21:11:29 <smooge> #startmeeting fedora-server 21:11:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 21 21:11:29 2017 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:11:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:11:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-server' 21:11:30 <jds2001> s/I'm/we're/g :) 21:11:40 <vvaldez> .hello vvaldez 21:11:41 <zodbot> vvaldez: vvaldez 'Vinny Valdez' <vvaldez@redhat.com> 21:11:43 <marc84> hi everyone 21:11:52 <jds2001> well, do we have a quorum? 21:11:56 <smooge> #chair sgallagh smooge vvaldez jds2001 nirik 21:11:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: jds2001 nirik sgallagh smooge vvaldez 21:11:57 <jds2001> .hello jstanley 21:11:58 <zodbot> jds2001: jstanley 'Jon Stanley' <jonstanley@gmail.com> 21:12:04 <smooge> sorry I don't know all the member so not sure if I have everyone 21:12:05 <vvaldez> apologies I missed last week, I was on PTO and failed to inform the list 21:12:16 <smooge> everyone missed last week 21:12:24 <vvaldez> ah ok 21:12:33 * jds2001 got pulled into $DAYJOB stuff. 21:12:43 <smooge> which made me wonder if we have moved the meeting to a different day and people didn't know 21:13:03 <jds2001> no, I don't think so..... 21:13:08 <smooge> OK since we don't have an agenda this is going to be very short meeting today. 21:13:24 <smooge> #topic What Are We Meeting About Next Week 21:13:29 <jds2001> the last I heard from sgallagh was that his daughter had something one week out of the month 21:13:56 <marc84> that was in the mailing list 21:13:57 <smooge> ok so what is currently on the list for server projects 21:14:03 * jds2001 has no idea what we're meeting about 21:14:11 <jds2001> does anyone know about progress on projects? 21:14:26 <jds2001> i.e. NFS role, DC role, etc? 21:14:29 <smooge> jds2001, we are going to work on what we are going to meet about next week :) 21:14:54 <jds2001> well, some updates on the above would be nice :) 21:14:55 <smooge> so I can be up to speed. Who has each of those roles? 21:15:02 <jds2001> NFS == me 21:15:08 <jds2001> DC == sgallagh 21:15:28 <vvaldez> Provisioning == me 21:15:32 * jds2001 has no substantive update on NFS as it stands now. 21:16:01 <smooge> do we have someone checking on status of existing roles? 21:16:26 <smooge> mainly to make sure we don't regress? 21:16:33 <jds2001> I will note that Alpha freeze is coming up on 3/7 21:17:10 <smooge> that was my next question.. thanks jds2001 21:17:18 <smooge> #info Alpha Freeze is 3/7. 21:17:40 <smooge> vvaldez, anything on the Provisioning role ? 21:18:16 <vvaldez> no updates since I posted the doc on it, I have to address sgallagh’s comments, will attempt to complete by next meeting 21:18:48 <smooge> do you have a link to the doc? 21:19:05 <vvaldez> I have mine in google doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jyOEarqPw51rHETC7N-bEtILoLiQ2yMBEKbTcVbFQVw/edit 21:19:23 <smooge> thanks. I will look after this meeting 21:19:31 <smooge> and apologies for not doing so earlier 21:19:36 <smooge> ok next meeting 21:19:47 <smooge> Will be the 27th and the last week before the Alpha Freeze 21:19:48 <vvaldez> we should probably put them all in the same place 21:20:13 <smooge> #info topics for next weeks meeting: 21:20:49 <smooge> #info 1. Status report of documents for roles and work needed for each one. 21:21:38 <smooge> #info 2. What can we get done by 2017-03-07 and what can we get done by beta freeze 21:22:05 <vvaldez> we should move them from google doc/github, etc to https://pagure.io/fedora-server/ somewhere if everyone agrees 21:22:12 <smooge> #info 3. Any reports from devconf that change what we are working on 21:22:23 <smooge> vvaldez, that sounds like a good idea 21:24:31 <smooge> ok jds2001 vvaldez marc84 anything else to add to the list? 21:24:40 <vvaldez> that’s all from me 21:25:23 <smooge> ok I think there was something about Fedora Cloud images from 2 weeks ago but I am not sure if we need to keep at that. 21:25:59 <smooge> #info 4. Fedora Cloud? 