05:00:50 <ksinny> #startmeeting fedora_coreos_apac_meeting 05:00:50 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 18 05:00:50 2018 UTC. 05:00:50 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 05:00:50 <zodbot> The chair is ksinny. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:00:50 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:00:50 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_coreos_apac_meeting' 05:01:05 <paragan> .hello pnemade 05:01:06 <zodbot> paragan: pnemade 'Parag Nemade' <pnemade@redhat.com> 05:01:07 <ksinny> #topic roll call 05:01:14 <ksinny> .hello sinnykumari 05:01:14 <zodbot> ksinny: sinnykumari 'Sinny Kumari' <ksinny@gmail.com> 05:01:16 <siddharthvipul> .hello siddharthvipul1 05:01:16 <prakashmishra> .hello prakashmishra1598 05:01:18 <zodbot> siddharthvipul: siddharthvipul1 'Vipul Siddharth' <siddharthvipul1@gmail.com> 05:01:20 <mzee1000> .hello mohammedzee1000 05:01:20 <zodbot> prakashmishra: prakashmishra1598 'Prakash Mishra' <prakashmishra1598@gmail.com> 05:01:23 <zodbot> mzee1000: mohammedzee1000 'Mohammed Zeeshan Ahmed' <mohammed.zee1000@gmail.com> 05:01:52 <siddharthvipul> good morning o/ 05:01:55 <bhavin192> .hello2 05:01:57 <zodbot> bhavin192: bhavin192 'Bhavin Gandhi' <bhavin7392@gmail.com> 05:02:51 <ksinny> #chair paragan siddharthvipul prakashmishra mzee1000 bhavin192 sumantro 05:02:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: bhavin192 ksinny mzee1000 paragan prakashmishra siddharthvipul sumantro 05:03:11 <ksinny> Hello and good morning to all :) 05:03:37 <prakashmishra> Good morning, ksinny :) 05:03:45 <mzee1000> Good morning 05:04:18 <ksinny> We don't hav any action item from previous meeting 05:04:31 <paragan> Good morning 05:05:50 <ksinny> As we discussed during last meeting that if we don't have anything specific to discuss , we will go through one of the issues from Fedora-coreos-tracker and discuss here 05:06:06 <siddharthvipul> sounds good 05:06:15 <mzee1000> Cool 05:06:34 <ksinny> Haved picked one which is important for initial design discussion for Fedora CoreOS 05:06:47 <ksinny> #topic Allow binaries written in Python via a "platform python" style approach 05:06:56 <ksinny> #link https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/32 05:08:44 <ksinny> This issue to discuss about how we can not ship Python or minimize having Python in Fedora CoreOS base system 05:09:17 <ksinny> So far there are 6 goals we cam up with 05:09:32 <ksinny> s/cam/came/ 05:09:39 <ksinny> 1 Prevent users from running scripts directly on the host 05:09:39 <ksinny> 2 Prevent shipping/maintaining python 05:09:39 <ksinny> 3 prevent issues where user's python script needs library X that isn't installed 05:09:39 <ksinny> 4 Prevent security issues in python requiring a respin 05:09:39 <ksinny> 5 Less space used on disk + less data transmitted for updates 05:09:40 <ksinny> 6 Better perception we're a minimal OS 05:10:11 <mzee1000> Interesting discussion there. 05:10:17 <siddharthvipul> oops, sorry! started yak shaving and was stuck in nested link jungle 05:10:27 <siddharthvipul> looking 05:11:42 <ksinny> Here, first goal is most important which we want to achieve. Having Python in base os allows user to run any random Python script which may basically break the sytem and these things are hard to debug 05:12:14 <ksinny> So, if we doesn't ship rgular Python then this can be avoided 05:12:54 <mzee1000> True, do we expect the need for python for anything in the os 05:12:55 <ksinny> also, users python script may require some additional python dependencies 05:13:02 <siddharthvipul> dustymabe's comment, primary goal :) 05:13:09 <ksinny> Such things can we avoided w=if we don't ship Python at all 05:13:43 <prakashmishra> Well, container focused distros like CoreOS (previously) always focussed on having a minimal immutable base system with container runtimes like Docker and rkt and nothing else 05:13:53 <ksinny> But some packages like firewalld which we need in base OS depends on Python 05:14:01 <siddharthvipul> stupid question, doesn't it use anaconda installer? 