16:31:23 <jbrooks> #startmeeting fedora_coreos_meeting 16:31:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 15 16:31:23 2018 UTC. 16:31:23 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 16:31:23 <zodbot> The chair is jbrooks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:31:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:31:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_coreos_meeting' 16:31:30 <slowrie> .hello2 16:31:31 <zodbot> slowrie: slowrie 'Stephen Lowrie' <slowrie@redhat.com> 16:31:32 <jbrooks> #topic roll call 16:31:33 <ajeddeloh> .hello2 16:31:37 <zodbot> ajeddeloh: ajeddeloh 'Andrew Jeddeloh' <andrew.jeddeloh@redhat.com> 16:31:37 <jdoss> .hello2 16:31:40 <zodbot> jdoss: jdoss 'Joe Doss' <joe@solidadmin.com> 16:31:41 <strigazi> .hello2 16:31:43 <zodbot> strigazi: strigazi 'Spyros Trigazis' <strigazi@gmail.com> 16:31:54 <jlebon> .hello2 16:31:55 <zodbot> jlebon: jlebon 'None' <jonathan@jlebon.com> 16:31:57 <yzhang> .hello2 16:31:58 <zodbot> yzhang: yzhang 'Yu Qi Zhang' <jzehrarnyg@gmail.com> 16:32:20 <rfairley> .hello2 16:32:21 <zodbot> rfairley: Sorry, but you don't exist 16:32:29 <rfairley> .hello rfairleyredhat 16:32:30 <zodbot> rfairley: rfairleyredhat 'Robert Fairley' <rfairley@redhat.com> 16:32:32 <sanja> .hello2 16:32:33 <dustymabe> .hello2 16:32:34 <geoff-> hi: Geoff Levand <geoff@infradead.org> 16:32:36 <zodbot> sanja: sanja 'Sanja Bonic' <sanja@redhat.com> 16:32:39 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dusty@dustymabe.com> 16:32:40 <dustymabe> kaeso: \o 16:32:42 <mskarbek> .hello2 16:32:43 <zodbot> mskarbek: mskarbek 'None' <redhat@skarbek.name> 16:32:57 <kaeso> .hello2 16:32:58 <zodbot> kaeso: Sorry, but you don't exist 16:33:19 <kaeso> .hello lucab 16:33:21 <zodbot> kaeso: lucab 'Luca Bruno' <lucab@redhat.com> 16:33:41 <jbrooks> #chair slowrie ajeddeloh jdoss strigazi jlebon yzhang rfairley sanja dustymabe geoff- mskarbek kaeso 16:33:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: ajeddeloh dustymabe geoff- jbrooks jdoss jlebon kaeso mskarbek rfairley sanja slowrie strigazi yzhang 16:33:49 <jbrooks> #topic Action items from last meeting 16:33:53 <miabbott> .hello2 16:33:55 <zodbot> miabbott: miabbott 'Micah Abbott' <miabbott@redhat.com> 16:33:56 <bgilbert> .hello2 16:33:57 <bhavin192> .hello2 16:33:58 <zodbot> bgilbert: bgilbert 'Benjamin Gilbert' <bgilbert@backtick.net> 16:34:01 <zodbot> bhavin192: bhavin192 'Bhavin Gandhi' <bhavin7392@gmail.com> 16:34:28 <jbrooks> #chair bgilbert bhavin192 16:34:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: ajeddeloh bgilbert bhavin192 dustymabe geoff- jbrooks jdoss jlebon kaeso mskarbek rfairley sanja slowrie strigazi yzhang 16:34:35 <jbrooks> #chair miabbott 16:34:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: ajeddeloh bgilbert bhavin192 dustymabe geoff- jbrooks jdoss jlebon kaeso miabbott mskarbek rfairley sanja slowrie strigazi yzhang 16:34:43 <jbrooks> dustymabe to update #18 with results of partition layout discussion and close ticket 16:34:55 <jbrooks> ksinny to update #13 to reflect her, ed, geoff are point team for aarch64 16:35:23 * dustymabe looks 16:36:05 <dustymabe> I did update #18 16:36:12 <dustymabe> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/18#issuecomment-409668929 16:36:34 <jbrooks> #info ksinny did update #13 16:36:47 <jbrooks> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/13#issuecomment-409660564 16:37:02 <jbrooks> dustymabe, Is that ticket ready to close 16:37:31 <dustymabe> which one ? 16:37:40 <dustymabe> #18 ? 