14:00:38 <mattdm> #startmeeting Council (2018-09-26) 14:00:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Sep 26 14:00:38 2018 UTC. 14:00:38 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:00:38 <zodbot> The chair is mattdm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2018-09-26)' 14:00:40 <mattdm> #meetingname council 14:00:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 14:00:42 <mattdm> #chair mattdm jkurik jwb langdon robyduck bexelbie dperpeet Amita dgilmore pbrobinson tyll bcotton 14:00:42 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita bcotton bexelbie dgilmore dperpeet jkurik jwb langdon mattdm pbrobinson robyduck tyll 14:00:44 <mattdm> #topic Introductions, Welcomesy 14:00:55 * pbrobinson is vaguely sort of here 14:01:19 <bexelbie> .hello bex 14:01:21 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bexelbie@redhat.com> 14:01:23 <mattdm> hi everyone! 14:01:32 <dperpeet> .hello dperpeet 14:01:33 <zodbot> dperpeet: dperpeet 'None' <dperpeet@redhat.com> 14:01:42 <mattdm> pbrobinson: so the IoT subproject report and iot meeting overlap 14:01:58 <bcotton> .hello2 14:01:59 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 14:01:59 <mattdm> Do you want to take the last 20 minutes of the hour and bring everyone from the iot meeting to this channel? 14:02:08 <mattdm> and then we can start with dperpeet? 14:02:26 <dperpeet> I'm fine with any timeslot 14:02:40 <mattdm> and sandwich modularity in the middle? or modularity first then ci? 14:03:05 <mattdm> also hi dperpeet! glad you could make it and hope this timeslot is better for you in general! 14:03:12 <dperpeet> it is, thank you :) 14:03:24 <langdon> .hello2 14:03:25 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 14:03:47 <bcotton> langdon: sorry, you have to go away for 2 more mintues ;-) 14:03:55 <pbrobinson> mattdm: I'm battling this week to even complete single tasks, I'm going to fail multitasking 14:04:05 <langdon> bcotton: :) 14:04:58 <mattdm> pbrobinson: yeah, that's why I'm suggesting bringing the whole thing here and single-tasking 14:05:00 <bexelbie> can we also touch on a copule of open tickets this week? 14:05:17 <mattdm> bexelbie: maybe? 14:06:01 * mattdm going to wait on peter for that and then set the agenda in a minute... 14:06:32 <pbrobinson> can I go last? 14:06:37 <mattdm> pbrobinson: yes. :) 14:06:40 <mattdm> #topic Agenda 14:06:47 <mattdm> 1. CI Update from dperpeet 14:06:48 <pbrobinson> I want to get the PRD approved and then I think most of the meeting should be quick 14:06:56 <mattdm> 2. Modularity Update from langdon 14:07:04 <mattdm> 3. IoT Update from pbrobinson 14:07:12 <mattdm> 4. Ticket fun with bexelbie as time permits 14:07:25 <mattdm> #topic CI Objective Update 14:07:38 <dperpeet> Hey 14:07:48 <dperpeet> so I haven't updated the objective pag 14:07:49 <dperpeet> page 14:07:56 <dperpeet> starting with the not so good news :) 14:08:06 <mattdm> heh 14:08:20 <langdon> dperpeet: update w/? 14:08:21 <dperpeet> but other than that, the pipelines for f27, f28, f29 and rawhide are running 14:08:36 <langdon> dperpeet: like just changes? or are you starting to put status updates there? 14:08:46 <dperpeet> langdon, current status 14:09:00 * langdon should look at doing that 14:09:07 <mattdm> yes that'd be helpful :) 14:09:16 <dperpeet> and we're waiting for a patch to be merged to the ci-resultsdb-listener 14:09:27 <dperpeet> there was a bug and with that, results should be showing up properly again 14:09:58 <mattdm> dperpeet: what does that patch enable? 14:10:19 <dperpeet> #link https://pagure.io/ci-resultsdb-listener/pull-request/8 14:10:27 <dperpeet> "This PR adds the results from the allpackages pipeline to resultsdb for use in Bodhi." 