16:00:09 <geppetto> #startmeeting fpc 16:00:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 13 16:00:09 2016 UTC. The chair is geppetto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 16:00:09 <geppetto> #meetingname fpc 16:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc' 16:00:09 <geppetto> #topic Roll Call 16:00:36 <orionp> hello 16:00:46 <fale> hello 16:01:05 <geppetto> #chair orionp 16:01:05 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto orionp 16:01:10 <tibbs> Guys, I'm having some system issues. 16:01:19 <geppetto> #chair tibbs 16:01:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto orionp tibbs 16:01:22 <geppetto> Ok 16:02:15 * Rathann here 16:02:17 <tibbs> It's working now but X keeps hanging so I might get kicked out. You won't notice because znc is running on a separate machine but I don't know how much I'll be around. 16:02:30 <geppetto> ok 16:03:06 * limburgher here 16:03:10 <Pharaoh_Atem> hey all 16:03:20 <Pharaoh_Atem> brb ~5 min 16:03:34 <geppetto> #chair limburgher 16:03:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto limburgher orionp tibbs 16:03:43 <geppetto> #chair Rathann 16:03:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto limburgher orionp tibbs 16:04:57 <geppetto> #chair racor 16:04:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rathann geppetto limburgher orionp racor tibbs 16:05:17 <geppetto> #topic Schedule 16:05:18 <geppetto> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/packaging@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/WASCNXSJHWVYGM2CZFW4UXLINCRXBCRD/ 16:05:34 <geppetto> #topic #655 meson buildsystem guidelines 16:05:39 <geppetto> .fpc 655 16:05:41 <zodbot> geppetto: #655 (meson buildsystem guidelines) – fpc - https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/655 16:07:36 <geppetto> These seem fine to me 16:08:12 <ignatenkobrain> hey everyone 16:08:18 <geppetto> hey 16:08:22 <limburgher> I concur. 16:08:35 <orionp> so ninja builds constructed with meson need a special arg? -C %{__builddir} ? 16:08:55 <ignatenkobrain> orionp: meson is always out-of-tree builds 16:08:57 <orionp> Don't like the %__sourcedir and %__builddir names 16:09:00 <ignatenkobrain> while ninja itself can be anything 16:09:10 <ignatenkobrain> orionp: why? 16:09:21 <orionp> too generic 16:09:26 <tibbs> ignatenkobrain: Sorry, I just didn't have any time to go over these yesterday 16:09:38 <ignatenkobrain> orionp: actually I would like in future to use same for cmake 16:10:06 <ignatenkobrain> because current %make_build/%cmake can be written in better way 16:10:20 <ignatenkobrain> btw, this is what SUSE does 16:10:35 <ignatenkobrain> https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/openSUSE:Factory/cmake/cmake.macros?expand=1 16:10:48 <tibbs> I don't have any problem if we want to define generic macros for these, but they probably shouldn't be part of these guidelines. 16:11:04 <ignatenkobrain> tibbs: agree, but at this moment, it's used only in meson 16:11:44 <tibbs> Doesn't mean that it should start there. 16:11:53 <ignatenkobrain> at this moment, don't see any other place where it can be written 16:11:59 * ignatenkobrain is open for suggestions 16:12:24 <tibbs> In the regular guideline page documenting various macros. 16:12:27 <tibbs> I'm not asking you to do it. 16:13:15 <tibbs> I'm just saying that FPC should probably decide if this shoud go in as something meson-specific or if these macros are something that should be used generally. 16:13:36 <tibbs> if the former, they should be renamed. If the latter then we'll make that happen. 16:13:50 <tibbs> What defines them currently? 16:13:52 <Rathann> to be honest I don't like the redirection 16:13:54 * ignatenkobrain would be happy if it will be generic and used for cmake/meson/whatsoever_we_will_add 16:14:03 <Rathann> meson_build -> ninja_build -C builddir 16:14:06 <ignatenkobrain> tibbs: macros.meson 16:14:12 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: why? 16:14:22 <ignatenkobrain> you want each packager to write this boilerplate part? 16:14:44 <tibbs> ignatenkobrain: Have a URL for that file? 16:14:52 <ignatenkobrain> tibbs: yup 16:15:03 <ignatenkobrain> tibbs: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/blob/master/data/macros.meson 16:15:05 <tibbs> Sorry, I didn't see it in the ticket. 