20:00:51 <smooge> #startmeeting Fedora Server SIG Weekly Meeting (2019-10-10) 20:00:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 10 20:00:51 2017 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:51 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_server_sig_weekly_meeting_(2019-10-10)' 20:00:51 <smooge> #meetingname serversig 20:00:51 <smooge> #chairs smooge sgallagh nirik adaw langdon 20:00:51 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'serversig' 20:01:09 <smooge> #topic Roll Call 20:01:38 <smooge> Smoogen is here 20:01:46 <mjwolf> .hello mjwolf 20:01:47 <zodbot> mjwolf: mjwolf 'Michael Wolf' <mjw@linux.vnet.ibm.com> 20:02:27 <langdon> .hello2 20:02:29 <langdon> hey.. sorry i was a little late 20:02:29 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 20:02:33 <langdon> zodbot seems to be ignoring me 20:02:36 <langdon> .hello langdon 20:02:37 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 20:02:44 <langdon> ha 20:02:51 <nirik> morning 20:03:14 <smooge> hello this weeks agenda is pretty short. 20:03:23 <smooge> #topic Beta outlook 20:03:24 <smooge> #info langdon has some items 20:03:31 <smooge> langdon, its your show 20:03:51 <langdon> at least i am not running it :) 20:04:02 <langdon> basically.. i was here to see if i could ask for some help with modules 20:04:07 <langdon> and my typing is slow 20:04:25 <langdon> so.. we have https://github.com/fedora-modularity/f27-content-tracking 20:04:32 <langdon> which i think you mostly have seen.. 20:04:59 <langdon> we have, a bit down the page, all the modules and the sources we are trying to get in to modular server 20:05:42 <langdon> and most of them kinda work.. but they are missing things like meaningful stream names, install profiles, and/or testing to make sure that when the httpd module installs you can actually run a web server 20:06:07 <langdon> so, most of the links to the repos for the sources or ^^ repo itself have issues that we are hoping people can help us pick up 20:06:27 <langdon> smooge: does ^^ make any kinda of sense? 20:07:21 <smooge> they seem to be missing owners too 20:08:34 <langdon> we are currently getting a "bikeshed" (sorta new rawhide) compose and we should be getting the f27 compose today or tomorrow.. but if you update the module, they should "just show up" in the daily bikeshed (18h utc) which is then pulled in to a docker image docker.io/jamesantill/boltron-27 which can be used 20:08:35 <smooge> ok I am reading through the github at the moment 20:09:33 <langdon> smooge: re:owners i think the "owner" here is if we can identify a package owner who wanted to pick up the module "now" vs later.. if it is blank it means the modularity team has been doing it.. 20:10:12 <smooge> the reason I was asking is I would think the owner would be the person to name the stream 20:10:45 * nirik agrees 20:11:23 <langdon> smooge: point.. they should be.. but we have still be working out the guidance.. many things will just be f27 stream.. whereas like node has a 6 & 8 stream 20:11:40 <nirik> and postgres has a 9.6 one (which totally makes sense) 20:11:43 <langdon> there is supposed to be a doc in there to bikeshed on them 20:11:58 <langdon> nirik: not sarcasm, correct? 20:12:12 <langdon> but i don' t think the list landed in there yet 20:12:14 <nirik> yeah, not. ;) I really like that... 20:12:18 <jds2001> .hello jstanley 20:12:19 <zodbot> jds2001: jstanley 'Jon Stanley' <jonstanley@gmail.com> 20:12:25 <langdon> nirik: phew :) me too 20:13:08 <smooge> so my issue here is that I feel like I have been given a box of mixmatched legos with different pages of what to build but no idea what people want me to build/test. 20:13:20 <langdon> smooge: so.. its a day?!?! 20:13:22 <langdon> ;) 20:13:32 <langdon> yeah.. i didn't get as much time to prep for this as i had hoped 20:14:06 <smooge> well you are wanting people to pick up something but I am not sure what that is. 20:14:13 <langdon> would y'all have bandwidth if i composed an email with "task 1: lkjaslkj" task 2: lakjskjs and people could have clear "things to do"?? 