15:00:30 <bcotton> #startmeeting Council (2018-11-28) 15:00:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 28 15:00:30 2018 UTC. 15:00:30 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:00:30 <zodbot> The chair is bcotton. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council_(2018-11-28)' 15:00:31 <bcotton> #meetingname council 15:00:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'council' 15:00:41 <bcotton> #chair jonatoni bex contyx dgilmore dperpeet langdon mattdm sumantrom tyll bcotton pbrobinson stickster 15:00:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton bex contyx dgilmore dperpeet jonatoni langdon mattdm pbrobinson stickster sumantrom tyll 15:00:43 <bcotton> #topic Introductions, Welcomes 15:00:45 <bexelbie> .hello bex 15:00:46 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bexelbie@redhat.com> 15:01:11 <bcotton> whoops, i can't spell contyk 15:01:13 <bcotton> #chair contyk 15:01:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton bex contyk contyx dgilmore dperpeet jonatoni langdon mattdm pbrobinson stickster sumantrom tyll 15:01:20 <dgilmore> hola 15:01:24 <mattdm> hello! 15:01:25 <contyk> it's difficult 15:01:41 <contyk> .hello psabata 15:01:42 <zodbot> contyk: psabata 'Petr Šabata' <psabata@redhat.com> 15:01:55 <bcotton> being difficult is my job 15:02:16 <langdon> .hello2 15:02:17 <zodbot> langdon: langdon 'Langdon White' <langdon@redhat.com> 15:03:35 <stickster> .hello pfrields 15:03:36 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 15:03:45 <bcotton> we'll give pbrobinson a minute to wander down the hall from the IoT meeting and see if anyone else joins in 15:04:03 * pbrobinson is here now 15:05:05 <bcotton> okay great. short agenda today since a lof of tickets we decided would be addressed in next week's hackfest (or at least we used that as a convenient excuse to put them off) 15:05:13 <bcotton> #topic Today's agenda 15:05:14 <bcotton> 1. Clarify trademark guidelines on modified hosted Fedora images 15:05:16 <bcotton> 2. Telegram as communication channel 15:05:19 <bcotton> 3. Council Hackfest 15:05:21 <bcotton> 4. Other open tickets 15:05:27 <bcotton> #topic Clarify trademark guidelines on modified hosted Fedora images 15:05:28 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/198 15:05:34 <bcotton> #info We are making a full consensus vote on the draft as written 15:05:36 <bcotton> #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tfYKaG6ANeEvMYfitA8uRo8Kk9OnC08gcgWE4xbxSyo/edit 15:05:47 <bcotton> bexelbie asked in the ticket to resolve the open comments 15:06:02 <bcotton> but it's been a while. should we just vote on it as it stands? 15:06:24 <bexelbie> I'd like to know that if I vote for this, that comments won't change thigns and edits won't get reverted 15:06:47 * mattdm is reading again 15:07:13 <stickster> mattdm: bexelbie: Has IP counsel looked at this doc? 15:07:33 <bexelbie> I have not requested a legal review of this document 15:07:54 <bexelbie> I also don't think that should block us approving it and then only revisiting if legal raises issues 15:08:01 <mattdm> stickster: no. legal requested we come up with what we want *first* 15:08:05 <bcotton> yeah, i think that's a downstream step of the council deciding what it is we want it to look like 15:08:10 <bcotton> (what he said) 15:08:16 <mattdm> brb dog going crazy for some reason 15:08:17 <stickster> Having spent a major portion of time over several years working on trademark guidelines, I'm surprised at the use of a separate document, vs. updating the trademark guidelines with an appropriate exception. 15:08:37 <stickster> I agree Council should be coming out with what we want first 15:09:03 <dgilmore> stickster: this is just a working place 15:09:06 <contyk> slowly reading the ticket; probably won't be able to comment today 15:09:08 <stickster> ah OK 15:09:09 <mattdm> (ghosts.) 15:09:27 <stickster> I would expect counsel will want to see this subsumed as redline on the guidelines 15:09:29 <dgilmore> stickster: it is intended to be added to the trademark guidelines 15:09:40 * stickster nods and shuts up 15:10:53 <jonatoni> .hello2 15:10:54 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 15:11:07 <bcotton> hi jonatoni! 