16:15:18 <ignatenkobrain> np 16:15:32 <tibbs> I would not expect to see that upstream. 16:15:34 <Rathann> ignatenkobrain: why are you using %{__builddir} at all? 16:16:16 <tibbs> Personally if these are to be generic, I still wouldn't use __sourcedir and __builddir. Double underscores should be for internal magic macro stuff. 16:16:30 <racor> ignatenkobrain: I am with Rathann, here. Yes, IMO, this stuff seems simple enough, to not justify macros. 16:16:42 <tibbs> And they really, really look suspiciously like _sourcedir and _builddir. 16:17:00 <ignatenkobrain> tibbs: I'm one of the upstream 16:17:07 <tibbs> To which they have zero relation, and if you mistype them then, well, that's bad. 16:17:46 <Rathann> if I'm reading this correctly, meson_build can be replaced with %{_bindir}/ninja-build -v %{?_smp_mflags} -C . 16:17:51 <Pharaoh_Atem> back 16:18:16 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: %ninja_build %{_ninja_opts_common} -C %{_target_platform} 16:18:34 <Rathann> ignatenkobrain: do you foresee complicated stuff to be added into __ninja_opts_common? 16:18:48 <ignatenkobrain> -v %{?_smp_mflags} <-- __ninja_opts_common 16:18:58 <Rathann> if not, then it doesn't justify factoring out two short options 16:19:24 <Rathann> where did _target_platform come from all of a sudden 16:19:40 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: it's more-or-less unique name for builddirs 16:19:40 <Rathann> it's nowhere to be found under the links you posted 16:19:49 <orionp> I have no problem with the current %ninja_build, etc. Just like %make_build, %make_install 16:20:28 <Rathann> orionp: at least make_build is shorter than make DESTDIR=... %{?_smp_mflags} 16:20:35 <Rathann> this isn't shorter 16:20:59 <Rathann> so what's the advantage apart from visual consistency? 16:21:13 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: if you will look at %ninja_install you will see its shorter 16:21:20 <racor> orionp: I also have problems with these. They do not serve any useful purpose. All they to is to obfuscate simple things. 16:21:32 <tibbs> Rathann: Well, if shorter was the only criterion then we certainly wouldn't have %_sysconfdir. 16:21:45 <Rathann> yeah and it will be never defined to something else 16:21:53 <ignatenkobrain> http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/ninja-build.git/tree/macros.ninja 16:21:57 <Rathann> so I've started using /etc directly quite some time ago 16:22:11 <Rathann> *I started 16:22:23 <orionp> heresy! :) 16:22:32 <Rathann> ignatenkobrain: ok, I'll buy the _install macro 16:22:35 <tibbs> Rathann: You may recall I managed to get our guidelines changed to actually allow that. 16:22:44 <ignatenkobrain> I could replace %meson_* stuff with nothing, but then 16:22:50 <ignatenkobrain> in EACH spec you have to: 16:22:55 <ignatenkobrain> 1. create builddir 16:22:58 <ignatenkobrain> 2. change dir 16:23:03 <ignatenkobrain> 3. run %meson .. 16:23:08 <Rathann> but why do you need meson macros to wrap around ninja macros? 16:23:12 <ignatenkobrain> 4. run %ninja_build -C ... 16:23:17 <tibbs> But basically, I have no problem with visual consistency. I think from a packager standpoint it looks quite nice and comprehensible. 16:23:22 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: because of -C %{__builddir} 16:23:33 <ignatenkobrain> I don't want users always to pass -C ... 16:23:37 <ignatenkobrain> that's just useless 16:23:50 <Rathann> ok so what's the difference between ninja and meson again? 16:23:52 <tibbs> I assume that -C is mandatory? 16:24:00 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: ninja is like make 16:24:00 <Rathann> and why would you want to run ninja directly? 