14:10:55 <dperpeet> seeing the results is very important to gaining trust in the results so we can gate 14:11:50 <mattdm> yes, absolutely. thanks :) 14:11:52 <dperpeet> I think that's about it 14:12:09 <dperpeet> so I'm cautiously optimistic 14:12:09 <mattdm> there's also the youtube recording from brian stinson's report last week 14:12:26 <mattdm> i forgot to edit it #derlictionofduties 14:12:33 <mattdm> i'll do that right after this meeting 14:13:07 <mattdm> #link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxES__nYN3Q 14:13:20 <mattdm> if you go there right now, you'll get the before-and-after thing 14:13:30 <mattdm> but i'll trim it and the link will be good in a bit :) 14:13:36 <dperpeet> thank you 14:13:56 <mattdm> dperpeet: is there any work towards the thing I really want, which is getting that feedback to fedpkg? 14:14:20 <dperpeet> the short answer is no, at least from our side 14:14:21 <mattdm> that's the point it needs to be at to be 'in my face' with my current packaging workflow 14:14:44 <mattdm> so who can I dangle enticements in front of to get that going? 14:15:40 <dperpeet> let's have a discussion on what we actually want there 14:16:11 <mattdm> dperpeet: ok. maybe not at this meeting -- where do you want me to launch this? a ticket somewhere? email? video call? I'm open :) 14:17:09 <dperpeet> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-ci/general/issue/8 14:17:20 <mattdm> dperpeet++ 14:17:22 <dgilmore> sorry in work meeting 14:17:23 <dperpeet> I have created a ticket where I would be happy for a discussion around this 14:17:30 <mattdm> perfect, I'll follow up there. 14:17:37 <dperpeet> thank you! 14:17:42 <mattdm> Is there anything else coming up that needs council attention? 14:18:13 <dperpeet> I think we should look at what the gating target is 14:18:24 <dperpeet> but I need to phrase that as a proper proposal to discuss 14:19:00 <mattdm> dperpeet: *nod*. Looking forward to the proposal :) 14:19:08 <dperpeet> so am I :) 14:19:12 <mattdm> heh 14:19:17 <mattdm> okay, let's move to modularity? 14:19:28 <dperpeet> all good from my side 14:19:30 <mattdm> unless anyone else has questions or comments? 14:20:23 <mattdm> ok :) 14:20:30 <mattdm> #topic Modularity Objective Update 14:20:36 <mattdm> what news, langdon? 14:20:42 <mattdm> ooh I have one :) 14:20:52 <mattdm> #info F29 beta launched with Modularity enabled everywhere! 14:20:53 <langdon> shoot 14:20:56 <langdon> ha! 14:21:05 <langdon> well.. we have some dnf bugs that are blocking that 14:21:14 <mattdm> #info DNF still reallllly rocky 14:21:17 <langdon> but.. we hope there will be fixes 14:21:48 <mattdm> yeah, I note three separate big DNF issues on 14:21:50 <mattdm> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F29_bugs 14:22:13 <langdon> 1616167 is the yucky one though 14:22:28 <langdon> whats the zodbot trick? put a period in front? 14:22:38 <mattdm> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1616167 14:22:43 <mattdm> dunno. there's a link :) 14:22:54 <langdon> .1616167 14:22:59 <langdon> me either 14:23:15 <langdon> we are also trying to reboot the modularity wg to make it easier for casual contributors to participate.. may take us a month or two though 14:23:28 <mattdm> langdon: that sounds good. 14:23:40 <mattdm> So, I went through the current process of making a module. 14:23:43 <mattdm> It was fine. 14:23:44 <langdon> one big part is a move to taiga.io for actions.. and some more regular meetings in jit.si 14:23:55 <langdon> fedmod is really coming along too 14:24:07 <langdon> with tools to generate modulemd w/ extra packages as well.. 14:24:10 * pbrobinson is more here 14:24:14 <langdon> also including a linter for modules 14:24:21 <mattdm> langdon: we are looking at hosted taiga for fedora in general 14:24:41 <langdon> #info fedmod is more and more capable with helping your module creation and maintainance tasks 14:24:57 <langdon> #link https://pagure.io/modularity/fedmod 14:25:39 <langdon> mattdm: yeah.. heard that.. i think it is a good idea.. and I would really like to see some collab there.. i think integrations with fedora-infra would be beneficial to tiaga 