21:01:01 <sgallagh> #startmeeting Fedora Server SIG Weekly Meeting (2017-11-07) 21:01:01 <sgallagh> #meetingname serversig 21:01:01 <sgallagh> #topic Roll Call 21:01:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Nov 7 21:01:01 2017 UTC. The chair is sgallagh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:01:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:01:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_server_sig_weekly_meeting_(2017-11-07)' 21:01:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'serversig' 21:01:05 <sgallagh> .hello2 21:01:06 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 21:01:44 <nirik> morning 21:01:53 <langdon> .hello2 21:01:54 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 21:02:17 <adamw> .hello adamwill 21:02:17 * langdon does wonder why ".hello w/o params" couldn't just be .hello2 .. 21:02:17 <zodbot> adamw: adamwill 'Adam Williamson' <awilliam@redhat.com> 21:05:42 <sgallagh> smooge said he might be a few minutes late. 21:05:55 <sgallagh> I suppose we can get started; we have a lot to cover today. 21:06:01 <sgallagh> #topic Agenda 21:06:18 <sgallagh> I have four items for the agenda, in decreasing order of urgency: 21:06:22 <sgallagh> #info Agenda Item: What do we do for upgrades? 21:06:26 <sgallagh> #info Agenda Item: Name of the Edition 21:06:29 <sgallagh> #info Agenda Item: Final Release Criteria for modularity 21:06:34 <sgallagh> #info Agenda Item: Testing requested on Beta RC 21:06:40 <sgallagh> Oops, those last two should be reversed 21:07:40 <sgallagh> Actually, I also have a blocker candidate we can probably do a quick vote on so I can push the fix ASAP 21:07:54 <sgallagh> #info Agenda Item: Beta Blockers 21:08:01 <sgallagh> OK, let's get started. 21:08:05 <sgallagh> #topic What do we do for upgrades? 21:08:12 <sgallagh> Let me set the stage for you: 21:08:50 <sgallagh> Fedora 27 traditional looks likely to hit GA on Thursday. 21:09:15 <sgallagh> We have at least one bug in the queue that would have been a blocker for F27 Server upgrades if we were continuing with the traditional path. 21:09:39 <sgallagh> We have no planned (or realistic) upgrade path from F26 Server Edition to the F27 Modular Server 21:09:55 <langdon> sgallagh: that has always been the plan.. with a goal of upgrades by f28 21:10:00 <langdon> i think it is even in the change 21:10:03 <sgallagh> How should we treat things when users of F26 Server Edition type `dnf system-upgrade`? 21:10:14 <sgallagh> langdon: Yes, but we kind of handwaved the important details. 21:10:25 <langdon> i thought we expected them to upgrade to non-edition based on the everything repo 21:10:26 <sgallagh> Like: Are upgrade bugs along the traditional path still blocking? 21:10:44 <langdon> ahh .. that one.. hmm.. we did not cover that 21:10:45 <sgallagh> langdon: That's one way we can handle it 21:11:03 <adamw> langdon: all upgrades always use the 'everything' repo. 21:11:08 <adamw> that's what fedora.repo points to. 21:11:12 <langdon> right 21:11:21 <sgallagh> adamw: "non-edition" is the operative term there 21:11:41 <langdon> i guess we would need to do "something" to convert it to a non-edition.. 21:11:44 <sgallagh> I think if we go that route, we *really* should convert the system back to non-edition Fedora rather than still keep claiming to be Fedora Server 21:11:56 <langdon> is mattdm around ? i am pretty sure he put the plan in a blog post :) 21:12:05 <adamw> yeah, i meant to ping him 21:12:25 <adamw> so the perspective i wanna keep in mind here is the person with a Fedora 26 Server system installed 21:12:29 <adamw> what is our message to that person? 21:12:37 <adamw> should they upgrade to 27? if so, when? what are the consequences of doing so? 21:12:53 <sgallagh> adamw: "Nice to see a fellow Red Hatter"? 