16:24:10 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: meson is like automake 16:24:12 <Rathann> instead of meson, that is 16:24:20 <Rathann> hm 16:24:24 <ignatenkobrain> meson just generates build.ninja 16:24:57 <Rathann> from what I see you don't need 1-3, just 4, at least that's what your macros are doing 16:24:57 <orionp> what if you need multiple, separate build dirs? 16:25:33 <ignatenkobrain> orionp: you redefine %__builddir 16:25:59 <Rathann> ignatenkobrain: a couple of real-world spec examples would be great to make the intended use cases clearer 16:26:14 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: I showed example spec in the meson guidelines 16:26:33 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: basically it's taken from real package 16:26:47 <Rathann> and for ninja? 16:27:38 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: for ninja there is no packages which I maintain. It's hard to maintain ninja files (same for plain Makefile) 16:27:47 <Rathann> if there's none or little real-world usage for ninja then I don't see the need to wrap ninja in macros, just put the direct calls in meson macros 16:28:01 <tibbs> To be completely fair, I wouldn't even bother with __builddir. 16:28:10 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: GYP (used in chromium) also generates build.ninja 16:28:21 <ignatenkobrain> and there are more buildsystems like meson 16:28:26 <ignatenkobrain> which generate build.ninja 16:28:36 <Rathann> ok so chromium could use these ninja macros? 16:28:36 <ignatenkobrain> and don't provide anything like XXX install 16:28:47 <Rathann> or? 16:28:58 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: 1) they should use gyp ... 2) then they should use ninja macros, yes 16:29:25 <tibbs> Also, why would one ever change __builddir? 16:29:35 <Rathann> what does %meson do? 16:29:52 <ignatenkobrain> tibbs: only if this directory already exist 16:29:53 <Rathann> ah 16:29:53 <orionp> tibbs: like my question perhaps? mpi builds... 16:29:54 <tibbs> Rathann: Look at the macro definition he gave. 16:30:06 <tibbs> https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/blob/master/data/macros.meson 16:30:10 <Rathann> it wasn't in any of the links given, but I found it 16:30:13 <tibbs> Probably easier than an explanation. 16:30:28 <tibbs> He posted it here a few minutes ago when I asked for it. 16:30:40 <ignatenkobrain> this is what chromium does 16:30:42 <ignatenkobrain> ../depot_tools/ninja -C %{target} -vvv chrome chrome_sandbox chromedriver widevinecdmadapter clearkeycdm policy_templates $CHROMIUM_BROWSER_UNIT_TESTS 16:31:06 <ignatenkobrain> so basically: 1) uses bundled ninja 2) doesn't inherit %{?_smp_mflags} 16:31:27 <ignatenkobrain> which can be simplified 16:31:38 <Rathann> *sigh* ok 16:32:10 <ignatenkobrain> so basically I splitted out ninja stuff because it can be (will be) used from different buildsystems 16:32:30 <ignatenkobrain> Ninja's low-level approach makes it perfect for embedding into more featureful build systems; see a list of existing tools. Ninja is used to build Google Chrome, parts of Android, LLVM, and can be used in many other projects due to CMake's Ninja backend. 16:32:38 <ignatenkobrain> https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/wiki/List-of-generators-producing-ninja-build-files 16:32:43 <ignatenkobrain> this is the list of existing tools 16:32:44 <Rathann> ignatenkobrain: got it, thanks 16:33:13 <Rathann> I don't like the usage of __builddir, though 16:33:20 <ignatenkobrain> I would like to make sourcedir/builddir to be the global thing for meson/gyp/cmake/whatsoever 16:33:29 <Rathann> because _builddir (single underscore) is already defined 16:33:42 <Rathann> rpm --eval '%_builddir' 16:33:49 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: that is the top directory of RPM 16:33:50 <Rathann> rpm --eval '%_builddir' 16:34:07 <Rathann> ugh, sorry for the paste 16:34:31 <ignatenkobrain> usually people will not redefine nor __sourcedir neither __builddir 16:34:33 <Rathann> yeah, so introducing a new macro that differs just in the leading underscore and is meson-specific is bad design 16:34:43 <Rathann> as it's typo-prone 16:34:44 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: it's not meson-specific 16:34:45 <orionp> there's no way we're adopting suse's %cmake w/ %__builddir - I don't see a way of making it backwards compatible with current usage 16:35:14 <Rathann> ignatenkobrain: it's in