18:00:25 <jkurik_mtg> #startmeeting F27 Server Final Go/No-Go meeting 18:00:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Dec 7 18:00:25 2017 UTC. The chair is jkurik_mtg. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f27_server_final_go/no-go_meeting' 18:00:34 <jkurik_mtg> #meetingname F27-server-final-Go-No-Go-meeting 18:00:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'f27-server-final-go-no-go-meeting' 18:00:41 <jkurik_mtg> #topic Roll Call 18:00:46 <sgallagh> .hello2 18:00:48 <jkurik_mtg> #chair nirik adamw sgallagh mboddu 18:00:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw jkurik_mtg mboddu nirik sgallagh 18:00:52 <zodbot> sgallagh: Something blew up, please try again 18:00:55 <jkurik_mtg> .hello2 18:01:02 <zodbot> jkurik_mtg: Something blew up, please try again 18:01:03 * nirik is only slightly here. ping me if you need me specifically. 18:01:12 <jkurik_mtg> hmm... looks like datacenter move 18:01:21 <nirik> datacenter move is underway and the account system is down currently. 18:01:24 <mattdm> .hello2 18:01:28 <adamw> ahhh crap 18:01:30 <sgallagh> Ack 18:01:31 <zodbot> mattdm: Something blew up, please try again 18:01:35 <adamw> .hello adamwill 18:01:38 * mattdm just also wanted a "something blew up" message 18:01:41 <zodbot> adamw: Something blew up, please try again 18:01:42 <jkurik_mtg> #topic Purpose of this meeting 18:01:45 <mboddu> .hello mohanboddu 18:01:51 <zodbot> mboddu: Something blew up, please try again 18:01:52 <adamw> everyone please chat amongst yourselves while i hurriedly do the physical media testing... 18:01:55 <jkurik_mtg> #info Purpose of this meeting is to check whether or not F27 Server Final is ready for shipment, according to the release criteria. 18:02:03 <jkurik_mtg> #info This is determined in a few ways: 18:02:09 <jkurik_mtg> #info * Release candidate compose is available 18:02:19 <jkurik> #info * No remaining blocker bugs 18:02:21 * sgallagh prepares rubber stamp... 18:02:23 <langdon> .hello2 18:02:27 <jkurik> #info * No remaining blocker bugs 18:02:30 <zodbot> langdon: Something blew up, please try again 18:02:35 <jkurik> #topic Current status of F27 Server Final release 18:02:57 <jkurik> We use RC compose Fedora-27-20171108.0 aka Fedora 27 RC 1.6 18:03:06 <jkurik> https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/27/Fedora-27-20171108.0/ 18:03:12 <jkurik> Test matrices are ready 18:03:18 <jkurik> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_27_RC_1.6_Server 18:03:28 <jkurik> As far as I am aware, there are no blockers: https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/27/final/buglist 18:03:31 <adamw> jkurik: i thought it was 20171105.0 , not 20171108.0 ... 18:03:52 <jkurik> adamw: I just wanted to ask for a confirmation 18:04:04 <jkurik> let me re-check 18:04:48 <adamw> bit hard with everything down :P 18:04:50 <mboddu> jkurik: I think its 20171105.0, but I am not able to access kojipkgs.fp.o 18:05:06 <jkurik> yeah, everything is down :( 18:05:52 <mboddu> jkurik: Its 20171105.0, I just verified on /mnt/koji 18:06:20 <jkurik> Right, I just found it in mailbox 18:06:40 <jkurik> the other info is correct ? 18:06:44 <adamw> yeah, think so. 18:07:15 <jkurik> #info We use RC compose Fedora-27-20171105.0 aka Fedora 27 RC 1.6 18:07:21 <jkurik> #link https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/compose/27/Fedora-27-20171105.0/ 18:07:27 <jkurik> #info Test matrices are ready 18:07:33 <jkurik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_27_RC_1.6_Server 18:07:51 <jkurik> #info There are no blocker bugs 18:07:55 <jkurik> #link https://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/milestone/27/final/buglist 18:08:13 <jkurik> #topic Mini-Blocker Review 18:08:25 <jkurik> as there are no proposed blockers we might skip the review 18:08:30 <jkurik> ok ? 18:08:54 <sgallagh> Ack 18:08:58 <mboddu> jkurik: ack 18:09:00 <jkurik> #info as there are no proposed blockers we are skipping the Mini-Blocker review 18:09:08 <jkurik> #topic F27 Server Final Test Matrices coverage 18:09:15 <jkurik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Results:Fedora_27_RC_1.6_Server 18:09:21 <jkurik> In my opinion we are OK with the coverage. 