20:00:15 <sgallagh> #startmeeting Fedora Server SIG Weekly Meeting (2019-09-26) 20:00:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 26 20:00:15 2017 UTC. The chair is sgallagh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_server_sig_weekly_meeting_(2019-09-26)' 20:00:15 <sgallagh> #meetingname serversig 20:00:15 <sgallagh> #topic Roll Call 20:00:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'serversig' 20:00:29 <sgallagh> .hello2 20:00:29 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 20:05:56 <sgallagh> We may not have quorum today, it seems 20:07:39 <nirik> morning 20:07:51 <sgallagh> nirik: Isn't it afternoon where you are? 20:07:59 <nirik> its always morning on irc. ;) 20:08:30 * sgallagh hands nirik an e-coffee 20:08:51 <nirik> thanks 20:09:25 <sgallagh> So far, it doesn't look like we'll have quorum. Which is unfortunate, because we kind of need an answer for this branding question 20:10:05 * sgallagh goes on a ping-spree 20:10:23 <nirik> I was fine with your post to the list on it personally. 20:10:28 <smooge> hello 20:10:29 <smooge> sorry 20:11:09 <sgallagh> yay! quorum 20:11:17 <sgallagh> Hi smooge :) 20:11:29 <sgallagh> #topic Branding Bikeshed 20:11:38 <ignatenkobrain> sgallagh: can I get e-coffee too? 20:11:54 <jds2001> .hello jstanley 20:11:55 <zodbot> jds2001: jstanley 'Jon Stanley' <jonstanley@gmail.com> 20:12:04 <sgallagh> The design team is working hard on new icons for the Server Edition and needs input as to what we plan to actually call it. 20:12:24 <sgallagh> I'm personally of the opinion that we should just call it "Fedora Server Edition" and have something like "built atop Fedora Modularity" in the description of it, rather than create a new brand. 20:12:26 * jds2001 was getting real coffee with a vendor, sorry :D 20:12:38 <mjwolf> .hello mjwolf 20:12:39 <zodbot> mjwolf: mjwolf 'Michael Wolf' <mjw@linux.vnet.ibm.com> 20:12:39 <nirik> +1 from me 20:12:44 <mjwolf> sorry I'm late 20:12:52 <jds2001> +1 from me 20:12:52 <sgallagh> no problem 20:13:08 <smooge> +1 for keeping the same name 20:14:01 * nirik pictures a box with a red thing in the corner saying "NEW!" and a bubble with "now with 100% more modular contents" 20:14:01 <sgallagh> So, the opposite side to this coin is what to call the traditional release (if we're going to deliver it in any way, which we haven't had a firm decision on) 20:14:07 <sgallagh> nirik++ 20:14:42 * jds2001 is in favor of abandoning the traditional relase 20:15:04 <sgallagh> Yeah, that was less clear in previous meetings. 20:15:41 <smooge> Is in favor of abandoning releases and just go with Fedora Rawhide Container Server with Modularity 20:15:43 <jds2001> but also, being congizant of the "brand reputation" of not having *something* at f27 release, is that something the rest of the WG is in agreement with? 20:15:44 <mjwolf> I wonder how much push back you would get from folks if you didnt do a traditional. speaking from the perspective of having tried to drop an arch 20:15:48 <sgallagh> Proposal: Regardless of what happens on the rel-eng side, Server SIG does not want any non-modular images appearing on official public download sites. 20:15:57 <nirik> well, I am ok with not advertising it, but I really think we need good messaging on the getfedora page 20:16:23 <nirik> -1 20:16:24 <sgallagh> nirik: I'm reasonably comfortable leaving that part to mattdm to sort out 20:16:35 <sgallagh> nirik: Perhaps poor phrasing. 20:16:48 <sgallagh> By "official public sites" I mean "getfedora and/or spins.fp.o" 20:16:54 <nirik> I think if we need to point to the old netinstall we might want to or the like... 20:17:05 <nirik> or do you think we shouldn't do that either? 