15:04:11 <jsmith> #startmeeting FESCO (2018-08-06) 15:04:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Aug 6 15:04:11 2018 UTC. 15:04:11 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:04:11 <zodbot> The chair is jsmith. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:04:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:04:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fesco_(2018-08-06)' 15:04:13 <jsmith> #meetingname fesco 15:04:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fesco' 15:04:15 <jsmith> #chair nirik, maxamillion, jsmith, jwb, zbyszek, tyll, sgallagh, contyk, bowlofeggs 15:04:15 <zodbot> Current chairs: bowlofeggs contyk jsmith jwb maxamillion nirik sgallagh tyll zbyszek 15:04:17 <jsmith> #topic init process 15:04:19 <contyk> .hello psabata 15:04:20 <zodbot> contyk: psabata 'Petr Šabata' <psabata@redhat.com> 15:04:23 <jsmith> .hello jsmith 15:04:24 <zbyszek> .hello2 15:04:24 <zodbot> jsmith: jsmith 'Jared Smith' <jsmith.fedora@gmail.com> 15:04:26 <nirik> .hello kevin 15:04:27 <zodbot> zbyszek: zbyszek 'Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek' <zbyszek@in.waw.pl> 15:04:30 <zodbot> nirik: kevin 'Kevin Fenzi' <kevin@scrye.com> 15:04:37 * jsmith can't figure out why the # wouldn't get added to his clipboard 15:04:39 * nirik has a hard stop in not long... have to head out for the airport 15:04:44 <maxamillion> .hello2 15:04:47 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 15:05:10 <zbyszek> I'm sorry I wasn't here last week — travel. 15:05:14 <jsmith> I'll have to head to the airport in an hour as well. 15:05:22 <jsmith> So let's try to make this quick :-) 15:05:37 <maxamillion> +1 15:05:42 <maxamillion> same 15:05:46 <jsmith> #topic Discussed and voted in tickets 15:06:09 <jsmith> #info Tickets 1953 and 1954 were discussed and voted on in tickets, and were both approved. 15:06:36 <jsmith> #topic Follow-ups 15:06:50 <jsmith> #topic #1935 [Security] Remove packages which has a consistent bad security record from the distribution 15:06:58 <jsmith> .fesco 1935 15:06:59 <zodbot> jsmith: Issue #1935: [Security] Remove packages which has a consistent bad security record from the distribution. - fesco - Pagure - https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1935 15:07:06 <jsmith> https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1935 15:07:37 <zbyszek> I think we should just treats the CVE bugs the same as FTBFS bugs 15:08:03 <jsmith> zbyszek: All CVEs, or CVEs with a CVSS greater than or equal to some threshhold? 15:08:11 * jsmith doesn't think all CVES are created equal 15:08:36 <nirik> well, FTBFS bugs only trigger if they are unassigned/NEW right? 15:08:45 <zbyszek> IMPORTANT+ I guess. 15:09:18 <zbyszek> But even the lower-priorty ones can be easily handled as WONTFIX/NEXTRELEASE/etc. 15:09:27 <jsmith> zbyszek: Well, I was thinking actual CVSS score, not just "IMPORTANT"/"CRITICAL" 15:09:33 <zbyszek> There is no need to keep them open if they will not be worked on and are not a problem. 15:09:48 <jsmith> Just to throw out a number -- say a CVSS score of 8.0 or higher. 15:09:50 <zbyszek> The CVSS score is often bogus 15:10:03 <maxamillion> metrics are fun :) 15:10:10 <zbyszek> There were a few cases in systemd where CVEs were used for trolling 15:10:10 <jsmith> zbyszek: No more bogus than "IMPORTANT"/"CRITICAL" 15:10:36 <zbyszek> But the severity field in bugzilla is under maintainer control, so they can reassing it if they wish. 15:10:52 <jsmith> I would prefer to focus on highest-priority first, and then eventually get to lower-priority CVEs 15:11:01 <jsmith> As it stands, the list is too long to begin to tackle... 15:11:12 <zbyszek> nirik: no, FTBFS bugs will trigger quickly if NEW, and with a long delay if ASSIGNED, but they will still do. 15:11:27 <jsmith> What I'd love to get to is "top 20 CVEs that need to be addressed in Fedora", and then have FESCo take a more active role in helping the maintainers get those addressed 15:11:41 <jsmith> But I can't start with a list of 10,000 or it's just overwhelming. 