21:12:58 <sgallagh> (sorry) 21:13:23 <langdon> https://fedoramagazine.org/where-is-fedora-server-27-beta/ 21:13:41 <sgallagh> "When general F27 is released, do a normal dnf system-upgrade — this will get you a non-modular system updated with Fedora 27 packages." 21:13:44 <langdon> yeah.. he says right in there what the plan is :) 21:13:53 <adamw> but that's just presented as one of three options 21:13:54 <langdon> details details on making it true :) 21:13:57 <adamw> which, yes, those are your choices 21:14:02 <nirik> IMHO we need to be carefull here because I think lots of people think of "server" as just the install thing thats not workstation or cloud... they don't use rolekit or anything, 21:14:07 <adamw> but it kinda ducks out of saying which of those things we actually *suggest* 21:14:14 <adamw> and how much we are going to care about you if you *do* upgrade 21:14:26 <sgallagh> adamw: True, but it *does* say that if you upgrade, it should be expected to succeed and get F27 packages 21:14:34 <langdon> adamw: you care about everyone equally! 21:14:38 <sgallagh> It doesn't require us to still be Server Edition, but the upgrade should work 21:14:51 <nirik> if we are going to switch them from server to nonedition we have to have another rc for f27 traditional right? 21:14:56 <adamw> langdon: this clearly isn't true...for instance, i barely care about you at all! :P 21:15:06 <sgallagh> nirik: Not necessarily; it can be a 0day blocker 21:15:26 <sgallagh> As long as the necessary patch to fedora-release is stable before release day, it wouldn't require a respin 21:15:34 <adamw> we've fairly solidly established the precedent by now that we don't really block the media for upgrade issues 21:15:37 <langdon> adamw: i thought you were special. /me notes that the "you" was specifically about adamw, not a "directive you" .. sometimes langdon hates english 21:15:55 <adamw> since it's very difficult to do an upgrade using only the frozen release packages, and we really don't advise anyone to do it or document it anywhere 21:15:59 <sgallagh> I *think* we can do it with Obsoletes:, but I'm not tremendously confident in getting it right on short notice. 21:16:16 <adamw> (well, i guess not 'very difficult', it'd just be a --disablerepo=updates ... but we definitely don't advise it anywhere) 21:17:58 <adamw> what does implementing a transition to non-edition on upgrade actually get us, practically speaking, that's worth the effort of trying to rush it in late? 21:18:06 <sgallagh> The simplest option is just just declare that upgrade bugs don't block F27 traditional and not try to rush the Obsoletes: fix in time for release day. 21:18:21 <adamw> are we locking ourselves into any terrible commitment by just letting upgraded installs still call themselves Server? is anyone gonna care a lot? 21:18:31 <sgallagh> adamw: It's mostly just a user-confusion thing. 21:18:40 <adamw> sgallagh: that's simple for *us*, but it'll require messaging from others 21:18:49 <sgallagh> At this point I doubt it outweighs the costs and risks 21:19:13 <adamw> if one of the decisions we make is "we're not committing to upgrades from 26 Server to 27 working as we intend on 27 release day", that needs to be communicated properly 21:19:21 <sgallagh> Yes 21:19:50 <sgallagh> Another choice we *could* make is "Upgrades from F26 Server are not officially supported in any capacity, you get to keep the pieces, etc." 21:20:38 <nirik> which is the kind of thing that someone who installed f26 on their router will see and panic on... ;) 21:20:41 <sgallagh> This again requires messaging, of course 21:20:47 <adamw> yeah. 21:20:57 <adamw> it'd be nice to have