14:25:52 <langdon> we can also give them feedback from a large, public use case.. 14:26:11 <langdon> so i really hope we establish a relationship with the devs.. not just treat it as a hoster 14:26:26 <mattdm> yeah. we had a meeting with someone from the company behind it and they seem really awesome. very open source friendly 14:26:33 <langdon> and open source :) 14:26:43 <langdon> thats about all i had unless people have qs 14:27:31 <mattdm> I have a request. :) I'd like the "freshmaker" thing to get additional priority. Right now, it's really kind of hard to sell the benefit of switching to modules for many packagers 14:27:41 <mattdm> especially the ones that basically just update into rawhide 14:27:52 <mattdm> and *maybe* sometimes into latest release 14:28:10 <mattdm> having builds not even be a step would really help 14:28:27 <langdon> mattdm: yeah.. im with you.. the team behind it is just so swamped.. i wonder if we can figure out how to give them more help 14:28:53 <mattdm> that team = threebean and factory? 14:28:58 <langdon> mattdm: yeah.. 14:29:04 <mattdm> I'll see what I can do 14:29:51 <mattdm> okay, next topic. pbrobinson, you're up :) 14:29:58 <mattdm> #topic IoT Objective Update 14:30:12 <pbrobinson> yay 14:30:16 * pbrobinson runs 14:30:19 <mattdm> lol 14:30:25 <pbrobinson> so we're going OK 14:30:53 <pbrobinson> we approved the IoT PRD at today's meeting 14:30:57 <pbrobinson> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/InternetOfThings/PRD 14:30:57 <mattdm> NICE 14:31:17 <pbrobinson> still some tweaks needed, feedback is very welcome 14:31:38 <mattdm> cool. do you think it's ready to file with council as proposed edition for f30? 14:31:55 <pbrobinson> yes, I think we are 14:32:07 <mattdm> cool. file ticket whenever you're ready 14:32:14 <pbrobinson> the F-29 base release is looking OK and is quite usuable 14:32:29 <mattdm> I know there was (to put it lightly) some stress with the web site 14:32:44 <mattdm> hopefully that's in a better place now? 14:32:48 <pbrobinson> once we get multi arch containers I will move a bunch of the included bits to a IoT toolbox container 14:32:58 <mattdm> bcotton is, aiui, organizing some followup 14:33:13 <pbrobinson> I think we're getting there, I think we should be in a good place next week 14:33:20 <pbrobinson> #link ~https://iot.stg.fedoraproject.org/ 14:33:22 <bcotton> mattdm is correct 14:33:25 <pbrobinson> #undo 14:33:25 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x7f5643dd3d90> 14:33:29 <pbrobinson> #link https://iot.stg.fedoraproject.org/ 14:34:11 * mattdm looks 14:35:03 <mattdm> pbrobinson: is that iso an installer, or a ready-to-run image? 14:35:20 <mattdm> and why does it have dvd in the title? 14:35:23 <pbrobinson> mattdm: the primary deliverable atm is the ready-to-run image 14:35:25 <mattdm> what's a dvd? :-P 14:35:34 <langdon> its like a cd 14:35:37 <pbrobinson> we will have the iso there as a "other" link 14:36:09 <pbrobinson> mattdm: there was an misunderstanding, we're going to sort it out in the next edit 14:36:18 <mattdm> I'd like this page to have at least a link to docs explaining what to do with an image once downloaded 14:36:34 <pbrobinson> mattdm: completely 14:36:54 <pbrobinson> I want to spend quite a bit of time on this probably next week so we can get stuff nailed down 14:37:26 <mattdm> pbrobinson: do those docs exist? seems like something where someone new with an interest could plug into the group 14:37:51 <pbrobinson> it'll basically be a "tech preview" and would like to see something to that effect on this page because I expect it to get reasonable coverage and I want that to be clear 14:38:13 <pbrobinson> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/InternetOfThings/GettingStarted 14:38:46 <mattdm> #help Update https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/InternetOfThings/GettingStarted to use new docs system 14:38:48 <mattdm> :) 14:39:10 <bexelbie> is that ready to be moved? 