11:05:39 <riecatnor> #startmeeting Fedora Badges 11:05:39 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 9 11:05:39 2018 UTC. 11:05:39 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 11:05:39 <zodbot> The chair is riecatnor. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 11:05:39 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 11:05:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_badges' 11:05:42 <riecatnor> #chair mleonova 11:05:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: mleonova riecatnor 11:05:54 <riecatnor> Let's look at the two you sent me first 11:06:01 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/602 11:06:13 <mleonova> Okay 11:06:30 <riecatnor> I think this should be categorized as content instead of community 11:07:00 <riecatnor> thoughts? 11:07:06 <mleonova> Sure, i don't disagree 11:07:28 <mleonova> Well, it could be either way, but your call 11:07:40 <riecatnor> a few other improvements: bigger microphones, a stroke on the table, make the speech bubble larger and the stroke a little less 11:07:51 <riecatnor> whats your thought on it? 11:08:30 <riecatnor> my thought is that they are making a podcast, which is content that can be listened to later by anyone.. vs, the way this is color categorized, like a member badge 11:08:31 <mleonova> I was mostly concerned with the pink outline, since it dominates the badge now. All your comments make sense 11:09:18 <mleonova> Microphones could be bigger but don't bother me so much 11:09:37 <riecatnor> i think at a small size they are indiscernible 11:10:09 <riecatnor> ok i will comment, adding in some room for debate on categorization :) 11:10:18 <mleonova> Okay, cool :) 11:10:35 <mleonova> Maybe x3mboy would want to add something 11:10:40 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/595 11:16:30 <riecatnor> sorry its taking a bit to write this all out 11:16:36 <mleonova> Np 11:18:35 <riecatnor> ok looking at 595 11:19:23 <mleonova> Yay 11:20:48 <riecatnor> sweet! ok so i think the composition and categorizing is great.. one though is maybe it needs some strokes? 11:20:52 <riecatnor> thought* 11:22:19 <mleonova> Hmm, I tried some and didn't really like it. Give it a try if you'd like ;) 11:22:25 <riecatnor> hmmm 11:23:31 <mleonova> It's pretty realistic for extra yumminess, so stroke looked a bit out of place. But you might have a better idea 11:24:32 <riecatnor> the reason my mind went to that is wanting it to fit in with the other badges but you might be right 11:24:41 <riecatnor> let me try playing with it once and we can compare 11:25:03 <mleonova> Okay, cool :) I was taking inspiration from karma badges 11:25:23 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/613 11:26:39 <riecatnor> definitely a bit too busy 11:26:50 <riecatnor> also background should be light green 11:26:51 <mleonova> Oh yeah 11:27:18 <riecatnor> i think it should be four elements besides fedora logo max 11:27:43 <mleonova> Probably get rid of the lines, too.. or make them thicker? 11:28:01 <riecatnor> i do like the lines for the concept 11:28:13 <riecatnor> i think they could be dotted? or thicker 11:28:15 <riecatnor> something 11:28:17 <riecatnor> :) 11:28:36 <riecatnor> would you like to comment? 11:28:41 <mleonova> Sure! 11:28:46 <riecatnor> thanks 11:30:22 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/610 11:30:36 <riecatnor> so the file tanvi has uploaded is just blank.. i will ask them to reupload 11:31:10 <mleonova> Lol i thought it was my computer 11:32:11 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/615 11:32:25 <riecatnor> nope lol blank and at like 8.5x11 sizze 11:33:15 <riecatnor> ok so for 615 11:33:28 <riecatnor> this needs some variation with the pandas, minimally different colors 11:33:46 <riecatnor> also it is a member badge, so needs to be pink outline with green bg 11:33:48 <mleonova> Still writing the comment, one sec 11:36:23 <mleonova> Looking at 615 now 11:38:50 <mleonova> Riecatnor, am I still here? Something is up with the internet 11:39:13 <riecatnor> mleonova: yep i got that message 11:39:24 <mleonova> Ok cool, minor hiccup 11:39:53 <mleonova> Yeah, the pandas are scary same now 11:39:59 <riecatnor> lol like robots 11:40:14 <mleonova> Table could takd less space and lose the outline 11:40:16 <riecatnor> also the table is taking up a lot of the design area 11:40:20 <riecatnor> i dont mind the outline 11:40:36 <riecatnor> the gift on top is getting lost though 11:40:48 <riecatnor> and since its for packages, maybe should have that logo incorporated? 11:40:49 <mleonova> That was my next comment 11:41:13 <riecatnor> Ok i will write a comment unless you want to 11:41:51 <mleonova> You go ahead :) 11:41:52 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/618 11:41:58 <riecatnor> this looks fine to me: 618 11:42:23 <mleonova> Yay 11:42:32 <riecatnor> https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/619 11:42:32 <mleonova> Setting to approved 11:44:42 <mleonova> Would love your input on 619 11:48:56 <riecatnor> for 619 11:49:22 <riecatnor> the red is a little jarring against the grey and with the purple bg... but you prob grabbed that red from the palette im guessing 11:49:34 <riecatnor> purple outer ring* 11:49:49 <mleonova> I took their color 11:49:53 <riecatnor> ahh 11:49:58 <mleonova> There's only the one :) 11:50:01 <riecatnor> what do you think? 11:50:30 <mleonova> It's the least bright against grey :) 11:50:36 <riecatnor> im ok with it. my other thought was not sure if we want to make extra badges for events besides flock but i see other people have gotten this type through. i think it is a worthy motivator to get people involved 11:50:55 <mleonova> Yeah, I was wondering about that 11:51:12 <riecatnor> that jflory :P 11:51:34 <riecatnor> its tough 11:51:37 <mleonova> Since they are just proposing it, you can comment and they'll agree 11:51:40 <riecatnor> we have told other people no recently 11:51:58 <mleonova> Yeah 11:51:58 <riecatnor> brick hack badge may have gone through before we were really enforcing that rule 11:52:16 <mleonova> It was a while ago 11:52:19 <riecatnor> but it might actually get people involved?? 11:52:28 <mleonova> I dunno ;P 11:52:39 <riecatnor> its a tough decision... im not ready to make it lol i will comment asking for input 11:52:55 <mleonova> Okay ^_^ 11:54:33 <riecatnor> ok lady, I gotta run to work 11:54:40 <riecatnor> thanks so much for making it work to meet with me 11:54:44 <riecatnor> you rockkkkkk 11:54:54 <riecatnor> #endmeeting