21:00:28 <sgallagh> #startmeeting Server Working Group Weekly Meeting (2016-11-08) 21:00:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 8 21:00:28 2016 UTC. The chair is sgallagh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'server_working_group_weekly_meeting_(2016-11-08)' 21:00:28 <sgallagh> #chair nirik sgallagh mhayden dperpeet smooge jds2001 vvaldez adamw mjwolf 21:00:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw dperpeet jds2001 mhayden mjwolf nirik sgallagh smooge vvaldez 21:00:28 <sgallagh> #topic roll call 21:00:28 <sgallagh> .hello sgallagh 21:00:29 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 21:00:38 <adamw> .hello adamwill 21:00:39 <zodbot> adamw: adamwill 'Adam Williamson' <awilliam@redhat.com> 21:00:40 <mjwolf> .hello mjwolf 21:00:42 <zodbot> mjwolf: mjwolf 'Michael Wolf' <mjwolf@us.ibm.com> 21:00:45 * adamw currently drowning in f25 final so not really here. 21:01:44 <sgallagh> Yeah, I'll admit that I haven't had much time specifically for Server in the past week either. 21:02:08 <dustymabe> .hello dustymabe 21:02:09 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 21:02:25 <nirik> .hello kevin 21:02:26 <zodbot> nirik: kevin 'Kevin Fenzi' <kevin@scrye.com> 21:05:33 <sgallagh> OK, doesn't look like we're going to make quorum today. 21:05:51 <sgallagh> The only thing urgent this week is the marketing stuff; I guess we'll have to do that outside of the meeting. 21:06:14 <sgallagh> We're kind of in a pinch there anyway, since the email they sent is missing the links we need to comment on... 21:06:35 <sgallagh> #topic Open Floor 21:06:57 <sgallagh> I'll open up the floor to general topics 21:07:47 <dustymabe> sgallagh: i have a Q for after the meeting 21:07:49 <dustymabe> for you 21:08:19 <sgallagh> dustymabe: If it's relevant to the Server SIG, go ahead and ask here. 21:08:26 <sgallagh> We've got the time, clearly. 21:09:30 <dustymabe> sgallagh: you sent out an email a few weeks ago about "owners" of certain aspects 21:09:44 <dustymabe> I know I had said I would help own the cloud part 21:10:00 <dustymabe> can you help me understand what I need to do for you on that front? 21:10:17 <dustymabe> as far as, I need to write something down and send it to you 21:10:27 <sgallagh> Yeah, that's actually one of the topics we were going to discuss if we had quorum :) 21:11:01 <sgallagh> Basically I'm just looking for the owners (actually I switched to the term "overseers") to provide a high-level overview of what constitutes "success" for the sub-project they're guiding. 21:11:30 <sgallagh> In your case, it would probably be something like "A version of the Fedora Server can be installed on $CLOUD and passes X, Y and Z validation tests" 21:11:54 <sgallagh> Does that help? 21:13:05 <dustymabe> sgallagh: sure - i'll take a stab 21:14:01 <sgallagh> I have one other topic I was going to bring up, but I'll probably take it to devel@ in general, since it will affect all Editions. 21:14:14 <sgallagh> (For those who have been reading desktop@, I'm talking about changing the default hostname) 21:15:39 <sgallagh> Short version: the default hostname is localhost.localdomain, which doesn't play well with our requirement to function as a client of FreeIPA and AD, since every machine has the same hostname unless DHCP sets it or it's changed manually. Ergo, collisions. 21:16:23 <dustymabe> sgallagh: your suggestion would be to? 21:17:26 <sgallagh> FEDORA-XXXXXXXX.localdomain where XXXXXXXX is a random set of letters and numbers (case-insensitive, to be compatible with windows) 21:17:47 <sgallagh> Explicitly limited to a total of 15 chars before the dot, again for windows compatibility. 21:19:21 <sgallagh> OK, if no one has anything else, I'll close out the meeting in a few more minutes 21:20:19 <dustymabe> sgallagh: XXXXXX could be the last N letters from /etc/machine-id 21:20:25 <dustymabe> sgallagh: shoot for it 21:20:33 <dustymabe> == close it out 21:21:11 <sgallagh> Interesting idea. I'll send an email to devel@, feel free to respond with that and we'll see where it goes. 21:21:59 <sgallagh> dustymabe: FTR, Windows uses WIN-XXXXXXXXXXX, which gives them eleven characters of randomness, but cutting us down to FED doesn't help with the branding aspect of things. 21:22:04 <sgallagh> But it's worth debating. 21:24:06 <dustymabe> cool 21:24:10 <dustymabe> ok I have to run 21:24:22 <sgallagh> Alright, since no one else is chiming in, I'll close out this meeting. 21:24:32 <sgallagh> #endmeeting