17:01:59 <kushal> #startmeeting Fedora Atomic Working Group 17:01:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 9 17:01:59 2016 UTC. The chair is kushal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_atomic_working_group' 17:02:02 <jbrooks> .fas jasonbrooks 17:02:03 <zodbot> jbrooks: jasonbrooks 'Jason Brooks' <JBROOKS@REDHAT.COM> 17:02:11 <kushal> #topic Roll call 17:02:17 <sayan> .fas sayanchowdhury 17:02:18 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 17:02:30 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 17:02:34 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <mail@kushaldas.in> 17:02:40 <walters> .fas walters 17:02:41 <zodbot> walters: jvwsaw 'James Walters' <jvwsaw@live.com> - jwalters 'Jake Walters' <jwalters@redhat.com> - jwalters1 '' <admin@frozennorth.biz> - nawalters 'Nathan Walters' <waltersnh@adelphia.net> - walters228 'clinton walters' <walters228@hotmail.com> - whodaimen 'Brian Michael Walters' <whodaimen@gmail.com> - goldwingers 'David Walters' <goldwingers@usa.com> - jjjwalters '' <jjjwalters@hotmail.com> - walters 'Colin (1 more message) 17:02:48 <walters> .hellomynameis walters 17:02:49 <zodbot> walters: walters 'Colin Walters' <walters@redhat.com> 17:02:53 <sayan> .hello sayanchowdhury 17:02:54 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 17:04:40 <dustymabe> .hello dustymabe 17:04:41 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 17:04:50 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 17:04:51 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 17:05:00 <trishnag> .hello trishnag 17:05:01 <zodbot> trishnag: trishnag 'Trishna Guha' <trishnaguha17@gmail.com> 17:05:39 <walters> do we have an agenda for today? 17:05:55 <kushal> #chair walters trishnag maxamillion dustymabe sayan jbrooks 17:05:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jbrooks kushal maxamillion sayan trishnag walters 17:06:18 <kushal> Good news is all F25 images are passing. 17:06:24 <jbrooks> sweet 17:06:32 <kushal> walters, if people are are okay we can move to open floor. 17:06:46 <dustymabe> walters: we usually go through "meeting" ticket items, but we should start doing a formal agenda like the server wg does 17:07:49 <kushal> One major point, website change for F25 17:08:30 <kushal> #topic https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/158 website change for atomic 17:09:58 <dustymabe> kushal: is this for f25? 17:10:00 <dustymabe> or f26? 17:10:09 <kushal> There are changes for F25 17:10:12 * kushal is trying to find link 17:10:56 <kushal> dustymabe, https://stg.getfedora.org/en/cloud/ 17:10:59 <kushal> https://stg.getfedora.org/en/cloud/ 17:11:06 <kushal> Everyone please have a look 17:11:48 <dustymabe> kushal: that stg site looks good 17:11:57 <dustymabe> some weirdness around "atomic CLI" part 17:12:00 <dustymabe> do you notice that? 17:12:23 <kushal> dustymabe, Yup, was thinking about that background X 17:12:26 <sayan> the background? 17:12:27 <kushal> X-Men? 17:12:48 <jbrooks> the dark text on purple is a little tough to read 17:13:31 <kushal> Yup. 17:13:43 <dustymabe> how do we get this feedback to the right person? 17:13:57 <kushal> Robyduck is the person in charge iirc. 17:14:10 <kushal> dustymabe, jbrooks Meanwhile feel free to comment in the ticket. 17:14:13 <kushal> with the details. 17:14:20 <dustymabe> kushal: 10-4 17:14:35 <kushal> dustymabe, what is that? 17:14:50 <dustymabe> kushal: haha - it means ok - i hear you 17:14:50 <kushal> sorry if I am missing most obvious things :( 17:15:10 <kushal> Moving to open floor then? 17:15:20 <kushal> I have few proposals etc. 17:15:45 <maxamillion> I say go for it 17:16:11 <kushal> #topic Open Floor 17:16:44 <kushal> In the last test day we found no surprises. Autocloud is kind of working hard on the images. 17:16:49 <walters> just a note that we're still trying to debug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1392698 17:17:08 <kushal> But we are still testing the .qcow2 locally, I would love to move that image testing on our Fedora Infra Cloud. 17:17:31 <kushal> So, only the vagrant images will be tested locally, qcow2s in the real cloud environment. 17:18:10 <kushal> 2. Is about the real tests, till now we are mostly reactive to bugs, we convert those into tests. 17:18:48 <bowlofeggs> .hello bowlofeggs 17:18:50 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: bowlofeggs 'Randy Barlow' <randy@electronsweatshop.com> 17:18:58 <dustymabe> walters: I was going to ask you about that - would be nice to get an executive summary 17:19:02 <kushal> After F25 release, we can have an online write new test cases (at least file the issues with the ideas) day? We should have enough volunteers to add in those new tests. 17:19:09 <kushal> #chair bowlofeggs 17:19:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: bowlofeggs dustymabe jbrooks kushal maxamillion sayan trishnag walters 17:19:23 <dustymabe> kushal: so what is the problem with testing the qcow locally 17:19:39 <dustymabe> I think we should do that, as well as test in openstack ec2 etc.. 17:20:02 <kushal> dustymabe, Okay, so you are suggesting just add Openstack testing along with local tests? 