meson.macros, so it's meson-specific to me 16:35:23 <Pharaoh_Atem> afaik, suse just makes a "build" dir then runs it 16:35:44 <Pharaoh_Atem> Mageia uses the SUSE variant of the macros, and it does that there 16:35:47 <ignatenkobrain> orionp: probably at some point we can make new macro like %cmake_out_of_tree or smth like this 16:36:23 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: it's there because currently there is no way to make it system (to be usable *right now*) 16:37:36 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: as I said, if we agree on making builddir/srcdir system-wide (shared between cmake/gyp/meson/etc.) then it has to be placed in fedora-rpm-macro or something like that 16:37:37 <Rathann> also, __sourcedir in macros.meson is semantically quite different from _sourcedir 16:38:15 <Rathann> as the latter means /builddir/build/SOURCES, i.e. where unpacked SRPM's sources and patches are stored 16:38:24 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: propose better naming 16:38:58 <tibbs> Yes, __sourcedir and __builddir are basically no-goes for me, sorry. 16:39:16 <orionp> pkg_sourcedir/_builddir ? 16:39:17 <racor> ignatenkobrain: _meson_<xxx>dir 16:39:29 <tibbs> I don't even understand why you need __sourcedir. 16:39:30 <ignatenkobrain> racor: it is not meson specific! 16:39:37 <ignatenkobrain> tibbs: look at angelscript example 16:39:58 <ignatenkobrain> orionp: good names, I'm in 16:40:00 <racor> ignatenkobrain: why? 16:40:03 <Pharaoh_Atem> then call it something like _pkg_srcdir and _pkg_builddir? 16:40:18 <tibbs> What is it with the leading underscores, anyway? 16:40:23 <tibbs> People just like typing them? 16:40:27 <racor> Pharaoh_Atem: no, too general 16:40:29 * Rathann suggests pkg_compiledir 16:40:48 <ignatenkobrain> racor: I explained it above. in my POV it should be generic names for *all* out-of-tree builds 16:40:49 <limburgher> Maybe they represent the learning curves of the requisite build systems? 16:41:14 <Pharaoh_Atem> tibbs: the idea behind the underscores is that they are supposed to be left alone? at least that's how it was explained to me long ago 16:41:17 <ignatenkobrain> and you should be able to redefine them to make in-tree builds 16:41:20 <tibbs> I can go with any of pkg_sourcedir, pkg_compiledir, pkg_builddir. Though, still, pkg_sourcedir sounds like it would have something else. 16:41:37 <racor> ignatenkobrain: such thing does not exist, because it's technical nonsense 16:41:48 <ignatenkobrain> racor: oh, tell me more 16:42:13 <Rathann> and yeah ignatenkobrain's __sourcedir is really _builddir/%{name}-%{version}-%{release} or whatever is put after %setup -q -n 16:42:13 <tibbs> Of course these _aren't_ supposed to be left alone, in any case. 16:42:30 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: by default, yes 16:42:37 <tibbs> Rathann: Well, only in the case that you don't have to change it, of course. 16:43:06 <ignatenkobrain> for example, angelscript. They support multiple buildsystems 16:43:15 <ignatenkobrain> make/automake/cmake/meson/.. 16:43:18 <ignatenkobrain> a lot of them 16:43:25 <ignatenkobrain> so it's stored somewhere in subdirs 16:43:27 <racor> I think this discussions doesn't lead anywhere. 16:43:42 <tibbs> racor: Now that I agree with. 16:44:15 <racor> I would suggest ignatenkobrain to expand his proposal and us to review it at a later time 16:44:25 <ignatenkobrain> racor: expand to what? 16:44:26 <Rathann> so, __sourcedir is unnecessary (can be saved from $PWD) and __builddir can be replaced with $PWD/%{_target_platform} likewise 16:44:36 <Rathann> s/expand/revise/ 16:44:48 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: sourcedir is not always $PWD 16:44:50 <ignatenkobrain> that's the point 16:45:05 <Rathann> it's not sourcedir, though 16:45:05 <tibbs> I'm no sure how you'd get it from $PWD, but I guess it would be interesting to see. 16:45:23 <ignatenkobrain> Rathann: it's build-definitions-source-dir 16:45:23 <tibbs> That's true, it isn't the directory of the source. 