14:00:42 <bowlofeggs> #startmeeting OSTree multi-arch support 14:00:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Oct 21 14:00:42 2016 UTC. The chair is bowlofeggs. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ostree_multi-arch_support' 14:00:49 <trishnag> oops :) 14:00:59 <bowlofeggs> #topic greeting 14:01:00 <dgilmore> bowlofeggs: you should run #startmeeting etc 14:01:07 <dgilmore> :) 14:01:15 <trishnag> .hello trishnag 14:01:16 <zodbot> trishnag: trishnag 'Trishna Guha' <trishnaguha17@gmail.com> 14:01:21 <bowlofeggs> #chair dgilmore bowlofeggs trishnag 14:01:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: bowlofeggs dgilmore trishnag 14:02:59 <bowlofeggs> well it might just be us 14:03:13 <bowlofeggs> i don't have a real agenda for this meeting 14:03:14 <dgilmore> :) oh well 14:03:31 <bowlofeggs> if you recall, we had begun talking abotu this two stakeholder's meetings ago 14:03:34 <dgilmore> bowlofeggs: realistically this is part of a meeting I need to write docs for and schedule 14:03:41 <bowlofeggs> and we decided to have an entire discussion just about this 14:03:51 <bowlofeggs> dgilmore: yeah? 14:03:56 <bowlofeggs> #topic open floor 14:04:00 <dgilmore> bowlofeggs: because we need to ground up redo how we do ostree 14:04:09 <bowlofeggs> yeah i was thinking that too 14:04:14 <bowlofeggs> shoudl koji do it? 14:04:19 <dgilmore> bowlofeggs: yes 14:04:21 * trishnag checks bodhi stakeholders meeting logs 14:04:23 <dgilmore> it should be in koji 14:04:30 <bowlofeggs> yeah that makes sense to me too 14:04:40 <bowlofeggs> dgilmore: is it generally difficult to get features into koji? 14:04:53 <bowlofeggs> i ask because i'm curious if that was why it was done in bodhi instead? 14:05:48 <dgilmore> bowlofeggs: can be 14:06:10 <dgilmore> bowlofeggs: it was done as it is because lmacken went off and did what he wanted, 14:06:16 <dgilmore> there was zero coordination 14:06:26 <bowlofeggs> ah 14:06:36 <dgilmore> bowlofeggs: initially he did it happening via fedmsg post bodhi push 14:06:57 <dgilmore> it was something that we had to add everywhere last minute 14:07:21 <dgilmore> I got asked after Alpha was out in F21 why we were not building ostree repos 14:07:24 <bowlofeggs> well if we want it to be in koji, my next question is would it fall under my responsibilities to write code for koji, or is it fair enough to toss an RFE over the fence? 14:07:30 <dgilmore> which was the first I had heard of it 14:07:49 <dgilmore> bowlofeggs: we will need a RFE 14:07:54 <bowlofeggs> cool 14:08:08 <bowlofeggs> i actualyl got to meet mike mclean a few weeks ago 14:08:10 <dgilmore> but we need to agree across internal and Fedora, how to go about doing it all 14:08:16 <bowlofeggs> turns out he's local to me 14:08:19 <dgilmore> mikem is a good guy 14:08:24 <dgilmore> yep he is in RDU 14:08:25 <bowlofeggs> agreed, we had fun 14:08:57 <bowlofeggs> ok so if koji is the right place and we need to file an RFE, i guess that's an action item for me 14:09:16 <bowlofeggs> #action bowlofeggs will file an RFE with koji to request OSTree composition 14:09:25 <dgilmore> bowlofeggs: no 14:09:28 <bowlofeggs> no? 14:09:43 <dgilmore> bowlofeggs: we need to wait until I write some docs and schedule a meeting to discuss 14:09:49 <bowlofeggs> ah ok 14:09:55 <bowlofeggs> #unaction 14:09:56 <bowlofeggs> hahaha 14:10:11 <bowlofeggs> #action bowlofeggs will do no such thing 14:10:15 <trishnag> hehe 14:10:19 <dgilmore> without a unified plan this will continue to being a mess 14:10:25 <bowlofeggs> #action dgilmore will write some docs and schedule a meeting to discuss 14:10:32 <dgilmore> :) 14:10:48 <bowlofeggs> dgilmore: is there any way i can be of assistance to you in this? 14:11:07 <bowlofeggs> getting the ostree code out of bodhi will help a lot with its reliability 14:11:17 <bowlofeggs> i think that stuff is one of the common places for failure 14:11:47 <dgilmore> bowlofeggs: not entirely sure 14:11:51 <bowlofeggs> (and hopefully it won't hurt koji's reliability ☺) 14:11:56 <dgilmore> but will point you at docs as I write them 14:12:00 <bowlofeggs> cool 14:12:02 <dgilmore> I need to get it done in the next week 14:12:15 <bowlofeggs> well it sounds like we have a clear direction to go now 14:12:25 <bowlofeggs> do you think there is anything else for us to discuss today? 14:13:20 <dgilmore> nope 14:13:23 <bowlofeggs> cool 14:13:31 <bowlofeggs> well let's have our 47 min back ☺ 14:13:34 <bowlofeggs> #endmeeting