input from outside our wg, here :/ shame mattdm isn't responding 21:22:01 <adamw> i'm not sure i have any terribly strong opinions, but i'll vote on proposals...i'd just like there to be a definite plan here i can understand and follow 21:22:09 <langdon> can i propose we move on? i don't think we can solve this here.. maybe mailing list? 21:22:56 <adamw> to bring in boring reality, as of right now we're two days away from 27 Final go/no-go, and we have a bug that's accepted as a blocker for Server upgrades. there is a plan to fix it, to some degree, but it's not done yet. 21:23:02 <smooge> here 21:23:05 <adamw> langdon: i'm worried about the time. 21:23:24 <nirik> adamw: is it likely to be done in time? and it needs to be a 0day? 21:23:31 <sgallagh> langdon: We don't have the choice to delay 21:23:34 <adamw> 27 final is quite likely to be signed off on thursday and released next tuesday. that doesn't give us a lot of time to figure this out if action is required for 27 final release. 21:23:44 <langdon> sorry which bug are you referencing? 21:23:54 <adamw> nirik: i think we could potentially make a cut at it, if we decided we really want to fix it for the 27 final date. 21:24:06 <adamw> langdon: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1503321 21:24:13 <sgallagh> langdon: Well, there's a FreeIPA one that's representative. 21:24:40 <adamw> nirik: the fix is basically 'twiddle things so the freeipa upgrade script runs when ipa.service starts' 21:25:15 <nirik> I'd prefer: fix bug, say upgrades are supported to f27, but note that it's end of line for non modular server items and after that people would move to non edition for f28 or need to install a fresh modular server 21:25:57 <sgallagh> OK, but what happens if we don't get that bug fixed in time? Is that blocking? Are we just making a best effort here? 21:26:31 <nirik> good question(s). ;) 21:26:35 <langdon> what happens if you f26-freeipa->f27-everything-repo-freeipa? 21:26:38 <nirik> I'd hate to block on it at this point... 21:26:56 <sgallagh> langdon: It breaks. See bug 1503321 21:27:22 <sgallagh> I would to, especially since we knew about it for a while and botched our handling of it. 21:27:46 <sgallagh> That last part being the "royal" we 21:28:09 <langdon> sgallagh: that doesn't answer my q does it? this is f26-freeipa->f27-modular-freeipa right? 21:28:19 <adamw> langdon: no. it's the scenario you asked about. 21:28:37 * langdon kicks himself again for the word "module" 21:28:39 <adamw> langdon: it's not really possible to go from f26 to f27-modular so far as i can tell. 21:28:55 <langdon> sorry i get it now 21:28:57 <sgallagh> adamw: Correct 21:29:35 <nirik> best effort to fix bug or document upgrade issues to f27, but note that it's end of line for non modular server items and after that people would move to non edition for f28 or need to install a fresh modular server 21:29:52 <sgallagh> nirik: Want to make that a proposal? 21:30:02 <nirik> sure. 21:30:06 <adamw> what the openqa test actually does, for the record, is boot an f26 disk image created by virt-install which is intended to match a default Server install as close as possible, deploy FreeIPA on that, then upgrade to F27 using dnf system-upgrade . 21:30:07 <nirik> proposal: best effort to fix bug or document upgrade issues to f27, but note that it's end of line for non modular server items and after that people would move to non edition for f28 or need to install a fresh modular server 21:30:29 <adamw> insufficiently precise, for me 21:30:36 <nirik> patch away. :) 21:30:45 <sgallagh> adamw: Please rephrase 21:31:01 <langdon> i think we don't need to add the bit about f28 .. we may be able to bring people back by then 21:31:33 <adamw> well 21:31:47 <adamw> does the proposal imply that there is *no* 'supported' upgrade path from f26 server? 