15:11:13 <dgilmore> stickster: your views on the content are greatly appreciated 15:11:23 <jonatoni> hi bcotton :) 15:11:29 <dgilmore> hi jonatoni 15:11:57 <mattdm> welcome jonatoni! 15:12:23 <mattdm> So, yeah, I think this needs another round of going through comments and making a final document 15:12:32 <dgilmore> mattdm: okay 15:12:49 * jonatoni says hi to dgilmore and mattdm :) 15:13:31 <bcotton> mattdm: agenda item for next week or do we want to wrap it up this week? 15:13:48 <mattdm> bcotton: just thinking about that. let's try to wrap it up *before* next week and send it to legal. 15:14:35 <bcotton> proposed #agreed We will defer the vote for one final round of comments. Comments are due by 30 November, at which time we'll open the proposal for a full consensus vote 15:15:13 <dgilmore> ack 15:15:43 <contyk> ack 15:15:55 <bexelbie> +1 15:16:37 <bcotton> wfm 15:16:41 <bcotton> #agreed We will defer the vote for one final round of comments. Comments are due by 30 November, at which time we'll open the proposal for a full consensus vote 15:16:42 <mattdm> ack 15:16:55 <bcotton> #topic Telegram as communication channel 15:16:57 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/232 15:17:13 <bcotton> x3mboy_: was going to try to stick around, but i think he had to go 15:17:51 <bexelbie> He is unable to use irc at work which is a show stopper for him and others 15:18:12 <bcotton> we talked about it in the FPgM office hours a bit and i think i've come to the position that i want to be convinced why Telegram needs to be an Official™channel and not just left unofficial 15:18:37 <contyk> I feel the same 15:18:39 <dgilmore> I think that we should make telegram an official mechanisim for fedora communications, people are there for various reasons 15:18:45 <mattdm> you want to be convinced or you would need to be convinced? 15:19:07 <bcotton> a little bit of both 15:19:27 <mattdm> But, also, isn't it *already* official in the same sense that the fedora twitter and facebook accounts are official? 15:19:29 <mattdm> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_social_networks 15:19:31 <contyk> making it Official feels like it's a place everyone should watch and participate in the discussions there 15:19:40 <mattdm> I guess @fedoranews is 15:19:53 <mattdm> I don't want to do that. 15:19:54 <bexelbie> mattdm I think that it isn't official like that at all 15:20:01 <bcotton> yeah, that's my thing. communication methods only ever increase, they don't decrease 15:20:04 <dgilmore> bcotton: users are there, 15:20:26 <bexelbie> users are there, yes - but I think bridges are a good solution until we are ready to really ask people to be present in Telegram 15:20:51 <bexelbie> and bridges don't require being official 15:21:01 <mattdm> i think they should be listed at on the page above like the various community fb pages and google+ accounts and etc. 15:21:07 <langdon> because you are assuming they bridge to somewhere official? 15:21:27 <bexelbie> langdon, yes, otherwise the bridge is not something I am worried about :) 15:21:35 <bexelbie> mattdm, I think that is a good idea 15:21:38 <stickster> I'm not convinced "can't use IRC at work" is a great argument here 15:21:51 <contyk> I don't think that's the argument 15:21:57 <contyk> that's just x3mboy_ 15:21:59 <stickster> Soryr, I'm catching up from above 15:22:11 <stickster> Oh, I see, that's just a spurious attendance issue 15:22:14 <stickster> *sigh 15:22:46 <bcotton> my other concern here is that this is one element of a larger picture. it's the same thing as mailing lists vs discourse, etc 15:22:49 * mattdm notes that that page *is* a wiki. we should probably move it to docs :) 15:23:01 * contyk has yet to start using discourse 15:23:03 <bexelbie> +1 for mattdm moving this page to docs 15:23:16 <bcotton> #action mattdm to move the wiki pages to docs ;-) 15:23:25 <mattdm> bexelbie: lol 15:23:25 <bexelbie> bcotton, I agree - I think we need to think through our comm strategy at least in pricipal as this would be a second piece-meal discussion 15:23:27 * stickster chuckles, because he thought Telegram was an official channel 15:23:40 * mattdm puts it on the list 15:23:50 <mattdm> stickster: there is *one* official telegram channel 15:23:54 <bexelbie> We definitely need to get the social media guidelines made clearer to those groups - it just hasn't risen to the top of hte heap 15:23:56 <mattdm> but in practice there are dozens in use. 15:24:09 <bexelbie> I wasn't aware we had any official channels at all 15:24:12 * stickster doesn't use it regularly. 