#fedora-meeting-1: Infrastructure (2018-05-10)
Meeting started by relrod at 14:00:00 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- aloha (relrod, 14:00:00)
- New folks introductions (relrod, 14:02:50)
- This is a place where people who are interested
in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves (relrod,
- announcements and information (relrod, 14:07:27)
- Had mass reboots Tuesday evening, lost two
boxes (relrod,
- relrod PTO 9 Jun - 19 Jun (relrod,
- Bodhi 3.7.0 deployed (relrod,
- Builders upgraded to fedora 28 - kevin
- openshift prod upgrade coming up at some time
in the not-so-distant future, done in stages (reinstall as still
3.6, then ugprade to 3.9) (relrod,
- tickets (relrod, 14:15:25)
- Apprentice Open office minutes (relrod, 14:16:27)
- A time where apprentices may ask for help or
look at problems. (relrod,
- Open floor (relrod, 14:19:47)
Meeting ended at 14:33:13 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- relrod (47)
- cverna (17)
- nirik (15)
- threebean (13)
- zodbot (10)
- smooge (4)
- x3mboy (3)
- msuchy (3)
- giulia_ (2)
- ksinny (2)
- marc84 (1)
- aikidouke (1)
- puiterwijk (1)
- lholecek (1)
- creaked (1)
- tflink (1)
- pingou (0)
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