11:56:12 <riecatnor> #startmeeting Fedora Badgesw 11:56:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 17 11:56:12 2018 UTC. The chair is riecatnor. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 11:56:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 11:56:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_badgesw' 11:56:22 <riecatnor> #meetingname Fedora Badges 11:56:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_badges' 11:56:50 <riecatnor> #chair mleonova 11:56:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: mleonova riecatnor 11:57:11 <riecatnor> hullo!! 11:57:13 <riecatnor> it’s been a while 11:57:18 <mleonova> hi! yeah =) 11:57:21 <riecatnor> glad to be back :) 11:57:42 <riecatnor> I think we should take a look at new tickets first and go from there 11:57:42 <mleonova> me too 11:57:48 <mleonova> let's 11:57:48 <riecatnor> I started 11:58:14 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/584 11:58:17 <riecatnor> i triaged this one 11:58:48 <mleonova> aha, looks good 11:58:49 <riecatnor> that will be some cool art! i’d like to do it :P 11:59:00 <riecatnor> i still have my chef one open though 11:59:12 <riecatnor> ok next was keepin fedora beautiful which i approved 11:59:25 <riecatnor> annnddd thats all the new tickets 11:59:33 <mleonova> ha =) 11:59:43 <riecatnor> seems like everyone else was taking a break too 11:59:53 <mleonova> that time of year 12:00:01 <mleonova> we do seem to have a lot of bugs open 12:00:28 <riecatnor> not sure what we can do about that… except poke developers? 12:00:42 <mleonova> I guess poking is good 12:00:50 <riecatnor> sayan - any chance you can take a look at some bugs on badges? when you can :) 12:01:26 <mleonova> 23 open 12:01:38 <riecatnor> I guess next is going through mailing list to track activitiy 12:02:40 <mleonova> right, let's see 12:03:36 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/523 12:04:09 <riecatnor> so it looks somewhat resolved but jflory is asking if this artwork should be themed with the sensei badge 12:04:14 <riecatnor> hold on, grabbing a link 12:04:37 <mleonova> ok 12:05:16 <riecatnor> https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/sensei 12:05:43 <riecatnor> hmmm 12:05:48 <mleonova> right, so what's the difference between the two? 12:05:58 <riecatnor> no difference, except the new one is a series 12:06:06 <mleonova> ahh, I see 12:06:11 <riecatnor> my thought is this 12:06:29 <riecatnor> ask mary to make a you ran 1 class and replace the sensei artwork with that 12:06:40 <mleonova> makes sense 12:06:45 <riecatnor> she made this lovely series 12:07:04 <riecatnor> i designed the sensei badge, and i will not be upset if we replace it 12:07:11 <riecatnor> i will comment 12:07:15 <mleonova> ok :) 12:07:39 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/554 12:08:32 <mleonova> that panda so skinny 12:09:39 <riecatnor> he does need some bamboo 12:10:00 <riecatnor> i need to read this hold on 12:11:32 <riecatnor> ok so i agree he needs to be a rounder panda 12:11:54 <riecatnor> she did improve the general pinkness of the last draft 12:12:06 <riecatnor> i think the papers could be a little less gray 12:12:25 <riecatnor> i think the stroke is effective but the object color could be lighter 12:12:27 <riecatnor> thoughts? 12:12:59 <mleonova> I agree, maybe even more contrast on the outline 12:13:14 <riecatnor> would you comment, please? 12:13:18 <mleonova> sure 12:13:35 <riecatnor> thanks! 12:15:58 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/551 12:16:32 <riecatnor> omg love this one 12:16:34 <riecatnor> and its ready 12:16:37 <riecatnor> im going to set to approved 12:16:43 <mleonova> Yay! 12:17:09 <riecatnor> also matt just delivered coffee to me and im so happy 12:17:28 <mleonova> congrats :)) 12:20:29 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/490 12:20:57 <mleonova> can you see the artwork? 12:21:19 <riecatnor> no but you can if you go into it 12:21:23 <mleonova> oh right 12:21:26 <riecatnor> still not looking quite right 12:21:42 <mleonova> needs more umph 12:21:55 <riecatnor> hmm 12:22:09 <riecatnor> yes agree, everything is there just needs to be worked with a bit 12:22:14 <riecatnor> hold on, let me see some others too 12:22:26 <mleonova> ok 12:22:42 <riecatnor> so the stroke needs to be upped on the gears 12:22:55 <riecatnor> and the numbering maybe to one side or the other, or centered 12:23:02 <riecatnor> right now it seems kind of just plopped on 12:23:29 <riecatnor> bg i am fine with 12:23:30 <mleonova> yeah 12:23:33 <riecatnor> anything else? 12:23:53 <riecatnor> im curious what our critiques were the last time 12:24:06 <mleonova> I feel like it's missing something, but not sure what 12:24:12 <mleonova> some love, I guess 12:24:14 <riecatnor> ohhh 12:24:18 <riecatnor> so if you scroll up 12:24:26 <riecatnor> the last design was more successful 12:24:48 <riecatnor> we requested that she make the numbering chunkier, but i believe she thought we meant bigger 12:25:27 <mleonova> oh right, yeah. the part with outline 12:26:03 <riecatnor> OK, i am going to ask her to go back to the last version and redo the numbering 12:26:33 <mleonova> thanks, riecatnor :) 12:26:58 <riecatnor> i think we caught up per the mailing list? hard to say, as not all my badges emails go to the same place 12:26:59 <riecatnor> lol 12:27:23 <mleonova> oh 1 thing 12:27:29 <mleonova> https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/582 12:27:33 <mleonova> this one's ready 12:27:59 <mleonova> nee to ping someone... sayan?) 