18:04:03 <sgallagh> #startmeeting F27 Server Final Go/No-Go meeting 18:04:03 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov 30 18:04:03 2017 UTC. The chair is sgallagh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:04:03 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:04:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f27_server_final_go/no-go_meeting' 18:04:03 <sgallagh> #meetingname F27-server-final-Go-No-Go-meeting 18:04:03 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f27-server-final-go-no-go-meeting' 18:04:03 <sgallagh> #topic Roll Call 18:04:04 <sgallagh> #chair nirik adamw sgallagh mboddu 18:04:04 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw mboddu nirik sgallagh 18:04:13 <mboddu_> .hello mohanboddu 18:04:14 <zodbot> mboddu_: mohanboddu 'Mohan Boddu' <mboddu@bhujji.com> 18:04:15 <sgallagh> .hello2 18:04:16 <nirik> 18:04:17 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 18:04:36 <sgallagh> #chair mboddu_ 18:04:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw mboddu mboddu_ nirik sgallagh 18:04:38 * mboddu_ is outside and cannot access his bouncer since he didn't setup soft token on his new phone :D 18:05:12 <langdon> .hello2 18:05:13 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 18:05:51 <smooge> .hello2 18:05:52 <zodbot> smooge: smooge 'Stephen J Smoogen' <smooge@gmail.com> 18:05:53 <sgallagh> adamw, kparal: Can one of you represent QA? 18:05:58 <smooge> running a meeting in another channel 18:06:11 <adamw> i'm here 18:06:14 <adamw> just having crashy issues 18:06:23 <sgallagh> ok, thanks 18:06:34 <sgallagh> #topic Purpose of this meeting 18:06:34 <sgallagh> #info Purpose of this meeting is to check whether or not F27 Server Final is ready for shipment, according to the release criteria. 18:06:34 <sgallagh> #info This is determined in a few ways: 18:06:34 <sgallagh> #info * Release candidate compose is available 18:06:34 <sgallagh> #info * No remaining blocker bugs 18:06:34 <sgallagh> #info * Test matrices are fully completed 18:06:52 <sgallagh> #topic Current status of F27 Server Final release 18:07:35 <sgallagh> #info We have a release candidate compose (RC 1.6) 18:07:59 <sgallagh> adamw: Can you provide a link to the test matrices? 18:08:03 <adamw> sure 18:08:08 <mboddu_> sgallagh: Is anyone tested how good is RC 1.6 in terms of Server variant? 18:08:24 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_27_RC_1.6_Server 18:08:32 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_27_RC_1.6_Base 18:08:50 <adamw> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_27_RC_1.6_Installation 18:09:18 * mattdm is here 18:09:22 * mattdm lost track of time 18:09:33 <adamw> so, missing things: 18:09:41 <adamw> we haven't tested physical media boot of the images 18:11:02 <sgallagh> adamw: Is that the only thing? 18:11:02 <adamw> the active directory results aren't filled in, though sgallagh says he ran the tests, i think 18:11:23 <sgallagh> adamw: I did, yes. 18:11:37 <sgallagh> (successfully) 18:11:41 <adamw> and the 'domain controller role' results are missing, because the openqa test for the compose happened to fail due to some kinda timeout or something... 18:11:49 <adamw> can you stick them in the table quickly then? 18:11:59 <adamw> let me see if i can re-run that test 18:12:47 <adamw> it may fail due to garbage collected assets, though. 18:13:22 <sgallagh> adamw: I would, but relval is throwing an error trying to log in with my FAS account 18:13:31 <adamw> sgallagh: oh, you need the latest wikitcms 18:13:35 <adamw> it's in updates-testing 18:13:44 <adamw> (or should be...) 18:13:45 * mboddu_ will be back in 10 min 18:13:55 <adamw> wiki auth changed with the upgrade 18:14:35 <adamw> yeah, i can't re-run just the openqa test we need, as it depends on an uploaded hard disk iamge that's been garbage collected. i'd have to re-run the whole set of server dvd tests. 18:14:37 <adamw> eh, i can do that. 18:14:40 <sgallagh> adamw: Broken dependencies; fedfind is missing 18:15:53 <sgallagh> OK, a point of order. 18:16:10 <sgallagh> We know that the Infra team has an outage next week and so releasing next week is not ideal. 18:16:47 <sgallagh> Should we just postpone this decision by a week, since we won't announce until at least the 11th anyway? 