15:24:12 <bexelbie> on Telegram 15:24:19 <bexelbie> the @fedora one isn't, afaik 15:24:29 <contyk> neither was I; which one is it? 15:25:05 <dgilmore> afaik none of them are official 15:25:34 <bexelbie> While I wouldn't mind seeing @fedora bridged to #fedora - I think those particular audiences are so different they aren't going to necessarily merge well 15:25:49 <bexelbie> but, for example, having the meeting channels bridged out would be awesome 15:25:50 * mattdm looks at the link I posted earlier 15:25:57 <mattdm> Telegram @fedoranews telegram.me/fedoranews Justin W. Flory, Jiří Eischmann, Ryan Lerch, Brian Exelbierd 15:26:04 <bexelbie> ditto with gsoc, etc. 15:26:11 <langdon> and there are only 1,883 members in @fedora right now :) 15:26:32 <dgilmore> mattdm: that does look official 15:26:36 <contyk> langdon: how many of them are bridges and bots? :) 15:26:43 <langdon> bexelbie: +100 on bridged meetings to telegram... would make my mobile participation in meetings *much* easier 15:26:47 <bexelbie> looks like a repeater, but sure, it is more like twitter/marketing so you're right 15:26:55 <langdon> contyk: ha 15:27:08 <mattdm> The telegram bridge SUCKS from a UI experience for people on IRC 15:27:19 <bcotton> cosign what mattdm said 15:27:21 <bexelbie> from personal experience, I know that a few subprojects run into problems finding anyone in their group actually on irc to drive zodbot 15:27:27 <bexelbie> so bridging does work for participation in some areas 15:27:29 <langdon> mattdm: true 15:27:42 <bexelbie> yes, it does suck from a UI on the IRC side 15:28:00 <langdon> even irc->telegram is not awesome 15:28:10 <contyk> no bridging is awesome 15:28:14 * langdon should really finish investigating matrix 15:28:26 <langdon> is asamalik around? 15:28:27 <contyk> langdon: use bitlbee 15:28:38 * asamalik is 15:28:39 <langdon> contyk: for telegram+irc? 15:28:40 <bexelbie> langdon, I don't think that matrix solves it as we need to be where the people are - they are on telegram 15:28:43 <asamalik> but in a meeting 15:28:55 <langdon> matrix is supposed to be a bridge across them all .. no? 15:29:06 <langdon> or is it just single client multi server? 15:29:11 <contyk> langdon: it's a multi-client with an irc interface; so you just need irc :) 15:29:12 <bexelbie> I feel like the core of this question is "Do we want to have either two places people should be or to change the one we have" 15:29:47 <asamalik> langdon: why? 15:30:03 <contyk> bexelbie: I do hope it's not the latter 15:30:24 <bexelbie> contyk, there is an unstated (doh!) third of "change nothing" 15:30:44 * mattdm afk for a minute brb 15:31:01 <bexelbie> I mean, if we aren't willing to change unless X, Y, and Z are met then we need to define those and then test for that on proposals like this 15:31:04 <langdon> asamalik: you have been using matrix.. wondering if the bridging of telegram & irc is better through that.. but I think i was thinking matrix was more of a bridge rather than a single client for multiple server types 15:31:26 <bcotton> bexelbie: agreed. my inclination is to have one official chat platform, whatever it is. anything more than 1 and we end up with scattered communication 15:31:33 <bexelbie> I think we are getting distracted in the tech and not hte question 15:31:43 <asamalik> langdon: I only used it for IRC, although I had a few problems with messages disappearing... but it's a long ago 15:32:01 <contyk> bcotton: +1, but the communication is scattered anyway, official or not 15:32:02 <asamalik> langdon: I now pay for irccloud for IRC 15:32:26 <langdon> hmmm 15:32:32 <bexelbie> even if we can find FOO which does some magic, it is still not where hte users/new contributors are (necessarily) and it is just perpetuates the "we use this thing that you don't so you should change you or go play elsewhere" 15:32:34 <bcotton> contyk: we'll never be able to avoid that. but if we at least keep the official comms in one place, that's something 15:33:03 <contyk> yeah 15:33:13 <bexelbie> bridges at least builds on the idea of "show up with your client" .. except this one isn't great on the IRC side 15:33:33 <langdon> well.. if could recommend a client that would let them connect to their "favorite" plus "fedora's favorite" in a single interface.. it might do a lot for solving that problem.. 