16:45:35 <Rathann> tibbs: after %setup done you end up there 16:45:38 <Rathann> so $PWD 16:45:45 <tibbs> At least in the anglescript example it's most decidedly not the source at all. 16:45:51 <tibbs> So I don't know what you'd call it. 16:45:57 <Rathann> likewise at the beginning of %build and %install 16:46:10 <tibbs> Is there an analogue for cmake or plain old autoconf? 16:46:30 <ignatenkobrain> tibbs: I showed how it can be done with cmake 16:46:40 <ignatenkobrain> currently if you want to do out-of-tree build (which is recommended) 16:46:40 <Pharaoh_Atem> autotools isn't really great at handling out of tree builds 16:46:41 <orionp> wherever the top level CMakeLists/configure file is 16:46:57 <orionp> which is almost always in the top dir 16:47:03 <racor> Pharaoh_Atem: You are dead wrong!!! 16:47:04 <tibbs> I'm just trying to figure out what a good generic name is. 16:47:04 <ignatenkobrain> mkdir build 16:47:04 <ignatenkobrain> pushd build 16:47:04 <ignatenkobrain> %cmake .. 16:47:04 <ignatenkobrain> popd 16:47:05 <ignatenkobrain> %make_build -C build 16:47:06 <ignatenkobrain> %make_install -C build 16:47:29 <Pharaoh_Atem> racor: I've never heard of anyone doing out of source builds with autotools 16:47:32 <tibbs> And so in that example, what's %sourcedir? 16:47:41 <ignatenkobrain> Pharaoh_Atem: GNOME does, but usually it doesn't work =) 16:47:45 <tibbs> Pharaoh_Atem, racor: Really that's completely immatreial to the discussion. 16:47:48 <orionp> Pharaoh_Atem: I do a ton of them 16:48:02 <RemiFedora> Pharaoh_Atem, php.spec does ;) 16:48:06 <Pharaoh_Atem> O.o 16:48:23 <tibbs> I have work to do so I'm going to check out unless this stays on topic. 16:48:26 <Rathann> tibbs: it's the directory where the top of the unpacked source tree is (and contains some config for meson) IIUC 16:48:39 <ignatenkobrain> as you can see, even autofoo can do out-of-tree builds. That's the point why I want to generalize this names 16:48:42 <racor> tibbs: I am tired of having to listen to dumb comments and 16:49:01 <Rathann> ok, can we move this discussion to the mailing list and move on? 16:49:14 <tibbs> Rathann: Yeah, that's what you and I would think %_____sourcedir means. But that's not what the proposal is using when it refers to %__sourcedir. 16:49:19 <racor> I quit this meeting now. 16:49:38 <Rathann> *sigh* 16:49:38 <tibbs> Wow. 16:49:41 <ignatenkobrain> tibbs: as I said, I'm open for any name 16:49:42 <limburgher> MmmHmm. 16:49:43 <Rathann> that wasn't excellent at all 16:49:47 * Pharaoh_Atem sighs 16:50:04 <Rathann> ignatenkobrain: please start a thread in packaging ML 16:50:15 <Rathann> we won't get anywhere with this today 16:50:21 <ignatenkobrain> I thought point of this meeting to FPC to review and propose changes 16:50:32 <tibbs> Well, I was just trying to comprehend things. 16:50:55 <ignatenkobrain> but apart from orionp's suggestion it was just "this is bad name, change it" 16:51:01 <tibbs> But sometimes things work well over IRC, and some times they don't. 16:51:02 <limburgher> And as a result I don't think there's enough of a consistent conception of this to get to the review/finalize stage. 16:51:27 <tibbs> I understand what's going on. I have no problems with the actual ninja/meson parts of the proposal. 16:51:29 <limburgher> And any sort of consensus is way over there. --------------------------------------------------------> 16:51:46 <ignatenkobrain> tibbs: I will write thread about generalizing build-defs-source-dir / builddir for out-of-tree builds in packaging@ 16:52:04 <tibbs> build_defs_dir is an interesting name for it. 16:52:07 <Rathann> ignatenkobrain: yeah, don't try to do two things at the same time 16:52:14 <Rathann> tibbs: +1 16:52:19 <tibbs> Rathann: To be fair, it's not his fault. 16:52:43 <geppetto> yeh, and also +1 16:52:58 <tibbs> He needed a setting and I guess "suse did it" is tempting even though what they did is just absolutely bizarre. 16:53:06 <orionp> My concerns - %__sourcedir/%__builddir names, and I don't think the automatic build dir creation/pushd/popd is a good idea 16:53:18 <Rathann> orionp: +1 16:53:37 <tibbs> orionp: I'm not sure I see any problem with automatically doing out-of-tree builds for buildsystems which support it. 16:53:39 <orionp> otherwise, I'm basically fine 16:53:40 <limburgher> +1: You don't want it obliterating anything. . 