15:11:46 <zbyszek> jsmith: then we should kick imagemagick from the distro 15:12:10 * nirik hasn't looked at the latest crop, but the last pile fixed were... not that important 15:12:25 <jsmith> zbyszek: That well might be the right thing to do, but I want to see the list first, before arbitrarily poking at one particular package 15:13:04 * nirik proposes we kick this down the road/discuss at flock. 15:13:04 <jsmith> I mean -- even from the packages I maintain... I've been very vigilant in trying to keep on track of CVEs, but I know I still have some that need to be addressed, and some that just need the tickets to be closed. 15:13:09 <zbyszek> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&classification=Fedora&keywords=SecurityTracking%2C%20&keywords_type=allwords&list_id=9223947&order=component%2Cchangeddate%2Cpriority%2Cbug_id&product=Fedora&query_based_on=&query_format=advanced 15:13:17 <jsmith> Proposal: Discuss this at Flock 15:13:55 <maxamillion> +1 15:13:58 <jsmith> zbyszek: That list has 984 bugs... Like I said, it's overwhelming. 15:13:58 <zbyszek> Is there a good slot? 15:14:14 <nirik> well, the proposer of this has a talk about it. ;) 15:14:20 <zbyszek> Oh, right. 15:14:23 <contyk> :) 15:14:28 <contyk> +1 to the proposal then 15:14:31 <jsmith> zbyszek: Instead, I'd rather have a list of the top (10/20/50) most imporant (either by CVSS score, or by being part of critical path, or some other criteria), and work from that. 15:14:42 <nirik> well, about security team in general 15:14:44 <jsmith> I'm +1 to the proposal 15:14:50 <nirik> +1 15:14:58 <contyk> although it won't be logged 15:14:58 <zbyszek> sure, +1 15:15:12 <jsmith> contyk: I'll try to take notes 15:15:21 <zbyszek> I hope we can all commit to being there at the talk, so that the discussion does not split 15:16:01 * contyk checks the schedule 15:16:04 <jsmith> #agreed #1935 Defer the discussion to Flock, and encourage FESCo members to attend the Security Team talk. (+1:5,+0:0,-1:0) 15:16:16 <jsmith> #topic New Business 15:16:28 <contyk> Wednesday 4.40? 15:16:40 <jsmith> #topic #1394 F29 Self Contained Change: Minishift Spin 15:16:47 <jsmith> .fesco 1394 15:16:49 <zodbot> jsmith: Issue #1394: Use timedatex when an NTP package is installed - fesco - Pagure - https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1394 15:16:55 <jsmith> Oops, that's not right. 15:16:58 <jsmith> I might have a typo 15:17:24 * jsmith is totally made out of fail today 15:17:37 <contyk> it's too hot to think properly 15:17:39 <jsmith> .fesco 1934 15:17:40 <zodbot> jsmith: Issue #1934: F29 Self Contained Change: Minishift Spin - fesco - Pagure - https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1934 15:17:47 <jsmith> https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1934 15:18:22 <zbyszek> Frankly, I think the change page could use more love, but the essentials are there... 15:18:25 <jsmith> We've got two +1s in the comments on the ticket 15:18:31 <jsmith> (myself and zbyszek) 15:18:53 * nirik rechecks the change page 15:19:05 * contyk does as well 15:19:19 <jsmith> There's a link to the updates in the ticket 15:19:30 <jsmith> (There weren't a lot of updates...) 15:19:31 <contyk> well, it's still pretty brief but +1 to the change 15:19:33 <nirik> +1 here (can add in ticket too if you like) 15:19:40 <jsmith> maxamillion: ? 