18:16:49 <sgallagh> mattdm: ^^ 18:17:12 <adamw> sgallagh: should be in the same update 18:17:14 <adamw> but yeah, we could do that 18:17:15 <mattdm> sgallagh: this is fine with me. 18:17:28 <sgallagh> adamw: Ah, my favorite word... "should" 18:17:29 <adamw> we can dot some i's and cross some t's in the meantime 18:17:41 <mattdm> i can use this time to ask you some modularity questions instead :) 18:17:52 <adamw> well, we may want to decide what to do about the freeipa upgrade bug 18:18:14 <sgallagh> adamw: Shall we do the mini blocker review now then? 18:18:22 <adamw> very mini! 18:18:23 <adamw> sure 18:18:31 <sgallagh> Would you be so kind, adamw ? 18:18:40 <langdon> Anything to avoid mattdm's questions 18:18:42 <nirik> we could also just announce today/tomorrow... 18:18:46 <sgallagh> #topic Mini-Blocker Review 18:18:47 <nirik> but that needs ducks in row 18:18:56 <nirik> and friday is horrible for announcing things. 18:18:58 <sgallagh> nirik: Websites and stuff needs prepping. 18:19:04 <sgallagh> I'd prefer not to rush them 18:19:14 <mattdm> nirik: I have no ducks in a row at this point 18:19:19 <mattdm> all of my ducks are running in circles 18:19:24 <adamw> #info we have just one proposed blocker 18:19:32 <adamw> #topic (1503321) FreeIPA server upgraded from F26 to F27 fails to start with "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ipapython.secrets'" 18:19:32 <adamw> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1503321 18:19:32 <adamw> #info Proposed Blocker, freeipa, NEW 18:19:34 <mattdm> there is a 3lb pomapoo puppy chasing them 18:19:36 <nirik> 🦆🦆🦆 18:19:41 <adamw> all my ducks ran away to join the yak farm 18:20:14 <adamw> so we still have this bug, which becomes more relevant if we're actually doing a 'traditional' server release: if you have a freeipa server and upgrade it to f27, the server will fail to start after the upgrade. 18:20:48 <adamw> the reason is that the freeipa upgrade script fails when run during the upgrade because the network isn't up, and there is a pretty simple workaround: run the upgrade script manually with the network up. 18:20:59 * sgallagh nods 18:21:34 <sgallagh> From conversations with the FreeIPA folks, a fix for this is non-trivial for $REASONS. 18:21:53 <mattdm> this is a TOTALLY different "module" than "modularity" right? 18:21:57 <adamw> iirc we have a couple of threads on fixing this, one involving making it possible for the rpm scriptlet to bring the network up during the upgrade process, one which is about changing the freeipa approach so that the script gets run during freeipa startup if it needs to be run 18:22:02 <mattdm> because _that's_ not confusing 18:22:11 <sgallagh> mattdm: Python module 18:22:26 <sgallagh> The latter one is probably the right one 18:22:27 <adamw> yeah. python definitely got there first, i'm afraid. :P 18:22:33 <mattdm> I figured. Which is... fine. It just makes it extra hard to document given the circumstances 18:22:47 <adamw> i know, let's call our modules 'flavors' instead! 18:22:50 <sgallagh> We REALLY don't want to have the network live during updates. That's... kind of the point of "offline updates". 18:22:51 * adamw runs away very fast 18:23:41 <sgallagh> but we don't need to solve ithere 18:24:00 <sgallagh> The crux of the situation is that we don't *strictly* have a blocker criterion for this case on upgrade. 18:24:07 <sgallagh> We only require that a fresh installation works. 18:24:15 <sgallagh> It *is* really ugly though. 18:25:23 <adamw> i think we decided before that upgrade criteria apply to release-blocking roles, no? 18:26:06 * adamw will have to check notes 18:26:15 <adamw> still, though, i think i'm OK with just documenting this, since it *is* a pretty easy workaround 18:26:31 <mattdm> +1 sad but documentable 18:26:33 <adamw> and since it's an upgrade issue, we can fix it with an update at any time 18:26:50 <sgallagh> adamw: I think we said we probably should propose it, but hadn't 18:27:05 <sgallagh> I feel conflicted. 18:27:10 <adamw> i thought we'd agreed that that's how it should be and we'd act on that basis, but we need to formalize it... 18:27:14 <adamw> i thought i'd written a proposal but can't find it now. 18:27:44 <sgallagh> I probably *would* have blocked on this if we were on the regular schedule. But it's fixable with an update and everything else about this process is out of whack, so... 18:27:47 <mattdm> I'd feel different if the IPA team had an idea for how to fix it 18:27:49 <sgallagh> I guess document it and move on 18:27:51 <adamw> well, we have an *idea* 18:27:57 <sgallagh> Several! 