21:31:53 <nirik> bring back you mean upgrade from non modular to modular? 21:32:02 <adamw> in the sense that the release criteria apply to it and we are committed to fix criteria-violating bugs? 21:32:09 <langdon> nirik: yeah 21:32:30 <sgallagh> adamw: I think at this point in the cycle, we are probably forced to say that, yeah. 21:32:31 <langdon> like this has nothiing, really, to do with modular server, right? this is just a bug in upgrade of freeipa.. which got lost in the shuffle because modular server has had some "challenges" 21:33:09 <nirik> I guess, since we said we were not blocking on traditional server... 21:33:10 <sgallagh> langdon: Right; we bundled all issues specific to Server along with the Modular Server and didn't think too hard about this one until it got late 21:33:14 <adamw> langdon: the specific bug has nothing to do with modularity, indeed. but it has to do with this decision to create a split release process, and the unclear upgrade path from f26 server. 21:33:40 <langdon> right.. ok.. im just making sure i am not being an idiot.. which there is prior evidence for 21:34:38 <sgallagh> Proposal: Upgrades from Fedora 26 Server Edition have no supported upgrade path to Fedora 27 packages. 21:34:45 <sgallagh> edit 21:35:08 <sgallagh> Proposal: Upgrade bugs from Fedora 26 Server Edition to Fedora 27 do not block the release of either F27 or F27 Modular. 21:35:46 <langdon> perhaps add "We hope to revisit upgrades from f26->f28 in the f27 cycle" 21:35:55 <langdon> s/hope/plan 21:36:38 <smooge> I am +1 to the proposal 21:37:21 <adamw> addition: We will address (attempt to fix, at least document) issues with dnf upgrade from Fedora 26 Server to Fedora 27 non-modular packages on a best-effort basis 21:37:43 <sgallagh> adamw: +1 21:37:58 <sgallagh> Proposal: Upgrade bugs from Fedora 26 Server Edition to Fedora 27 do not block the release of either F27 or F27 Modular. We will address (attempt to fix, at least document) issues with dnf upgrade from Fedora 26 Server to Fedora 27 non-modular packages on a best-effort basis 21:38:18 <langdon> no one likes my addition? :( 21:38:39 <nirik> langdon: that should be f28 cycle? 21:39:22 <langdon> nirik: yes.. i think so? i find that term confusing.. 28 cycle is when building 28? i often mix it with f27 is shipping cycle 21:39:37 <sgallagh> langdon: I'm not prognosticating for this 21:39:44 <adamw> maybe patch it to "We currently intend to provide a recommended upgrade path from Fedora 26 Server to Fedora 28 at the time of Fedora 28 release" 21:40:03 <adamw> (which is hedge-y enough to allow us to fail :>) 21:40:04 <sgallagh> -1 I don't want to make promises if we're not sure we will keep them 21:40:09 <adamw> it's not a promise, though! 21:40:10 <langdon> adamw: like it 21:40:19 <adamw> it's a classic political not-actually-a-promise...:P 21:40:23 <sgallagh> ... fine 21:40:31 <nirik> we might recommend... a fresh install. ;) 21:40:37 <sgallagh> Proposal: Upgrade bugs from Fedora 26 Server Edition to Fedora 27 do not block the release of either F27 or F27 Modular. We will address (attempt to fix, at least document) issues with dnf upgrade from Fedora 26 Server to Fedora 27 non-modular packages on a best-effort basis. We currently intend to provide a recommended upgrade path from Fedora 26 Server to Fedora 28 at the time of Fedora 28 release. 21:40:37 <adamw> sgallagh: jeez, you're just not slippery enough for this work 21:40:46 <langdon> sgallagh would like to patch it with s/We/Langdon :) 21:40:52 <adamw> =) 21:40:59 <adamw> +1. 