16:37:48 <jbrooks> Yeah, part of the action was to close it 16:37:58 <dustymabe> ahh I see 16:38:34 <ajeddeloh> relating to closing issues: do we want to create "rolling design doc" that we consolidate the results from the discussion in the issues into 16:39:05 <jbrooks> ajeddeloh, That sounds like a good idea, is there an example we can follow for that 16:39:08 <dustymabe> jbrooks: closed 16:39:10 <bgilbert> ajeddeloh: I could see that going either way 16:39:19 <bgilbert> there's value in having separate tickets open for outstanding issues 16:39:35 <ajeddeloh> not that I know off the top of my head, I can PR one today 16:39:35 <bgilbert> but we should certainly do one or the other 16:39:44 <ajeddeloh> bgilbert: I mean for issues where we've come to a conclusion 16:39:52 <dustymabe> yeah. It would probably be worth having a "decisions" .md file in the repo 16:39:54 <bgilbert> we've come to a conclusion but we haven't exactly done the thing yet :-) 16:40:01 <dustymabe> somewhere in https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker 16:40:03 <jbrooks> #action ajeddeloh to PR rolling design doc for comment 16:40:13 <jbrooks> And then we can chat in the PR comments 16:40:30 <ajeddeloh> sgtm 16:40:33 <jbrooks> Cool 16:40:45 <jbrooks> On to issues labeled meeting 16:40:49 <kaeso> do we have docs-related repo already? we can cut a "dev" or "design" subdir in there 16:41:18 <jbrooks> I think the tracker is the first we've created as a project? 16:41:27 <ajeddeloh> kaeso: lets discuss that in the PR 16:41:38 <kaeso> ack 16:41:52 <jbrooks> #topic arm64 / aarch64 support for Fedora CoreOS 16:42:00 <sanja> kaeso I'm doing the docs repo 16:42:04 <sanja> this week 16:42:04 <jbrooks> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/13 16:42:10 <sanja> will update the issue with the link then 16:42:19 <jbrooks> sanja, should I action you on that 16:42:24 <sanja> yes please 16:42:29 <jbrooks> #action sanja to create docs repo this week 16:42:33 <dustymabe> do we have ed-packet or geoff- here today :) 16:42:38 <geoff-> hi 16:42:46 <dustymabe> I know sinny is AFK today I believe 16:43:26 <geoff-> I don't have any thing arm64 specific today 16:43:52 <jbrooks> It looks like one pending action from the ticket was to request arm64 hw 16:44:03 <jbrooks> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/13#issuecomment-411151165 16:44:33 <jbrooks> OK, we can chat about this issue next time 16:44:38 <jbrooks> On to open floor 16:44:45 <jbrooks> #topic Open Floor 16:45:00 <jbrooks> dustymabe, Any news from Flock? 16:45:08 <geoff-> ed-packet and I have been working to bring up fedora on the Cavium ThunderX servers at Packet 16:45:39 <jbrooks> geoff-, Cool, it might be worth dropping a note in the ticket for anyone who's following along 16:45:56 <dustymabe> #info benjamin gilbert and I gave a talk at FLock about Fedora CoreOS and how we got here 16:46:08 <jlebon> doesn't seem like videos are up yet on the Fedora youtube channel 16:46:08 <dustymabe> #link https://dustymabe.fedorapeople.org/2018-08_Building-Fedora-CoreOS.pdf 16:46:16 <dustymabe> ^^ there is a link to the slides 16:46:23 <strigazi> Has the discussion on customizing the host started somewhere? We can collect use cases there 16:46:28 <dustymabe> no videos yet. when there are videos I'll send a mail to the list 16:46:57 <kaeso> #info lucab gave a lightning talk at Flock about ignition, no slides but good reception/questions 16:47:00 <dustymabe> strigazi: most of our discussions are in tickets 16:47:13 <dustymabe> https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues 16:47:17 <ajeddeloh> strigazi: have anything in mind in particular? 