16:53:45 <ignatenkobrain> orionp: but then we will endup with boilerplate "-C ..." 16:53:56 <tibbs> ignatenkobrain: Not necessarily. 16:54:01 <orionp> I have to deal with lots of multiple build dir packages 16:54:13 <geppetto> #action ignatenkobrain Will start thread on packaging@ about generalized macros for out-of-tree builds 16:54:20 <ignatenkobrain> geppetto++ 16:54:20 <zodbot> ignatenkobrain: Karma for james changed to 6 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:54:31 <geppetto> #info apart from that everyone seems happy with the proposal 16:54:44 <Rathann> yes, in general it's fine 16:54:56 <limburgher> Agreed. 16:54:56 <tibbs> ignatenkobrain: One other way to do this: have your macros take parameters. Provide a plain '.' default for -C if no parameter is passed. Otherwise, use one suplied to the macro. 16:55:15 <geppetto> #topic #650 Alternate Python Interpreters 16:55:28 <geppetto> .fpc 650 16:55:29 <zodbot> geppetto: #650 (Suggested Change for Python Guidelines about Alternate Python Interpreters) – fpc - https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/650 16:55:53 <ignatenkobrain> tibbs: then we have to do it for each _build/_install/_test which is not good. anyhow I'll write this to the ML and now we go to next topic ;) 16:55:57 <tibbs> Yes, you have to duplicate that option in a couple of places; that does serve to make it obvious and still makes the common case simple. Or at least I think it does. 16:56:21 <tibbs> I disagree with "is not good". But in any case, save the value passed to the first %meson call for use in the other macros. Simple. 16:56:31 <limburgher> I like 650, though it could do with gif flames and a skull, just to be sure. 16:56:36 <tibbs> On 650, I'm behind; did Fesco do something? 16:56:51 <tibbs> I thought we had tabled it until that happened. 16:57:03 <geppetto> I'm not sure, I just noticed it had been updated 16:57:14 <Rathann> FESCo will probably discuss it again tomorrow 16:57:25 <Pharaoh_Atem> FESCo didn't talk about it last week 16:57:27 <Rathann> as there's been some discussion in the ML 16:57:33 <limburgher> Yeah, no changes to the FESCO ticket in 6 days. 16:57:41 <Rathann> right s/again// 16:57:46 <geppetto> ok 16:58:03 <limburgher> So I temporarily rescind my comments, except for the gif bits. 16:58:14 <Rathann> gif bits? 16:58:20 <geppetto> <limburgher> I like 650, though it could do with gif flames and a skull, just to be sure. 16:58:37 <tibbs> He's just joking about how to make such packages really obvious. 16:58:42 <limburgher> Maybe a blink tag. 16:59:01 <Pharaoh_Atem> :S 16:59:03 <limburgher> In fuscia. 16:59:14 <geppetto> tibbs: I assume 654 hasn't changed? 16:59:46 <tibbs> I think from an FPC perspective we have a good idea how to handle 650 thing (or at least I made some proposals of which I'm fond) but no point in spending time on it until fesco does something. 16:59:50 <tibbs> Crap, 654... 17:00:09 <tibbs> glibc file triggers. 17:00:16 <geppetto> indeed 17:00:17 * Pharaoh_Atem groans 17:00:21 <tibbs> Not really much change, but the bugzila ticket is really interesting. 17:00:31 * geppetto nods 17:00:35 <geppetto> #topic Open Floor 17:00:50 <tibbs> Sadly nobody else jumped in, but the glibc folks really did have useful stuff and real live counterexamples. 17:01:29 <tibbs> Basically, the current status is that it's possible to do the %transfiletriggerin/postun thing _if_ you package a certain type of library in a slightly different way. 17:01:34 <orionp> one unfortunate thing about the python packages - in EPEL, python34 is the primary python 3.4 package 17:01:48 <tibbs> And you must also have a %filetriggerin/postun on /etc/ld.so.conf.d 17:01:53 <Rathann> orionp: but... it's EOL already, right? 17:01:59 <Pharaoh_Atem> tibbs: well, the thing is, if things are installed into directories already known by ldd, ldconfig is just a cherry on top 17:02:07 <Rathann> or is someone backporting patches from 3.5? 17:02:08 <tibbs> Pharaoh_Atem: Untrue. 17:02:12 <orionp> Rathann: is it? no idea 17:02:21 <tibbs> The example given in the source is real. 17:02:26 <tibbs> sorry, the example given in the ticket. 