21:41:02 <nirik> +1 21:41:03 * sgallagh starts laying about with his sword 21:41:17 <adamw> and we should action someone to co-ordinate this with the relevant teams to make sure release-day messaging actually lines up with this. 21:41:19 <langdon> +1 /me has no recollection if he has a vote 21:41:28 <adamw> release announcements, getfedora, etc. 21:41:40 <langdon> adamw: currently, that is on me.. 21:41:48 <adamw> oh god, we're doomed 21:42:05 <langdon> adamw: i would like to point out the last few comments in #fedora-qa! :) 21:42:27 <sgallagh> #agreed Upgrade bugs from Fedora 26 Server Edition to Fedora 27 do not block the release of either F27 or F27 Modular. We will address (attempt to fix, at least document) issues with dnf upgrade from Fedora 26 Server to Fedora 27 non-modular packages on a best-effort basis. We currently intend to provide a recommended upgrade path from Fedora 26 Server to Fedora 28 at the time of Fedora 28 release. 21:42:38 <sgallagh> OK, we still have several other important topics. 21:42:42 <sgallagh> #topic Name of the Edition 21:42:51 <sgallagh> No bikeshedding. Simple proposal: 21:43:14 <sgallagh> Proposal: Call it "Fedora Modular Server" to avoid end-user confusion as requested by multiple parties. 21:43:23 <langdon> +1 21:43:29 <nirik> sure. that colour is fine. 21:43:35 <sgallagh> I personally don't care if we call it Grandma's Baked Cookies as long as we ship it. 21:43:51 <langdon> Fedora Bikeshed Server?!?! oh, wait, we have that already 21:44:05 <sgallagh> langdon: focus. I don't want this topic going on for 30 minutes 21:44:19 <langdon> i already +1'd it! 21:44:49 <sgallagh> Votes? 21:44:51 <smooge> my only questions is "How is it Server?" 21:45:17 <sgallagh> smooge: We're delivering server technologies, not desktop ones. 21:45:24 <sgallagh> (Right now) 21:45:47 <smooge> ok. the lack of things like shell utilities seemed ot point that htis was even more focused 21:46:10 <smooge> or was the dnf install screen not true 21:46:22 <langdon> smooge: as i said in my last email.. "screen" was actually an oversight.. many of the utils are there.. just not that one 21:46:47 * langdon needs to try to bring back system tools.. 21:47:16 <adamw> +1 to either Fedora Modular Server or Grandma's Baked Cookies. 21:47:17 <adamw> i like both. 21:47:43 <sgallagh> smooge: We'll fix "screen" for GA 21:48:07 <langdon> tmux is there 21:48:09 <sgallagh> #agreed Call it "Fedora Modular Server" to avoid end-user confusion as requested by multiple parties. 21:48:18 <smooge> my main problem is that I don't think people will see the 'Modular' bit and assume it is a 1:1 with F26 Server 21:48:26 <sgallagh> #undo 21:48:26 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: AGREED by sgallagh at 21:48:09 : Call it "Fedora Modular Server" to avoid end-user confusion as requested by multiple parties. 21:48:44 <sgallagh> smooge: And if we had a large userbase, I'd be more worried about that. 21:48:52 <langdon> smooge: well.. it won't be.. but i would say it will still be a "Server" .. but maybe not every bit in the Fedora Server 21:50:25 <langdon> but vi, tmux, emacs, less, lots and lots of stuff are all there 21:52:20 <smooge> OK I am going to say that i think that people are going to be confused by the fact that if something is in Everything but isn't part of a module they can't install it on their server. 21:52:50 <nirik> yep... but I think thats beyond our scope here. ;) Needs marketing/docs 21:53:00 <smooge> but I don't have any sort of magic name which will fix that perception so I am going to +0 and go ahead and agree 21:53:01 <langdon> yeah.. we need to get the messaging right.. and it is still gonna be a problem.. 21:54:07 <langdon> so.. sgallagh we can be #agreed again i thnk 21:55:26 <smooge> #agreed Call it "Fedora Modular Server" to avoid end-user confusion as requested by multiple parties. 