20:17:25 <sgallagh> Well, my point is that I think we want to discourage people from doing fresh installs of non-modular Server on F27 20:17:41 <sgallagh> Upgrades will still happen through the Everything repo, and we'll have to support that. 20:17:48 <langdon> .hello2 20:17:49 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 20:18:41 <nirik> I suppose, but some folks may have a need right then... I guess we could tell them to install f26 20:19:04 <sgallagh> I'm worried about sending mixed messages 20:19:09 <langdon> it isn't like f26 is eol 20:20:07 * langdon sorry he is late.. lost track of time 20:20:21 <sgallagh> nirik: Honestly, there's always the generic netinstall as well 20:20:35 <sgallagh> Yeah, it doesn't have Server branding, but I'm not sure that's an actual problem 20:20:39 <nirik> well, the messaging will be key... but I also trust mattdm to do the right thing there. ;) 20:20:54 <nirik> well, or the filesystem or partitioning changes we made... but yeah 20:21:30 <mjwolf> but if you have a kickstart that wont be a big deal 20:21:33 * sgallagh nods 20:22:20 <nirik> yeah, so perhaps we don't need to say anything here... just trust in/help contribute to the messaging 20:22:42 <nirik> if that points to modular, mentions other options, it should all work out. 20:23:48 <sgallagh> oh, I nearly forgot to record our earlier decision: 20:23:48 <sgallagh> #agreed Server SIG agrees that we would like to avoid creating a new brand for the modular release. We will go with "Fedora Server Edition" and note that it is built from modular components in the descriptions. 20:24:06 <sgallagh> nirik: What other options? 20:24:20 <sgallagh> I think we need to clearly decide if that includes producing the traditional media. 20:24:35 <sgallagh> I think we should just commit to the modular world here 20:24:50 <nirik> if you need to install right then: f26 or generic netinstall. 20:24:58 <sgallagh> nirik: +1 20:25:10 <nirik> and explain generic would have ext4/old partitioning. 20:26:14 <sgallagh> Works for me. 20:26:19 <nirik> I think there was somewhere I saw discussion on it, but can't recall now where. 20:26:23 * sgallagh phrases this as a proposal 20:26:25 <nirik> so many tickets in so many trackers. ;) 20:26:49 <langdon> nirik: no lie 20:27:21 <nirik> https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/issue/735 but that doesn't have much content discussion yet 20:27:22 <sgallagh> Proposal: Fedora Server SIG will not promote the traditional server through any official websites. We will recommend the use of Fedora 26 Server Edition or the generic netinstall of F27 for people who cannot wait for the modular release. 20:27:34 * mkolman is confused due to EXT4 being mentioned together with Server Edition, which normally uses XFS by default 20:27:39 <nirik> +1 20:28:03 <mkolman> oh, right - they would get EXT4 if they use the non-server installer 20:28:08 <nirik> mkolman: right, but the netinstall made from the "Everything" repo defaults to the old ext4 / partitioning 20:28:15 <nirik> yeah, exactly 20:28:19 <mkolman> makes sense now :) 20:28:42 <nirik> just don't want people to be surprised... 20:28:43 <smooge> +1 to proposal 20:29:41 <mjwolf> +1 20:30:36 <sgallagh> #agreed Fedora Server SIG will not promote the traditional server through any official websites. We will recommend the use of Fedora 26 Server Edition or the generic netinstall of F27 for people who cannot wait for the modular release. 20:31:31 <sgallagh> OK, folks. I actually have to drop and go collect my daughter at day-care. 20:31:44 <sgallagh> Are there any other urgent topics? 20:32:01 <smooge> Not that I know of 20:32:10 <mjwolf> none from me 20:32:10 <sgallagh> OK, thanks for coming. 20:32:14 <sgallagh> #endmeeting