21:26:18 <jds2001> yeah, we probably need to track it. 21:26:36 <smooge> anything else? 21:26:43 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 21:27:01 <smooge> OK any questions from the floor about Fedora Serverr? 21:27:49 <smooge> Alright in that case... 21:28:01 <TheoSLC> wait 21:28:27 <smooge> .... 21:28:40 <TheoSLC> I have one item for Fedora Cloud 21:28:52 <TheoSLC> Was hoping to get some attention to this issue: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1423753 21:29:58 <TheoSLC> Fedora AMI's on AWS are not readable for copy. 21:30:06 <jds2001> TheoSLC: that's more for the cloud WG? 21:30:08 <smooge> OK thanks. I will ping sayan and some others to see if I can someone who can fix it 21:30:17 * jds2001 has no idea who can fix it. 21:30:21 <smooge> jds2001, we are the cloud sig. 21:30:42 <smooge> the cloud sig is now the atomic sig 21:30:43 <jds2001> smooge: that's dustymabe and friends, no? 21:31:22 <smooge> the atomic sig is the workstation sig and the workstation sig is the server sig. When the music starts up again someone's chair will be pulled and we have to find a new chair 21:31:28 <TheoSLC> smooge: thanks 21:31:31 <jds2001> anyhow, *someone* can fix that and it ain't me :) 21:31:45 <linuxmodder> .hello linuxmodder 21:31:46 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 21:31:57 <linuxmodder> super late ( will read the scroll and reply if neede donML 21:32:01 <jds2001> anyhow, did we have anything else? 21:32:03 <smooge> TheoSLC, if I don't get back to you by Friday please contact smooge@fedoraproject.org 21:32:13 <smooge> jds2001, no I don't see anything 21:32:43 <smooge> linuxmodder, we are headed out. do you have anything for next weeks agenda? 21:33:11 <dustymabe> hiya. my name was called 21:33:19 <linuxmodder> justa plug for ideas for #fedora-classroom ( looking for ideas and classroom instructors ) 21:33:37 <linuxmodder> https://wiki.fedoraproject.org/Classroom 21:33:45 <linuxmodder> #link https://wiki.fedoraproject.org/Classroom 21:33:46 <jds2001> dustymabe: you already took action :) 21:33:47 <smooge> dustymabe, it was about the ticket about AMS images not being reaadbale. 21:34:17 <dustymabe> jds2001: smooge ok 21:34:26 <smooge> dustymabe, you assigned it to sayan.. I am just checking to see if it needs a bigger ping 21:34:29 <dustymabe> I assigned it to sayan hoping he would say something 21:34:41 <smooge> I have no idea who has rights to that account 21:35:04 <smooge> it hasn't been me in 6 years 21:35:24 <smooge> so I will find out, get them to look at it and get it fixed 21:35:31 <dustymabe> jds2001: ok do you mind sending a mail to the cloud list about it? 21:35:37 <dustymabe> and I'll see if I can get sayan to respond there 21:35:52 <dustymabe> cloud@lists.fedoraproject.org 21:36:18 <smooge> ok anything else Server related for this meeting? 21:37:02 <smooge> dustymabe, oh there is something for next week. I don't know what the status from last meeting was on cloud/server handoff on items. Was it concluded or does it need to be on next weeks meeting? 21:37:19 <linuxmodder> smooge, nfm 21:37:42 <vvaldez> nope 21:39:01 * jds2001 just sent an email to sgallagh about something and got a bounce that he's on PTO. 21:39:07 <jds2001> which explains his abscence :) 21:39:20 <jds2001> though he should not get PTO :D 21:40:16 <smooge> #info we all wish sgallagh a good PTO and hope he comes back rested next week 21:40:20 <smooge> #endmeeting