15:33:50 <langdon> "yes you have to switch clients, but the platform you use for your friends is also supported" 15:33:51 <bexelbie> I think that;s mostly the edit message, reply and gif capabilities -- which are actually quite nice given that it is almost 2020 15:34:23 <bexelbie> oh and presence and mobile phones and ... :D 15:34:52 <bexelbie> so yeah, do we stay on IRC and encourage participation there but make it more prominent these channels exist and encourage bridging where appropriate? 15:35:17 <contyk> that sounds reasonable 15:36:19 <contyk> how do we decide what should be bridged and where? 15:36:24 <langdon> i am not sure where this whole "open source" idea came from.. all this freedom is ... difficult ;) 15:36:29 <contyk> what Telegram/whatnot channel to what IRC channel and such 15:36:46 <bexelbie> contyk, I think we should let the telegram communities decide 15:36:54 <bexelbie> and we should only block the bots that cause problems on the Fedora IRC side 15:37:03 <bcotton> langdon++ 15:37:03 <zodbot> bcotton: Karma for langdon changed to 2 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:37:08 <bexelbie> if there isn't interest in having somethign bridged, we shouldn't force bridge it 15:37:21 <langdon> sidebar: i was reading an article about a new tool to help you choose amongst all the different distros... and, seriously, the article lists ****** 2 ***** tools for helping you choose with no recommendation between them!!! 15:37:22 <bexelbie> I think it is reasonable for us to ask infra to run some of hte bots on an approved basis as a service 15:37:25 <bexelbie> but not as an endorsement 15:37:40 * contyk nods 15:38:02 <bexelbie> I also think we should watch .. as this may indicate where our community is going 15:38:16 <bexelbie> I've been watching a large organization that just adopted a new, second, internal communication tool 15:38:21 * mattdm is back -- sorry 15:38:25 <bexelbie> it is fascinating how much is going on in the new tool 15:38:34 <bexelbie> without killing the old one 15:38:39 <bexelbie> but it has caused attention disorder 15:38:42 <bexelbie> so lets avoid that 15:38:51 <contyk> ;) 15:39:06 <mattdm> langdon: I'm writing a tool to help you decide between linux distro choosers 15:39:09 <langdon> omg.. i can't remember the current name of gaim.. i am super old.. 15:39:16 <contyk> pidgin 15:39:18 <langdon> mattdm++ 15:39:18 <zodbot> langdon: Karma for mattdm changed to 3 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:39:18 <bcotton> langdon: pidgin 15:39:25 <langdon> bcotton: ahh right thanks 15:39:38 <bexelbie> mattdm: `echo "Choose Fedora"` -- fixed that for you 15:39:49 <langdon> ha 15:39:57 <mattdm> bexelbie++ 15:40:22 * x3mboy dropped the connection just in the conversation he wants to look at 15:40:32 <bcotton> so it seems like we have a lot more discussing to do about the bigger picture before we settle on any implementation details (which is what this ticket is) 15:40:54 <bexelbie> perhaps this is a good council hack agenda item 15:41:00 <bexelbie> <segue> :P 15:41:25 <bcotton> agreed 15:41:52 <bcotton> let's table this for now and keep thinking about it 15:42:01 <bcotton> #topic Council Hackfest 15:42:02 <bcotton> #info Council is meeting next week 15:42:22 <bcotton> hopefully by now everyone who is attending has their logistics arranged 15:42:31 <bcotton> it will be very cold in MSP next week 15:42:46 <bcotton> any last-minute questions or updates from bexelbie? 15:43:09 <langdon> bexelbie: do we have hotel done? 15:43:10 <contyk> will the rooms be heated? 