18:27:59 <adamw> it just seems to be a bit of work to implement 18:28:20 <mattdm> a non-trivial bit of work, from above 18:28:48 <mattdm> I guess the thing is: people can actually upgrade and get this error *today* 18:29:06 <mattdm> we just haven't documented that. it's probably *better* to document the problem 18:29:52 <adamw> proposed #agreed 1503321 - RejectedBlocker (Final) - while we do generally consider upgrade issues in release-blocking roles as potentially release-blocking, we feel this one is easy enough to work around, and it seems the FreeIPA team isn't sure the proper fix can be implemented super promptly. also, we note that there's nothing stopping Fedora Server users from upgrading at present anyhow, so 'blocking' on this is somewhat meaningless. 18:30:29 <mattdm> +1 18:31:11 <smooge> +1 18:31:14 <adamw> ack/nack/patch ? 18:31:19 <sgallagh> ack 18:31:23 <smooge> ack 18:31:24 <mattdm> ack 18:31:43 <adamw> #agreed 1503321 - RejectedBlocker (Final) - while we do generally consider upgrade issues in release-blocking roles as potentially release-blocking, we feel this one is easy enough to work around, and it seems the FreeIPA team isn't sure the proper fix can be implemented super promptly. also, we note that there's nothing stopping Fedora Server users from upgrading at present anyhow, so 'blocking' on this is somewhat meaningless. 18:32:19 <adamw> and that's all we had, unless someone wanted to add anything. 18:32:24 <adamw> no point doing FEs as we're not respinning. 18:32:31 <sgallagh> right 18:33:03 <sgallagh> #topic F27 Server Final Go/No-Go decision 18:33:33 <sgallagh> In light of having our ducks line up and be counted, I propose we defer the decision for a week 18:33:45 <sgallagh> That way we have time to get that extra round of automated results run 18:33:48 <mattdm> quack. 18:33:56 <mattdm> I mean, ack 18:33:57 * sgallagh groans 18:34:01 <mattdm> .fire mattdm 18:34:01 <zodbot> adamw fires mattdm 18:35:08 <sgallagh> proposed #agreed We defer the final Go/No-Go decision by a week to rerun the openqa tests, get websites in order, and avoid the Infrastructure outage. 18:35:23 <adamw> ackity ack 18:35:28 <sgallagh> Don't talk back 18:35:39 <langdon> Don't *quack* back 18:35:51 * mattdm is sorry he started t his 18:36:14 <adamw> NOT SORRY ENOUGH 18:36:19 <Kohane> Hello! 18:36:25 <Kohane> Sorry for been late 18:36:28 <adamw> hi kohane 18:36:34 <Kohane> .fas lailah 18:36:36 <zodbot> Kohane: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <BHKohane@gmail.com> 18:36:37 <adamw> we're just deciding not to decide 18:36:42 <Kohane> hi adamw 18:36:48 <adamw> <sgallagh> proposed #agreed We defer the final Go/No-Go decision by a week to rerun the openqa tests, get websites in order, and avoid the Infrastructure outage. 18:36:49 <Kohane> LOL 18:37:17 <mboddu> ack 18:37:35 * mboddu is back 18:37:44 <smooge> and test if physical boot works? 18:38:03 <smooge> ack 18:39:14 * mboddu has a question to adamw and nirik which I will ask after we complete this topic 18:39:21 <sgallagh> #agreed We defer the final Go/No-Go decision by a week to rerun the openqa tests, get websites in order, and avoid the Infrastructure outage. 18:39:22 <adamw> smooge: yeah, we should probably do that too. 18:39:28 <sgallagh> #topic Open floor 18:39:31 <nirik> ack 18:39:35 <sgallagh> mboddu: Go for it 18:39:36 <adamw> mboddu: do you mean you're....b'ack ? 18:39:37 <mattdm> thanks everyone 18:39:54 <mboddu> adamw: nope 18:40:36 <mboddu> adamw, nirik : Lets say we find a blocker and that means we need a new respin of the RC compose for just server variant? 18:40:50 <sgallagh> mboddu: We aren't doing one. The end :) 18:40:53 <nirik> we don't do it. 18:40:59 <nirik> yeah, what sgallagh said. 18:41:05 <adamw> yup. 18:41:24 <adamw> i'd say we either release what we have or don't 'release' at all. 18:41:24 <Kohane> So what happens if someone finds a blocker? 18:41:25 <mboddu> sgallagh, nirik, adamw : Okay, that worried me a little bit 18:41:26 <sgallagh> If we discover a blocker we can't fudge, we just don't ship F27 Server 18:41:36 <adamw> Kohane: well, *first* we dig a shallow grave... 18:41:46 <mboddu> sgallagh: Okay, got it 18:41:53 <Kohane> Okay, got it adamw 18:43:13 <mboddu> adamw: And the tombstone says "Hit by a blocker" 18:43:29 <adamw> no, it says RESOLVED WONTFIX 18:43:44 <mboddu> hahaha 18:43:47 <Kohane> LMAO 18:43:55 <Kellin> I don't know that it's all that funny but... 18:43:58 <sgallagh> I think NEEDSINFO would be the real salt in the wound 18:44:03 <adamw> ahahahaha 18:44:13 <smooge> WORKSFORME 18:44:23 <adamw> we're all terrible people. 18:44:37 <Kohane> Oh, yeah... 18:45:40 <sgallagh> Are we done here? 18:45:48 * mboddu has nothing 18:45:48 <sgallagh> Kellin: Did you have a question? 18:45:53 <Kohane> I suppose.... 18:46:05 <Kellin> sgallagh: I have nothing constructive at this time. 18:46:16 <sgallagh> Fair enough 18:46:22 <sgallagh> #endmeeting