20:14:34 <smooge> I think we are going to need some emails on this. If people don't have bandwidth they aren't going to have it here either 20:14:36 <langdon> just high effort if it just falls on the floor is all 20:15:06 <nirik> email would be good with list of tasks/needs 20:15:40 <langdon> yeah.. it would mostly just be pointers to tickets.. but i think that may be an easier way to communicate it out 20:16:03 * langdon just needs like 20 hours uninterrupted to write everything down 20:16:32 <langdon> not just this.. bunch of other modularity needs too 20:16:40 <langdon> not all of them for beta.. 20:17:02 <langdon> however, it is coming together.. a lot of this is polish 20:17:11 <smooge> so that leads to the next item 20:17:29 <smooge> #info When is Beta? 20:17:58 <langdon> so.. go/no go is thurs with beta next tues.. i think it will be "no" 20:18:14 <langdon> i would propose we slip a week on that date.. and we should be close 20:18:20 <smooge> yeah.. so how do people test a no-go? 20:18:40 <langdon> smooge: sorry.. not following? 20:19:44 <smooge> well you want people to test things, but do they need a beta to do so? 20:20:28 <langdon> ahh i see.. no.. i want people to test things even before the "beta" .. as in, as soon as the f27 composes are happening or even now using james' docker image.. 20:20:45 <langdon> we just don't have a) all the arches building b) all the modules working.. 20:20:59 <smooge> ok are we getting completed composes? the messages in #fedora-server seemed to indicate otherwise 20:21:04 <langdon> but we need the obvious issues files 20:21:29 <langdon> incomplete due to s390x & i386 (although i think that is fixed) .. but everything else is there 20:21:46 <langdon> and s/files/filed from previous 20:22:32 <langdon> so bikeshed is producing working daily composes except we are missing some arches .. but, the issues in the modules are (probably) not arch specific 20:23:06 <langdon> f27 composes got snafu'd a bit but i expect those will be working in the next day or two 20:23:11 <smooge> ok cool. 20:23:29 <smooge> it wasn't clear if we were getting some or none when I read it earlier 20:23:36 <smooge> okie dokie 20:23:53 <smooge> anything else on the Beta? 20:23:53 <langdon> well.. we had a *real* failure on sunday.. but that has been sorted 20:24:42 <langdon> im good.. i will definitely send out the help email 20:24:48 <langdon> unless people have more questions 20:25:29 <nirik> it sounds like it's just getting to the beta line at thispoint. ;) 20:25:50 <langdon> ha 20:26:05 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 20:26:17 <smooge> ok open floor for the meeting. any serversig items? 20:27:49 <langdon> smooge: ohh i do have one 20:27:57 <smooge> okie dokie 20:27:59 <langdon> is anyone from qa here? 20:28:07 <smooge> adamw, tflink ? 20:28:15 <langdon> whats the best way to get qa to "get started"? 20:28:21 <langdon> kparal ^^ 20:28:52 <smooge> ... 20:29:09 <smooge> I am guessing that will be another email 20:29:13 <langdon> smooge: ha.. yep 20:29:30 <langdon> i think adamw is still away.. but i may be getting my dates wrong 20:29:39 <smooge> oh he showed up earlier today 20:29:43 * adamw technically here. 20:29:46 <smooge> he made me fix something 20:29:51 <smooge> MADE ME 20:29:57 <langdon> ha 20:29:58 <smooge> like it was my job 20:30:04 <smooge> or something 20:30:10 <langdon> i mean.. he is soooo much bigger than you ;) 20:30:35 <smooge> in any case, I expect he is out and not answering today. 20:30:56 <smooge> tries to remember what the #todo for a meeting is 20:30:57 <langdon> s'ok .. email is probably better anyway 20:31:47 <smooge> #action langdon will email list to find out what QA needs to help 20:32:05 <langdon> smooge: do you want to action the other email too? 20:32:06 <smooge> #action langdon will email list with a description of items to be done by general sig members 20:32:40 <langdon> thanks 20:32:53 <smooge> no problem 20:33:03 <smooge> with that.. thank you all for your help this week 20:33:14 <smooge> #endmeeting