18:09:29 <jkurik> what do you think ? 18:10:02 <sgallagh> I think adamw said he was doing a quick check of the physical installs 18:10:05 <smooge> I am in PHX2 dealing with outage so am unable to attend today fully. (sorry for the late notice) 18:10:10 <sgallagh> We should probably wait on that 18:10:16 <Kohane> Hi 18:10:17 <adamw> yeah, i meant to do it yesterday but time disappeared. 18:10:19 <adamw> it does that. 18:10:21 <adamw> hi kohane 18:10:26 <Kohane> .fas lailah 18:10:27 <zodbot> Kohane: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <BHKohane@gmail.com> 18:10:39 <Kohane> Hi adamw 18:10:40 <adamw> the Server matrix should be fine; i re-ran the openQA tests to get a full pass, and I believe sgallagh covered the AD tests 18:10:52 <adamw> i have the netinst burning now, dvd will be next up 18:11:06 <adamw> we could do a contingent decision i guess - say we're 'go' unless these tests fail unexpectedly 18:11:21 <sgallagh> I’m okay with that 18:11:27 <jkurik> adamw: I am ok with it 18:11:27 <Kohane> Me too. 18:11:56 <jkurik> mboddu: are you ok with it as well ? 18:12:12 <mboddu> jkurik: I am okay with it 18:13:47 <jkurik> proposed #info The test matrices coverage is not complete, however we are fine to wave it, continuing in testing of the missing test cases whe QA migh stop the shipping of this release if they found a blocking issue. 18:14:04 <adamw> maybe... 18:14:11 <Kohane> Maybe? 18:14:27 <jkurik> adamw: would you like to re-phrase it ? 18:14:52 <adamw> proposed #info Test coverage is complete except for physical media boot testing, currently underway; we expect it to pass and will make a conditional decision that allows for change if the tests fail unexpectedly 18:15:07 <jkurik> ack 18:15:12 <langdon> *waive .. 18:15:14 <mattdm> ack 18:15:19 <Kohane> ack 18:15:22 <sgallagh> Ack 18:15:25 <mboddu> ack 18:15:32 * langdon notes not in the final one.. so never mind 18:15:38 <jkurik> #info Test coverage is complete except for physical media boot testing, currently underway; we expect it to pass and will make a conditional decision that allows for change if the tests fail unexpectedly 18:15:42 <jkurik> adamw: thanks 18:15:55 <jkurik> #topic Readiness of other teams involved in the release 18:16:01 <jkurik> I did a quick check with Websites: 18:16:09 <jkurik> #info Websites are ready to release the F27 Server on December 12th 18:16:21 <jkurik> I also asked for readiness of Marketing and FPL(release announcement) 18:16:31 <jkurik> ... and have not received an answer 18:16:46 <jkurik> mattdm: may I ask you please to comment on this ? 18:17:26 <mattdm> not ready :) 18:17:33 <mattdm> I can be ready for tuesday, though 18:17:44 <jkurik> \o/ 18:18:29 <jkurik> #info Release announcement can be ready for Tuesday, December 12th 18:18:42 <jkurik> #topic F27 Server Final Go/No-Go decision 18:19:09 <jkurik> sgallagh, adamw, mboddu: may I ask you please for your decision ? 18:19:23 <sgallagh> Go 18:19:28 <mboddu> Go 18:20:05 <Kohane> adamw ? 18:20:15 <jkurik> I am GO with the constrains mantioned by adamw (underway testing) 18:20:20 <adamw> QA is go so long as the physical media tests pass. 18:21:16 <jkurik> proposed #agreed The decision is GO as long as the physical media tests pass 18:21:47 <adamw> ack 18:21:51 <Kohane> ack 18:21:57 <mboddu> ack 18:22:09 <jkurik> #agreed The decision is GO as long as the physical media tests pass 18:22:19 <jkurik> #topic Open floor 18:22:25 <jkurik> anything else to discuss today on this meeting ? 18:22:46 <Kohane> I don't remember anything.... 18:23:58 <jkurik> if not, I am going to close the meeting in one minute 18:24:17 * adamw is good 18:24:25 <Kohane> Super fast meeting :-P 18:25:02 <jkurik> Thanks every one 18:25:05 <jkurik> #endmeeting 18:25:15 <Kohane> Thanks jkurik 18:25:18 <Kohane> Bye! 18:25:47 <jkurik> hmmmm... we lost zodbot ? 18:25:53 <mboddu> thanks jkurik 18:26:33 <Kohane> I was waiting for it but.... 18:26:40 <Kohane> What happened? 18:27:52 <Kohane> #endmeeting 18:28:15 <Kohane> Weird... 18:37:48 <nirik> we can fix it in a bit 18:38:40 <nirik> #endmeeting