15:19:48 <maxamillion> +1 15:20:15 <jsmith> OK, that's five votes 15:20:20 <maxamillion> sorry, multi-tasking badly 15:20:38 <jsmith> #agreed Fesco #1934 Spin is approved (+1:5,+0:0,-1:0) 15:20:41 <jsmith> #topic #1955 Let's get rid of filedeps (FESCo edition) 15:20:41 <jsmith> .fesco 1955 15:20:41 <jsmith> https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1955 15:20:42 <zodbot> jsmith: Issue #1955: Let's get rid of filedeps (FESCo edition) - fesco - Pagure - https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1955 15:20:54 <jsmith> This one probably warrants a little more discussion 15:21:04 <jsmith> (And if you haven't read, there's discussion in the ticket) 15:21:19 <nirik> yeah, I think we need to hear from dnf folks 15:22:01 <contyk> I think the entire dnf team will be at flock 15:22:12 <contyk> just saying 15:22:22 * nirik nods 15:22:36 <jsmith> Proposal: Defer decision until after Flock 15:22:46 <contyk> +1 15:22:47 <zbyszek> Hmm 15:23:36 <zbyszek> Why not just ask the dnf developers now? 15:23:36 <maxamillion> +1 15:24:00 <contyk> not sure if they are around 15:24:27 <jsmith> Would be nice to give them a little advanced warning, and let them more clearly articulate their opinions 15:25:06 <zbyszek> I can send a mail to the right mailing list, and ask for input. 15:25:11 <nirik> sure. what's the best way to ask? upstream issue? 15:25:13 <jsmith> zbyszek: Sounds like a great plan... 15:25:42 <jsmith> nirik: Mailing list and the upstream issue seem like logical choices 15:26:11 <zbyszek> Is rpm-ecosystem@ the right mailing list? 15:26:39 * jsmith has lost track over the last few years, and doesn't really know 15:27:22 <zbyszek> OK, I'll ask around. 15:27:28 <zbyszek> +1 to "defer" then 15:29:27 <jsmith> nirik: Can I assume you're a +1 to the proposal then? 15:29:39 <nirik> yeah, +1, sorry 15:30:17 <jsmith> #agreed Defer decision on #1955 until after Flock (and a chance to talk with the DNF team) (+1:5,+0:0,-1:0) 15:30:23 <jsmith> #topic Next Week's Chair 15:30:35 <jsmith> Meeting next week? Push off an extra week due to Flock? 15:30:42 <jsmith> Any volunteers? 15:30:57 * jsmith will be stuck in a data center with limited availability/connectivity next Monday 15:31:13 <contyk> well, I'm getting home on Sunday evening so I'll be around 15:31:16 * nirik will be traveling next monday 15:31:18 <maxamillion> yeah, I won't be around next Monday because of travel but I can take the one after that 15:31:31 * zbyszek should be there 15:31:34 <contyk> if most of you will be gone, we won't have quorom 15:31:40 <jsmith> Proposal: Next meeting on Aug 20th with maxamillion as chair 15:31:44 <jsmith> +1 15:31:49 <maxamillion> +1 15:31:52 <zbyszek> +1 15:32:11 <contyk> +1 15:32:22 <jsmith> nirik? 15:32:32 <nirik> sure, ++1 15:32:37 <nirik> +1 even 15:32:38 <jsmith> Guess we don't really need quorum on this decision :-) 15:32:54 <jsmith> #agreed maxamillion to chair next meeting on Aug 20th 15:32:58 <jsmith> #topic Open Floor 15:33:01 <mhroncok> since the next meeting is in 14 days, could you please respond to https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1965 before that? we can discuss it at flock or do it now 15:33:18 <mhroncok> (I've send a reply to the agenda e-mail) 15:33:46 <jsmith> Sure... 15:33:51 <mhroncok> thanks 15:34:09 <jsmith> mhroncok: Just some quick feedback -- are those packages all leaf nodes? Are any of them needed by any critical path packages? 15:34:37 <nirik> I think we should be able to vote in ticket on that one... 15:34:42 <maxamillion> lol, is subscription-manager really going to get retired? 15:34:47 <zbyszek> mhroncok: do we need to do anything different than normal FTBFS policy? Those packages would be retired soonish anyway. 15:34:47 <mhroncok> jsmith: I can do the check, we can add the requirement to the criteria for retirement 15:34:58 <jsmith> mhroncok: That would be useful :-) 15:35:09 <mhroncok> maxamillion: the subscription-manager that is soo desperately needed in Fedora? :D 15:37:04 <mhroncok> jsmith: I'm Ok if we say "leaf packages" 15:37:22 <mhroncok> zbyszek: sson enough? 15:37:24 <jsmith> mhroncok: Thanks :-) 15:37:38 * jsmith added a note to the ticket 15:37:40 <mhroncok> zbyszek: isn't that half year thing? cannot remember 15:38:15 <zbyszek> mhroncok: right, not soon enough. So ignore my comment. 15:39:16 <zbyszek> So, I think it would be better to vote on this now, because the retirement is supposed to happen in two weeks 15:40:38 <zbyszek> Proposal: approve the proposed schedule, so that mhroncok can send out notifications sooner rather than later 15:40:43 <jsmith> zbyszek: I'm ready to vote +1 right now, but we typically leave tickets for a week for discussion before voting. 