15:43:11 <bexelbie> I have no questions 15:43:16 <mattdm> contyk++ 15:43:16 <zodbot> mattdm: Karma for psabata changed to 2 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:43:22 <bexelbie> the rooms will contain an open barrel... you need to bring your own logs 15:43:26 <bexelbie> hotel contract is signed 15:43:29 <langdon> i don't even know where it is.. and i think i should probably figure out how to get thre from the airport 15:43:33 * bexelbie owes BEOs still 15:43:52 * langdon stumbles on acronym expansion 15:43:52 <bexelbie> there is a tram/train thing from the airport to a short walk to the hotel 15:43:57 <bexelbie> use your map of choice 15:44:08 <bexelbie> BEO == Banquet Event Order 15:44:21 <mattdm> banquet event! swanky! 15:44:38 <bexelbie> Where your serving tux mattdm :P you're on lunch duty to help cover the costs 15:44:41 <bexelbie> :P 15:45:59 <contyk> do we have any agenda for the hackfest? 15:46:20 <mattdm> contyk: we will by the time it starts :) 15:46:24 <bcotton> bexelbie: can you send out a quick logistics reminder to everyone before the end of the week? hotel location, etc, etc 15:46:41 <bexelbie> sure 15:46:45 <bcotton> thanks 15:46:45 <mattdm> I have agenda-ish ideas in my head that i need to formalize 15:47:02 <bcotton> #action bexelbie to send a logistics reminder to attendees by the end of this week 15:47:04 <mattdm> but i don't see myself as having time for that before I get on the plane on Sunday morning :) 15:47:22 <contyk> worst case we can spend the whole time discussing Telegram channels 15:47:28 <bexelbie> via irc 15:47:28 <bcotton> contyk++ 15:47:28 <zodbot> bcotton: Karma for psabata changed to 3 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:47:48 <bcotton> mattdm: i'll make sure the wifi on your flight doesn't work so you'll be able to work distraction-free 15:48:22 <mattdm> bcotton: thanks! 15:48:27 <bexelbie> bcotton, he works in an ssh session from his phone to irc where he directs a bot to edit an etherpad 15:48:48 <bexelbie> it's like watching someone talk in `ed` 15:49:00 <contyk> I like ed 15:49:13 <bexelbie> He's a good engineer 15:49:16 <mattdm> :) 15:49:18 <contyk> I wanted to make it the default editor in Fedora Base Runtime 15:49:24 <bcotton> okay, anything else on the hackfest? 15:49:35 <langdon> contyk: you *did* make it that way 15:49:40 <bexelbie> everyone who needs one should have a hotel confirmation 15:49:45 <bexelbie> if you didn't get it let me know ASAP 15:49:49 <contyk> langdon: nah, we didn't include it, we didn't have any 15:49:51 <langdon> bexelbie: ohh really? /me goes to dig 15:49:57 <bexelbie> you don't need it langdon 15:49:59 <bexelbie> you didn't get it 15:50:12 <bcotton> bexelbie: do i need one? because i didn't get one 15:50:15 <bexelbie> I sent them only to those who will cross a border 15:50:20 <bcotton> okay 15:50:22 <bexelbie> you don't need one bcotton you didn't get one 15:50:30 <bexelbie> use your inter-us passport you'll be fine :P 15:50:44 <langdon> umm.... i will be x-ing in to flyover states 15:50:56 <bexelbie> langdon, that border is still open 15:51:02 <bcotton> oooookay 15:51:06 <bexelbie> and apparently they ahve ground there 15:51:10 <bexelbie> #WhoKnew 15:51:16 <bcotton> #topic Other open tickets 15:51:17 <bcotton> #link https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issues 15:51:22 <bexelbie> brb 15:51:43 <bcotton> anything else that we didn't cover that we really need to cover in the last 8 minutes? 15:52:00 <contyk> not a ticket but I have something; I should open a ticket 15:52:43 <mattdm> contyk: ticket++ 15:52:44 <bcotton> you should! 15:52:49 <contyk> the fedocal invites are misleading 15:53:21 <contyk> the text says something different from the metadata; the jitsi meeting says it's on this channel and doesn't say where on jitsi it is 15:53:24 <contyk> things like that 15:53:24 <bcotton> contyk: assign that ticket to me when you open it. i'll update them 15:53:36 <contyk> will do 15:53:52 <bcotton> they've been edited several times over the ...however long they've existed, so i'm not surprised there's divergence 15:54:22 <bcotton> last call! 15:55:00 <bcotton> okay, thanks everyone! see most of you next week 15:55:11 <contyk> thanks all 15:55:24 <bexelbie> ty all 15:55:28 <mattdm> thanks everyone! 15:55:34 <mattdm> thanks bcotton for chairing! 15:55:56 <bexelbie> bcotton++ 15:55:56 <zodbot> bexelbie: Karma for bcotton changed to 6 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 15:56:02 <bcotton> #endmeeting