05:14:16 <paragan> I think its installer is different? 05:14:28 <siddharthvipul> ah, makes sense 05:15:10 <ksinny> To solve such issue we can either re-implement bits using Python or run it in something like system container 05:15:35 <ksinny> but I believe both are not easily available(maybe in future) 05:15:35 <prakashmishra> Not sure if this question makes much sense, But can we not run firewallD inside a container on the host 05:16:07 <prakashmishra> Exactly, That is what I meant to say, ksinny :) 05:16:18 <ksinny> So, here comes the platform-python 05:16:50 <ksinny> platform-python provides some core functionality and doesn't brings in whol stack 05:16:53 <ksinny> 3link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Platform_Python_Stack 05:17:30 <ksinny> prakashmishra: I think not yet but definitely in future:) 05:18:03 <ksinny> so, our main goal is to get rid enirley of Python but if it's not possible we can with platform python approach 05:18:27 <ksinny> s/get rid enirley of Python/ get rid enirley of Python from base Fedoa CoreOS/ 05:18:41 <ksinny> <siddharthvipul> stupid question, doesn't it use anaconda installer? 05:18:54 <ksinny> yes 05:19:17 <ksinny> But insatller is not required during runtime 05:19:38 <sumantro> unless we have an artifact .. we never know but installer should be anaconda :) 05:19:50 <sumantro> But insatller is not required during runtime --true 05:20:22 <mzee1000> Interesting problem. Will that not mean we are just shippin hidden python 05:21:09 <prakashmishra> I second that, mzee1000 05:21:40 <ksinny> It is not really easy task to just not have Python, it definitely needs more investigation which includes getting list of all pakcages which relies on Python and is needed in Fedora CoreOS 05:22:41 <siddharthvipul> ksinny, this is what I have been searching since then 05:22:44 <ksinny> Also, Container Linux managed to not ship Python in BaseOs. SO, this is not really an impossible task :) 05:22:52 <mzee1000> True, so I guess this would be an intermediate fix 05:22:55 <siddharthvipul> python dependent things 05:23:30 <ksinny> <mzee1000> True, so I guess this would be an intermediate fix 05:23:33 <prakashmishra> Yup, Container linux did a really good job at having a minimal container focused distro 05:23:43 <ksinny> yes, we can say that 05:24:46 <mzee1000> dnf need for python could be eliminated with microdnf 05:25:06 <mzee1000> ? 05:25:12 <ksinny> It's an interesting topic and we will get to know more as we know more what all packages get blocked with this 05:25:18 <ksinny> and then fixing it 05:26:02 <ksinny> mzee1000: We don't use dnf directly here, it is managed by rpm-ostree 05:26:51 <ksinny> mzee1000: Is microdnf written in C? 05:27:03 <ksinny> or Python or something else? 05:27:09 <mzee1000> ksinny: yes 05:27:13 <mzee1000> It's in C 05:27:31 <ksinny> mzee1000: cool 05:28:11 <ksinny> As far as I understand we use rpm-ostree to install packages and rpm-ostree internall uses libdnf 05:28:21 <ksinny> internally* 05:28:44 <ksinny> so ideally, dnf should be of concern here 05:29:27 <ksinny> so, if someone has any further questions, feel free to commet on ticket 05:29:34 <ksinny> or if some suggestions 05:29:44 <ksinny> #topic Open Floor 05:29:52 <ksinny> anything here? 05:30:03 <ksinny> we are mostly out of time :) 05:30:06 <sumantro> nothing from my end 05:30:14 <prakashmishra> nothing from me 05:30:16 <ksinny> #endmeeting