15:41:00 <jsmith> I'm fine with voting now, if others are as well... 15:41:22 <contyk> it feels a little rushed 15:41:38 <jsmith> What if we agree to vote by next Monday? 15:41:44 <jsmith> (even though there's no meeting next Monday) 15:41:52 <jsmith> Does that sound like a reasonable compromise? 15:42:03 <jsmith> mhroncok: Does that timetable work for you? 15:42:15 <mhroncok> we can move the retirement to the future 15:42:23 * nirik would prefer to have more time to look... probibly +1, but want to look at the list more closely 15:42:27 <mhroncok> I only assumed beta freeze is a good pijtn in the schedule 15:42:38 <mhroncok> *point 15:43:11 <maxamillion> I'm interested in RelEng's thoughts, just to make sure there's no unknown/unforeseen side effects of losing a package they end up needing 15:43:27 <jsmith> maxamillion: Agreed -- would be usefuly to get their input. 15:43:56 <jsmith> Proposal: FESCo members, please review and vote in the ticket as quickly as possible. 15:44:01 <maxamillion> +1 15:44:03 <jsmith> +1 15:44:09 <zbyszek> +1 15:44:28 * zbyszek has voted in the ticket 15:45:31 <zbyszek> I have something else for open floor 15:47:05 <jsmith> nirik, contyk? 15:47:10 <jsmith> zbyszek: Sure... just one second... 15:47:18 <nirik> +1 to voting in ticket 15:47:36 <contyk> +1 15:47:41 <mhroncok> thanks 15:48:04 <jsmith> #agreed FESCo members to vote in ticket 1965 as quickly as possible. (+1:5,+0:0,-1:0) 15:48:14 <jsmith> zbyszek: Go ahead :-) 15:48:34 <zbyszek> There's a mass bug filing happening for "man page issues" 15:48:35 <zbyszek> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1600386 15:48:53 <zbyszek> But afaict, it's all false positives. 15:49:07 <nirik> yeah. ;( I asked them to discuss on devel list when they filed the tracker... but they didn't seem to understand. 15:49:14 <mhroncok> (also the bug text is extremely unhelpful) 15:49:22 <nirik> well, some of mine are that man pages are missing... 15:49:46 <nirik> which is true, but whats the recommended action? should I write one? ask upstream to? just hope for one? 15:49:55 <zbyszek> Do we want to ask them to stop and rethink the approach? 15:50:40 <zbyszek> Some of the bugs were private, which is even more annoying 15:51:10 <jsmith> zbyszek: At first glance, without fulling reading into the issue, my gut reaction is "Yeah, we should be thoughtgul and deliberate in our approach" 15:51:35 <nirik> I'm not sure where best to have the dialog, but yes, we should talk to them... 15:51:41 <nirik> devel list? fesco ticket? 15:52:10 <jsmith> I'd prefer to start with the mailing list, then move to a ticket as necessary 15:53:55 <nirik> ok, would someone want to start a thread? I'd hope we can be gentle... it's nice that someone cares about man pages. :) 15:55:20 <nirik> I guess I can, but of course travel may make it take a bit 15:55:50 <maxamillion> I need to bail, safe travels to all who are going to Flock! 15:55:51 * maxamillion & 15:56:02 <zbyszek> maxamillion: see you at Flock 15:56:14 <maxamillion> +1 15:56:47 <zbyszek> nirik: that'd be nice 15:56:58 <nirik> maxamillion: safe travels. 15:57:29 <zbyszek> Maybe it's another thing to discuss at Flock. mnalband is based in Brno, so she might be at Flock too. 15:58:12 <jsmith> Proposal: Try to talk to mnalband at Flock, otherwise defer to our next meeting 15:58:31 <zbyszek> sure, +1 15:59:05 <contyk> +1 15:59:12 <nirik> or try flock, devel list thread otherwise? 15:59:25 <contyk> should we reserve a slot for fesco discussions? 15:59:30 <contyk> there are too many things already 15:59:49 <contyk> maybe that SIGs slot on Thursday? 16:01:02 <jsmith> #agreed Try talking with mnalband at Flock about RHBZ1600386, then try a thread on the devel list next 16:01:03 <nirik> yeah 16:01:13 <nirik> +1 16:01:39 <jsmith> Anything else for the open floor? 16:03:02 <jsmith> Lighting the fuse... 16:03:22 <jsmith> #endmeeting