21:55:43 * smooge fails at irc also 21:56:20 <sgallagh> #agreed Call it "Fedora Modular Server" to avoid end-user confusion as requested by multiple parties. 21:56:20 <smooge> #agreed Call it "Fedora Modular Server" to avoid end-user confusion as requested by multiple parties. 21:56:31 <sgallagh> Sorry, putting out fires concurrently. 21:56:35 <langdon> well.. at least we really really agree! 21:56:44 <sgallagh> I forgot to chair anyone else. 21:56:44 <adamw> #agreed to disagree 21:56:52 <sgallagh> #char adamw langdon smooge 21:56:57 <sgallagh> #chair adamw langdon smooge 21:56:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw langdon sgallagh smooge 21:57:05 <sgallagh> ... Freudian Slip 21:57:06 * nirik avoids the chair. 21:57:12 <sgallagh> #chair nirik 21:57:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw langdon nirik sgallagh smooge 21:57:13 * adamw would prefer to be singed than charred 21:57:21 <nirik> curses. foiled. 21:57:30 <nirik> anyhow? next? 21:58:16 <sgallagh> #info Agenda Item: Testing requested on Beta RC 21:58:22 <sgallagh> #undo 21:58:22 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by sgallagh at 21:58:16 : Agenda Item: Testing requested on Beta RC 21:58:29 <sgallagh> #topic Testing requested on Beta RC 21:58:38 <sgallagh> Please do as /topic asks 21:58:51 <sgallagh> We already have one potential blocker that we need to fix, but it's going to be quick. 21:59:02 <sgallagh> Mind if I ask folks to do a quick blocker review on that one? 21:59:12 <sgallagh> .bug 1510629 21:59:13 <zodbot> sgallagh: Bug 1510629 – Missing adcli on Modular compose - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1510629 21:59:27 <sgallagh> Short version: missing package means domain-join fails 22:00:21 <nirik> seems reasonable... 22:00:21 <smooge> agreed 22:00:27 <nirik> want votes in bug? or ? 22:00:58 <sgallagh> Don't care as long as adamw is comfortable setting the AcceptedBlocker field so I can submit the fix. 22:01:33 <adamw> +1 22:02:02 <nirik> +1 22:02:07 <smooge> +1 22:02:28 <langdon> +1 22:04:12 <sgallagh> #agreed BZ 1510629 is a blocker for F27 Modular Server Beta 22:04:28 <sgallagh> OK, we are now over time. 22:04:48 <sgallagh> Motion to postpone the GA release criteria discussion? 22:04:55 <sgallagh> #topic Final Release Criteria for modularity 22:05:39 <nirik> sure. 22:07:01 <sgallagh> OK, I think that's for the best. I see that there's some feedback from the QA list that should be incorporated. 22:07:23 <sgallagh> #info We will postpone this discussion to next week after QA feedback is incorporated. 22:07:27 <sgallagh> #topic Open Floor 22:07:48 <smooge> I think we can close this. 22:07:54 <smooge> thanks for running sgallagh 22:08:06 <langdon> sgallagh++ 22:08:18 <sgallagh> #info We have an RC! 22:08:28 <langdon> sgallagh: maybe a link too 22:08:29 <langdon> ? 22:08:38 <sgallagh> We will have to do at least one more, but we may in fact be able to get to Go this week, finally 22:08:56 <sgallagh> langdon: Well, it's still building. But https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/27/Fedora-Modular-27-20171107.1/compose/Server 22:09:18 <langdon> sgallagh: i meant so it would appear in the minutes 22:09:27 <sgallagh> #link https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/27/Fedora-Modular-27-20171107.1/compose/Server 22:09:40 <sgallagh> Fair point. 22:09:41 <langdon> cool 22:10:10 <sgallagh> OK, I'm going to fix up that blocker and one more FE tonight, then request another RC. PLEASE help QA test this in time for Go/No-Go on Thursday. 22:11:13 <langdon> +1 22:11:21 <sgallagh> Thanks for coming, folks 22:11:21 <smooge> sounds good 22:11:24 <sgallagh> #endmeeting