17:20:10 <kushal> * are you 17:21:22 <dustymabe> sure - that is what I'm suggesting 17:21:35 <kushal> Okay, we can do that too :) 17:21:43 <dustymabe> it already works for local, so might as well keep doing that 17:21:48 <kushal> Okay. 17:21:50 <maxamillion> +1 17:22:26 <kushal> Next target point is documentation, can we please get our focus back to our users in that area? 17:22:47 <kushal> In the cloud FAD we had long discussion on that, but not much work was done other than trishnag's writings. 17:22:58 <kushal> We really need to work more on that area for our users. 17:23:03 <dustymabe> bowlofeggs: did make some docs 17:23:09 <trishnag> +1 17:23:17 <bowlofeggs> i did! 17:23:19 <kushal> dustymabe, Oh yes, about vagrant 17:23:19 <bowlofeggs> it was fun too 17:23:25 <jbrooks> One important doc matter -- for f25 atomic, kubernetes is no longer in the image, so we'll need to adjust docs for container-based kube 17:23:33 <bowlofeggs> those same docs are also on the wiki 17:23:51 <maxamillion> bowlofeggs: making docs and fun rarely go together ... skeptical face is skeptical 17:23:55 <jbrooks> And I think this is a new development, but as of the last rhel atomic, the basic docs are cc licensed 17:24:04 <jbrooks> I don't think they were before? 17:24:11 <dustymabe> jbrooks: did we make a blog post letting people know about that change? 17:24:14 <bowlofeggs> maxamillion: hahah well i actually kind of like doing that from time to time 17:24:23 <kushal> dustymabe, I don't think so. 17:24:23 <jbrooks> dustymabe, I don't think so 17:24:24 <maxamillion> bowlofeggs: fair enough 17:24:25 <dustymabe> jbrooks: what are the implications of that 17:24:53 <jbrooks> Well, there are a few ways to run kube in containers 17:25:02 <dustymabe> jbrooks: no the cc license 17:25:08 <jbrooks> Oh, we can resue 17:25:10 <jbrooks> reuse 17:25:21 <dustymabe> ok, good to know 17:25:26 <jbrooks> I think they were behind the paywall before 17:25:43 <jbrooks> We don't have fedora-based kube containers 17:25:51 <jbrooks> There's an old PR about that 17:26:10 <jbrooks> And our kube packages are crazy old 17:26:16 <kushal> Oh, means we are in kind of broken state :( 17:27:00 <kushal> I will open up an issue, we have to find out the current state, what all needs to done etc. 17:27:01 <jbrooks> I can sum up the situation in a msg to the list 17:27:10 <jbrooks> I've been doing some work on possibilities 17:27:17 <kushal> jbrooks, Can you please open up an issue? 17:27:23 <jbrooks> kushal, yes 17:27:41 <jbrooks> #action jbrooks to file issue on kube situation w/ f25 atomic 17:27:43 <kushal> jbrooks, Thanks. 17:28:02 <kushal> Anything else? 17:28:38 <dustymabe> jbrooks: so you're saying the kube in f25 won't work? 17:29:27 <jbrooks> dustymabe, It will work, but it's 1.2, and current is 1.4 17:29:30 <jbrooks> and 1.5 is in beta 17:29:48 <jbrooks> There are up to date kube pkgs in koji for f26 17:30:12 <dustymabe> jbrooks: so we just need to karma? 17:30:16 <dustymabe> oh wait, f25 17:30:23 <dustymabe> f25 != f26 17:30:24 <jbrooks> I rebuilt them for f25 and el7: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/jasonbrooks/kubernetes/ 17:30:34 <jbrooks> yeah, nothing beyond 1.2 in bodhi 17:30:53 <dustymabe> jbrooks: is this because of openshift pinning again? 17:31:00 <jbrooks> Just today, Jan switched the pkg back to being based on straight upstream kube, raather than on origin 17:31:05 <jbrooks> So that's a nice advance 17:31:19 <dustymabe> jbrooks: which means we should be able to move freely again? 17:31:30 <jbrooks> Yes 17:31:31 <kushal> jbrooks, what is stopping us to have it in F25? 17:31:43 <jbrooks> I don't know 17:31:51 <jbrooks> Here's another option: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/jasonbrooks/kube-release/ 17:32:05 <dustymabe> jbrooks: thanks, let's send an email to Jan and copy our list and find out if we can get the latest into f25 17:32:07 <jbrooks> for running kube w/ kubeadm, which is slick 17:32:23 <jbrooks> I've been in touch w/ him today, I'll ask 17:32:43 <dustymabe> jbrooks: wouldn't be bad to have the convo on the list so others can follow 17:32:52 <dustymabe> we need to start doing a better job of communicating there 17:32:54 <dustymabe> i think 17:32:55 <jbrooks> I'll link to the issue on the list 17:33:15 <jbrooks> This legit upstream pkg deal is a new development -- I didn't expect it 17:36:05 <kushal> Okay 17:36:21 <jbrooks> I sent Jan a msg 17:36:53 <dustymabe> ok one other item for today: 17:36:55 <dustymabe> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/cloud@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/2VY5QFBU5KXXBEGCNIYQDSZXEHDILPEG/ 17:36:59 <kushal> if no other things on plate, we can end the meeting. 17:37:05 <dustymabe> please test nightlies as the RC process goes through 17:37:19 <dustymabe> we need to make sure we don't forget about atomic host 17:38:10 <jbrooks> +1 17:38:26 <kushal> yup 17:40:00 <kushal> We will be keeping our eyes open for any new issue. 17:40:14 <kushal> Ending the meeting then? 17:40:16 <kushal> 5 17:40:19 <kushal> 4.5? 17:40:29 <kushal> 3 17:40:31 <kushal> 2 17:40:35 <kushal> 1 17:40:38 <kushal> 0.7 17:40:40 <kushal> 0.1 17:40:45 <kushal> #endmeeting