38:48 <walters> but none of this applies for fedora 25, is that correct? 17:38:53 <jberkus> hey, mattdm, you around? 17:39:02 <jberkus> walters: well, that's what I'm about to discuss 17:39:34 <jberkus> so per members of the council, we were targeting moving from cloud --> atomic for f25 17:39:43 <jberkus> but it seems to *me* like we're not ready 17:39:51 <maxamillion> jberkus: +1 17:40:21 <kushal> not ready for? 17:40:39 <jberkus> atomic being one of Fedora's 3 main branches, instead of cloud 17:40:47 <jbrooks> Not ready for letting base loose 17:41:06 <walters> if it's just about the base image, surely we can have that technically live in the atomic group until 26? 17:41:20 <kushal> walters, yes, till some group picks it up. 17:41:25 <jberkus> my concern isn't about that, it's about not being able to get the atomic releases out on time 17:42:05 <jbrooks> We're not in awful shape there, really, we just need some more ongoing testing effort 17:42:08 <kushal> jberkus, we are working on that part, that is why having a 2 week release cycle helps. 17:42:29 <jberkus> right, but we're not *there* yet 17:42:45 <kushal> jberkus, not, things fail time to time. 17:42:46 <jbrooks> We have been getting releases out, though, just not like clockwork 17:42:58 <jbrooks> I don't think we're too far off, though 17:43:21 <jberkus> from my perspective, though, that says "let's do the transition later, when we're more confident in the releases" 17:43:51 <jbrooks> Status quo, where cloud = atomic and base is fine 17:43:54 <jbrooks> for 25 17:44:11 <jbrooks> It's too late to change at this point, anyway, right? 17:44:26 <jberkus> jbrooks: well, we have to make the decision *now*. 17:44:27 <dustymabe> way too late IMO 17:44:44 <jberkus> and with f25 atomic not booting ... 17:44:46 <kushal> jberkus, I think the decision was taken already. 17:44:54 <jbrooks> I say status quo for 25, let's get our $%^& in gear for 26 17:45:23 <jberkus> possibly before 26, if we can fix issues 17:45:23 <jbrooks> We're not going to drop atomic for 25 17:45:25 <kushal> jberkus, Our working group is moved into being atomic from flock. 17:45:44 <jbrooks> Right?? It'll continue as w/ 24 17:45:49 <kushal> nope 17:46:07 <kushal> jbrooks, After F25 GA, when we say we are ready the atomic 2w will move to F25 17:46:27 <kushal> 2WA that is. 17:46:37 <jberkus> 2wa? 17:46:55 <kushal> 2 Week Atomic. 17:47:03 <jbrooks> And, if we make it happen / make it work, there's no reason we can't do a 25-based two-week right at 25's launch, right? 17:47:04 <kushal> We sync to latest GA tree after GA. 17:47:11 <jbrooks> two weeks after? 17:47:18 <kushal> jbrooks, correct, just like F24. 17:47:25 <kushal> jbrooks, if required next day. 17:47:27 <dustymabe> i don't see why we can't do it for release day 17:47:37 <kushal> jbrooks, or after 1 hour 17:47:38 <dustymabe> but whatever 17:47:39 <jbrooks> I thought that was lame, personally -- waiting a while after GA 17:47:42 <kushal> or at the same time. 17:47:53 <jbrooks> OK, we just need to do the work / make it happen 17:47:58 <kushal> jbrooks, yes, that is why the target is to do same time of GA. 17:48:01 <maxamillion> dustymabe: we can do it for release day if all the fixes are in 17:48:14 <maxamillion> speaking of ... I need to get a 2WA release out today 17:48:16 <dustymabe> maxamillion: i.e. if it boots and is ready? 17:48:37 <jbrooks> Now, for our current blocker, the selinux package, do we have a plan there? 17:48:37 <maxamillion> dustymabe: if it passes all tests in AutoCloud 17:48:50 <jberkus> jbrooks: ticket? 17:49:05 <jbrooks> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1290659 17:49:40 <jbrooks> Right now, booting our f25 atomic images requires disabling selinux at boot time 17:50:00 <walters> i'm testing a patch to back out the systemd service now 17:50:10 <walters> i'd expected the selinux people to respond by now but oh well 17:50:11 <jbrooks> sweet 17:50:32 <jberkus> so, my plans for getfedora.org 17:51:01 <jberkus> 1. don't change the main page for getfedora/cloud 17:51:06 <jberkus> 2. do change the download page for atomic 17:51:18 <jberkus> assuming that the designers can change things at this point ... 17:52:10 <kushal> jberkus, I think mattdm wants those changes in. 17:52:33 <jberkus> kushal: well, he is the project leader, so he can override me 17:52:54 <kushal> hehe :) 17:52:55 <jberkus> I'll loop him in on the design discussion 17:53:06 <sayan> :) 17:53:12 <jberkus> but I'm going to clearly recommend against it 17:54:12 * maxamillion has to bail out in ~6 minutes because I need to get food before my next meeting 17:54:16 <sayan> Anybody wants to share anything else? 17:55:53 <sayan> So, I was planning to add the new AWS regions Mumbai and Seoul so that fedimg could upload to these locations too. 17:56:30 <sayan> But the M1 machines that fedimg uses are no longer supported in the newer regions 17:57:03 <gholms> Really? Huh. 17:57:24 <gholms> If you want ephemeral storage try m3. If you don't try m4. 17:57:39 * gholms is pretty sure all regions support those 17:57:40 <sayan> gholms: the only ones I could find is m4 17:57:59 <sayan> that requires VPC 17:58:10 <gholms> All new regions require VPC, yes. 17:58:16 <jberkus> what's wrong with vpc? 17:58:39 <sayan> better to include the new regions after fixing this https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedimg/issues/42 17:58:41 <gholms> It means some extra work in regions where we don't have default VPCs. 17:58:56 <gholms> Yeah, that was going to be my suggestion. 17:59:06 <gholms> If you don't need instances everything gets simpler. 17:59:22 <sayan> gholms: yes 18:00:18 <sayan> Going over and ending the meeting in 18:00:21 <sayan> 3. 18:00:23 <sayan> 2. 18:00:24 <sayan> 1. 18:00:28 <sayan> #endmeeting