12:28:11 <mleonova> I think we just about missed the event 12:28:29 <riecatnor> oh no 12:28:53 <riecatnor> yes sayan if you can push this badge, would be good 12:29:09 <mleonova> please ^_^ 12:30:03 <mleonova> ok, riecatnor, what else we got 12:30:42 <riecatnor> hold on, trying to figure out how to explain this clearly 12:31:28 <mleonova> ok 12:34:10 <riecatnor> ok back 12:34:39 <riecatnor> so yes what do we want to accomplish 12:35:08 <riecatnor> i think the last time we were talking about how not much has been going on. but we were thinking thats because of holidays and time of year 12:35:51 <riecatnor> but one thing we can brainstorm is how to get more involvement 12:36:01 <riecatnor> im not sure our posts on the community blog did anything 12:36:09 <riecatnor> what do you think? 12:36:24 <mleonova> right, I don't think they did 12:36:42 <riecatnor> we did like 3 but im not sure there are many designers frequenting that blog 12:36:59 <mleonova> I guess let's figure out what we want to see happening 12:37:09 <mleonova> and then we'll know whom to target! 12:37:25 <riecatnor> would be nice to see more people designing or even attempting to design 12:37:56 <riecatnor> would also be nice to see more ready to push badges and bugs being addressed quickly 12:38:00 <mleonova> ok, so should we write to fedora-design list? 12:38:19 <riecatnor> or not even quickly.. just addressed within 3-6 months 12:38:26 <riecatnor> we could definitely do that 12:38:30 <mleonova> or some other list, too? 12:38:31 <riecatnor> i think thats a great place to start 12:38:54 <riecatnor> i think we should write to the design list and a developer should write to developer list? 12:39:00 <mleonova> probably, since the new folks always come there 12:39:22 <mleonova> also we could reply to "hi I'm new' posts with suggestions to do some badges 12:39:46 <riecatnor> so i remember bowlofeggs said at flock that he would do what he can to help out, or that he may even have people or himself to help with badges 12:39:53 <riecatnor> just a reminder bowlofeggs :) 12:40:01 <mleonova> hehe :) 12:40:17 <riecatnor> yes thats a good idea 12:40:33 <riecatnor> ok so, we should draft an email that we can send to the list like, once every three months 12:41:00 <riecatnor> so if new people come one, or it is well timed with somebody having free time etc 12:41:10 <mleonova> ok, I'll reach out to new folks as soon as I see an opportunity 12:41:13 <riecatnor> we could throw a few links in again 12:41:21 <mleonova> and let's start a google doc for that 12:41:22 <riecatnor> easy badges or something 12:41:24 <mleonova> right 12:42:31 <mleonova> riecatnor, will you do it or should I? 12:42:46 <riecatnor> what about creating a post for here: https://discourse.opensourcedesign.net/ 12:42:49 <riecatnor> im happy to do it 12:42:57 <mleonova> cool, thanks 12:43:28 <mleonova> is that the same crowd as in #opensourcedesign? 12:44:04 <riecatnor> im not totally sure 12:44:14 <riecatnor> i’ve mainly stayed in the fedora community 12:44:21 <riecatnor> i just google open source design 12:44:22 <mleonova> they have monthly meetings, too http://opensourcedesign.net/events/open-source-design-monthly-online-meeting/ 12:44:26 <mleonova> right 12:44:49 <riecatnor> http://opensourcedesign.net/projects/ 12:44:52 <riecatnor> we are listed here 12:44:56 <riecatnor> and thats where i got the forum link 12:45:07 <mleonova> I think Elio moved there ^^ 12:45:29 <mleonova> yeah, I think that's them 12:45:57 <mleonova> the guadec/fosdem design crowd 12:46:06 <riecatnor> ok, i made the doc 12:46:14 <riecatnor> nothing there yet hehe 12:46:17 <mleonova> =)) 12:46:19 <riecatnor> shared with you 12:46:31 <mleonova> thank you! 12:46:40 <riecatnor> so let’s start drafting some different texts/ideas 12:46:50 <riecatnor> we can put in different places 12:47:05 <riecatnor> so a pre-made thing to send to new design list members 12:47:15 <riecatnor> something to put on forums/open source design meetings 12:47:31 <riecatnor> and a thing to send to design mailing list advertising badges 12:47:36 <riecatnor> thats a great place to start 12:47:41 <mleonova> \o/ 12:49:06 <riecatnor> ya! this is good 12:49:17 <mleonova> super 12:49:18 <riecatnor> I think I’m going to head out for now 12:49:31 <riecatnor> we can both work on this? 12:49:35 <riecatnor> in the meantime 12:49:42 <mleonova> yes! and enjoy your day ) 12:49:47 <riecatnor> you too! :) 12:49:51 <riecatnor> thanks for coming and being awesome 12:49:55 <mleonova> thanks, riecatnor :)) 12:49:55 <riecatnor> #endmeeting