14:39:17 <pbrobinson> mattdm: yes please, I would love to move most of the IoT stuff to a help sub section and route all wiki bits there 14:39:21 <bexelbie> because it could be done sooner that pbrobinson expects 14:39:34 <mattdm> heh, like RIGHT NOW? 14:39:39 <bexelbie> possibly :P 14:39:43 <pbrobinson> bexelbie: I am very welcome to that if people can assist 14:39:46 <bexelbie> but really I have meetings today 14:40:04 <bexelbie> pbrobinson, can you open a ticket in the docs-fp-o repo and tag me on it ... that'll keep it in my queue and let us also put an easyfix on it 14:40:04 <pbrobinson> bexelbie: got cycles tomorrow morning to discuss? 14:40:17 <pbrobinson> OK 14:40:22 <bexelbie> pbrobinson, yes to tomorrow morning 14:40:31 <bexelbie> we may also want to alert asamalik but I don't expect him to do it 14:40:32 <mattdm> I feel like we're helping! Yay! 14:40:37 <bexelbie> but we will be using his AMAZING template 14:40:46 * langdon pats mattdm on the back 14:40:56 <langdon> bexelbie: "his"? 14:41:11 <mattdm> It'll be awesome to have iot docs in the docs site at f29 launch 14:41:28 <bexelbie> langdon, asamalik put together a template repo for new docs units 14:41:37 <pbrobinson> yes please, and if we could have like an IoT subsection we could put a LOT of stuff there 14:41:51 * pbrobinson suspects he's going to need to learn meltdown 14:41:59 <pbrobinson> dammit, markdown 14:42:01 <langdon> bexelbie: i think you should #info/#link that.. i guess he = asamalik but I wanted to make sure it landed in the log :) 14:42:03 <bexelbie> pbrobinson, we also need to talk with pbokoc 14:42:06 <bexelbie> pbrobinson, nope, asciidoc 14:42:09 <bexelbie> it's like markdown with a cape 14:42:13 * asamalik is reading 14:42:18 <pbrobinson> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 14:42:18 * asamalik also waves 14:42:20 <langdon> bexelbie: and a cane :) 14:42:32 <bexelbie> langdon, but that extension is optional 14:42:46 <pbrobinson> langdon: cane to beat myself with? 14:43:17 <langdon> pbrobinson: kinda.. yeah ... and it optionally goes away over time :) 14:43:22 <pbrobinson> anyway so yes to docs moving to docs.fp.o 14:43:33 <pbrobinson> updates to the website 14:43:39 <pbrobinson> what else do we need to cover? 14:43:58 <langdon> pbrobinson: what is "adoption as the market expands to in number and innovation" in the prd supposed to say? i was reading it, found this typo, and am not sure what the correct fix is.. "adoption as the market expands in number and innovation" ? 14:43:59 <mattdm> publicity for f29 launch 14:44:02 <asamalik> you want to move something to docs? *technically* I can hook you up and publish within an hour... 14:44:18 <asamalik> https://pagure.io/fedora-docs/template <-- that's the structure 14:44:18 <mattdm> let's make sure we get the talking points on all the cool new stuff you've done to the marketing team 14:44:36 <pbrobinson> langdon: which section 14:44:49 <langdon> Market Opportunity, first para 14:44:53 <langdon> last sentence 14:44:54 <pbrobinson> I need to re-read it over coffee in the morning when I'm fresh 14:45:09 <langdon> pbrobinson: ahh ok.. no worries.. 14:45:21 <pbrobinson> langdon: will take a look after this and clarify 14:45:26 <langdon> it's minor but either choice can kinda flip the meaning 14:45:40 <mattdm> i suggest file council ticket submitting prd as is, and we can nitpick from there :) 14:45:48 <mattdm> let's move on to bexelbie's tickets he wants to cover 14:46:00 <bexelbie> Can we move forward with formal approval for #214 14:46:02 <langdon> mattdm: ohh definitely.. its just back story.. i just thought i would fix it in the moment 14:46:11 <mattdm> #topic Tickets 14:46:25 <bexelbie> I'll be working with Miro and Kveta to get it actually done, but I'd like a formal approval even via lazy consensus 14:46:47 <mattdm> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/214 14:47:20 <mattdm> I