17:02:29 <geppetto> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1380878#c8 onwards, I guess? 17:03:01 <tibbs> geppetto: Yeah, basically the whole thing. 17:03:07 * geppetto nods 17:03:43 <tibbs> There is an overall question of whether two lines removed from library-containing specs is worth it. 17:04:07 <limburgher> Not having ldconfig run when it's needed can be a royal mess. 17:04:08 <tibbs> I think they would like to see tooling for making sure that the distro as a whole complies with any packaging changes required to make this work. 17:04:30 <ignatenkobrain> tibbs: that's the thing which easy to forget 17:04:34 <ignatenkobrain> but that's not all 17:04:39 <ignatenkobrain> filetriggers are ran ONCE 17:04:54 <ignatenkobrain> but normal triggers ran ONCE PER PACKAGE 17:04:59 <tibbs> ignatenkobrain: Depends on which trigger you're talking about. 17:05:03 <ignatenkobrain> so this is speed benefit 17:05:09 <tibbs> And "normal triggers" aren't a thing that we really want. 17:05:20 <tibbs> And, no, it's not really a speed benefit. 17:05:29 <ignatenkobrain> tibbs: %filetriggerin is ran after transaction 17:05:31 <tibbs> I urge you to read the ticket. 17:05:37 <tibbs> ignatenkobrain: No, that is untrue. 17:05:44 <tibbs> %transfiletriggerin is run after the transaction. 17:05:47 <tibbs> Please, read the ticket. 17:06:09 <ignatenkobrain> tibbs: sorry, I'm out for now (but I will read it tomorrow) 17:06:17 <tibbs> Anyway, I'm getting good at typing %transfiletriggerin. 17:06:29 <tibbs> So, otherwise, I'm behind on everything, still. 17:06:46 <tibbs> But there are a couple of meta things I need to bring up. 17:07:15 <tibbs> Well, one is that we need to start working on moving from trac to pagure, but again I'm behind and haven't made the test conversion yet. 17:07:16 <tibbs> So.... 17:07:27 <geppetto> yeh 17:07:35 <geppetto> we are probably one of the last using trac 17:07:36 <tibbs> The other is that fale started playing with an idea I've had for a while. 17:07:46 <ignatenkobrain> would be nice if we can bring here RPM developers for such topics 17:07:51 <tibbs> Oh, not nearly. 17:08:09 <geppetto> tibbs: what is fale doing? 17:08:11 <ignatenkobrain> like pmatilai and ffesti 17:08:25 <tibbs> Basically, the wiki sucks. 17:08:29 <tibbs> I hate dealing with it. 17:08:57 <tibbs> I really dislike that at the end of my day it goes offline completely for 45 minutes and I lose my edits if I don't stick around until it comes back. 17:09:34 <tibbs> But we could just put the stuff in pagure and treat them like proper documentation 17:09:49 <limburgher> With diffs and everything. 17:10:02 <Rathann> orionp: huh, apparently py34 is not EOL yet 17:10:13 <tibbs> Well, you do get that with wikis now, but pull requests. And offline editing. And speed. And no wiki. 17:10:20 <limburgher> And then you can grep, sed, find, in the docs. 17:10:45 <limburgher> So not just trac->pagure, but also guidelines->pagure? 17:10:47 <tibbs> The issue is conversion, and he's already converted a bunch of stuff. It's unthemed, but there's a convenient wiki theme to steal. 17:10:56 <tibbs> limburgher: Well, it's two things. 17:11:07 <tibbs> Both if which just happen to involve pagure. 17:11:12 <limburgher> Right. 17:11:19 <tibbs> No need to do them together or anything like that. 17:11:21 <limburgher> Intriguing. 17:11:47 <tibbs> Anyway, it's not happening soon or anything. But fale played with it a bit and managed to give us a conversion with history and such. 17:11:53 <limburgher> Wow. 17:12:05 <limburgher> Awesome. Is there a partial POC somewhere? 17:12:15 <tibbs> I would have to learn to do things in rst instead of wikinoise but it's not really any worse. 17:12:47 <tibbs> https://pagure.io/packaging-guidelines 17:13:01 <tibbs> Sadly he made it in production, and not in his personal namespace. 17:13:48 <tibbs> But you can see basically every edit I've made in the history. 17:13:53 <geppetto> cool 17:14:01 <limburgher> Fascinating. 17:14:10 <tibbs> pull requests for drafts is kind of a nice idea as well. 17:14:22 <tibbs> Anyone can fork and edit if they want to see something changed. 17:14:29 <limburgher> No kidding. 