16:47:43 * ajeddeloh cares deeply about Ignition 16:47:52 <strigazi> dustymabe: I was thinking something like the survey for the cri and docker option we did for fedora atomic 16:48:30 <dustymabe> strigazi: i.e. to see who is using what ? 16:48:36 <strigazi> dustymabe: yes 16:48:39 <dustymabe> vs cri-o podman and docker ? 16:49:05 <bgilbert> strigazi: we know we'll need to support a range of options there 16:49:09 <strigazi> yes, but also syscontainers 16:49:17 <bgilbert> the percentages will change between now and launch 16:49:49 <jdoss> dustymabe: is there a video of this talk? 16:49:59 <jdoss> derp just read up sorry 16:50:23 <dustymabe> jdoss: :) 16:50:43 <dustymabe> strigazi: some discussion of runtimes is in this ticket: https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/14 16:50:49 <geoff-> has the topic of rkt support in FCOS come up? 16:50:52 <bgilbert> since it's come up a few times, should we have an explicit ticket for discussing system containers? 16:51:06 <dustymabe> bgilbert: probably 16:51:15 <strigazi> bgilbert: dustymabe if you have already and indication of what people is using sounds good to me. I thought a small survey will allow more passive user to be heard? 16:51:41 <dustymabe> strigazi: would you possibly like to work with sanja to see what that survey would look like ? 16:51:49 <bgilbert> strigazi: I'm fine doing it if there's a purpose, just don't want to cause survey fatigue 16:52:06 <jbrooks> strigazi, There's no fedora coreos to use yet, would it be a survey of cl and atomic users 16:52:06 <bgilbert> current thinking is: multiple docker versions, podman, multiple cri-o and kubelet versions 16:52:08 <bgilbert> no rkt 16:52:17 <strigazi> dustymabe: sure, we can discuss it and do it only if it makes sense 16:52:24 <strigazi> bgilbert: ^^ 16:52:31 <kaeso> geoff-: yes, FCOS likely won't carry it 16:52:34 <dustymabe> strigazi: +1, real quick though 16:52:43 <dustymabe> what bgilbert said above 16:52:49 <dustymabe> 'current thinking is: multiple docker versions, podman, multiple cri-o and kubelet versions' 16:53:04 <dustymabe> that doesn't cover system containers, or torcx 16:53:15 <dustymabe> but does that answer the "runtime" question? 16:53:58 <strigazi> the runtime yes, it almost answers, people are experimenting with kata too 16:54:35 <dustymabe> strigazi: fun :) 16:54:38 <strigazi> it doesn't make sense to ship it in the host, but with syscontainers we managed to run it 16:54:47 <bgilbert> anyone with opinions on system containers want to file that ticket? 16:54:55 <ajeddeloh> I'm also a little worried about relying too much on surveys since *i think* they skew towards the existing fedora base. The CL user base isn't as involved per user. We have a lot of users that never talk to us. We put out a CT/Ignition/Cloudinit survey and got like 25 responses. 10 were from CoreOS employees or something like that 16:55:34 <strigazi> bgilbert: I will summarize in an issue 16:55:49 <dustymabe> ajeddeloh: i get that argument, but poking around in the dark can be frustrating too 16:55:56 <jbrooks> #action strigazi to file ticket for system containers discussion 16:55:59 <ajeddeloh> Not saying that's a bad thing either, it's great that it works as a "launch and forget" OS, but it means that if everythings working they don't really see a need to get involved 16:56:19 <ajeddeloh> dustymabe: agreed, just don't want to put *too* much weight on them 16:57:01 <jlebon> nice slides -- so how was the reception for the FCOS talk? 16:57:12 <dustymabe> seemed to go over pretty well I thought 16:57:20 <bgilbert> yeah 16:57:23 <strigazi> jlebon: it was a full room 16:57:35 <dustymabe> no one stormed out or called us crazy or anything 16:57:35 <jlebon> nice 16:57:44 <jbrooks> dustymabe, any juicy pointed q's 16:57:45 <jbrooks> :) 16:58:17 <dustymabe> i don't think so.. there was a questions about provisioning on bare metal with static IPs 16:58:27 <bgilbert> we had one "why are automatic updates good" 16:58:35 <bgilbert> but it wasn't especially pointed :-) 16:58:55 <jlebon> as in... they *didn't* want automatic updates? 