think that ticket has consensus. Mark it as approved 14:47:30 <bexelbie> Cool 14:47:34 <mattdm> But I'm serious about https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/214#comment-529542 14:47:41 <mattdm> we need to be doing more than just stickers, here 14:47:44 <bexelbie> Also, we need to get some decisions made on #220 - we have good momentum right now 14:47:50 <mattdm> if this is really popular, we should capitalize 14:47:51 <bexelbie> mattdm, agreed - that is a second conversation 14:47:54 <langdon> i love that the python stickers are "post popular".. i aspire to be post popular 14:48:18 <mattdm> langdon: be careful what you wish for! 14:48:25 <bexelbie> dgilmore, also ping on #219 14:48:41 <langdon> not posthumous... the level of popularity that is after popularity ;) 14:48:45 <mattdm> bexelbie: can you #link these? 14:49:00 * langdon thinks zodbot needs an upgrade 14:49:08 <mattdm> langdon: get on it :) 14:49:14 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/220 14:49:22 <bexelbie> Council needs to weigh in on Flock Locations 14:49:29 <bexelbie> the ticket for dgilmore is a private ticket 14:49:35 <langdon> i swear if i could get a dev env setup for it i would make lots of changes.. but omg.. i have spent hours trying to figure it out in the past 14:49:52 <mattdm> We have three +1s for the proposal as is 14:50:05 <mattdm> if someone doesn't like it, they should weigh in fast :) 14:50:37 <mattdm> i'm particularly looking for feedback from dgilmore as other elected rep, and from amita as diversity advisor 14:50:39 <langdon> my only comment was we might want to shade south.. vs north mid-west 14:50:41 <bexelbie> wow the new pagure interface happily throws away data :( 14:50:56 <mattdm> bexelbie: uh oh, what happened? 14:51:03 <bexelbie> mattdm, I believe the new rep will be attending 14:51:06 <bexelbie> for diversity 14:51:08 <bexelbie> jonatoni, 14:51:26 <bexelbie> mattdm, closing a ticket throws away other unset metadata changes - unlike in the previous version 14:51:38 <mattdm> St Louis instead of Minneapolis? 14:51:39 <dgilmore> bexelbie: its on my ToDo list 14:52:00 <dgilmore> mattdm: I provided my -1 to the dates 14:52:06 <dgilmore> I can not make it at all 14:52:14 <bexelbie> dgilmore, can you provide alternates 14:52:23 <dgilmore> bexelbie: not really 14:52:32 <mattdm> bexelbie: when is that (diversity advisor) effective? 14:52:32 <dgilmore> I do not know what others have on their plates 14:52:38 <bexelbie> dgilmore, meaning your booked until the end of hte year? 14:52:39 <mattdm> dgilmore: I meant for Flock, not the council fad 14:52:50 <bexelbie> mattdm, when the release happens 14:53:06 <mattdm> bexelbie: ah okay. 14:53:11 <dgilmore> mattdm: oh I missed that entirely 14:53:21 <mattdm> well, in that case, still needs feedback from amita *now* 14:53:51 <mattdm> dgilmore: it's linked because bexelbie suggests having council fad in location of possible future flock in order to help scout locations 14:54:08 <bexelbie> mattdm, 220 yes amita should be commenting on that 14:54:15 <bexelbie> 219 is where jonatoni comes into the picture 14:54:35 <mattdm> sorry for confusion. talking about two things at once maybe not best idea in retrospect :) 14:55:39 <dgilmore> mattdm: especially when I am in other meeting I have to focus on 14:56:24 <bexelbie> I see 219 got an update - I'll go back to the "date drawing board" 14:56:35 <bexelbie> if anyone else has similar comments, please add them 14:57:47 <mattdm> okay cool. anything else in the last two minutes? 14:58:08 <langdon> mattdm: i reiterate.. minneapolis in Nov is MUCH more likely to have travel issues 14:58:13 <langdon> and it is cold 14:59:05 <mattdm> langdon: eh, it's not dec/jan 14:59:09 <mattdm> but yes. 14:59:13 <langdon> although.. i suppose if you want to pick a smaller city.. a delta hub isn't bad 15:00:17 <mattdm> exactly. 15:00:20 <mattdm> okay, thanks everyone 15:00:22 <mattdm> #endmeeting