17:14:33 <tibbs> And... it's not in the wiki. 17:15:01 <tibbs> But note that he converted everything in the "Packaging guidelines" category. 17:15:26 <tibbs> Which not only includes a pile of stuff that isn't packaging guidelines, but also doesn't include some of the real guidelines. 17:15:35 <Pharaoh_Atem> tibbs: on another note, I asked folks in Mageia to contribute to the discussion about file triggers in glibc: https://ml.mageia.org/l/arc/rpmstack/2016-10/msg00012.html 17:15:39 <tibbs> Because at some point I didn't even know how to do categories in the wiki. 17:15:39 <limburgher> Obviously there might be a more fine-grained process to it, whitelisting, cleanup beforehand or after, etc. 17:15:44 <Pharaoh_Atem> they're more experienced in it than I am 17:15:46 <limburgher> The bones are good though. 17:16:12 <tibbs> But, yeah, with a theme and everything, we'd have nice documentation that's browsable in multiple different formats. 17:16:27 <geppetto> tibbs: So I assume he has scripts, and if we add the categories properly he can do everything on another pass? 17:16:41 <tibbs> And we could indeed then do releases, which would satisfy another recent request. 17:17:01 <Pharaoh_Atem> I suppose it also means we should ship the guidelines as an RPM, too 17:17:04 <tibbs> geppetto: Yeah, he did another pass over everything in the Packaging: namespace, but then that has all of our pre-møte logs and stuff. 17:17:06 <Pharaoh_Atem> s/should/could/ 17:17:33 <limburgher> And rpmlint could grok it. . .someday. . . 17:17:39 <tibbs> Note that it's still missing things which I think are kind of essential. 17:18:12 <tibbs> Things like {{FedoraVersionNumber|previous}} and the nice macros to make bugzilla and trac links and such. 17:18:57 <tibbs> But those can be added. They won't be live like FedoraVersionNumber but frankly I'll rebuild when necessary to fix that with all of the time I would save not having to wiki. 17:19:11 <tibbs> Sadly fale was here but I guess he had to go. 17:19:29 <tibbs> Anyway, if anyone thinks this is a bad idea, please do let me know before he spends too much time on it. 17:19:30 <limburgher> fale++ 17:19:30 <zodbot> limburgher: Karma for fale changed to 10 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:20:01 <geppetto> Yeh, pretty much the opposite of a bad idea 17:20:03 <tibbs> Honestly if anyone does think it to be a bad idea, we could still keep things in the wiki as the output of another build process. 17:20:04 <Pharaoh_Atem> I think it's awesome 17:20:18 <tibbs> Breaking every single link is probably the downside. 17:20:26 <Pharaoh_Atem> it gives us the nice flexibility to offer offline versions of the guidelines, too 17:20:33 <tibbs> Assuming that someone who knows how to make things pretty can actually make them pretty. 17:20:48 <geppetto> We can have redirects in, for the links … or have one of the outputs be the wiki 17:21:30 <Rathann> I took a look earlier, too 17:21:47 <Pharaoh_Atem> maybe just make the wiki another output 17:21:53 <Pharaoh_Atem> that simplifies a lot of things 17:22:04 <Rathann> and I think it's a great idea to have the guidelines in proper version control 17:22:33 <Pharaoh_Atem> yes 17:24:46 <tibbs> Anyway, so that's a thing. 17:25:38 * geppetto nods 17:25:51 <geppetto> Cool … anything else from anyone? 17:25:57 <tibbs> So I'll let folks know about it if anything happens here. 17:25:59 <limburgher> Not I. 17:26:33 <Pharaoh_Atem> tibbs: did you have a chance to look over and clean up the versioning guidelines (current and proposed draft)? 17:26:53 <tibbs> I haven't had a chance to do any guidelines work at all over the past two weeks. 17:27:09 <Pharaoh_Atem> okay 17:28:00 <tibbs> I don't see my available free time increasing measurably in the near future, but I'll continue to do as much as I can do. 17:28:11 * geppetto nods 17:29:18 <Rathann> ok, so if there's nothing else then I'd like to drop off now 17:29:29 <geppetto> Yeh, I'll close ina minute anyway 17:29:38 <Rathann> ok, thanks everyone 17:29:39 <Rathann> bye 17:30:14 <tibbs> Thanks. I'm buried as always but fortunately I have no new writeups. 17:30:32 <geppetto> #endmeeting