16:59:32 <bgilbert> my read was more that they wanted us to be explicit about it 16:59:36 <dustymabe> jlebon: probably just a very foreign concept to someone who is risk averse 17:00:00 <jlebon> gotcha 17:00:11 <jbrooks> Anything else from Flock, or other open floor topics? 17:00:23 <ajeddeloh> So for Ignition 17:00:29 <dustymabe> jbrooks: i'm preparing the PRD for an update based on our "use cases" discussion from last time 17:00:37 <dustymabe> will send that out once it's updated 17:00:39 <ajeddeloh> Do we want FCOS to accept 2.x spec configs 17:01:12 <bgilbert> ajeddeloh: maybe that'd go better in a ticket? 17:01:19 <jbrooks> ajeddeloh, Sounds like a ticket is in order, do we have one for ignition? 17:01:31 <ajeddeloh> There's some problems (will link in a sec) with 2.x that we want to fix with 3.x, but that means everyone transitioning from CL will have another thing that needs to change 17:01:48 <ajeddeloh> jbrooks: +1 will create 17:01:54 <bgilbert> "another thing that needs to change": we'll want a translator anyway 17:02:04 <jbrooks> #action ajeddeloh to file ticket regarding ignition and spec versions 17:02:21 <dustymabe> ooh ooh.. FYI - ignition in Fedora recently learned about SELinux 17:02:22 <ajeddeloh> https://github.com/coreos/ignition/issues/608 < issue if anyone is curious 17:02:27 <dustymabe> #link https://github.com/coreos/ignition/pull/569 17:02:31 <dustymabe> nice work @jlebon 17:03:16 <jlebon> :) 17:03:26 <jlebon> thanks ajeddeloh for reviewing 17:04:23 <dustymabe> btw thanks strigazi for being an involved member of the community 17:04:41 <dustymabe> it was good to see you at flock, I think you met kaeso and bgilbert too ? 17:04:53 <kaeso> yup 17:04:57 <strigazi> I really like this community :) 17:05:02 <bgilbert> :-) 17:05:05 <strigazi> yeap, both 17:05:25 <dustymabe> strigazi: soon enough those thousands of atomic host nodes under openstack magnum will be Fedora CoreOS nodes :) 17:05:43 <jbrooks> Awesome 17:05:51 <jbrooks> Anything else for this week? 17:05:53 <geoff-> please let us know of any Flock video presentations of interest, maybe post to the ML 17:06:15 <dustymabe> geoff-: yep. when they're up i plan to send something out 17:06:18 <strigazi> dustymabe: yes, the sooner the better 17:07:17 <bgilbert> apologies in advance for the combination of audio problems and having to watch us deal with audio problems 17:07:38 <dustymabe> haha.. 17:07:53 <dustymabe> a few of us are going to devconf.us this weekend right ? 17:08:11 <dustymabe> i know walters was planning on a talk 17:08:14 <dustymabe> maybe jlebon 17:08:22 * miabbott raises hand 17:08:31 <dustymabe> woot for micah 17:08:37 <jlebon> yes, I'm attending, not talking \o/ 17:08:38 <jbrooks> #link https://devconfus2018.sched.com/ 17:09:37 <dustymabe> cool. cool. i don't know if they'll have live streaming (they have at some devconfs I think) 17:09:49 <dustymabe> will try to catch those videos later too 17:11:05 <jbrooks> OK, I'm going to close 17:11:15 <jbrooks> 3 17:11:16 <jbrooks> 2 17:11:17 <jbrooks> 1 17:11:20 <jbrooks> #endmeeting