21:00:51 <sgallagh> #startmeeting Fedora Server SIG Weekly Meeting (2018-03-06) 21:00:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 6 21:00:51 2018 UTC. The chair is sgallagh. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:51 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_server_sig_weekly_meeting_(2018-03-06)' 21:00:51 <sgallagh> #meetingname serversig 21:00:51 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'serversig' 21:00:51 <sgallagh> #topic Roll Call 21:01:18 <sgallagh> .hello2 21:01:19 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <sgallagh@redhat.com> 21:01:30 <nirik> morning 21:02:59 <sgallagh> We really need to get this meeting moved. 21:03:38 <nirik> yeah, didn't we do a whenisgood? or not yet? 21:03:54 <sgallagh> Yeah, but I think it fizzled badly 21:03:56 * sgallagh goes to check 21:04:20 <sgallagh> Ah, only you and dperpeet responded 21:04:50 <sgallagh> OK, this is mostly a formality so I think you and I can cover it 21:05:02 <sgallagh> #topic Release-blocking media 21:05:20 <sgallagh> We agreed in a previous meeting to elevate aarch64 to release-blocking status in F28 21:05:33 <sgallagh> So that hasn't been reflected yet in the document 21:05:40 * nirik nods. 21:05:52 <sgallagh> adamw: I know QA was planning to add automation for aarch64 tests; did that happen? 21:06:11 <nirik> it's in progress. There's openqa aarch64 workers now... not sure if they have run jobs yet or not. 21:06:57 <sgallagh> OK, so I think the only modification we need to make to this document is to add the aarch64 DVD and netinst media, yes? 21:07:11 <sgallagh> Or does aarch64 need image-based installs like armv7hl as well? 21:07:25 <nirik> nope, it's uefi/normal... 21:07:29 <sgallagh> ok 21:08:29 <sgallagh> nirik: what about Server/aarch64/images/Fedora-Server-_RELEASE_MILESTONE_.aarch64.raw.xz ? 21:08:45 <pwhalen> we use disk images on aarch64- for SBC's like the rpi3/pine64 21:09:15 <pwhalen> dvd, netinstall on enterprise hw 21:09:38 <nirik> yeah, true. forgot about those. 21:10:10 <sgallagh> Hmm, I can't find the meeting minutes where we identified the blocking boards. 21:10:20 <sgallagh> Maybe it was a FESCo ticket 21:10:22 <pwhalen> rpi3 and pine64 were there 21:10:44 * pwhalen thinks it was a fesco ticket too 21:11:25 <sgallagh> * RPi3 21:11:25 <sgallagh> * Pine64 21:11:25 <sgallagh> * SBSA (virt) 21:11:33 <sgallagh> https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1822 21:11:42 <sgallagh> #chair nirik pwhalen 21:11:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: nirik pwhalen sgallagh 21:13:02 <sgallagh> So, if all of those use images rather than DVD/netinst, should we only block on the raw.xz then? 21:13:16 <smooge> I am here 21:13:20 <smooge> sick as a dog but here 21:13:21 <sgallagh> #chair smooge 21:13:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: nirik pwhalen sgallagh smooge 21:13:24 <nirik> I think we should block on them all... dvd, boot and raw 21:13:26 <sgallagh> Sorry to hear it. Feel better. 21:13:40 <pwhalen> SBSA would use the netinstall and dvd 21:13:46 <sgallagh> pwhalen: Ah okay 21:14:50 <sgallagh> Alright, we'll block on them all, but only if they fail on one of the aforementioned boards. 21:14:55 <sgallagh> Agreed? 21:15:27 * pwhalen agrees 21:15:33 * nirik nods. agreed 21:17:04 <sgallagh> OK, updated on the wiki 21:17:11 <sgallagh> #topic Open Floor 21:17:30 * sgallagh opens the floor, drops the Server SIG into the shark tank 21:18:36 * nirik has nothing for the tank... 21:19:17 <sgallagh> Other than causing shark-indigestion, I think we're done 21:19:33 <sgallagh> Thanks for coming, folks. Get some rest, smooge! 21:20:09 <smooge> will do so after my 5pm meeting 21:20:09 <pwhalen> thanks sgallagh et al. 21:20:13 <smooge> thank you sgallagh 21:20:23 <sgallagh> #endmeeting